79 research outputs found

    Complexité et anthropologie

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    Aujourd’hui, la mathĂ©matique des systĂšmes complexes offre divers outils Ă  partir desquels on peut Ă©tudier les propriĂ©tĂ©s macroscopiques des interactions qui se manifestent dans une dimension temporelle. En dessinant les schĂšmes d’interaction qui correspondent aux Ă©lĂ©ments d’un systĂšme, on peut souvent dĂ©couvrir des propriĂ©tĂ©s qui Ă©mergent Ă  un niveau supĂ©rieur. RĂ©trospectivement, il apparaĂźt remarquable que quelques idĂ©es simples tirĂ©es des analyses formelles des systĂšmes complexes pourraient avoir Ă©tĂ© si Ă©clairantes dans divers champs de recherche. Bien que le concept de dĂ©veloppement progressif — et de contingence historique — ne soit pas nouveau en anthropologie, pour briser le sceau de la rĂ©ification sur l’ordre social, il est nĂ©cessaire d’aller au-delĂ  des statistiques descriptives ou des modĂšles d’équilibre et d’explorer la contingence historique. Les rĂ©seaux qui se dĂ©veloppent sont inĂ©vitablement inscrits dans une voie; les Ă©tats ultĂ©rieurs sont contraints par le passĂ©. Mais comme le rĂ©vĂšlent de nouvelles Ă©tudes, l’« agence » (agency), dans son sens le plus fort d’habiletĂ© Ă  donner forme Ă  de vĂ©ritables innovations, peut surgir d’une forme ordinaire d’« agence » prĂ©sentĂ©e par des individus qui s’adonnent Ă  leurs activitĂ©s quotidiennes reliĂ©es au commerce, au mariage et Ă  la politique.Today’s mathematics of complex systems offer a variety of tools to investigate the macroscopic properties of interactions that occur along a temporal dimension. By tracing patterns of interaction among the elements of a system, one can often discover emergent properties at a higher level. In retrospect it seems remarkable that a few simple insights from the formal analysis of complex sys-tems should have been so illuminating in diverse fields of inquiry. Even if the concept of progressive development — and historical contingency — is hardly new to anthropology, it is necessary to go beyond descriptive statistics or equilibrium models to explore historical contingency to break the seal of reification on the existing social order. Evolving networks are inevitably path dependent; future states are constrained by the past. But as new studies show, agency in the more powerful sense of the ability to shape genuine innovations can arise from the ordinary form of agency exhibited by people going about their daily business of commerce, marriage and politics

    Growth effects of shifting from a progressive tax system to a flat tax

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    This paper develops a quantitative general equilibrium model to assess the growth effects of adopting a flat tax plan similar to the one proposed by Hall and Rabushka (1995). Using parameters calibrated to match the progressivity of the U.S. tax schedule and other features of the U.S. economy, we compute the growth and level effects of adopting a revenue-neutral flat tax for both a human-capital based endogenous growth model and a standard neoclassical growth model. Growth effects are decomposed into the parts attributable to the flattening of the marginal tax schedule, the full expensing of physical-capital investment, and the elimination of double taxation of corporate dividends. We find that the most important element of the reform is the flattening of the marginal tax schedule. Without this element, the combined effects of the other parts of the reform can actually reduce long-run growth.Fiscal policy ; Flat-rate income tax ; Human capital

    The Value of a River

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    The Skokomish river was once the most productive salmon river in Puget Sound, but since 1926 the North Fork Skokomish has been diverted for hydropower. The Skokomish tribe has fought unsuccessfully to restore natural ïŹ‚ows. At issue is the “non-market value” of the river’s biological productivity. The value of the river as “natural capital” for the tribe is analyzed from an historical, ethnographic, and ecological perspective. Keywords: non-market values, natural capital, salmon, PaciïŹc Northwest, Skokomish, riverine ecology, ecosystem management


