3,895 research outputs found

    Consistent massive truncations of IIB supergravity on Sasaki-Einstein manifolds

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    Recent work on holographic superconductivity and gravitational duals of systems with non-relativistic conformal symmetry have made use of consistent truncations of D=10 and D=11 supergravity retaining some massive modes in the Kaluza-Klein tower. In this paper we focus on reductions of IIB supergravity to five dimensions on a Sasaki-Einstein manifold, and extend these previous truncations to encompass the entire bosonic sector of gauged D=5, N=2 supergravity coupled to massive multiplets up to the second Kaluza-Klein level. We conjecture that a necessary condition for the consistency of massive truncations is to only retain the lowest modes in the massive trajectories of the Kaluza-Klein mode decomposition of the original fields. This is an extension of the well-known result that consistent truncations may be obtained by restricting to the singlet sector of the internal symmetry group.Comment: 27 pages, typos corrected and references adde

    g=1 for Dirichlet 0-branes

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    Dirichlet 0-branes, considered as extreme Type IIA black holes with spin carried by fermionic hair, are shown to have the anomalous gyromagnetic ratio g=1, consistent with their interpretation as Kaluza-Klein modes.Comment: 13 pages, Late

    Four Dimensional String/String/String Triality

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    In six spacetime dimensions, the heterotic string is dual to a Type IIAIIA string. On further toroidal compactification to four spacetime dimensions, the heterotic string acquires an SL(2,\BbbZ)_S strong/weak coupling duality and an SL(2,\BbbZ)_T \times SL(2,\BbbZ)_U target space duality acting on the dilaton/axion, complex Kahler form and the complex structure fields S,T,US,T,U respectively. Strong/weak duality in D=6D=6 interchanges the roles of SS and TT in D=4D=4 yielding a Type IIAIIA string with fields T,S,UT,S,U. This suggests the existence of a third string (whose six-dimensional interpretation is more obscure) that interchanges the roles of SS and UU. It corresponds in fact to a Type IIBIIB string with fields U,T,SU,T,S leading to a four-dimensional string/string/string triality. Since SL(2,\BbbZ)_S is perturbative for the Type IIBIIB string, this D=4D=4 triality implies SS-duality for the heterotic string and thus fills a gap left by D=6D=6 duality. For all three strings the total symmetry is SL(2,\BbbZ)_S \times O(6,22;\BbbZ)_{TU}. The O(6,22;\BbbZ) is {\it perturbative} for the heterotic string but contains the conjectured {\it non-perturbative} SL(2,\BbbZ)_X, where XX is the complex scalar of the D=10D=10 Type IIBIIB string. Thus four-dimensional triality also provides a (post-compactification) justification for this conjecture. We interpret the N=4N=4 Bogomol'nyi spectrum from all three points of view. In particular we generalize the Sen-Schwarz formula for short multiplets to include intermediate multiplets also and discuss the corresponding black hole spectrum both for the N=4N=4 theory and for a truncated SS--TT--UU symmetric N=2N=2 theory. Just as the first two strings are described by the four-dimensional {\it elementary} and {\it dual solitonic} solutions, so theComment: 36 pages, Latex, 2 figures, some references changed, minor changes in formulas and tables; to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Eleven Dimensional Origin of String/String Duality: A One Loop Test

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    Membrane/fivebrane duality in D=11 implies Type IIA string/Type IIA fivebrane duality in D=10, which in turn implies Type IIA string/heterotic string duality in D=6. To test the conjecture, we reproduce the corrections to the 3-form field equations of the D=10 Type IIA string (a mixture of tree-level and one-loop effects) starting from the Chern-Simons corrections to the 7-form Bianchi identities of the D=11 fivebrane (a purely tree-level effect). K3 compactification of the latter then yields the familiar gauge and Lorentz Chern-Simons corrections to 3-form Bianchi identities of the heterotic string. We note that the absence of a dilaton in the D=11 theory allows us to fix both the gravitational constant and the fivebrane tension in terms of the membrane tension. We also comment on an apparent conflict between fundamental and solitonic heterotic strings and on the puzzle of a fivebrane origin of S-duality.Comment: 30 pages (including 5 postscript figures included), LaTeX, Footnote 8 has been removed; the apparent disagreement with Townsend is only one of semantics, not substanc

