1,028 research outputs found

    Solvability of the Direct and Inverse Problems for the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation

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    In this paper we study rigorous spectral theory and solvability for both the direct and inverse problems of the Dirac operator associated with the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. We review known results and techniques, as well as incorporating new ones, in a comprehensive, unified framework. We identify functional spaces in which both direct and inverse problems are well posed, have a unique solution and the corresponding direct and inverse maps are one to one

    Dissection, in vivo imaging and analysis of the mouse epitrochleoanconeus muscle

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    Analysis of rodent muscles affords an opportunity to glean key insights into neuromuscular development and the detrimental impact of disease-causing genetic mutations. Muscles of the distal leg, for instance the gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior, are commonly used in such studies with mice and rats. However, thin and flat muscles, which can be dissected, processed and imaged without major disruption to muscle fibres and nerve-muscle contacts, are more suitable for accurate and detailed analyses of the peripheral motor nervous system. One such wholemount muscle is the predominantly fast twitch epitrochleoanconeus (ETA), which is located in the upper forelimb, innervated by the radial nerve, and contains relatively large and uniformly flat neuromuscular junctions (NMJs). To facilitate incorporation of the ETA into the experimental toolkit of the neuromuscular disease field, here, we describe a simple method for its rapid isolation (<5 min), supported by high-resolution videos and step-by-step images. Furthermore, we outline how the ETA can be imaged in live, anaesthetised mice, to enable examination of dynamic cellular processes occurring at the NMJ and within intramuscular axons, including transport of organelles, such as mitochondria and signalling endosomes. Finally, we present reference data on wild-type ETA fibre-type composition in young adult, male C57BL6/J mice. Comparative neuroanatomical studies of different muscles in rodent models of disease can generate critical insights into pathogenesis and pathology; dissection of the wholemount ETA provides the possibility to diversify the repertoire of muscles analysed for this endeavour

    Participatory Plant Breeding: A New Challenge in the Generation and Appropriation of Potato Varieties by Farmers in Bolivia

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    Experiments on participatory plant breeding were carried out with the active participation of farmers from the Morochata Region in Bolivia

    Data-driven dissection of emission-line regions in Seyfert galaxies

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    Indirectly resolving the line-emitting gas regions in distant Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) requires both high-resolution photometry and spectroscopy (i.e. through reverberation mapping). Emission in AGN originates on widely different scales; the broad-line region (BLR) has a typical radius less than a few parsec, the narrow-line region (NLR) extends out to hundreds of parsecs. But emission also appears on large scales from heated nebulae in the host galaxies (tenths of kpc). We propose a novel, data-driven method based on correlations between emission-line fluxes to identify which of the emission lines are produced in the same kind of emission-line regions. We test the method on Seyfert galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7 (DR7) and Galaxy Zoo project. We demonstrate the usefulness of the method on Seyfert-1s and Seyfert-2 objects, showing similar narrow-line regions (NLRs). Preliminary results from comparing Seyfert-2s in spiral and elliptical galaxy hosts suggest that the presence of particular emission lines in the NLR depends both on host morphology and eventual radio-loudness. Finally, we explore an apparent linear relation between the final correlation coefficient obtained from the method and time lags as measured in reverberation mapping for Zw229-015.Comment: Accepted into Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Expanding the Toolkit for In Vivo Imaging of Axonal Transport

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    Axonal transport maintains neuronal homeostasis by enabling the bidirectional trafficking of diverse organelles and cargoes. Disruptions in axonal transport have devastating consequences for individual neurons and their networks, and contribute to a plethora of neurological disorders. As many of these conditions involve both cell autonomous and non-autonomous mechanisms, and often display a spectrum of pathology across neuronal subtypes, methods to accurately identify and analyze neuronal subsets are imperative. This paper details protocols to assess in vivo axonal transport of signaling endosomes and mitochondria in sciatic nerves of anesthetized mice. Stepwise instructions are provided to 1) distinguish motor from sensory neurons in vivo, in situ, and ex vivo by using mice that selectively express fluorescent proteins within cholinergic motor neurons; and 2) separately or concurrently assess in vivo axonal transport of signaling endosomes and mitochondria. These complementary intravital approaches facilitate the simultaneous imaging of different cargoes in distinct peripheral nerve axons to quantitatively monitor axonal transport in health and disease

    Utilización del suero de queso en combinación con harina de arroz restringida para cerdos en crecimiento y acabado en pastoreo.

