1,349 research outputs found

    Planets around active stars

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    We present the results of radial velocity measurements of two samples of active stars. The first sample contains field G and K giants across the Red Giant Branch, whereas the second sample consists of nearby young stars (d < 150 pc) with ages between 10 - 300 Myrs. The radial velocity monitoring program has been carried out with FEROS at 1.52 m ESO telescope (1999 - 2002) and continued since 2003 at 2.2 m MPG/ESO telescope. We observed stellar radial velocity variations which originate either from the stellar activity or the presence of stellar/substellar companions. By means of a bisector technique we are able to distinguish the sources of the radial velocity variation. Among them we found few candidates of planetary companions, both of young stars and G-K giants sample.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the ESO Workshop "Precision Spectroscopy in Astrophysics", eds. L. Pasquini, M. Romaniello, N.C. Santos, A. Correi


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    In this project, I would like to expose the reality happening in the Indonesian society through Science fiction graphic novel script and samples. This project focuses on how the live of my main character that represent particular condition of an individual in the society. It also focuses on the surival of the character as the individual in changing her future. The theme that is used in this project is the survival of the individual. I would also explore how fear distorted human in making a crucial decision in order to survive the adverse and unusual circumstance. To depict this reality through fiction, I am using the Timepunk, a sub-genre of science fiction as the genre of my work and bringing out the issue of the cure of leukemia as the main concern of my main character

    Peran Hydraulic Lift Ja Mbu Mete Pada Pemeliharaan Lengas Tanah Dan Status Air Jagung Saat Kekeringan / the Role of Cashew Hydraulic Lift in Maintaining Soil Moisture and Water Status of Maize Under Drought Condition

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    Tanaman hydraulic lift (HL) dilaporkan dapat memasok air pada tanaman lain di sekitarnya saat periode kekeringan. Hasil studi sebelumnya menunjukkan jambu mete memiliki kemampuan HL, namun belum diketahui potensi pasokan airnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di komplek rumah kaca Cimanggu antara Mei-November 2016 dengan tujuan mengevaluasi kemampuan pasokan air dari hydraulic lift jambu mete pada periode kekeringan dan efeknya terhadap status air jaringan jagung yang tumbuh di sekitarnya. Jambu mete varietas B-02 dan jagung varietas Lamuru ditanam berdampingan pada pot dengan desain khusus, yang diatur dalam tiga kondisi perlakuan, yakni selalu berkecukupan air (B), kekeringan tanpa ada akses HL jambu mete (K), dan kekeringan dengan akses HL jambu mete (H). Ketiga perlakuan kondisi tanaman tersebut ditempatkan di rumah kaca dalam rancangan acak kelompok dengan sembilan ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan HL jambu mete dapat memasok air pada jagung, sehingga pada periode kekeringan tingkat lanjut, lengas tanahnya menjadi lebih tinggi ± 2,5% dibandingkan jagung tanpa akses HL jambu mete. Adanya pasokan air tersebut menyebabkan status air jaringan jagung selama periode kekeringan menjadi lebih baik dengan tingkat penurunan nilai dari kondisi kecukupan air pada potensial air daun, transpirasi, dan fotosintesis berturut-turut hanya sekitar 30%, 36%, dan 32%, dibandingkan penurunan nilai tersebut pada kondisi tanpa akses HL jambu mete yang mencapai 40%, 70%, dan 66%. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan pasokan air pada jagung oleh HL jambu mete cukup efektif pada periode kekeringan, dan membantu meringankan efek stres kekeringan pada jagung sehingga dapat memelihara status air jaringannya tetap baik

    Pengukuran Risiko pada Klaim Asuransi “X” dengan Menggunakan Metode Generalized Extreme Value dan Generalized Pareto Distribution