    Putting String/Fivebrane Duality to the Test

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    According to string/fivebrane duality, the Green-Schwarz factorization of the D=10D=10 spacetime anomaly polynomial I12I_{12} into X4 X8X_4\, X_8 means that just as X4X_4 is the anomaly polynomial of the d=2d=2 string worldsheet so X8X_8 should be the anomaly polynomial of the d=6d=6 fivebrane worldvolume. To test this idea we perform a fivebrane calculation of X8X_8 and find perfect agreement with the string one--loop result.Comment: 14 pages, CERN TH-6614/92, CTP-TAMU 60/9

    Incomplete Orthogonal Factorization Methods Using Givens Rotations II: Implementation and Results

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    We present, implement and test a series of incomplete orthogonal factorization methods based on Givens rotations for large sparse unsymmetric matrices. These methods include: column-Incomplete Givens Orthogonalization (cIGO-method), which drops entries by position only; column-Threshold Incomplete Givens Orthogonalization (cTIGO-method) which drops entries dynamically by both their magnitudes and positions and where the reduction via Givens rotations is done in a column-wise fashion; and, row-Threshold Incomplete Givens Orthogonalization (r-TIGO-method) which again drops entries dynamically, but only magnitude is now taken into account and reduction is performed in a row-wise fashion. We give comprehensive accounts of how one would code these algorithms using a high level language to ensure efficiency of computation and memory use. The methods are then applied to a variety of square systems and their performance as preconditioners is tested against standard incomplete LU factorization techniques. For rectangular matrices corresponding to least-squares problems, the resulting incomplete factorizations are applied as preconditioners for conjugate gradients for the system of normal equations. A comprehensive discussion about the uses, advantages and shortcomings of these preconditioners is given

    Quantum discontinuity between zero and infinitesimal graviton mass with a Lambda term

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    We show that the recently demonstrated absence of the usual discontinuity for massive spin 2 with a Lambda term is an artifact of the tree approximation, and that the discontinuity reappears at one loop.Comment: 8 pages, revtex 3.1, title changed (version to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett.

    Complementarity of the Maldacena and Karch-Randall Pictures

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    We perform a one-loop test of the holographic interpretation of the Karch-Randall model, whereby a massive graviton appears on an AdS_4 brane in an AdS_5 bulk. Within the AdS/CFT framework, we examine the quantum corrections to the graviton propagator on the brane, and demonstrate that they induce a graviton mass in exact agreement with the Karch-Randall result. Interestingly enough, at one loop order, the spin 0, spin 1/2 and spin 1 loops contribute to the dynamically generated (mass)^2 in the same 1: 3: 12 ratio as enters the Weyl anomaly and the 1/r^3 corrections to the Newtonian gravitational potential.Comment: 20 pages, Revtex 3, Discussion on the absence of a scalar ghost clarified; Additional details on the computation give

    Gauge Symmetry and Consistent Spin-Two Theories

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    We study Lagrangians with the minimal amount of gauge symmetry required to propagate spin-two particles without ghosts or tachyons. In general, these Lagrangians also have a scalar mode in their spectrum. We find that, in two cases, the symmetry can be enhanced to a larger group: the whole group of diffeomorphisms or a enhancement involving a Weyl symmetry. We consider the non-linear completions of these theories. The intuitive completions yield the usual scalar-tensor theories except for the pure spin-two cases, which correspond to two inequivalent Lagrangians giving rise to Einstein's equations. A more constructive self-consistent approach yields a background dependent Lagrangian.Comment: 7 pages, proceedings of IRGAC'06; typo correcte