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    El experimento se realizó con 35 hembras y 35 machos castrados. Se utilizaron 5 tratamientos con 2 repeticiones por tratamiento. El alimento suministrado fue: tratamiento 1: recien balanceada con 16 y 13 por ciento de proteína para crecimiento y acabado, respectivamente; tratamientos 2, 3, 4, harina de arroz en niveles de restricción de 100, 60 y 30 por ciento. El suero de queso fue provisto a voluntad, sin agua de bebida, para los tratamientos 2, 3, 4 y 5. Se observó diferencia significativa para el aumento diario del tratamiento control comparado con los tratamientos 3, 4 y 5, y de los lotes 3 y 4, con el tratamiento 5, que solo tuvo como alimento suero a voluntad. No hubo diferencias estadísticas para los tratamientos 2, 3 y 4. La conversión alimenticia también fue estadísticamente significativa para el tratamiento control comparado con los demás. En los tratamientos que recibieron suero a voluntad más diferentes niveles de harina de arroz, la conversión alimenticia en materia seca fue similar con la del lote alimentado con suero a voluntad solamente. Se necesitó en los tratamientos 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5, respectivamente, 126, 161, 168, 189 y 189 días para lograr pesos de sacrificio de 93.0, 95.06, 94.43, 92.68 y 85.56 kg. Los parámetros estudiados fueron más favorables para los tratamientos 2 y 3, a causa del mayor consumo de harina de arroz. Por el máximo consumo posible de suero y por la economía en la alimentación, el tratamiento 3 resulta más convenienteArroz-Oryza sativaMaestría en CienciasMaestrí

    An alternative approach for robot localization inside pipes using RF spatial fadings

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    Accurate robot localization represents a challenge inside pipes due to the particular conditions that characterize this type of environment. Outdoor techniques (GPS in particular) do not work at all inside metal pipes, while traditional indoor localization methods based on camera or laser sensors do not perform well mainly due to a lack of external illumination and distinctive features along pipes. Moreover, humidity and slippery surfaces make wheel odometry unreliable. In this paper, we estimate the localization of a robot along a pipe with an alternative Radio Frequency (RF) approach. We first analyze wireless propagation in metallic pipes and propose a series of setups that allow us to obtain periodic RF spatial fadings (a sort of standing wave periodic pattern), together with the influence of the antenna position and orientation over these fadings. Subsequently, we propose a discrete RF odometry-like method, by means of counting the fadings while traversing them. The transversal fading analysis (number of antennas and cross-section position) makes it possible to increase the resolution of this method. Lastly, the model of the signal is used in a continuous approach serving as an RF map. The proposed localization methods outperform our previous contributions in terms of resolution, accuracy, reliability and robustness. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the RF-based strategy without the need for a previously known map of the scenario or any substantial modification of the existing infrastructure


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    Surgical Engineering Society conducted a research, the First Review as the pioneers in LATAM, since year 2015, which develops the topic of the latest Medical Robotics technologies created in North América, Europe and Asia, which are imported to apply in the Healthcare System of Peru and Latin America. The robotic systems for surgery, rehabilitation and assistance are presented covering the description of control design and technical specifications. Besides, the patient management using robots is analyzed with diagnosis, prognosis and treatment tools. The process to evaluate the new inventions of robotic devices and bring to the market is introduced where three stages are shown as the following: innovation, regulatory affairs and biomedical application. Moreover, there is a high percentage of population with disability in Latin America, therefore, it is necessary that more biomedical scientists be specialized in robotics to start developing new ideas to improve the patient management. Finally, the new technologies created in Latin America must be affordable, simply and efficient in order to support the healthcare economic situation in the continent and give the best quality standards to improve treatment outcomes on patients.Surgical Engineering Society realizó una investigación, la primera revisión como pioneros en LATAM, desde el año 2015, que desarrolla el tema de las últimas tecnologías de robótica médica creadas en América del Norte, Europa y Asia, que se importan para aplicarlas en el sistema de salud de Perú y América Latina Los sistemas robóticos para cirugía, rehabilitación y asistencia se presentan cubriendo la descripción del diseño del control y las especificaciones técnicas. Además, el manejo del paciente mediante robots se analiza con herramientas de diagnóstico, pronóstico y tratamiento. El proceso para evaluar los nuevos inventos de los dispositivos robóticos y llevarlo al mercado se introduce donde en las tres etapas que se muestran a continuación: innovación, asuntos regulatorios y aplicación biomédica. Además, hay un alto porcentaje de población con discapacidad en América Latina, por lo tanto, es necesario que más científicos biomédicos se especialicen en robótica para comenzar a desarrollar nuevas ideas y mejorar el manejo del paciente. Finalmente, las nuevas tecnologías creadas en América Latina deben ser asequibles, simples y eficientes para apoyar la situación económica de la atención médica en el continente y brindar los mejores estándares de calidad para mejorar los resultados del tratamiento en los pacientes

    A robotized dumper for debris removal in tunnels under construction

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    Tunnels in construction exhibit many challenges for automation. In this work we address the robotization of a conventional dumper for debris removal during the construction of tunnels, in the framework of a technological transfer project. The goal is to convert a dumper into an autonomous vehicle capable of planning, navigate and localize itself. Planning and navigation techniques have been adapted to the special kinodynamic characteristics of the vehicle. The difficulties for having a precise continuous localization in this kind of scenarios, due to the irregularities of the terrain, the changing illumination and the own scenario, have driven to develop hybrid localization techniques to integrate continuous and discrete information, coming from the navigation sensors, some semantic geometric features, and the signal strength propagation in tunnel scenarios. Simulation and real-world experiments are described, and some preliminary results are discussed