2,546 research outputs found

    Synoptic/planetary-scale interactions and blocking over the North Atlantic Ocean

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    One segment of work in the past year focused on the diagnosis of a major blocking anticyclone and its interacting synoptic scale circulations that occurred during January 1979 over the North Atlantic Ocean. Another segment focused on the diagnosis of a second explosive cyclone development that occurred over the southeastern United States during the time of block formation. The diagnoses were accomplished using the diagnostic relationship known as the Zwack-Okossi (Z-O) development equation. Results indicate that in both cyclone cases the development occurred as a result of the favorable influence of positive vorticity advection, warm air advection, and latent heat release and ceased when one or more of these influences diminished. The advantages of the Z-O equation are described

    Slip statistics of dislocation avalanches under different loading modes

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    Slowly compressed microcrystals deform via intermittent slip events, observed as displacement jumps or stress drops. Experiments often use one of two loading modes: an increasing applied stress (stress driven, soft), or a constant strain rate (strain driven, hard). In this work we experimentally test the influence of the deformation loading conditions on the scaling behavior of slip events. It is found that these common deformation modes strongly affect time series properties, but not the scaling behavior of the slip statistics when analyzed with a mean-field model. With increasing plastic strain, the slip events are found to be smaller and more frequent when strain driven, and the slip-size distributions obtained for both drives collapse onto the same scaling function with the same exponents. The experimental results agree with the predictions of the used mean-field model, linking the slip behavior under different loading modes

    Synoptic/planetary-scale interactions and blocking over the North Atlantic Ocean

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    Work was completed on the height tendency diagnoses of two extratropical cyclones that occurred upstream from the blocking event studied previously. One developed explosively over water 60 to 36 hours before the block first appeared, while the second developed explosively over the southeastern United States during the time of block formation. In both cases, both vorticity and temperature advection were consistently important forcing mechanisms. This is in contrast to the block itself, in which vorticity advection was easily the dominant forcing mechanism. Latent heat release was also significant, accounting for about 50 percent of the total height falls in the cyclone below 850 mb. Estimates of latent heat release were greatly enhanced by coupling parameterized estimates with values derived from GOES IR data using an algorithm developed by Marshall's F. R. Robertson. Among the difficulties encountered in this work was the identification of an appropriate lower boundary condition for the solution of the height tendency equation. The zero value currently used tends to yield underestimates of the lower troposphere height tendencies. To address this problem a new diagnostic technique was developed in cooperation with Dr. Peter Zwack of the University of Quebec at Montreal. Based on an equation Dr. Zwack had previously developed (the Zwack-Okossi development equation), researchers now have a relationship that is completely consistent with the height tendency equation and provides estimates of lower boundary geostrophic vorticity or height tendencies. Finally, comparison of the SAT (satellite data) and NOSAT (no satellite data) analyses is progressing well. The present focus is on both the new diagnostic technique and the SAT/NOSAT comparisons. The former is being tested on the southeastern United States cyclone case previously mentioned and compared with the height tendency diagnoses already completed. The latter are being examined for the blocking case described in the publications cited in this summary. In addition to obtaining statistics that will allow general comparison of the two analyses, it will be possible to determine whether conclusions about the dynamics of the block development are influenced by the analysis set used

    Development of forest structure and leaf area in secondary forests regenerating on abandoned pastures in Central Amazonia