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    Asuransi merupakan suatu Perusahaan yang akanmelakukan proteksi atau melakukan pembayaran kepadanasabahnya terhadap kejadian yang tidak dapat diduga sepertikecelakaan, sakit dan lainnya. Pembayaran yang dilakukan olehperusahaan asuransi disebut dengan klaim. Pengukuran risikodalam klaim asuransi ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan EkstrimValue Theory (EVT). EVT cocok digunakan pada lingkupfinansial karena mampu menjelaskan kerugian yang ekstrim.Identifikasi nilai ekstrimterhadap klaim dilakukan denganmetode block maxima dan peaks Over threshold. Selanjutnyadilakukan pendugaan dan estimasi parameter metode ExtremeValue Theory-Generalized Pareto Distribution (EVT-GPD) danExtreme Value Theory-Generalized Extreme Value (EVTGEV).Hasil dugaan parameter distribusi tersebut selanjutnyadigunakan untuk menaksir risiko klaim (value at risk).Penelitianini menggunakan tiga jenis klaim yaitu A, B dan produk“Y”.Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa pendekatan EVT-GEVmerupakan pendekatan yang memberikan hasil taksiran risikoterkecil pada klaim. Kesimpulan lain diperoleh bahwa klaimproduk “Y” memiliki risiko terkecil

    Evolved stars hint to an external origin of enhanced metallicity in planet-hosting stars

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    Exo-planets are preferentially found around high metallicity main sequence stars. We aim at investigating whether evolved stars share this property, and what this tells about planet formation. Statistical tools and the basic concepts of stellar evolution theory are applied to published results as well as our own radial velocity and chemical analyses of evolved stars. We show that the metal distributions of planet-hosting (P-H) dwarfs and giants are different, and that the latter do not favor metal-rich systems. Rather, these stars follow the same age-metallicity relation as the giants without planets in our sample. The straightforward explanation is to attribute the difference between dwarfs and giants to the much larger masses of giants' convective envelopes. If the metal excess on the main sequence is due to pollution, the effects of dilution naturally explains why it is not observed among evolved stars. Although we cannot exclude other explanations, the lack of any preference for metal-rich systems among P-H giants could be a strong indication of the accretion of metal-rich material. We discuss further tests, as well as some predictions and consequences of this hypothesis.Comment: A&A, in pres

    Kajian Terhadap Beberapa Metode Penyusutan Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Perhitungan Beban Pokok Penjualan (Cost of Good Sold)

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    Every company must generate financial statement, that provide information about income, changes in financial position to whom that concerned. In preparing financial statement, each company has a power to choose the accounting methods and technics that recommended by Financial Accounting Standard. Accounting policies adopted by firm has a substanstial impact in financial statement.Therefore the company that has equal performance will report different result.This article try to present the impact of choosing depreciation method in calculating cost of goods sold

    Sekilas Tentang Manajemen Pajak

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    Every tax payer, either personal or organization, where ever there are, they have an obligation to pay taxes. The obligation is written within the law and have to obey by all the tax payer without any exemption. Almost all tax payer tend to avoid the taxes responsibility. This should be acted wisely hence prevented from all tax's penalty. Using a good tax management, tax payer can do a tax saving without any infringe of the law regulation. The aim of this article is to introduce a basic concept of tax management in order to fulfill the right and obligation in taxes. Tax management will effective if it was arranged according the tax planning which are followed the tax regulation (tax avoidance) and without any tax evasion. The organized tax management should get a back up from the management, carry on ledger and appropriate tax administrative. Keywords: Tax management, tax avoidance, tax evasio

    Kajian Terhadap Beberapa Metode Penyusutan Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Perhitungan Beban Pokok Penjualan (Cost of Good Sold)

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    Every company must generate financial statement, that provide information about income, changes in financial position to whom that concerned. In preparing financial statement, each company has a power to choose the accounting methods and technics that recommended by Financial Accounting Standard. Accounting policies adopted by firm has a substanstial impact in financial statement.Therefore the company that has equal performance will report different result.This article try to present the impact of choosing depreciation method in calculating cost of goods sold
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