453 research outputs found

    The Outbreak of the Russian Banking Crisis

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    Owing to a combination of domestic, regional and international factors, Russian banks have been strongly influenced by the worldwide financial crisis which started in the second half of 2008. In this paper, we estimate an early warning model for the Russian banking crisis. In a first step, we identify 47 Russian banks which failed after September 2008. Using the Bankscope dataset, we then show that balance sheet indicators were informative as early as in 2006 and 2007 about possible failures of these banks. Especially equity, net interest revenues, return on average equity, net loans, and loan loss reserves are identified as the early indicators with high predictive power.Banking and financial crisis, early warning models, Russia, logit

    Novel Method for Analyzing Crack Growth in Polymeric Microtensile Specimens by In Situ Atomic Force Microscopy

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    In this paper a micro tensile test which allows the determination and observation of the crack growth behaviour in thin polymer layers is presented. The setup consists of micromanipulators and piezo actuators for straining the sample while an atomic force microscope (AFM) is used for scanning the crack tip area with high lateral resolution. The stress in the specimen is determined by an optical microscope for observation of the deflection of a force sensing beam. The material under investigation is an amorphous and strongly entangled thermoplastic polyimide which can be patterned photolithographically and is spin cast to form layers of 3μm thickness. The results show the potential of the setup to measure crack length, crack tip opening and nominal stress. The stress-crack length-diagram then allows to determine different stages during crack growt

    Zum Zusammenhang zwischen Rational-Emotiver Theorie und Attributionstheorie: Irrationale Gedanken als Determinanten depressogener Ursachenzuschreibungen und maladaptiver Emotionen

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    Die Rational-Emotive Theorie (RET) nach Ellis sowie die Attributionstheorien betrachten Kognitionen als notwendige und hinreichende Bedingungen bestimmter Emotionen. Zudem beinhalten beide Theoriekomplexe spezifische Darstellungen von Kognitionen, die der psychischen Gesundheit abträglich sind: Diese sind in der RET durch irrationale Gedanken („ich muss unbedingt...“) in der Attributionstheorie insbesondere durch den depressogenen Attributionsstil gekennzeichnet. Auf der Grundlage dieser theoretischen Gemeinsamkeiten überprüft eine experimentelle Fragebogenstudie mittels unterschiedlicher Szenarien in permutierten Darbietungen, inwiefern irrational („ich muss unbedingt...“) und rational („ich möchte gerne...“) denkenden Stimuluspersonen unterschiedliche Emotionen, Kausalattributionen und Verhaltensweisen zugeschrieben werden. Es zeigt sich, dass adaptive Emotionen bei rational denkenden und maladaptive Emotionen bei irrational denkenden Personen vermutet werden. Hinsichtlich der Dimensionen Stabilität, Lokation und Globalität ergeben sich für irrational im Unterschied zu den rational Denkenden signifikante und konsistente depressogene Attributionsmuster. Zudem wird bei den irrationalen Denkern tendenziell eine stärkere wahrgenommene Kontrollierbarkeit vermutet. Bezüglich zukünftiger Verhaltensweisen werden überwiegend bei rational denkenden Personen produktive Verhaltensresultate vermutet. Zusätzlich erhobene Einschätzungen bestätigen eine höhere Funktionalität adaptiver Emotionen

    Prevalence of tick-borne encephalitis virus in ticks from southern Korea

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    The prevalence of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) in southern Korea was determined by collecting ticks using tick drags. A total of 4,077 of 6,788 ticks collected were pooled (649 pools) according to collection site, species, and developmental stage and assayed for TBEV. The TBEV protein E and NS5 gene fragments were detected using RT-nested PCR in six pools of nymphs collected from Jeju Island (2,491 ticks). The minimum field detection rates for TBEV were 0.17% and 0.14% for Haemaphysalis longicornis and Haemayphysalis flava nymphs, respectively. The 252 bp NS5 and 477 bp protein E gene amplicons were sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the NS5 and protein E genes of the Jeju strain were clustered with Western subtype (98.0% and 99.4% identity, respectively). The Western subtype of TBEV is endemic in Korea, including Jeju Island. The study of vector and zoonotic host susceptibility to TBEV is required to better understand its potential impact on public health

    Cavity-enhanced high harmonic generation for XUV time-resolved ARPES

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    With its direct correspondence to electronic structure, angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) is a ubiquitous tool for the study of solids. When extended to the temporal domain, time-resolved (TR)-ARPES offers the potential to move beyond equilibrium properties, exploring both the unoccupied electronic structure as well as its dynamical response under ultrafast perturbation. Historically, ultrafast extreme ultraviolet (XUV) sources employing high-order harmonic generation (HHG) have required compromises that make it challenging to achieve a high energy resolution - which is highly desirable for many TR-ARPES studies - while producing high photon energies and a high photon flux. We address this challenge by performing HHG inside a femtosecond enhancement cavity (fsEC), realizing a practical source for TR-ARPES that achieves a flux of over 1011^{11} photons/s delivered to the sample, operates over a range of 8-40 eV with a repetition rate of 60 MHz. This source enables TR-ARPES studies with a temporal and energy resolution of 190 fs and 22 meV, respectively. To characterize the system, we perform ARPES measurements of polycrystalline Au and MoTe2_2, as well as TR-ARPES studies on graphite.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure