7,156 research outputs found

    The Effect of NAG–thiazoline on Morphology and Surface Hydrophobicity of Escherichia Coli

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    The β-hexosaminidase inhibitor and structural analog of the putative oxazolium reaction intermediate of lytic transglycosylases, N-acetylglucosamine thiazoline (NAG–thiazoline), was synthesized in 46% overall yield and tested as an inhibitor of Escherichia coli growth. NAG–thiazoline, at concentrations up to 1 mg/ml, was not found to affect the viability of E. coli DH5α

    Fundamental investigation of stress corrosion cracking

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    Two principle areas studied were stress corrosion crack growth rates of a titanium alloy in liquid environments containing halide ions and pitting corrosion of titanium in bromide solutions. Two initial assumptions were made, that the rate of propagation was controlled by a macroscopic solution parameter and that this parameter was viscosity. A series of solutions were prepared using lithium chloride as the solute and water, methanol, glycerin, formic acid, acetone, dimethyl sulphoxide, etc. As solvents, these solutions were prepared with a 5:1 solvent-solute ratio. Viscosity was varied by changing the temperature and it was found: (1) In all solvents the velocity of cracking was proportional to the reciprocal of the viscosity. (2) Each solvent gave a separate relationship, (3) The temperature dependence and numerical values for the apparent activation energy of cracking and viscosity were the same

    Barriers to Conducting Supervised Agricultural Experiences as Perceived by Preservice Education Teachers

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    The purpose of this descriptive study was to assess preservice agriculture teachers’ perceptions of the importance of Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) and their views on barriers to conducting SAE. A census of the sophomore-level agricultural education course at Oklahoma State University was conducted to measure perceptions at the beginning and end of the course. This study was framed upon Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior. Results indicated that preservice teachers perceived SAE was an important component of agricultural education and important at the secondary school they attended. The greatest barrier to conducting SAE was their lack of familiarity with newer SAE categories. This was true at both the beginning and end of the course. It is recommended that preservice teachers receive instruction on and experiences in all types of SAE. This would increase the likelihood of preservice teachers perceiving they have control over this barrier regarding SAE implementation. This cohort of preservice teachers should be surveyed over time to determine change in their perceptions of barriers to SAE implementation as they progress in the agricultural education program and through their careers. Further, the views of in-service teachers should also be assessed to determine if perceived barriers differ with professional experience

    Epistemic Logic with Partial Dependency Operator

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    In this paper, we introduce partial\textit{partial} dependency modality D\mathcal{D} into epistemic logic so as to reason about partial\textit{partial} dependency relationship in Kripke models. The resulted dependence epistemic logic possesses decent expressivity and beautiful properties. Several interesting examples are provided, which highlight this logic's practical usage. The logic's bisimulation is then discussed, and we give a sound and strongly complete axiomatization for a sub-language of the logic

    Development of the FITS tools package for multiple software environments

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    The HEASARC is developing a package of general purpose software for analyzing data files in FITS format. This paper describes the design philosophy which makes the software both machine-independent (it runs on VAXs, Suns, and DEC-stations) and software environment-independent. Currently the software can be compiled and linked to produce IRAF tasks, or alternatively, the same source code can be used to generate stand-alone tasks using one of two implementations of a user-parameter interface library. The machine independence of the software is achieved by writing the source code in ANSI standard Fortran or C, using the machine-independent FITSIO subroutine interface for all data file I/O, and using a standard user-parameter subroutine interface for all user I/O. The latter interface is based on the Fortran IRAF Parameter File interface developed at STScI. The IRAF tasks are built by linking to the IRAF implementation of this parameter interface library. Two other implementations of this parameter interface library, which have no IRAF dependencies, are now available which can be used to generate stand-alone executable tasks. These stand-alone tasks can simply be executed from the machine operating system prompt either by supplying all the task parameters on the command line or by entering the task name after which the user will be prompted for any required parameters. A first release of this FTOOLS package is now publicly available. The currently available tasks are described, along with instructions on how to obtain a copy of the software

    No Evidence for Orbital Loop Currents in Charge Ordered YBa2_2Cu3_3O6+x_{6+x} from Polarized Neutron Diffraction

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    It has been proposed that the pseudogap state of underdoped cuprate superconductors may be due to a transition to a phase which has circulating currents within each unit cell. Here, we use polarized neutron diffraction to search for the corresponding orbital moments in two samples of underdoped YBa2_2Cu3_3O6+x_{6+x} with doping levels p=0.104p=0.104 and 0.123. In contrast to some other reports using polarized neutrons, but in agreement with nuclear magnetic resonance and muon spin rotation measurements, we find no evidence for the appearance of magnetic order below 300 K. Thus, our experiment suggests that such order is not an intrinsic property of high-quality cuprate superconductor single crystals. Our results provide an upper bound for a possible orbital loop moment which depends on the pattern of currents within the unit cell. For example, for the CC-θII\theta_{II} pattern proposed by Varma, we find that the ordered moment per current loop is less than 0.013 μB\mu_B for p=0.104p=0.104.Comment: Comments in arXiv:1710.08173v1 fully addresse

    Periodic Solutions of the Einstein Equations for Binary Systems

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    This revision includes clarified exposition and simplified analysis. Solutions of the Einstein equations which are periodic and have standing gravitational waves are valuable approximations to more physically realistic solutions with outgoing waves. A variational principle is found which has the power to provide an accurate estimate of the relationship between the mass and angular momentum of the system, the masses and angular momenta of the components, the rotational frequency of the frame of reference in which the system is periodic, the frequency of the periodicity of the system, and the amplitude and phase of each multipole component of gravitational radiation. Examination of the boundary terms of the variational principle leads to definitions of the effective mass and effective angular momentum of a periodic geometry which capture the concepts of mass and angular momentum of the source alone with no contribution from the gravitational radiation. These effective quantities are surface integrals in the weak-field zone which are independent of the surface over which they are evaluated, through second order in the deviations of the metric from flat space.Comment: 18 pages, RevTeX 3.0, UF-RAP-93-1
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