98 research outputs found

    Co-word maps of biotechnology: an example of cognitive scientometrics

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    To analyse developments of scientific fields, scientometrics provides useful tools, provided one is prepared to take the content of scientific articles into account. Such cognitive scientometrics is illustrated by using as data a ten-year period of articles from a biotechnology core journal. After coding with key-words, the relations between articles are brought out by co-word analysis. Maps of the field are given, showing connections between areas and their change over time, and with respect to the institutions in which research is performed. In addition, other approaches are explored, including an indicator of lsquotheoretical levelrsquo of bodies of articles

    Vortex sorter for Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We have designed interferometers that sort Bose-Einstein condensates into their vortex components. The Bose-Einstein condensates in the two arms of the interferometer are rotated with respect to each other through fixed angles; different vortex components then exit the interferometer in different directions. The method we use to rotate the Bose-Einstein condensates involves asymmetric phase imprinting and is itself new. We have modelled rotation through fixed angles and sorting into vortex components with even and odd values of the topological charge of 2-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates in a number of states (pure or superposition vortex states for different values of the scattering length). Our scheme may have applications for quantum information processing.Comment: 4 pages, high resolution figures can be obtained from the author

    Robust interferometer for the routing of light beams carrying orbital angular momentum

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    We have developed an interferometer requiring only minimal angular alignment for the routing of beams carrying orbital angular momentum. The Mach–Zehnder interferometer contains a Dove prism in each arm where each has a mirror plane around which the transverse phase profile is inverted. One consequence of the inversions is that the interferometer needs no alignment. Instead the interferometer defines a unique axis about which the input beam must be coupled. Experimental results are presented for the fringe contrast, reaching a maximum value of 93±1%

    L’induction non-verbale par les objets dans le cadre d’un collectif

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    Introduction La psychologie de l’induction n’a pas la place qui lui revient. Elle est, le plus souvent, cantonnĂ©e Ă  quelques aspects spĂ©cialisĂ©s de la psychologie : l’induction cognitive en psychologie de l’invention (et en Ă©pistĂ©mologie), l’induction en technique d’interview pour la recherche d’associations, l’induction hypnotique. Son Ă©tude est reprise actuellement, en sciences de l’information notamment, entre autres sous la notion de processus de communication. Un colloque vient de lui ĂȘt..

    Fourier transforming a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate by waiting a quarter of the trap period: simulation and applications

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    We investigate the property of isotropic harmonic traps to Fourier transform a weakly interacting Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) every quarter of a trap period. We solve the Gross–Pitaevskii equation numerically to investigate the time evolution of interacting BECs in the context of the Fourier transform, and we suggest potential applications

    Optical angular momentum in a rotating frame

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    It is well established that light carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM) can be used to induce a mechanical torque causing an object to spin. We consider the complementary scenario: will an observer spinning relative to the beam axis measure a change in OAM as a result of their rotational velocity? Remarkably, although a linear Doppler shift changes the linear momentum of a photon, the angular Doppler shift induces no change in the angular momentum. Further, we examine the rotational Doppler shift in frequency imparted to the incident light due to the relative motion of the beam with respect to the observer and consider what must happen to the measured wavelength if the speed of light c is to remain constant. We show specifically that the OAM of the incident beam is not affected by the rotating observer and that the measured wavelength is shifted by a factor equal and opposite to that of the frequency shift induced by the rotational Doppler effect

    Instabilities of Higher-Order Parametric Solitons. Filamentation versus Coalescence

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    We investigate stability and dynamics of higher-order solitary waves in quadratic media, which have a central peak and one or more surrounding rings. We show existence of two qualitatively different behaviours. For positive phase mismatch the rings break up into filaments which move radially to initial ring. For sufficient negative mismatches rings are found to coalesce with central peak, forming a single oscillating filament.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Simulation of superresolution holography for optical tweezers

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    Optical tweezers manipulate microscopic particles using foci of light beams. Their performance is therefore limited by diffraction. Using computer simulations of a model system, we investigate the application of superresolution holography for two-dimensional (2D) light shaping in optical tweezers, which can beat the diffraction limit. We use the direct-search and Gerchberg algorithms to shape the center of a light beam into one or two bright spots; we do not constrain the remainder of the beam. We demonstrate that superresolution algorithms can significantly improve the normalized stiffness of an optical trap and the minimum separation at which neighboring traps can be resolved. We also test if such algorithms can be used interactively, as is desirable in optical tweezers
