188 research outputs found

    Animal diets in the Waterberg based on stable isotopic composition of faeces

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    Faecal analysis of diet in free-ranging mammals can provide insight into local habitat conditions by reflecting the resources actually utilized. Here we used stable light isotope analysis of faeces to qualify, as well as quantify, certain aspects of mammal food selection in a recovering, nutrient-poor, savanna habitat in the Waterberg. Stable carbon isotope ratios in faeces reflect proportions of C3-foods (browse) to C4-foods (grass) consumed, whereas stable nitrogen isotope ratios reflect a combination of trophic behaviour, protein intake, and water and nutritional stress. Percentage nitrogen indicates the nutritional quality of the diet, at least in terms of crude protein intake. We used these data to reconstruct and compare the diets of various mammal species from two reserves in the Waterberg: the Welgevonden Private Game Reserve and Zoetfontein Private Game Farm

    ‘Remote’ behavioural ecology: do megaherbivores consume vegetation in proportion to its presence in the landscape?

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    Examination of the feeding habits of mammalian species such as the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) that range over large seasonally dynamic areas is exceptionally challenging using field-based methods alone. Although much is known of their feeding preferences from field studies, conclusions, especially in relation to differing habits in wet and dry seasons, are often contradictory. Here, two remote approaches, stable carbon isotope analysis and remote sensing, were combined to investigate dietary changes in relation to tree and grass abundances to better understand elephant dietary choice in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. A composited pair of Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper satellite images characterising flushed and senescent vegetation states, typical of wet and dry seasons respectively, were used to generate land-cover maps focusing on the forest to grassland gradient. Stable carbon isotope analysis of elephant faecal samples identified the proportion of C3 (typically browse)/C4 (typically grass) in elephant diets in the 1–2 days prior to faecal deposition. The proportion of surrounding C4 land-cover was extracted using concentric buffers centred on faecal sample locations, and related to the faecal %C4 content. Results indicate that elephants consume C4 vegetation in proportion to its availability in the surrounding area during the dry season, but during the rainy season there was less of a relationship between C4 intake and availability, as elephants targeted grasses in these periods. This study illustrates the utility of coupling isotope and cost-free remote sensing data to conduct complementary landscape analysis at highly-detailed, biologically meaningful resolutions, offering an improved ability to monitor animal behavioural patterns at broad geographical scales. This is increasingly important due to potential impacts of climate change and woody encroachment on broad-scale landscape habitat composition, allowing the tracking of shifts in species utilisation of these changing landscapes in a way impractical using field based methods alone

    Rumen physiology constrains diet niche: linking digestive physiology and food selection across wild ruminant species

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    We propose a hypothesis for digestive constraints on the browsing and grazing options available to ruminants: that the diet-niche range (maximum and minimum grass intake) of a species is dependent upon its predisposition to stratified rumen contents, based on observations that this characteristic is a critical step towards enhanced fibre digestion and greater fluid throughput. We compare a physiological (heterogeneity of ingesta fluid content) and an anatomical (the intraruminal papillation pattern) measure with dietary evidence for a range of African and temperate species. Both measures are strongly related to the mean percentage of grass in species’ natural diets, as well as to the maximum and minimum levels of grass intake, respectively. The nature of these effects implies a stratification-level threshold, below which a species will not use a grass-based diet, but above which grass consumption can increase exponentially. However, above this threshold, a minimum percentage of grass in the diet is a prerequisite for optimal performance. We argue that this second constraint is crucial, as it depicts how a greater fluid throughput reduces potential for detoxification of plant secondary compounds, and therefore limits the maximum amount of browse a stratifying species will consume

    Grass leaves as potential hominin dietary resources

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    Discussions about early hominin diets have generally excluded grass leaves as a staple food resource, despite their ubiquity in most early hominin habitats. In particular, stable carbon isotope studies have shown a prevalent C4 component in the diets of most taxa, and grass leaves are the single most abundant C4 resource in African savannas. Grass leaves are typically portrayed as having little nutritional value (e.g., low in protein and high in fiber) for hominins lacking specialized digestive systems. It has also been argued that they present mechanical challenges (i.e., high toughness) for hominins with bunodont dentition. Here, we compare the nutritional and mechanical properties of grass leaves with the plants growing alongside them in African savanna habitats. We also compare grass leaves to the leaves consumed by other hominoids and demonstrate that many, though by no means all, compare favorably with the nutritional and mechanical properties of known primate foods. Our data reveal that grass leaves exhibit tremendous variation and suggest that future reconstructions of hominin dietary ecology take a more nuanced approach when considering grass leaves as a potential hominin dietary resource.Horizon 2020(H2020)ERC-STG 677576Bioarchaeolog

    Seasonal and habitat effects on the nutritional properties of savanna vegetation: Potential implications for early hominin dietary ecology

