492 research outputs found

    Monitoring ClimecoVent-systeem in de praktijk - Technisch, teeltkundig en economisch onderzoek naar een energiezuinige kas bij kwekerij Grenspaal B.V.

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    De tomatentelers Noud en Roy Steegh zijn in januari 2009 op kwekerij Grenspaal te Wellerlooi (L) gestart met een nieuwe kas, voorzien van het ClimecoVent-systeem. Met het ClimecoVent-systeem wordt beoogd zodanig energie te besparen dat de warmtevraag bij een tomatenteelt neerkomt op een aardgasverbruik van 25 tot 30 m3/m2. De productiedoelen liggen gelijk aan die van een standaard tomatenteelt. Gezien het innovatieve en energiezuinige karakter van het ClimecoVent-systeem, heeft Wageningen UR in samenwerking met Climeco het systeem bij kwekerij Grenspaal over een tijdsspanne van ruim een jaar gemonitord in opdracht van het programma “Kas als Energiebron”. Doordat minder gas is gebruikt voor de verwarming van de kas is ook minder CO2 beschikbaar. In combinatie met de schaduwwerking van het extra scherm zou hiermee mogen worden verwacht dat het productieniveau achterblijft, maar dat is niet gebleken

    Thermal Enhancement of Cellular Radiation Damage: A Review of Complementary and Synergistic Effects

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    Hyperthermia treatment can kill mammalian cells in a time and temperature dependent manner. Thermal sensitivity varies extensively among various cell lines in culture and cellular molecular and ultrastructural studies have not resolved which cellular mechanisms underlie thermal cell killing and radiosensitization. The response of cells to heat and radiation are complementary under certain conditions found in human tumors, such as hypoxia, low pH, low nutrient and the S-phase of the cell cycle. Thus, hyperthermia can be used as a complementary treatment modality in the radiotherapy of human cancer. Further studies show that heat treatment causes radiosensitization which is in part associated with the inhibition of repair of radiation damage and is strongly dependent on temperature and on the sequencing. In addition, the conditions such as pH and oxygenation during treatment sequencing can influence the degree of recovery of cells. These factors may be exploited in optimizing therapeutic gain in clinical cancer therapy. Data are shown that transformation from the normal to the tumorigenic state causes random small changes in radiosensitivity and heat sensitivity. Also, treatments combining heat and radiation can lead to increased or decreased transformation in cells depending on the treatment sequence

    Het Nieuwe Telen Courgette: Effecten van een nieuw teeltconcept op kasklimaat en energiegebruik

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    Voor courgette kunnen verschillende onderdelen van Het Nieuwe Telen worden toegepast om te besparen op de warmtevraag. Een beweegbaar scherm is al snel rendabel, en bij vroege teelten is daarnaast ook een vast folie aan te raden. Doordat courgette relatief tolerant is voor een hoge luchtvochtigheid, is een installatie die droge buitenlucht inblaast hier nauwelijks rendabel

    Belichting bij sla : economische haalbaarheidsstudie

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    PT nummer 12521-0

    The Effect of Colcemid on the Heat Survival of Mitotic V79 Chinese Hamster Cells

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    V79 Chinese hamster cells were collected by colcemid addition to study the effect of heat on mitosis. When they were heated at 42°C and 45°C in the presence of 0.06 μg/mL colcemid, cell survival increased over the control samples, which were heated in ordinary medium. Scanning electron microscopy showed that cells heated to 45°C in the presence or absence of colcemid had fewer microvilli on the surface, but they did not have increased bleb formation. Transmission electron microscopy showed that the chromatin was diffuse in the heated cells and the kinetochores were indistinct. The mitochondria in the heated cells were also swollen and contained visible particles

    Future observational and modelling needs identified on the basis of the existing shelf data

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    NOWESP has compiled a vast quantity of existing data from the North-West European Shelf. Such a focused task is without precedence. It is now highly recommended that one, or a few national and international data centres or agencies should be chosen and properly supported by the EU, where all available observational data, including the NOWESP data, are collected, stored, regularly updated by the providers of the data, and made available to the researchers. International agreement must be reached on the quality control procedures and quality standards for data to be stored in these data bases. Proper arrangements should be made to preserve the economic value of the data for their "owners" without compromising use of the data by researchers or duplicating data collecting efforts. The continental shelf data needed are concentration fields of temperature, salinity, nutrients, suspended matter and chlorophyll, which can be called "climatological" fields. For this purpose at least one monthly survey on the whole European shelf is needed at least during five years, with a proper spatial resolution e.g. 1 degree by 1 degree, and at least in those areas where climatological data are now totally lacking. From the modelling point of view an alternative would be the availability of data from sufficiently representative fixed stations on the shelf, with weekly sampling for several years

    Histological Chages of Testis and Caput Epididymis in the Goat after Cannulation of the Rete Testis

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    雄ヤギ5頭を用い, 精巣網カテーテル装着手術後の精巣および精巣上体頭の組織構造を観察するとともに精巣静脈血中のテストステロン濃度を調べた。カテーテル装着手術後の精巣は, いずれも萎縮し, 正常な精子形成過程が観察される精細管は少なかった。また, ライディヒ細胞の形態や染色性には異常は認められなかった。一方, 精巣上体頭では, 精巣上体管が萎縮し, 主細胞の高さは無傷のものよりも有意に減少した。同様の組織構造の変化は, 精巣輸出管を切除した場合の精巣および精巣上体頭でも認められた。精巣静脈血中のテストステロン濃度は無傷の場合94.4ng/mlであり, カテーテル装着手術後では86.5∿342.8ng/mlであった。 / The testis and caput epididymis of the goat after cannulation of the rete testis or efferentiectomy were examined histologically. The concentration of testosterone in testicular venous blood collected from the same animals was also measured by radioimmunoassay. After cannulation, seminiferous tubules showed a sign of degeneration, although no morphological change of Leydig cells was observed. Epididymal ducts were severely atrophied and the height of principal epithelial cells was significantly decreased. A similar damage was observed in the testis and epididymis after efferentiectomy. When the efferent duct bundle had been incompletely ligated at cannulation, or rete testis catheter was kept in place until sampling time, damages in the testis were less severe. And in the former case the epididymis was impaired less severely. The concentration of testosterone in testicular venous blood collected from an intact animal was 94.4ng/ml, while that obtained after cannulation was 86.5-342.8ng/ml. These results suggest that degeneration of germ cells in seminiferous tubules observed after cannulation of the rete testis or efferentiectomy may be caused by stagnation of rete testicular fluid in the tubules, and that testosterone in the fluid plays important roles in the maintenance of morphology and function of the principal cells in the caput epididymis