2,864 research outputs found

    Estimating turbulent velocities in the elliptical galaxies NGC 5044 and NGC 5813

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    The interstellar and intra-cluster medium in giant elliptical galaxies and clusters of galaxies is often assumed to be in hydrostatic equilibrium. Numerical simulations, however, show that about 5-30% of the pressure in a cluster is provided by turbulence induced by, for example, the central AGN and merger activity. We aim to put constraints on the turbulent velocities and turbulent pressure in the ICM of the giant elliptical galaxies NGC 5044 and NGC 5813 using XMM-Newton RGS observations. The magnitude of the turbulence is estimated using the Fe XVII lines at 15.01 A, 17.05 A, and 17.10 A in the RGS spectra. At low turbulent velocities, the gas becomes optically thick in the 15.01 A line due to resonant scattering, while the 17 A lines remain optically thin. By comparing the (I(17.05)+I(17.10))/I(15.01) line ratio from RGS with simulated line ratios for different Mach numbers, the level of turbulence is constrained. The measurement is limited by systematic uncertainties in the atomic data, which are at the 20-30% level. We find that the line ratio in NGC 5813 is significantly higher than in NGC 5044. This difference can be explained by a higher level of turbulence in NGC 5044. The high turbulent velocities and the fraction of the turbulent pressure support of >40% in NGC 5044, assuming isotropic turbulence, confirm that it is a highly disturbed system, probably due to an off-axis merger. The turbulent pressure support in NGC 5813 is more modest at 15-45%. The (I(17.05)+I(17.10))/I(15.01) line ratio in an optically thin plasma, calculated using AtomDB v2.0.1, is 2 sigma above the ratio measured in NGC 5044, which cannot be explained by resonant scattering. This shows that the discrepancies between theoretical, laboratory, and astrophysical data on Fe XVII lines need to be reduced to improve the accuracy of the determination of turbulent velocities using resonant scattering.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The Commission and Its Report: Public Education, Advocacy and Lobbying

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    Mr. Harris: The question concerning the justification of commissions of inquiry has been raised in the preceding discussions. If their sole justification is having the bulk of their recommendations implemented, the institution probably would have died out long ago. Nevertheless, it must be of considerable concern to commissioners that the record has not been good in terms of implementation and one of the questions that perhaps will determine how successful commissions are in this respect has to do with what happens when the report is delivered and thereafter. These questions will be largely the subject of the panel that we are about to present. You will not be treated to profound, scholarly papers on policy analysis or anything like that in this panel. There will be practical comments and suggestions

    The reproductive ecology of the Antarctic bivalve Aequiyoldia eightsii (Protobranchia: Sareptidae) follows neither Antarctic nor taxonomic patterns

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    The accepted paradigm for reproduction in Antarctic marine species is one where oogenesis takes 18 months to 2 years, and a bimodal egg-size distribution where two cohorts of eggs are present in female gonads throughout the year. These slow gametogenic traits are driven by low temperature and/or the restriction of resource availability because of extreme seasonality in the marine environment. Here we present data on the reproductive ecology of the common Antarctic bivalve Aequiyoldia eightsii (Jay, 1839) (Protobranchia: Sarepidae) from monthly samples collected between January 2013 and May 2014 at Hangar Cove, Rothera Point on the West Antarctic Peninsula. These data show that A. eightsii is unusual because it does not follow the typical pattern expected for reproduction in Antarctic marine invertebrates, and differs also from closely related nuculanid protobranch bivalves with respect to gametogenic duration and reproductive periodicity. Continuous oogenesis, evidenced by the year-round occurrence of previtellogenic, vitellogenic, and ripe oocytes in female gonads, is supplemented by a seasonal increase in reproductive intensity and spawning in Austral winter (April–May), evidenced by the loss of mature spermatozoa and ripe oocytes from males and females, respectively. The simultaneous occurrence of these contrasting traits in individuals is attributed to a flexible feeding strategy (suspension and deposit feeding) in response to seasonal changes in food supply characteristic of the Antarctic marine environment. Asynchrony between individual females is also notable. We hypothesise that the variability may represent a trade-off between somatic and reproductive growth, and previously reported internal interannual cycles in shell growth

