29 research outputs found

    Automatic Generation of Co-Embeddings from Relational Data with Adaptive Shaping

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    Incorporating Gradient Estimations in a Circle-Finding Probabilistic Hough Transform

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    Hybrid symbiotic genetic . . .

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    This work proposes a novelalglcDSj forperforming robust feature-basedstereo-matching without theordering constraint. The calculation of the disparity map is decomposed to a set of disjoint intra-row subproblems, each one having two objectives: the search for ahig con"den e intra-row mathing and the enfor ement of "gjOB ontinuity at the inter-row level. A separategpara algratec (GA) is allo ated at ea h epipolar to sear h the feasible solution spa e. All GAs evolve parallely in a symbioti fashion and ontinuously exhang urrently available solution information to enable optimisation of "gDwB ontinuity. To a elerate the sear h, we adapt a deterministi solver to seed the GAs and desig problem-spe i"gDwOA operators for greater efficiency