598 research outputs found

    Percepción del médico residente sobre la asignatura de salud mental en el tercer año del residentado médico de una universidad pública de Lima-Perú: The perception of resident physicians on the subject of mental health in the third year of the medical residency of a public university in Lima-Peru.

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    Introduction: Mental health is a topic that has taken on great importance in recent years and hasbecome a substantial part of many training programs around the world. Objective: Determine theperception of the resident doctor of the mental health subject during the last year of the medicalresidency. Methods: Observational, descriptive and transversal study with a sample of 130 students ofthe Mental Health course of the medical residency given by the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarrealwho were surveyed with a 10-question form that sought to know the students' perceptions about thiscourse. The sample was non-probabilistic. Results: Of the 130 students surveyed, 57.69% were womenand 13.85% were pediatricians, 57.69% were in a clinical specialty and 58.46% were in a residencyprogram. An exploratory analysis was made: concerning the importance of the course, differenceswith age range (p = 0.038) and residency modality (p = 0.005) were found. Besides, with respect to theacceptance of the course, differences with age range (p = 0.021) and type of residence (p = 0.053) werefound. Conclusion: The participants of the mental health course of the medical resident have goodacceptance of the subject and consider it important.Introducción: La salud mental es un tema que ha tomado gran importancia en los últimos años yse ha vuelto parte sustancial en muchos programas de formación alrededor del mundo. Objetivo:Determinar la percepción del médico residente de la asignatura de salud mental durante el último añodel residentado médico. Métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal con una muestrade 130 estudiantes del curso de Salud mental de la residencia médica impartida por la UniversidadNacional Federico Villarreal que fueron encuestados con un formulario de 10 preguntas que buscabaconocer las percepciones de los estudiantes sobre este curso. El muestreo fue no probabilístico.Resultados: De los 130 encuestados, 57,69% eran mujeres y 13,85% eran pediatras, 57,69% realizabanuna especialidad clínica y 58,46% hacia la residencia por modalidad libre. Se hizo un análisis exploratorio:sobre la importancia del curso se encontraron diferencias con el rango de edad (p = 0,038) y modalidadde la residencia (p = 0,05). Además, con respecto a la aceptación del curso se encontraron diferenciascon el rango de edad (p = 0,021) y tipo de residencia (p = 0,053). Conclusión: Los participantes delcurso de salud mental del residentado médico tienen buena aceptación de la asignatura y se consideraimportante

    Influence of silver electrochemically deposited onto zinc oxide seed nanoparticles on the photoelectrochemical performance of zinc oxide nanorod films

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    Sem informaçãoThe present article examines the synthesis and characterization of zinc oxide nanorods grown on zinc oxide and silver nanoparticle seeds. Zinc oxide seeds were electrodeposited on a support of fluorine-doped tin oxide glass and heat-treated at 380 degrees C. Silver nanoparticles were then deposited on this substrate, which was heat-treated at 160 degrees C. Their presence was confirmed using ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, by observing an absorption peak around 400 nm, corresponding to surface plasmon resonance. Growth of zinc oxide nanorods was achieved in a chemical bath at 90 degrees C. The obtained films were analyzed by cyclic voltammetry, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy. They consisted of zinc oxide with a Wurtzite-type crystal structure, arranged as nanorods of 50 nm. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy exhibits peaks attributed to silver (0) and to the formation of silver oxide on the silver nanoparticle surface. In addition, two types of oxygen (O 1 s) were observed: oxygen from the crystalline network (O-2) and chemisorbed oxygen (-OH), for the seed and the nanorod films, respectively. The nanorods grown on zinc oxide seeds with silver deposits had a round shape and greater photoactivity than those grown without silver. This difference is attributed to the additional reflection that silver provides to the light reaching the film, thereby increasing the photogeneration from the charge carriers.919Sem informaçãoSem informaçãoSem informaçãoThe author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work was supported by the project no. 133-FINCYT-IB-2015 and no. 113-INNOVATE PERU-ISASS-2018. This work is partially supported by PICT 2014 2386

    A GEANT4 Study of a Gamma-ray Collimation Array

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    Proton beam therapy uses high-energy protons to destroy cancer cells which are still uncertain about where in the body they hit. A possible way to answer this question is to detect the gamma rays produced during the irradiation and determine where in the body they are produced. This work investigates the use of collimators to determine where the proton interactions occur. GEANT4 is used to simulate the gamma production of a source interacting with a collimator. Each event simulates a number of gammas obtained as a function of the position along the detector. Repeating for different collimator configurations can thus help determine the best characteristics of a detector device

    Synthesis and Characterization of Bi-metallic Gold-Silver Core-Shell Nanoparticles: A Green Approach

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    Abstract Bimetallic gold-silver core-shell nanoparticles were prepared by chemical reduction in aqueous solution, following a method that was friendly to the environment, allowing us to use this for medicinal purposes. Gold nanoparticles were synthesized, and silver cations were then reduced on the nanoparticles. Using the optical properties of metallic nanoparticles, surface plasmon resonance was determined by UV-Vis spectroscopy, and the values obtained for gold and silver were approximately 520 nm and 400 nm in wavelength, respectively. The absorption peaks of the surface plasmon band show a clear red-shift due to size effect in the case of the silver surface, and a plasmon coupling effect, in the case of gold. To obtain a better understanding of the coating conditions, high resolution transmission electron microscopy was used. The average hydrodynamic size and the size distribution of the synthesized nanoparticles were obtained by dynamic light scattering. The development of this process, which is benign for the environment, opens the possibility for many applications in the areas of renewable energy, medicine and biology

    "Validity of a scale of Latin American perception of fear and concern transmitted by the media during the pandemic (MED-LAT-COVID-19)"