    Fission widths of hot nuclei from Langevin dynamics

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    Fission dynamics of excited nuclei is studied in the framework of Langevin equation. The one body wall-and-window friction is used as the dissipative force in the Langevin equation. In addition to the usual wall formula friction, the chaos weighted wall formula developed earlier to account for nonintegrability of single-particle motion within the nuclear volume is also considered here. The fission rate calculated with the chaos weighted wall formula is found to be faster by about a factor of two than that obtained with the usual wall friction. The systematic dependence of fission width on temperature and spin of the fissioning nucleus is investigated and a simple parametric form of fission width is obtained.Comment: RevTex, 12 pages including 9 Postscript figure

    Cavity-Enhanced Two-Photon Interference using Remote Quantum Dot Sources

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    Quantum dots in cavities have been shown to be very bright sources of indistinguishable single photons. Yet the quantum interference between two bright quantum dot sources, a critical step for photon based quantum computation, has never been investigated. Here we report on such a measurement, taking advantage of a deterministic fabrication of the devices. We show that cavity quantum electrodynamics can efficiently improve the quantum interference between remote quantum dot sources: poorly indistinguishable photons can still interfere with good contrast with high quality photons emitted by a source in the strong Purcell regime. Our measurements and calculations show that cavity quantum electrodynamics is a powerful tool for interconnecting several devices.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures (Supp. Mat. attached

    Intersublevel Polaron Dephasing in Self-Assembled Quantum Dots

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    Polaron dephasing processes are investigated in InAs/GaAs dots using far-infrared transient four wave mixing (FWM) spectroscopy. We observe an oscillatory behaviour in the FWM signal shortly (< 5 ps) after resonant excitation of the lowest energy conduction band transition due to coherent acoustic phonon generation. The subsequent single exponential decay yields long intraband dephasing times of 90 ps. We find excellent agreement between our measured and calculated FWM dynamics, and show that both real and virtual acoustic phonon processes are necessary to explain the temperature dependence of the polarization decay.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys Rev Let

    Prescission neutron multiplicity and fission probability from Langevin dynamics of nuclear fission

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    A theoretical model of one-body nuclear friction which was developed earlier, namely the chaos-weighted wall formula, is applied to a dynamical description of compound nuclear decay in the framework of the Langevin equation coupled with statistical evaporation of light particles and photons. We have used both the usual wall formula friction and its chaos-weighted version in the Langevin equation to calculate the fission probability and prescission neutron multiplicity for the compound nuclei 178^{178}W, 188^{188}Pt, 200^{200}Pb, 213^{213}Fr, 224^{224}Th, and 251^{251}Es. We have also obtained the contributions of the presaddle and postsaddle neutrons to the total prescission multiplicity. A detailed analysis of our results leads us to conclude that the chaos-weighted wall formula friction can adequately describe the fission dynamics in the presaddle region. This friction, however, turns out to be too weak to describe the postsaddle dynamics properly. This points to the need for a suitable explanation for the enhanced neutron emission in the postsaddle stage of nuclear fission.Comment: RevTex, 14 pages including 5 Postscript figures, results improved by using a different potential, conclusions remain unchanged, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Turn an Ear to Hear: How Hearing-Impaired Listeners Can Exploit Head Orientation to Enhance Their Speech Intelligibility in Noisy Social Settings

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    Turning an ear toward the talker can enhance spatial release from masking. Here, with their head free, listeners attended to speech at a gradually diminishing signal-to-noise ratio and with the noise source azimuthally separated from the speech source by 180° or 90°. Young normal-hearing adult listeners spontaneously turned an ear toward the speech source in 64% of audio-only trials, but a visible talker’s face or cochlear implant (CI) use significantly reduced this head-turn behavior. All listener groups made more head movements once instructed to explore the potential benefit of head turns and followed the speech to lower signal-to-noise ratios. Unilateral CI users improved the most. In a virtual restaurant simulation with nine interfering noises or voices, hearing-impaired listeners and simulated bilateral CI users typically obtained a 1 to 3 dB head-orientation benefit from a 30° head turn away from the talker. In diffuse interference environments, the advice to U.K. CI users from many CI professionals and the communication guidance available on the Internet most often advise the CI user to face the talker head on. However, CI users would benefit from guidelines that recommend they look sidelong at the talker with their better hearing or implanted ear oriented toward the talker
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