893 research outputs found

    An implicit method for radiative transfer with the diffusion approximation in SPH

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    An implicit method for radiative transfer in SPH is described. The diffusion approximation is used, and the hydrodynamic calculations are performed by a fully three--dimensional SPH code. Instead of the energy equation of state for an ideal gas, various energy states and the dissociation of hydrogen molecules are considered in the energy calculation for a more realistic temperature and pressure determination. In order to test the implicit code, we have performed non--isothermal collapse simulations of a centrally condensed cloud, and have compared our results with those of finite difference calculations performed by MB93. The results produced by the two completely different numerical methods agree well with each other.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    Envelope Structure of Starless Core L694-2 Derived from a Near-Infrared Extinction Map

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    We present a near-infrared extinction study of the dark globule L694-2, a starless core that shows strong evidence for inward motions in molecular line profiles. The J,H, and K band data were taken using the European Southern Observatory New Technology Telescope. The best fit simple spherical power law model has index p=2.6 +/- 0.2, over the 0.036--0.1 pc range in radius sampled in extinction. This power law slope is steeper than the value of p=2 for a singular isothermal sphere, the initial condition of the inside-out model for protostellar collapse. Including an additional extinction component along the line of sight further steepens the inferred profile. Fitting a Bonnor-Ebert sphere results in a super-critical value of the dimensionless radius xi_max=25 +/- 3. The unstable configuration of material may be related to the observed inward motions. The Bonnor-Ebert model matches the shape of the observed profile, but significantly underestimates the amount of extinction (by a factor of ~4). This discrepancy in normalization has also been found for the nearby protostellar core B335 (Harvey et al. 2001). A cylindrical density model with scale height H=0.0164+/- 0.002 pc viewed at a small inclination to the cylinder axis provides an equally good radial profile as a power law model, and reproduces the asymmetry of the core remarkably well. In addition, this model provides a basis for understanding the discrepancy in the normalization of the Bonnor-Ebert model, namely that L694-2 has prolate structure, with the full extent (mass) of the core being missed by assuming symmetry between the profiles in the plane of the sky and along the line-of-sight. If the core is sufficiently magnetized then fragmentation may be avoided, and later evolution might produce a protostar similar to B335.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figures, accepted to Astrophysical Journa

    Neural NILM: Deep Neural Networks Applied to Energy Disaggregation

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    Energy disaggregation estimates appliance-by-appliance electricity consumption from a single meter that measures the whole home's electricity demand. Recently, deep neural networks have driven remarkable improvements in classification performance in neighbouring machine learning fields such as image classification and automatic speech recognition. In this paper, we adapt three deep neural network architectures to energy disaggregation: 1) a form of recurrent neural network called `long short-term memory' (LSTM); 2) denoising autoencoders; and 3) a network which regresses the start time, end time and average power demand of each appliance activation. We use seven metrics to test the performance of these algorithms on real aggregate power data from five appliances. Tests are performed against a house not seen during training and against houses seen during training. We find that all three neural nets achieve better F1 scores (averaged over all five appliances) than either combinatorial optimisation or factorial hidden Markov models and that our neural net algorithms generalise well to an unseen house.Comment: To appear in ACM BuildSys'15, November 4--5, 2015, Seou

    New Candidate Interstellar Particle in Stardust IS Aerogel Collector: Analysis by STXM and Ptychography

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    The Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination (ISPE) reported in 2014 the discovery of 7 probable contemporary interstellar (IS) particles captured in Stardust IS Collector aerogel and foils. The ISPE reports represented work done over 6 years by more than 60 scientists and >30,000 volunteers, which emphasizes the challenge identifying and analyzing Stardust IS samples was far beyond the primary Stardust cometary collection. We present a new potentially interstellar particle resulting from a continuation of analyses of the IS aerogel collection

    Discovery of a Transiting Planet Near the Snow-Line

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    In most theories of planet formation, the snow-line represents a boundary between the emergence of the interior rocky planets and the exterior ice giants. The wide separation of the snow-line makes the discovery of transiting worlds challenging, yet transits would allow for detailed subsequent characterization. We present the discovery of Kepler-421b, a Uranus-sized exoplanet transiting a G9/K0 dwarf once every 704.2 days in a near-circular orbit. Using public Kepler photometry, we demonstrate that the two observed transits can be uniquely attributed to the 704.2 day period. Detailed light curve analysis with BLENDER validates the planetary nature of Kepler-421b to >4 sigmas confidence. Kepler-421b receives the same insolation as a body at ~2AU in the Solar System and for a Uranian albedo would have an effective temperature of ~180K. Using a time-dependent model for the protoplanetary disk, we estimate that Kepler-421b's present semi-major axis was beyond the snow-line after ~3Myr, indicating that Kepler-421b may have formed at its observed location.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables. Accepted in Ap

    Kinks Dynamics in One-Dimensional Coupled Map Lattices

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    We examine the problem of the dynamics of interfaces in a one-dimensional space-time discrete dynamical system. Two different regimes are studied : the non-propagating and the propagating one. In the first case, after proving the existence of such solutions, we show how they can be described using Taylor expansions. The second situation deals with the assumption of a travelling wave to follow the kink propagation. Then a comparison with the corresponding continuous model is proposed. We find that these methods are useful in simple dynamical situations but their application to complex dynamical behaviour is not yet understood.Comment: 17pages, LaTex,3 fig available on cpt.univ-mrs.fr directory pub/preprints/94/dynamical-systems/94-P.307