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    "Introduction: The pandemic has caused fear, especially due to the daily disseminated news; however, there is not an instrument to measure this fear in multiple realities. Objective: To validate a scale for Latin American perception of fear and concern transmitted by the media during the pandemic. Methodology: This is an instrumental study. The survey was based on an instrument which was pre-validated in Peru and submitted to 15 experts in almost 10 countries. Subsequently, thousands of people were surveyed in 13 Latin American countries, whose answers were used for descriptive statistics for validation. Results: Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) generated two re-specifications, where four items were eliminated from the original scale. With these changes, the global goodness of fit (absolute and incremental) were satisfactory (CFI ¼ 0.978; TLI ¼ 0.964; GFI ¼ 0.976; AGFI ¼ 0.949; RMSEA ¼ 0.075 and RMR ¼ 0.029). The first factor measures the media exaggeration (three questions); the second, the fear transmitted by the media (three questions); and the third, the fear transmitted by others different from the media (two questions). The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was higher than 0.70 for the scale and its factors. Conclusion: The MED-LAT-COVID-19 scale reported a good adjustment. It has eight items in three factors, which could be measured in an isolated way, or along with other tests that assess mental health in the current pandemic context.

    Clinical features, hospitalisation and deaths associated with monkeypox: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Introduction: A multicountry monkeypox disease (MPX) outbreak began in May 2022 in Europe, leading to the assessment as a potential Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) on June 23, 2022. Some observational studies have partially characterised clinical features, hospitalisations, and deaths. However, no systematic reviews of this MPX outbreak have been published. Methods: We performed a systematic review with meta-analysis, using five databases to assess clinical features, hospitalisations, complications and deaths of MPX confirmed or probable cases. Observational studies, case reports and case series, were included. We performed a random-effects model meta-analysis to calculate the pooled prevalence and 95% confidence interval (95% CI). In addition, we carried out a subgroup analysis according to the continents and a sensitivity analysis excluding studies classified as having a high risk of bias. Results: A total of 19 articles were included, using only 12 articles in the quantitative synthesis (meta-analysis). For 1958 patients, rash (93%, 95% CI 80–100%), fever (72%, 95% CI 30–99%), pruritus (65%, 95% CI 47–81%), and lymphadenopathy (62%, 47–76%), were the most prevalent manifestations. Among the patients, 35% (95% CI 14–59%) were hospitalised. Some 4% (95% CI 1–9%) of hospitalised patients had fatal outcomes (case fatality rate, CFR). Conclusion: MPX is spreading rapidly, with a third of hospitalised patients, but less than 5% with fatal outcomes. As this zoonotic virus spreads globally, countries must urgently prepare human resources, infrastructure and facilities to treat patients according to the emerging guidelines and the most reliable clinical information.Revisión por pare

    Web Map Apps using NASA's Earth Observing Fleet

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    Through the miracle of open web mapping services for satellite imagery, a garden of new applications has sprouted to monitor the planet across a variety of domains. The Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) provide free and open access to full resolution imagery captured by NASAs Earth observing fleet. Spanning 15+ years and running through as recently as a few hours ago, GIBS aims to provide a general-purpose window into NASA's vast archive of the planet. While the vast nature of this archive can be daunting, many domain-specific applications have been built to meet the needs of their respective communities. This presentation will demonstrate a diverse set of these new applications which can take planetarium visitors into (virtual) orbit, guide fire resource managers to hotspots, help anglers find their next catch, illustrate global air quality patterns to local regulators, and even spur a friendly competition to find clouds which are shaped the most like cats. We hope this garden will continue to grow and will illustrate upcoming upgrades to GIBS which may open new pathways for development. data visualization, web services, open acces

    Impact of Lack of Breast Feeding during Neonatal Age on the Development of Clinical Signs of Pneumonia and Hypoxemia in Young Infants with Diarrhea

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    Hypoxemia is a grave sequel of pneumonia, and an important predictor of a fatal outcome. Pneumonia in the neonatal period is often associated with lack of breast feeding. However, there is no published report on the impact of the cessation of breast feeding in the neonatal period on the development of pneumonia and hypoxemia. The purpose of our study was to assess the impact of non-breast feeding or stopping breast feeding during the neonatal period (henceforth to be referred to as non-breast fed) on clinical features of pneumonia and hypoxemia in 0-6-month-old infants with diarrhea admitted to an urban hospital in Bangladesh.We prospectively enrolled all infants (n = 107) aged 0 to 6 months who were admitted to the Special Care Ward (SCW) of the Dhaka Hospital of the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research Bangladesh (ICDDR,B) with diarrhea and pneumonia from September 2007 through December 2007.We compared the clinical features of pneumonia and hypoxemia of breast fed infants (n = 34) with those who were non-breast fed (n = 73).The median (inter-quartile range) duration of hypoxemia (hours) in non-breast-feds was longer than breast-fed infants [0.0 (0.0, 12.0) vs. 12.0 (0.0, 21.75); p = 0.021]. After adjusting for potential confounders such as inability to drink, fever, head nodding, cyanosis, grunting respiration, and lower chest wall in drawing, the non-breast-fed infants with pneumonia along with diarrhea had a higher probability of cough (OR 9.09; CI 1.34-61.71; p = 0.024), hypoxemia (OR 3.32; CI 1.23-8.93; p = 0.017), and severe undernutrition (OR 3.42; CI 1.29-9.12; p = 0.014).Non-breast feeding or cessation of breast feeding during the neonatal period may substantially increase the incidence of severe malnutrition, incidence of cough, and both the incidence and duration of hypoxemia in young infants presenting with pneumonia and diarrhea. The findings emphasize the paramount importance of the continuation of breast feeding in the neonatal period and early infancy
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