4,961 research outputs found

    Preliminary Investigations of Early Proterozoic western River and Burnside River Formations : Evidence For Foredeep Origin of Kilohigok Basin, District of Mackenzie

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    In the Kilohigok Basin, the Western River and Burnside River formations comprise three successively overlying tectono-stratigraphic sedimentary units of regional extent: a basal shallow water siliciclastic/carbonate platform, overlain by deepwater flysch, in turn overlain by shallow marine and fluvial molasse. This stratigraphy represents an initial stable shelf (passive margin?) whose outer, southerly edge rapidly subsided contemporaneous with arching and subaerial exposure of its interior. Shelf drowning represents the onset of foredeep subsidence subparallel to the trend of Thelon Tectonic Zone. Arching and subsidence were perpendicular to the tectonic transport direction of intrabasinal nappes. indicating that convergence and uplift a long Thelon Tectonic Zone were probably responsible for foredeep subsidence within Ki lohigok Basin. Following drowning, the platform was buried by deepwater deposits ( flysch); with progressive uplift and basin filling, the foredeep entered the molasse phase and fluvial sediments prograded towards the foreland. The foredeep model places constraints on the origin of Thelon Tectonic Zone and provides a more comprehensive understanding of the tectonic evolution of the Slave Province and its relation to the Wopmay Orogen

    The topological structure of scaling limits of large planar maps

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    We discuss scaling limits of large bipartite planar maps. If p is a fixed integer strictly greater than 1, we consider a random planar map M(n) which is uniformly distributed over the set of all 2p-angulations with n faces. Then, at least along a suitable subsequence, the metric space M(n) equipped with the graph distance rescaled by the factor n to the power -1/4 converges in distribution as n tends to infinity towards a limiting random compact metric space, in the sense of the Gromov-Hausdorff distance. We prove that the topology of the limiting space is uniquely determined independently of p, and that this space can be obtained as the quotient of the Continuum Random Tree for an equivalence relation which is defined from Brownian labels attached to the vertices. We also verify that the Hausdorff dimension of the limit is almost surely equal to 4.Comment: 45 pages Second version with minor modification

    Utilisation de la Réalité Virtuelle en neuropsychologie clinique

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    Dans cet article, les principales applications des techniques de Réalité Virtuelle en clinique neuropsychologique sont examinées. Il s\u27agit, d\u27une part, de l\u27aide à l\u27évaluation des troubles cognitifs et comportementaux secondaires aux lésions du système nerveux central et, d\u27autre part, des perspectives ouvertes dans le champ de la prise en charge rééducative de ces déficits. Ces données cliniques et expérimentales permettent de discuter l\u27intérêt et les limites de l\u27utilisation de ces techniques

    On the Solution of the Number-Projected Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Equations

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    The numerical solution of the recently formulated number-projected Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov equations is studied in an exactly soluble cranked-deformed shell model Hamiltonian. It is found that the solution of these number-projected equations involve similar numerical effort as that of bare HFB. We consider that this is a significant progress in the mean-field studies of the quantum many-body systems. The results of the projected calculations are shown to be in almost complete agreement with the exact solutions of the model Hamiltonian. The phase transition obtained in the HFB theory as a function of the rotational frequency is shown to be smeared out with the projection.Comment: RevTeX, 11 pages, 3 figures. To be published in a special edition of Physics of Atomic Nuclei (former Sov. J. Nucl. Phys.) dedicated to the 90th birthday of A.B. Migda

    A simple proof of Duquesne's theorem on contour processes of conditioned Galton-Watson trees

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    We give a simple new proof of a theorem of Duquesne, stating that the properly rescaled contour function of a critical aperiodic Galton-Watson tree, whose offspring distribution is in the domain of attraction of a stable law of index θ(1,2]\theta \in (1,2], conditioned on having total progeny nn, converges in the functional sense to the normalized excursion of the continuous-time height function of a strictly stable spectrally positive L\'evy process of index θ\theta. To this end, we generalize an idea of Le Gall which consists in using an absolute continuity relation between the conditional probability of having total progeny exactly nn and the conditional probability of having total progeny at least nn. This new method is robust and can be adapted to establish invariance theorems for Galton-Watson trees having nn vertices whose degrees are prescribed to belong to a fixed subset of the positive integers.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures. Published versio

    Les phénomènes de dépendance à l’environnement: réflexions sur l’autonomie humaine à partir de la clinique neurologique

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    Dans cet article, nous proposons d’analyser la perte d’autonomie caractérisée par les phénomènes de dépendance à l’environnement observés chez certains patients neurologiques présentant des lésions des lobes frontaux. Des propositions théoriques issues de la neuropsychologie cognitive et de la théorie de la médiation sont développées et confrontées. La démarche offre l’occasion, au plan théorique, de questionner la détérioration possible du système de la personne suite à des lésions cérébrales et, au plan méthodologique, d’interroger notre manière d’examiner ces patients en confrontant les modèles théoriques aux observations clinique

    Multicritical continuous random trees

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    We introduce generalizations of Aldous' Brownian Continuous Random Tree as scaling limits for multicritical models of discrete trees. These discrete models involve trees with fine-tuned vertex-dependent weights ensuring a k-th root singularity in their generating function. The scaling limit involves continuous trees with branching points of order up to k+1. We derive explicit integral representations for the average profile of this k-th order multicritical continuous random tree, as well as for its history distributions measuring multi-point correlations. The latter distributions involve non-positive universal weights at the branching points together with fractional derivative couplings. We prove universality by rederiving the same results within a purely continuous axiomatic approach based on the resolution of a set of consistency relations for the multi-point correlations. The average profile is shown to obey a fractional differential equation whose solution involves hypergeometric functions and matches the integral formula of the discrete approach.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figures, uses lanlmac, hyperbasics, eps

    Random trees between two walls: Exact partition function

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    We derive the exact partition function for a discrete model of random trees embedded in a one-dimensional space. These trees have vertices labeled by integers representing their position in the target space, with the SOS constraint that adjacent vertices have labels differing by +1 or -1. A non-trivial partition function is obtained whenever the target space is bounded by walls. We concentrate on the two cases where the target space is (i) the half-line bounded by a wall at the origin or (ii) a segment bounded by two walls at a finite distance. The general solution has a soliton-like structure involving elliptic functions. We derive the corresponding continuum scaling limit which takes the remarkable form of the Weierstrass p-function with constrained periods. These results are used to analyze the probability for an evolving population spreading in one dimension to attain the boundary of a given domain with the geometry of the target (i) or (ii). They also translate, via suitable bijections, into generating functions for bounded planar graphs.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, tex, harvmac, epsf; accepted version; main modifications in Sect. 5-6 and conclusio

    Onset of T=0 Pairing and Deformations in High Spin States of the N=Z Nucleus 48Cr

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    The yrast line of the N=Z nucleus 48Cr is studied up to high spins by means of the cranked Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov method including the T=0 and T=1 isospin pairing channels. A Skyrme force is used in the mean-field channel together with a zero-range density-dependent interaction in the pairing channels. The extensions of the method needed to incorporate the neutron-proton pairing are summarized. The T=0 pairing correlations are found to play a decisive role for deformation properties and excitation energies above 16hbar which is the maximum spin that can be obtained in the f7/2 subshell.Comment: LaTeX, 4 ps figure