497 research outputs found

    Bosons Confined in Optical Lattices: the Numerical Renormalization Group revisited

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    A Bose-Hubbard model, describing bosons in a harmonic trap with a superimposed optical lattice, is studied using a fast and accurate variational technique (MF+NRG): the Gutzwiller mean-field (MF) ansatz is combined with a Numerical Renormalization Group (NRG) procedure in order to improve on both. Results are presented for one, two and three dimensions, with particular attention to the experimentally accessible momentum distribution and possible satellite peaks in this distribution. In one dimension, a comparison is made with exact results obtained using Stochastich Series Expansion.Comment: 10 pages, 15 figure

    Ghosts, Strong Coupling and Accidental Symmetries in Massive Gravity

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    We show that the strong self-interaction of the scalar polarization of a massive graviton can be understood in terms of the propagation of an extra ghost-like degree of freedom, thus relating strong coupling to the sixth degree of freedom discussed by Boulware and Deser in their Hamiltonian analysis of massive gravity. This enables one to understand the Vainshtein recovery of solutions of massless gravity as being due to the effect of the exchange of this ghost which gets frozen at distances larger than the Vainshtein radius. Inside this region, we can trust the two-field Lagrangian perturbatively, while at larger distances one can use the higher derivative formulation. We also compare massive gravity with other models, namely deconstructed theories of gravity, as well as DGP model. In the latter case we argue that the Vainshtein recovery process is of different nature, not involving a ghost degree of freedom.Comment: 21 page

    Solving the Richardson equations for Fermions

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    Forty years ago Richardson showed that the eigenstates of the pairing Hamiltonian with constant interaction strength can be calculated by solving a set of non-linear coupled equations. However, in the case of Fermions these equations lead to singularities which made them very hard to solve. This letter explains how these singularities can be avoided through a change of variables making the Fermionic pairing problem numerically solvable for arbitrary single particle energies and degeneracies.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.

    A quantum Monte-Carlo method for fermions, free of discretization errors

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    In this work we present a novel quantum Monte-Carlo method for fermions, based on an exact decomposition of the Boltzmann operator exp(βH)exp(-\beta H). It can be seen as a synthesis of several related methods. It has the advantage that it is free of discretization errors, and applicable to general interactions, both for ground-state and finite-temperature calculations. The decomposition is based on low-rank matrices, which allows faster calculations. As an illustration, the method is applied to an analytically solvable model (pairing in a degenerate shell) and to the Hubbard model.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Optimal Monte Carlo Updating

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    Based on Peskun's theorem it is shown that optimal transition matrices in Markov chain Monte Carlo should have zero diagonal elements except for the diagonal element corresponding to the largest weight. We will compare the statistical efficiency of this sampler to existing algorithms, such as heat-bath updating and the Metropolis algorithm. We provide numerical results for the Potts model as an application in classical physics. As an application in quantum physics we consider the spin 3/2 XY model and the Bose-Hubbard model which have been simulated by the directed loop algorithm in the stochastic series expansion framework.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, replaced with published versio

    Naturalness in Cosmological Initial Conditions

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    We propose a novel approach to the problem of constraining cosmological initial conditions. Within the framework of effective field theory, we classify initial conditions in terms of boundary terms added to the effective action describing the cosmological evolution below Planckian energies. These boundary terms can be thought of as spacelike branes which may support extra instantaneous degrees of freedom and extra operators. Interactions and renormalization of these boundary terms allow us to apply to the boundary terms the field-theoretical requirement of naturalness, i.e. stability under radiative corrections. We apply this requirement to slow-roll inflation with non-adiabatic initial conditions, and to cyclic cosmology. This allows us to define in a precise sense when some of these models are fine-tuned. We also describe how to parametrize in a model-independent way non-Gaussian initial conditions; we show that in some cases they are both potentially observable and pass our naturalness requirement.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figure

    Continuous Time Quantum Monte Carlo Method for Fermions: Beyond Auxiliary Field Framework

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    Numerically exact continuous-time Quantum Monte Carlo algorithm for finite fermionic systems with non-local interactions is proposed. The scheme is particularly applicable for general multi-band time-dependent correlations since it does not invoke Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation. The present determinantal grand-canonical method is based on a stochastic series expansion for the partition function in the interaction representation. The results for the Green function and for the time-dependent susceptibility of multi-orbital super-symmetric impurity model with a spin-flip interaction are presented

    Strong Coupling vs. 4-D Locality in Induced Gravity

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    We re-examine the problem of strong coupling in a regularized version of DGP (or ``brane-induced'') gravity. We find that the regularization of ref. hep-th/0304148 differs from DGP in that it does not exhibit strong coupling or ghosts up to cubic order in the interactions. We suggest that the nonlocal nature of the theory, when written in terms of the 4-D metric, is a plausible reason for this phenomenon. Finally, we briefly discuss the possible behavior of the model at higher-order in perturbation theory.Comment: 19 pages, accepted for publication in PR

    Corney and Drummond Reply to "Gaussian quantum Monte Carlo methods for fermions and bosons"

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    A reply to S. M. A. Rombouts's (2006) comment on the article 'Gaussian quantum Monte Carlo methods for fermions and bosons', which appeared in Physical Review Letters 96 as article number 188901 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.188901). The original article by J. F. Corney and P. D. Drummond (2004) appeared in Physical Review Letters 93 as article number 260401 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.260401)