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    The African savannas that many early hominins occupied likely experienced stark seasonality and contained mosaic habitats (i.e., combinations of woodlands, wetlands, grasslands, etc.). Most would agree that the bulk of dietary calories obtained by taxa such as Australopithecus and Paranthropus came from the consumption of vegetation growing across these landscapes. It is also likely that many early hominins were selective feeders that consumed particular plants/plant parts (e.g., leaves, fruit, storage organs) depending on the habitat and season within which they were foraging. Thus, improving our understanding of how the nutritional properties of potential hominin plant foods growing in modern African savanna ecosystems respond to season and vary by habitat will improve our ability to model early hominin dietary behavior. Here, we present nutritional analyses (crude protein and acid detergent fiber) of plants growing in eastern and southern African savanna habitats across both wet and dry seasons. We find that many assumptions about savanna vegetation are warranted. For instance, plants growing in our woodland habitats have higher average protein/fiber ratios than those growing in our wetland and grassland transects. However, we find that the effects of season and habitat are complex, an example being the unexpectedly higher protein levels we observe in the grasses and sedges growing in our Amboseli wetlands during the dry season. Also, we find significant differences between the vegetation growing in our eastern and southern African field sites, particularly among plants using the C4 photosynthetic pathway. This may have implications for the differences we see between the stable carbon isotope compositions and dental microwear patterns of eastern and southern African Paranthropus species, despite their shared, highly derived craniodental anatomy.Horizon 2020(H2020)ERC-Stg 677576Bioarchaeolog

    Chewing, dental morphology and wear in tapirs (Tapirus spp.) and a comparison of free-ranging and captive specimens

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    Feeding practice in herbivorous mammals can impact their dental wear, due to excessive or irregular abrasion. Previous studies indicated that browsing species display more wear when kept in zoos compared to natural habitats. Comparable analyses in tapirs do not exist, as their dental anatomy and chewing kinematics are assumed to prevent the use of macroscopic wear proxies such as mesowear. We aimed at describing tapir chewing, dental anatomy and wear, to develop a system allowing comparison of free-ranging and captive specimens even in the absence of known age. Video analyses suggest that in contrast to other perissodactyls, tapirs have an orthal (and no lateral) chewing movement. Analysing cheek teeth from 74 museum specimens, we quantified dental anatomy, determined the sequence of dental wear along the tooth row, and established several morphometric measures of wear. In doing so, we showcase that tapir maxillary teeth distinctively change their morphology during wear, developing a height differential between less worn buccal and more worn lingual cusps, and that quantitative wear corresponds to the eruption sequence. We demonstrate that mesowear scoring shows a stable signal during initial wear stages but results in a rather high mesowear score compared to other browsing herbivores. Zoo specimens had lesser or equal mesowear scores as specimens from the wild; additionally, for the same level of third molar wear, premolars and other molars of zoo specimens showed similar or less wear compared specimens from the wild. While this might be due to the traditional use of non-roughage diet items in zoo tapirs, these results indicate that in contrast to the situation in other browsers, excessive tooth wear appears to be no relevant concern in ex situ tapir management

    Dental wear at macro- and microscopic scale in rabbits fed diets of different abrasiveness: A pilot investigation

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    To differentiate the effects of internal and external abrasives on tooth wear, we performed a controlled feeding experiment in rabbits fed diets of varying phytolith content as an internal abrasive and with addition of sand as an external abrasive. 13 rabbits were each fed one of the following four pelleted diets with different abrasive characteristics (no phytoliths: lucerne L; phytoliths: grass G; more phytoliths: grass and rice hulls GR; phytoliths plus external abrasives: grass, rice hulls and sand GRS) for two weeks. At the end the feeding period, three tooth wear proxies were applied to quantify wear on the cheek teeth at macroscopic and microscopic wear scales: CT scans were obtained to quantify tooth height. Mesowear was scored adapted to this species, and 3D dental microwear texture analysis (DMTA) was performed on four antagonistic teeth. Both external and internal abrasives resulted in increased wear in all proxies compared to the phytolith and sand-free diet (L). The wear effect was more prominent on the maxillary than on the mandibular teeth. On the GRS diet, the upper third premolar had the largest decline in relative tooth height compared to others in the same tooth row. The impact of diet abrasiveness on the mesowear signal was only clearly visible for the most abrasive diet, most likely due to the limited sample size. DMTA was especially sensitive to phytolith changes in the diet, and surface roughness generally increased with increasing amounts of abrasive agents (L < G < GR < GRS) as expressed in an increase of most height and volume parameters. The fast pace of dental wear in this species led to some expected correlations between tooth height, mesowear and DMTA parameters, creating a distinct wear pattern for each diet. Animal models with high wear rates may be particularly suitable for investigations on functional interrelationships of different wear proxies

    The PreVOCA experiment: modeling the lower troposphere in the Southeast Pacific

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    The Preliminary VOCALS Model Assessment (PreVOCA) aims to assess contemporary atmospheric modeling of the subtropical South East Pacific, with a particular focus on the clouds and the marine boundary layer (MBL). Models results from fourteen modeling centers were collected including operational forecast models, regional models, and global climate models for the month of October 2006. Forecast models and global climate models produced daily forecasts, while most regional models were run continuously during the study period, initialized and forced at the boundaries with global model analyses. Results are compared in the region from 40&amp;deg; S to the equator and from 110&amp;deg; W to 70&amp;deg; W, corresponding to the Pacific coast of South America. Mean-monthly model surface winds agree well with QuikSCAT observed winds and models agree fairly well on mean weak large-scale subsidence in the region next to the coast. However they have greatly differing geographic patterns of mean cloud fraction with only a few models agreeing well with MODIS observations. Most models also underestimate the MBL depth by several hundred meters in the eastern part of the study region. The diurnal cycle of liquid water path is underestimated by most models at the 85&amp;deg; W 20&amp;deg; S stratus buoy site compared with satellite, consistent with previous modeling studies. The low cloud fraction is also underestimated during all parts of the diurnal cycle compared to surface-based climatologies. Most models qualitatively capture the MBL deepening around 15 October 2006 at the stratus buoy, associated with colder air at 700 hPa