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    The area of secondary forest (SF) regenerating from pastures is increasing in the Amazon basin; however, the return of forest and canopy structure following abandonment is not well understood. This study examined the development of leaf area index (LAI), canopy cover, aboveground biomass, stem density, diameter at breast height (DBH), and basal area ( BA) by growth form and diameter class for 10 SFs regenerating from abandoned pastures. Biomass accrual was tree dominated, constituting >= 94% of the total measured biomass in all forests abandoned >= 4 to 6 yr. Vine biomass increased with forest age, but its relative contribution to total biomass decreased with time. The forests were dominated by the tree Vismia spp. (> 50%). Tree stem density peaked after 6 to 8 yr ( 10 320 stems per hectare) before declining by 42% in the 12- to 14-yr-old SFs. Small-diameter tree stems in the 1-5-cm size class composed > 58% of the total stems for all forests. After 12 to 14 yr, there was no significant leaf area below 150-cm height. Leaf area return (LAI = 3.2 after 12 to 14 yr) relative to biomass was slower than literature-reported recovery following slash-and-burn, where LAI can reach primary forest levels ( LAI = 4 - 6) in 5 yr. After 12 to 14 yr, the colonizing vegetation returned some components of forest structure to values reported for primary forest. Basal area and LAI were 50% - 60%, canopy cover and stem density were nearly 100%, and the rapid tree-dominated biomass accrual was 25% - 50% of values reported for primary forest. Biomass accumulation may reach an asymptote earlier than expected because of even-aged, monospecific, untiered stand structure. The very slow leaf area accumulation relative to biomass and to reported values for recovery following slash-and-burn indicates a different canopy development pathway that warrants further investigation of causes ( e. g., nutrient limitations, competition) and effects on processes such as evapotranspiration and soil water uptake, which would influence long-term recovery rates and have regional implications

    Ökologischer Weinbau in Deutschland - Feldversuche und praktische Erfahrungen zur Kupferreduzierung

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    Ableitend aus dem aktuellen Kenntnisstand, den vorgestellten Ergebnissen und vielfältigen Erfahrungen aus der Praxis muss festgestellt werden, dass derzeit keine praxisreifen Kupferersatzstoffe aus den Bereichen anorganische Salze, Pflanzenextrakte und biologische Antagonisten zur Verfügung stehen. Die im Rahmen der vorgestellten Versuche mit einem unformulierten Präparat des biologischen Antagonisten von Plasmopara viticola, Erwinia herbicola, erzielten Ergebnisse machen den Forschungsbedarf in diesem Sektor deutlich. Die Wirkungspotentiale von Erwinia herbicola konnten mit dem unformulierten Versuchsprodukt bei gleichzeitig starkem Infektionsdruck und den realisierten Applikationsintervallen nicht ausgeschöpft werden. Gute Ergebnisse beim Einsatz von Erwinia herbicola Anfang der 90er Jahre belegen die Wirksamkeit dieses Antagonisten, wobei besonders durch entsprechende Formulierung Wirkungssteigerungen erreicht wurden. Um die Existenz des europäischen Bioweinbaus sicherzustellen ist der Erhalt bestimmter Kupferverbindungen im Anhang II der EU-VO 2092/91 derzeit unverzichtbar. Weiterhin ist aufgrund der klimatisch bedingten, an Stärke zunehmenden Infektionsereignisse durch Plasmopara viticola eine Reduzierung der Aufwandmengen unter 3 kg/ha und Jahr in der Praxis nicht vorstellbar. Möglichkeiten zu einer weiteren nationalen Reduzierung des Kupfereinsatzes (< 3 kg/ha) bei hohem Befallsdruck wären derzeit nur nach einer Wiederzulassung von phosphithaltigen Präparaten durch die BBA (Ökofluid-P und Robus sind derzeit nicht als Pflanzenstärkungsmittel registriert) gegeben und im Sinne der Praxis verantwortbar, wobei die Akzeptanz dieser Präparate durch die Bioanbauverbände gegeben sein müsste. Bei einer Eingruppierung als Pflanzenschutzmittel wäre eine Aufnahme in den Anhang II der EU Verordnung zu beantragen. Bereits bekannte Ergebnisse aus den 90er Jahren und aktuelle Untersuchungen zu Phosphonatrückständen in den Weinen aus den vorgestellten Versuchen sowie weiteren Proben aus der Praxis belegen die bestehende Rückstandsproblematik. Aktuell laufende Untersuchungen weisen jedoch darauf hin, dass dieser Problematik durch eine Begrenzung des Einsatzes bis in den Bereich des Entwicklungsstadiums „Erbsengröße“ (BBCH 75) sowie den Einsatz von Präparaten mit geringerer Phosphonatkonzentration deutlich entgegengewirkt werden kann. Die Untersuchungen hierzu sind noch nicht abgeschlossen und werden fortgesetzt

    Neurotensin: immunohistochemical localization in rat central nervous system.