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    Pelaksanaan program intensifikasi pertanian melalui konsep revolusi hijau membuat meningkatnyaproduksi padi secara dramatis sehingga pada tahun 1984 Indonesia mencapai swa-sembada beras. Uniknya, sebelumtahun 1984 Indonesia dikenal sebagai negara pengimpor beras yang terbesar di dunia. Akan tetapi, disampingprestasi yang spektakular dalam produksi padi, dalam beberapa hal revolusi hijau juga memberi kontribusi dampakyang tidak menguntungkan terhadap ekosistem.Perkembangan pertanian di Bali, khususnya sawah sangat terkaitdengan sistem subak. Subak adalah pengaturan air irigasi tradisional di Bali yang telah dilaksanakan sejak berabadabadyang lalu. Sehubungan dengan masalah di atas, penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan di Daerah Aliran Sungai(DAS) Yeh Sungi di Kabupaten Tabanan, daerah di bagian barat Bali. Daerah penelitian meliputi delapan subakyaitu: Subak Apit Yeh and Subak Uma Poh di daerah hulu tempat tangkapan air; Subak Padangakitan, Jaka, Sungi I,Bena, dan Subak Tangkub di daerah tengah; dan Subak Gde Gadon I di daerah hilir. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama12 bulan, mulai dari bulan April 2001 hingga Maret 2002. Tujuan penelitian adalah: (1) meneliti tingkat pengayaanhara nitrogen di air irigasi yang berkaitan dengan aplikasi intensif pupuk anorganik di berbagai sistem pertaniandalam sistem subak di Bali; (2) meneliti kualitas lingkungan air, berkaitan dengan tingkat pengayaan hara nitrogendi dalam air irigasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengayaan hara pada air irigasi berkaitan dengan sistempertanian pada sistem subak. Tingkat pengayaan hara di daerah hulu lebih tinggi daripada di daerah tengah dan hiliruntuk N-NO3-; untuk memelihara kelangsungan ekosistem Subak, maka aplikasi pupuk N harus mempertimbangkankandungan hara tersebut dalam air irigasinya. Pelaksanaan pertanian telah menyebabkan pengayaan hara nitrogenyang berlebihan di daerah irigasi, khususnya di daerah tengah maupun hilir yang masing-masing didominasi olehpola pertanian padi-padi-padi dan padi-padi-palawija. Untuk memelihara kelangsungan ekosistem subak, makaaplikasi pupuk nitrogen harus mempertimbangkan kandungan hara di air irigasi.Kata kunci: sistem pertanian padi, pengayaan air irigasi, ekosistem subak. The implementation of agricultural intensification program through the green revolution concept has madethe increasing rice production dramatically and in 1984 Indonesia achieved ice self-sufficiency. Uniquely, before1984 Indonesia was known as the biggest rice importing country in the world. However, beside of spectacularachievement in rice production, green revolution to some cases also contributes less favorable impact to theecosystem. The agricultural development in Bali, particularly rice field is closely related to the subak system. Subakis a traditional model of irrigation water treatment in Bali practiced since centuries ago. The related to abovementionedissues, this research has been conducted at Yeh Sungi watershed in Tabanan District, western part ofBali. The research site includes eight subaks: Subak Apit Yeh and Subak Uma Poh at upstream area of catchmentsarea; Subak Padangakitan, Jaka, Sungi I, Bena, and Subak Tangkub at the middle area; and Subak Gde Gadon I atdownstream area. This research was carried out for 12 months between April 2001 and March 2002. The objectionof this research were: (1) to investigate the water enrichment level of N nutrients in the irrigation water related to theintensive application of inorganic fertilizers at various farming systems in subak system in Bali; (2) to investigatethe water environment quality, related to the water enrichment level of N nutrient in the irrigation water. Research96Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian Vol. 6, No. 2, Juli 2003 : 95-106results showed that nutrient enrichment on irrigation water related to farming system on subak ecosystem. The levelof nutrient enrichment at upstream (hulu) area is higher than the middle (tengah) and downstream (hilir) areas for N-NO3-.To maintain the sustainability of subak ecosystem, therefore the application of N fertilizer should considerthose nutrients content in irrigation water. The agricultural practice has caused excessive enrichment of N nutrientsin irrigated area, especially at the middle as well as downstream areas dominated by rice-rice-rice and rice-ricepalawija(second crop) cropping patterns.Key words: rice farming system, water enrichment, subak ecosystem

    Relaxed observance of traditional marriage rules allows social connectivity without loss of genetic diversity

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    © 2015 The Author. Marriage rules, the community prescriptions that dictate who an individual can or cannot marry, are extremely diverse and universally present in traditional societies. A major focus of research in the early decades of modern anthropology, marriage rules impose social and economic forces that help structure societies and forge connections between them. However, in those early anthropological studies, the biological benefits or disadvantages of marriage rules could not be determined. We revisit this question by applying a novel simulation framework and genome-wide data to explore the effects of Asymmetric Prescriptive Alliance, an elaborate set of marriage rules that has been a focus of research for many anthropologists. Simulations show that strict adherence to these marriage rules reduces genetic diversity on the autosomes, X chromosome and mitochondrial DNA, but relaxed compliance produces genetic diversity similar to random mating. Genome-wide data from the Indonesian community of Rindi, one of the early study populations for Asymmetric Prescriptive Alliance, are more consistent with relaxed compliance than strict adherence. We therefore suggest that, in practice, marriage rules are treated with sufficient flexibility to allow social connectivity without significant degradation of biological diversity

    Kinship structures create persistent channels for language transmission.

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    Languages are transmitted through channels created by kinship systems. Given sufficient time, these kinship channels can change the genetic and linguistic structure of populations. In traditional societies of eastern Indonesia, finely resolved cophylogenies of languages and genes reveal persistent movements between stable speech communities facilitated by kinship rules. When multiple languages are present in a region and postmarital residence rules encourage sustained directional movement between speech communities, then languages should be channeled along uniparental lines. We find strong evidence for this pattern in 982 individuals from 25 villages on two adjacent islands, where different kinship rules have been followed. Core groups of close relatives have stayed together for generations, while remaining in contact with, and marrying into, surrounding groups. Over time, these kinship systems shaped their gene and language phylogenies: Consistently following a postmarital residence rule turned social communities into speech communities

    Effective climate change adaptation means supporting community autonomy

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    Communities want to determine their own climate change adaptation strategies, and scientists and decision-makers should listen to them — both the equity and efficacy of climate change adaptation depend on it. We outline key lessons researchers and development actors can take to support communities and learn from them.Ye
