5,574 research outputs found

    Three-loop corrections to the lightest Higgs scalar boson mass in supersymmetry

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    I evaluate the largest three-loop corrections to the mass of the lightest Higgs scalar boson in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model in a mass-independent renormalization scheme, using effective field theory and renormalization group methods. The contributions found here are those that depend only on strong and Yukawa interactions and on the leading and next-to-leading logarithms of the ratio of a typical superpartner mass scale to the top quark mass. The approximation assumes that all superpartners and the other Higgs bosons can be treated as much heavier than the top quark, but does not assume their degeneracy. I also discuss the consistent addition of the three-loop corrections to a complete two-loop calculation.Comment: 9 page

    Three field tests of a gas filter correlation radiometer

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    Test flights to remotely measure nonurban carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations by gas filter correlation radiometry are discussed. The inferred CO concentrations obtained through use of the Gas Filter Correlation Radiometer (GFCR) agreed with independent measurements obtained by gas chromatography air sample bottle analysis to within 20 percent. The equipment flown on board the aircraft, the flight test procedure, the gas chromatograph direct air sampling procedure, and the GFCR data analysis procedure are reported

    QLC relation and neutrino mass hierarchy

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    Latest measurements have revealed that the deviation from a maximal solar mixing angle is approximately the Cabibbo angle, i.e. QLC relation. We argue that it is not plausible that this deviation from maximality, be it a coincidence or not, comes from the charged lepton mixing. Consequently we have calculated the required corrections to the exactly bimaximal neutrino mass matrix ansatz necessary to account for the solar mass difference and the solar mixing angle. We point out that the relative size of these two corrections depends strongly on the hierarchy case under consideration. We find that the inverted hierarchy case with opposite CP parities, which is known to guarantee the RGE stability of the solar mixing angle, offers the most plausible scenario for a high energy origin of a QLC-corrected bimaximal neutrino mass matrix. This possibility may allow us to explain the QLC relation in connection with the origin of the charged fermion mass matrices.Comment: 7 pages, 0 figure

    Reverse magnetic anomaly controlled by Permian Igneous rocks in the Iberian Chain (N Spain)

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    Two important reverse dipolar magnetic anomalies in the Iberian Chain (Spain) are located over Permian igneous rocks. A detailed study of one of them, the Loscos magnetic anomaly, where the geological structure is well constrained, reveals that the source of the anomaly must be a reverse remanent magnetisation carried by igneous rocks, acquired during the period of the Kiaman reverse magnetic superchron. Magnetic and gravimetric detailed survey (with 50 new gravimetric measurements and 8 main magnetic profiles -six of them N–S and the rest E–Wwith a total length of 40km), together with a study of the petrophysical characteristics of igneous materials, data processing and interpretation (upward continuation, 2.5D modelling, etc.) allowed to characterize qualitatively the anomaly and its source. Two overlapping anomalies with different wavelength were identified, indicating the presence of a shallower strongly altered igneous body with heterogeneous magnetic properties, and a deeper, large igneous body, responsible for the main, long-wavelength anomaly

    Stability of Neutrino Mass Degeneracy

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    Two neutrinos of Majorana masses m1,2m_{1,2} with mixing angle θ\theta are unstable against radiative corrections in the limit m1=m2m_1 = m_2, but are stable for m1=m2m_1 = -m_2 (i.e. opposite CP eigenstates) with θ=45\theta = 45^\circ which corresponds to an additional symmetry.Comment: 7 pages, no figure, one reference adde

    Acaulon fontiquerianum Casas et Sérgio (Musci, Pottiaceae) nouveau pour la bryoflore du Portugal, de France et de Corse

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    Découverte au Portugal (Cabo Espichel), dans le sud-est de la France (Bouches-du RhBne: Crau, Var: environs de Pierrefeu) et en Corse méridionale (Bocca di Curali), d'Acaulon fontiquerianurn Casas et Sérgio récemment décrit d'Espagne. Aprbs un rappel des caracteres morphologiques et anatomiques tres particuliers de cet Acaulon, les spores de spécimens récoltés au Portugal et dans la Crau son illustrées (microscopie électronique 21 balayage). L'écologie d'Acaulon fontiquerianum dans les 5 nouvelles stations est précisée (substrat, végétation, bryophytes associées).Discovery in Portugal (Cabo Espichel), south-eastern France (Bouches-du-RhBne: Crau, Var: vicinity of Pierrefeu) and Corsica (Bocca di Curali) of Acaulon fontiquerianurn Casas et Sérgio, recently described from Spain. After a recapitulation of the very particular morphological and anatomical features of Acaulon fontiquerianum, the spores of specimens collected in Portugal and Crau are illustrated using S.E.M. The ecology of the moss in the 5 new stations is stated (substrate, vegetation, associated bryophytes)

    Bounds on the Higgs-Boson Mass in the Presence of Non-Standard Interactions

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    The triviality and vacuum stability bounds on the Higgs-boson mass are revisited in the presence of new interactions parameterized in a model-independent way by an effective lagrangian. When the scale of new physics is below 50 TeV the triviality bound is unchanged but the stability lower bound is increased by 40-60 GeV. Should the Higgs-boson mass be close to its current lower experimental limit, this leads to the possibility of new physics at the scale of a few TeV, even for modest values of the effective lagrangian parameters.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, RevTex, submitted to PR