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    Kupferreduzierung im ökologischen Weinbau in Deutschland Feldversuche und praktische Erfahrungen

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    Für den ökologischen Weinbau im Rahmen der EU-Verordnunbg 2092/91 und den nationalen Richtlinien der Verbände des ökologischen Landbaus stellt die Bekämpfung der eingeschleppten Pilzkrankheiten Peronospora viticola und Oidium tuckeri weiterhin die größte Herausforderung dar. Dabei liegt die größte Problematik weiterhin innerhalb der Bekämpfung des falschen Mehltaus. Tonpräparate (Mycosin, Ulmasud) zeigen oft nur in der Vorblütephase oder bei sehr geringem Befallsdruck einen ausreichenden Bekämpfungserfolg

    Non-collinear magnetism in Al-Mn topologically disordered systems

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    We have performed the first ab-initio calculations of a possible complex non-collinear magnetic structure in aluminium-rich Al-Mn liquids within the real-space tight-binding LMTO method. In our previous work we predicted the existence of large magnetic moments in Al-Mn liquids [A.M. Bratkovsky, A.V. Smirnov, D. N. Manh, and A. Pasturel, \prb {\bf 52}, 3056 (1995)] which has been very recently confirmed experimentally. Our present calculations show that there is a strong tendency for the moments on Mn to have a non-collinear (random) order retaining their large value of about 3~μB\mu_B. The d-electrons on Mn demonstrate a pronounced non-rigid band behaviour which cannot be reproduced within a simple Stoner picture. The origin of the magnetism in these systems is a topological disorder which drives the moments formation and frustrates their directions in the liquid phase.Comment: 10 pages, RevTex 3.0, 24kb. 3 PS figures available on request from [email protected] The work has been presented at ERC ``Electronic Structire of Solids'' (Lunteren, The Netherlands, 9-14 September 1995

    Photon strength distributions in stable even-even molybdenum isotopes

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    Electromagnetic dipole-strength distributions up to the particle separation energies are studied for the stable even-even nuclides 92,94,96,98,100^{92,94,96,98,100}Mo in photon scattering experiments at the superconducting electron accelerator ELBE of the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. The influence of inelastic transitions to low-lying excited states has been corrected by a simulation of γ\gamma cascades using a statistical model. After corrections for branching ratios of ground-state transitions, the photon-scattering cross-sections smoothly connect to data obtained from (γ,n)(\gamma,n)-reactions. With the newly determined electromagnetic dipole response of nuclei well below the particle separation energies the parametrisation of the isovector giant-dipole resonance is done with improved precision.Comment: Proceedings Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics 3, March 2007, Dresden Journal of Physics G, IOP Publishin

    Elastic Resistance Effectiveness on Increasing Strength of Shoulders and Hips

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    Elastic resistance is a common training method used to gain strength. Currently, progression with elastic resistance is based on the perceived exertion of the exercise or completion of targeted repetitions; exact resistance is typically unknown. This study\u27s objective is to determine if knowledge of load during elastic resistance exercise will increase strength gains during exercises. Participants were randomized into two strength training groups, elastic resistance only and elastic resistance using a load cell (LC) that displays force during exercise. The LC group used a Smart Handle (Patterson Medical Supply, Chicago, IL) to complete all exercises. Each participant completed the same exercises three times weekly for 8 weeks. The LC group was provided with a set load for exercises whereas the elastic resistance only group was not. Participant\u27s strength was tested at baseline and program completion, measuring isometric strength for shoulder abduction (SAb), shoulder external rotation (SER), hip abduction (HAb), and hip extension (HEx). Independent t-tests were used to compare the normalized torques between groups. No significant differences were found between groups. Shoulder strength gains did not differ between groups (SAb p\u3e0.05; SER p\u3e0.05). Hip strength gains did not differ between groups (HAb p\u3e0.05; HEx p\u3e0.05). Both groups increased strength due to individual supervision, constantly evaluating degree of difficulty associated with exercise and providing feedback while using elastic resistance. Using a LC is as effective as supervised training and could provide value in a clinic setting when patients are working unsupervised