    Existence and Stability of Steady Fronts in Bistable CML

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    We prove the existence and we study the stability of the kink-like fixed points in a simple Coupled Map Lattice for which the local dynamics has two stable fixed points. The condition for the existence allows us to define a critical value of the coupling parameter where a (multi) generalized saddle-node bifurcation occurs and destroys these solutions. An extension of the results to other CML's in the same class is also displayed. Finally, we emphasize the property of spatial chaos for small coupling.Comment: 18 pages, uuencoded PostScript file, J. Stat. Phys. (In press

    Revised Stellar Properties of Kepler Targets for the Q1-17 (DR25) Transit Detection Run

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    The determination of exoplanet properties and occurrence rates using Kepler data critically depends on our knowledge of the fundamental properties (such as temperature, radius and mass) of the observed stars. We present revised stellar properties for 197,096 Kepler targets observed between Quarters 1-17 (Q1-17), which were used for the final transiting planet search run by the Kepler Mission (Data Release 25, DR25). Similar to the Q1--16 catalog by Huber et al. the classifications are based on conditioning published atmospheric parameters on a grid of Dartmouth isochrones, with significant improvements in the adopted methodology and over 29,000 new sources for temperatures, surface gravities or metallicities. In addition to fundamental stellar properties the new catalog also includes distances and extinctions, and we provide posterior samples for each stellar parameter of each star. Typical uncertainties are ~27% in radius, ~17% in mass, and ~51% in density, which is somewhat smaller than previous catalogs due to the larger number of improved logg constraints and the inclusion of isochrone weighting when deriving stellar posterior distributions. On average, the catalog includes a significantly larger number of evolved solar-type stars, with an increase of 43.5% in the number of subgiants. We discuss the overall changes of radii and masses of Kepler targets as a function of spectral type, with particular focus on exoplanet host stars.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures. ApJS in pres

    Revised Stellar Properties of Kepler Targets for the Quarter 1-16 Transit Detection Run

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    We present revised properties for 196,468 stars observed by the NASA Kepler Mission and used in the analysis of Quarter 1-16 (Q1-Q16) data to detect and characterize transiting exoplanets. The catalog is based on a compilation of literature values for atmospheric properties (temperature, surface gravity, and metallicity) derived from different observational techniques (photometry, spectroscopy, asteroseismology, and exoplanet transits), which were then homogeneously fitted to a grid of Dartmouth stellar isochrones. We use broadband photometry and asteroseismology to characterize 11,532 Kepler targets which were previously unclassified in the Kepler Input Catalog (KIC). We report the detection of oscillations in 2,762 of these targets, classifying them as giant stars and increasing the number of known oscillating giant stars observed by Kepler by ~20% to a total of ~15,500 stars. Typical uncertainties in derived radii and masses are ~40% and ~20%, respectively, for stars with photometric constraints only, and 5-15% and ~10% for stars based on spectroscopy and/or asteroseismology, although these uncertainties vary strongly with spectral type and luminosity class. A comparison with the Q1-Q12 catalog shows a systematic decrease in radii for M dwarfs, while radii for K dwarfs decrease or increase depending on the Q1-Q12 provenance (KIC or Yonsei-Yale isochrones). Radii of F-G dwarfs are on average unchanged, with the exception of newly identified giants. The Q1-Q16 star properties catalog is a first step towards an improved characterization of all Kepler targets to support planet occurrence studies.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures, 5 tables; accepted for publication in ApJS; electronic versions of Tables 4 and 5 are available as ancillary files (see sidebar on the right), and an interactive version of Table 5 is available at the NASA Exoplanet Archive (http://exoplanetarchive.ipac.caltech.edu/

    Discovery of a Dusty Ring in the Coalsack: A Dense Core Caught in the Act of Formation?

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    We present a new infrared extinction study of Globule 2, the most opaque molecular cloud core in the Coalsack complex. Using deep near-infrared imaging observations obtained with the ESO NTT we are able to examine the structure of the globule in significantly greater detail than previously possible. We find the most prominent structural feature of this globule to be a strong central ring of dust column density which was not evident in lower resolution studies of this cloud. This ring represents a region of high density and pressure that is likely a transient structure. For a spherical cloud geometry the ring would correspond to a dense inner shell of high pressure that could not be in dynamical equilibrium with its surroundings since there appear to be no sources of pressure in the central regions of the cloud that could support the shell against gravity and prevent its inward implosion. The timescale for the inward collapse of the ring would be less than 2 x 10^5 years, suggesting that this globule is in an extremely early stage of evolution, and perhaps caught in the process of forming a centrally condensed dense core or Bok globule. Outside its central regions the globule displays a well-behaved density profile whose shape is very similar to that of a stable Bonnor-Ebert sphere. Using SEST we also obtained a C18O spectrum toward the center of the cloud. The CO observation indicates that the globule is a gravitationally bound object. Analysis of the CO line profile reveals significant non-thermal gas motions likely due to turbulence. As a whole the globule may be evolving to a global state of quasi-static dynamical equilibrium in which thermal and turbulent pressure balance gravity.Comment: Contains 21 pages and 5 figures. Due to space limitations in astroph, figures 1, 3 & 5 are submitted as separate .jpg files. Full resolution figures and text can be downloaded from http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~clada/preprints.htm