766 research outputs found

    Anomalous elasticity in a disordered layered XY model

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    We investigate the effects of layered quenched disorder on the behavior of planar magnets, superfluids, and superconductors by performing large-scale Monte-Carlo simulations of a three-dimensional randomly layered XY model. Our data provide numerical evidence for the recently predicted anomalously elastic (sliding) intermediate phase between the conventional high-temperature and low-temperature phases. In this intermediate phase, the spin-wave stiffness perpendicular to the layers vanishes in the thermodynamic limit while the stiffness parallel to the layers as well as the spontaneous magnetization are nonzero. In addition, the susceptibility displays unconventional finite-size scaling properties. We compare our Monte-Carlo results with the theoretical predictions, and we discuss possible experiments in ultracold atomic gases, layered superconductors and in nanostructures.Comment: 6 pages, 4 eps figures included, proceedings of FQMT11, final version as publishe

    Smeared quantum phase transition in the dissipative random quantum Ising model

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    We investigate the quantum phase transition in the random transverse-field Ising model under the influence of Ohmic dissipation. To this end, we numerically implement a strong-disorder renormalization-group scheme. We find that Ohmic dissipation destroys the quantum critical point and the associated quantum Griffiths phase by smearing. Our results quantitatively confirm a recent theory [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 100}, 240601 (2008)] of smeared quantum phase transitions.Comment: 7 pages, 10 eps figures embedded, final version as publishe

    Transport properties in antiferromagnetic quantum Griffiths phases

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    We study the electrical resistivity in the quantum Griffiths phase associated with the antiferromagnetic quantum phase transition in a metal. The resistivity is calculated by means of the semi-classical Boltzmann equation. We show that the scattering of electrons by locally ordered rare regions leads to a singular temperature dependence. The rare-region contribution to the resistivity varies as TλT^\lambda with temperature T,T, where the λ\lambda is the usual Griffiths exponent which takes the value zero at the critical point and increases with distance from criticality. We find similar singular contributions to other transport properties such as thermal resistivity, thermopower and the Peltier coefficient. We also compare our results with existing experimental data and suggest new experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Local defect in a magnet with long-range interactions

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    We investigate a single defect coupling to the square of the order parameter in a nearly critical magnet with long-range spatial interactions of the form r(d+σ)r^{-(d+\sigma)}, focusing on magnetic droplets nucleated at the defect while the bulk system is in the paramagnetic phase. Because of the long-range interaction, the droplet develops a power-law tail which is energetically unfavorable. However, as long as σ>0\sigma>0, the tail contribution to the droplet free energy is subleading in the limit of large droplets; and the free energy becomes identical to the case of short-range interactions. We also study the droplet quantum dynamics with and without dissipation; and we discuss the consequences of our results for defects in itinerant quantum ferromagnets.Comment: 8 pages, 5 eps figures, final version, as publishe

    Infinite-randomness quantum critical points induced by dissipation

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    We develop a strong-disorder renormalization group to study quantum phase transitions with continuous O(N)(N) symmetry order parameters under the influence of both quenched disorder and dissipation. For Ohmic dissipation, as realized in Hertz' theory of the itinerant antiferromagnetic transition or in the superconductor-metal transition in nanowires, we find the transition to be governed by an exotic infinite-randomness fixed point in the same universality class as the (dissipationless) random transverse-field Ising model. We determine the critical behavior and calculate key observables at the transition and in the associated quantum Griffiths phase. We also briefly discuss the cases of superohmic and subohmic dissipations.Comment: 11 pages, 3eps figures embedded, final version as publishe

    Quantum phase transition between one-channel and two-channel Kondo polarons

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    For a mobile spin-1/2 impurity, coupled antiferromagnetically to a one-dimensional gas of fermions, perturbative ideas have been used to argue in favor of two-channel Kondo behavior of the impurity spin. Here we combine general considerations and extensive numerical simulations to show that the problem displays a novel quantum phase transition between two-channel and one-channel Kondo screening upon increasing the Kondo coupling. We construct a ground-state phase diagram and discuss the various non-trivial crossovers as well as possible experimental realizations.Comment: 5+4 pages, 5+3 fig

    The quantum phase transition of itinerant helimagnets

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    We investigate the quantum phase transition of itinerant electrons from a paramagnet to a state which displays long-period helical structures due to a Dzyaloshinskii instability of the ferromagnetic state. In particular, we study how the self-generated effective long-range interaction recently identified in itinerant quantum ferromagnets is cut-off by the helical ordering. We find that for a sufficiently strong Dzyaloshinskii instability the helimagnetic quantum phase transition is of second order with mean-field exponents. In contrast, for a weak Dzyaloshinskii instability the transition is analogous to that in itinerant quantum ferromagnets, i.e. it is of first order, as has been observed in MnSi.Comment: 5 pages RevTe

    Generalized contact process with two symmetric absorbing states in two dimensions

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    We explore the two-dimensional generalized contact process with two absorbing states by means of large-scale Monte-Carlo simulations. In part of the phase diagram, an infinitesimal creation rate of active sites between inactive domains is sufficient to take the system from the inactive phase to the active phase. The system therefore displays two different nonequilibrium phase transitions. The critical behavior of the generic transition is compatible with the generalized voter (GV) universality class, implying that the symmetry-breaking and absorbing transitions coincide. In contrast, the transition at zero domain-boundary activation rate is not critical.Comment: 7 pages, 7 eps figures included, final version as publishe

    Dynamical conductivity at the dirty superconductor-metal quantum phase transition

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    We study the transport properties of ultrathin disordered nanowires in the neighborhood of the superconductor-metal quantum phase transition. To this end we combine numerical calculations with analytical strong-disorder renormalization group results. The quantum critical conductivity at zero temperature diverges logarithmically as a function of frequency. In the metallic phase, it obeys activated scaling associated with an infinite-randomness quantum critical point. We extend the scaling theory to higher dimensions and discuss implications for experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; (v2) minor typos corrected, published versio

    Protecting clean critical points by local disorder correlations

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    We show that a broad class of quantum critical points can be stable against locally correlated disorder even if they are unstable against uncorrelated disorder. Although this result seemingly contradicts the Harris criterion, it follows naturally from the absence of a random-mass term in the associated order-parameter field theory. We illustrate the general concept with explicit calculations for quantum spin-chain models. Instead of the infinite-randomness physics induced by uncorrelated disorder, we find that weak locally correlated disorder is irrelevant. For larger disorder, we find a line of critical points with unusual properties such as an increase of the entanglement entropy with the disorder strength. We also propose experimental realizations in the context of quantum magnetism and cold-atom physics.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; published versio