221 research outputs found

    Detection of root canals in historical population from Radom (Poland)

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    Background: The aim of this study was to analyse the number of root canals in maxillary first premolars, first molars and mandibular first molar teeth from an 18th to 19th century Radom (Poland) population, and then assess whether the diversity of root canals has fluctuated for about two hundred years. Materials and methods: A total of 139 human permanent teeth were analysed by cone beam computed tomography in three projections. The types of root canal systems were classified in each tooth root separately. Results: In one-rooted maxillary premolars, two canals occurred most often (53%). In two-rooted majority buccal (91%) and every palatal roots there is one canal. All three-rooted maxillary premolars have one root canal. In two-rooted first maxillary molars, fused roots have two canals. All mesiobuccal roots presented type 2-1 canal configurations. In three-rooted maxillary first molars in the mesiobuccal roots the most common root canal type is 2-1 (72%). A second mesiobuccal canal occurred in 86%. The distobuccal and palatal roots presented one canal in all cases. First mandibular molars occurred in two-rooted form in 98%. In mesial roots, two root canals predominated (59%). Most distal root (66%) had one canal. In three-rooted teeth one root canal was the most frequent finding. Conclusions: Knowledge about the variation in root canals is important in studies of past populations. This evidence may be important in relation to assessing the variability of human populations. The analysis carried out show the cohesion between the historical population of Radom and other groups from modern Poland

    Charakteristiken einer netzgestützten wissenschaftlichen Kommunikation und ihre Umsetzung in Infrastruktur und Publikationsformen

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    Neue Formen der wissenschaftlichen Kommunikation basieren auf Fortschritten in den Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien. Das dadurch mögliche kollaborative wissenschaftliche Arbeiten liefert Ergebnisse, die in vielfältigen Formaten, als Text, Simulationsdaten oder multimediale Elemente vorliegen. Daraus ergeben sich besondere Anforderungen an Publikations- und Kommunikatonsinfrastrukturen, wie Interoperabilität, Repräsentation, Verteilung und Archivierung derartiger komplexer digitaler Objekte. Mit der Initiative Digital Peer Publishing existiert eine Infrastruktur für das Publizieren in elektronischen Zeitschriften. Dieses Publikationsformat erlaubt neben einem schnellen Wissenstransfer eine umfassende Repräsentation wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse. Das Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting als Teil dieser Initiative zeigt am Beispiel des elektronischen Publikationsprozesses den Stand der Wissensvernetzung in seiner Community, sowie aktuelle Entwicklungen um die Erweiterung innovativer Funktionen

    Oxygenase Domain of Drosophila melanogaster Nitric Oxide Synthase: Unique Kinetic Parameters Enable a More Efficient NO Release

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    Although nitric oxide (NO) is important for cell signaling and nonspecific immunity in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, little is known about its single NO synthase (dNOS). We expressed the oxygenase domain of dNOS (dNOSoxy), characterized its spectroscopic, kinetic, and catalytic properties, and interpreted them in light of a global kinetic model for NO synthesis. Single turnover reactions with ferrous dNOSoxy showed it could convert Arg to N'omega-hydroxy-l-arginine (NOHA), or NOHA to citrulline and NO, when it was given 6R-tetrahydrobiopterin and O2. The dNOSoxy catalyzed Arg hydroxylation and NOHA oxidation at rates that matched or exceeded the rates catalyzed by the three mammalian NOSoxy enzymes. Consecutive heme-dioxy, ferric heme-NO, and ferric heme species were observed in the NOHA reaction of dNOSoxy, indicating that its catalytic mechanism is the same as in the mammalian NOS. However, NO dissociation from dNOSoxy was 4 to 9 times faster than that from the mammalian NOS enzymes. In contrast, the dNOSoxy ferrous heme-NO complex was relatively unreactive toward O2 and in this way was equivalent to the mammalian neuronal NOS. Our data show that dNOSoxy has unique settings for the kinetic parameters that determine its NO synthesis. Computer simulations reveal that these unique settings should enable dNOS to be a more efficient and active NO synthase than the mammalian NOS enzymes, which may allow it to function more broadly in cell signaling and immune functions in the fruit fly

    The genome of the jellyfish Aurelia and the evolution of animal complexity

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    We present the genome of the moon jellyfish Aurelia, a genome from a cnidarian with a medusa life stage. Our analyses suggest that gene gain and loss in Aurelia is comparable to what has been found in its morphologically simpler relatives—the anthozoan corals and sea anemones. RNA sequencing analysis does not support the hypothesis that taxonomically restricted (orphan) genes play an oversized role in the development of the medusa stage. Instead, genes broadly conserved across animals and eukaryotes play comparable roles throughout the life cycle. All life stages of Aurelia are significantly enriched in the expression of genes that are hypothesized to interact in protein networks found in bilaterian animals. Collectively, our results suggest that increased life cycle complexity in Aurelia does not correlate with an increased number of genes. This leads to two possible evolutionary scenarios: either medusozoans evolved their complex medusa life stage (with concomitant shifts into new ecological niches) primarily by re-working genetic pathways already present in the last common ancestor of cnidarians, or the earliest cnidarians had a medusa life stage, which was subsequently lost in the anthozoans. While we favour the earlier hypothesis, the latter is consistent with growing evidence that many of the earliest animals were more physically complex than previously hypothesized

    Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties ofβ-MnO2nanorods

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    We present synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of structurally well-ordered single-crystalline β-MnO2nanorods of 50–100 nm diameter and several µm length. Thorough structural characterization shows that the basic β-MnO2material is covered by a thin surface layer (∼2.5 nm) of α-Mn2O3phase with a reduced Mn valence that adds its own magnetic signal to the total magnetization of the β-MnO2nanorods. The relatively complicated temperature-dependent magnetism of the nanorods can be explained in terms of a superposition of bulk magnetic properties of spatially segregated β-MnO2and α-Mn2O3constituent phases and the soft ferromagnetism of the thin interface layer between these two phases

    Understanding the errors of SHAPE-directed RNA structure modeling

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    Single-nucleotide-resolution chemical mapping for structured RNA is being rapidly advanced by new chemistries, faster readouts, and coupling to computational algorithms. Recent tests have shown that selective 2'-hydroxyl acylation by primer extension (SHAPE) can give near-zero error rates (0-2%) in modeling the helices of RNA secondary structure. Here, we benchmark the method using six molecules for which crystallographic data are available: tRNA(phe) and 5S rRNA from Escherichia coli, the P4-P6 domain of the Tetrahymena group I ribozyme, and ligand-bound domains from riboswitches for adenine, cyclic di-GMP, and glycine. SHAPE-directed modeling of these highly structured RNAs gave an overall false negative rate (FNR) of 17% and a false discovery rate (FDR) of 21%, with at least one helix prediction error in five of the six cases. Extensive variations of data processing, normalization, and modeling parameters did not significantly mitigate modeling errors. Only one varation, filtering out data collected with deoxyinosine triphosphate during primer extension, gave a modest improvement (FNR = 12%, and FDR = 14%). The residual structure modeling errors are explained by the insufficient information content of these RNAs' SHAPE data, as evaluated by a nonparametric bootstrapping analysis. Beyond these benchmark cases, bootstrapping suggests a low level of confidence (<50%) in the majority of helices in a previously proposed SHAPE-directed model for the HIV-1 RNA genome. Thus, SHAPE-directed RNA modeling is not always unambiguous, and helix-by-helix confidence estimates, as described herein, may be critical for interpreting results from this powerful methodology.Comment: Biochemistry, Article ASAP (Aug. 15, 2011

    Measurement of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> within living drosophila during aging using a ratiometric mass spectrometry probe targeted to the mitochondrial matrix

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    Hydrogen peroxide (H&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;O&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;) is central to mitochondrial oxidative damage and redox signaling, but its roles are poorly understood due to the difficulty of measuring mitochondrial H&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;O&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; in vivo. Here we report a ratiometric mass spectrometry probe approach to assess mitochondrial matrix H&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;O&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; levels in vivo. The probe, MitoB, comprises a triphenylphosphonium (TPP) cation driving its accumulation within mitochondria, conjugated to an arylboronic acid that reacts with H&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;O&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; to form a phenol, MitoP. Quantifying the MitoP/MitoB ratio by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry enabled measurement of a weighted average of mitochondrial H&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;O&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; that predominantly reports on thoracic muscle mitochondria within living flies. There was an increase in mitochondrial H&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;O&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; with age in flies, which was not coordinately altered by interventions that modulated life span. Our findings provide approaches to investigate mitochondrial ROS in vivo and suggest that while an increase in overall mitochondrial H&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;O&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; correlates with aging, it may not be causative


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    DOI: 10.2478 Available on-line at: http://www.bulletinofgeography.umk.pl http://versita.com/bgssThis article presents the spatial and population density changes in Polish towns in the years 1960–2003. The assumed time frame allowed identifying area changes for a complete set of towns in different socio-economic conditions: the period of intense industrialisation, the economic crisis of the 1980s, the period of economic transition and finally in the years of a market economy. The investigation revealed that the trend shown by changes and the size of a town as measured by the number of its population are distinctly interrelated. It also demonstrated a much stronger dynamics of changes in the first subperiod, i.e. years 1960–1985, followed by a phase of relative stabilization (compared with the previous period) after the year 1980 (mainly of the spatial changes). Moreover, change intensity and change trends observed for the urban areas and population densities vary considerably in terms of space

    Honey as a complementary medicine

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    The beneficial effects of honey on human health have long been recognized. Today, many of those positive effects have been studied to elucidate its mode of action. This review briefly summarizes the best studied features of honey, highlighting it as an appealing alternative medicine. In these reports, the health benefits of honey range from antioxidant, immunomodulatory, and anti-inflammatory activity to anticancer action, metabolic and cardiovascular benefits, prebiotic properties, human pathogen control, and antiviral activity. These studies also support that the honey's biological activity is mainly dependent on its floral or geographic origin. In addition, some promising synergies between honey and antibiotics have been found, as well as some antiviral properties that require further investigation. Altogether, these studies show that honey is effectively a nutraceutical foodstuff.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Unveiling the complexity of the maize transcriptome by single-molecule long-read sequencing

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    Zea mays is an important genetic model for elucidating transcriptional networks. Uncertainties about the complete structure of mRNA transcripts limit the progress of research in this system. Here, using single-molecule sequencing technology, we produce 111,151 transcripts from 6 tissues capturing approximately 70% of the genes annotated in maize RefGen_v3 genome. A large proportion of transcripts (57%) represent novel, sometimes tissue-specific, isoforms of known genes and 3% correspond to novel gene loci. In other cases, the identified transcripts have improved existing gene models. Averaging across all six tissues, 90% of the splice junctions are supported by short reads from matched tissues. In addition, we identified a large number of novel long non-coding RNAs and fusion transcripts and found that DNA methylation plays an important role in generating various isoforms. Our results show that characterization of the maize B73 transcriptome is far from complete, and that maize gene expression is more complex than previously thought