797 research outputs found

    Simulation laser d'impacts de particules de très grande vitesse

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    Le laser au néodyme du GRECO I.L.M. délivrant des impulsions de l'ordre de 100 J en quelques ns, nous a permis de simuler des impacts de micrométéorites silicatées de quelques dixièmes de μg, de vitesse comprise entre 5 et 45 km/s, sur une cible d'aluminium. Les cratères produits dans la cible sont hémisphériques, et le rapport Km, de la masse éjectée sur la masse de la particule incidente simulée, varie avec la vitesse d'impact Vp selon la loi Km = 1,17 V 1,52p

    Recovery of surface reflectance spectra and evaluation of the optical depth of aerosols in the near-IR using a Monte-Carlo approach: Application to the OMEGA observations of high latitude regions of Mars

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    We present a model of radiative transfer through atmospheric particles based on Monte Carlo methods. This model can be used to analyze and remove the contribution of aerosols in remote sensing observations. We have developed a method to quantify the contribution of atmospheric dust in near-IR spectra of the Martian surface obtained by the OMEGA imaging spectrometer on board Mars Express. Using observations in the nadir pointing mode with significant differences in solar incidence angles, we can infer the optical depth of atmospheric dust, and we can retrieve the surface reflectance spectra free of aerosol contribution. Martian airborne dust properties are discussed and constrained from previous studies and OMEGA data. We have tested our method on a region at 90{\deg}E and 77{\deg}N extensively covered by OMEGA, where significant variations of the albedo of ice patches in the visible have been reported. The consistency between reflectance spectra of ice-covered and ice-free regions recovered at different incidence angles validates our approach. The optical depth of aerosols varies by a factor 3 in this region during the summer of Martian year 27. The observed brightening of ice patches does not result from frost deposition but from a decrease in the dust contamination of surface ice and (to a lower extent) from a decrease in the optical thickness of atmospheric dust. Our Monte Carlo-based model can be applied to recover the spectral reflectance characteristics of the surface from OMEGA spectral imaging data when the optical thickness of aerosols can be evaluated. It could prove useful for processing image cubes from the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO)

    Origin(s) of the local structures at the Philae landing site and possible implications on the formation and evolution of the 67P nucleus

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    The in situ images of the 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko nucleus acquired by the CIVA cameras on-board PHILAE revealed a rough, irregular and inhomogeneous terrains dominated by fractures and agglomerates of consolidated materials. While the composition of these materials is unknown, they provide unique structures to constrain the conditions prevailing at the surface of a comet and also possibly to the nucleus formation. A quantitative analysis of some microscopic structures (namely fractures and grains that look like pebbles) will be presented using a manual extraction from the CIVA data set with the software ArcGIS. Fractures/cracks are rather ubiquitous at various spatial scales with network and size (from sub-cm to 10 cm) well correlated to the texture of the landscape. The pebble size distribution are reasonably well fitted by power-laws having different cumulative indexes. The nature of the landscape of the landing site will be then discussed in relation to both endogenic and exogenic processes that could have sculpted it. The block seen in CIVA#1 is interpreted to be a close-up of fractured boulders/cliff belonging to the boulder field identified from the orbit near Abydos, this boulder field being itself the result of gravitational regressive erosion due to sublimation (Lucchetti et al. 2016). The observed fractures are best explained by thermal insolation leading to thermal fatigue and/or to loss of volatile materials (e.g., desiccation). This surficial fragmentation (up to >10 cm length) could generate macroscopic erosion that is also visible at larger scale from the orbit. While the pebbles are difficult to be formed by any current physical processes, there is at least an intriguing possibility that they are remnants of primordial accretion processes, as there are several lines of evidence that the nucleus could be primordial (Davidsson et al., 2016), and not a collisional rubble piles of a large body (Morbidelli and Rickman A&A, 2015). We thus speculate that the Abydos landscape could be in favour of pebble accretion model instead of runaway coagulation model with a formation location in the outer region of the Solar System

    Galactic Cosmic Rays from Supernova Remnants: II Shock Acceleration of Gas and Dust

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    This is the second paper (the first was astro-ph/9704267) of a series analysing the Galactic Cosmic Ray (GCR) composition and origin. In this we present a quantitative model of GCR origin and acceleration based on the acceleration of a mixture of interstellar and/or circumstellar gas and dust by supernova remnant blast waves. We present results from a nonlinear shock model which includes (i) the direct acceleration of interstellar gas-phase ions, (ii) a simplified model for the direct acceleration of weakly charged dust grains to energies of order 100keV/amu simultaneously with the gas ions, (iii) frictional energy losses of the grains colliding with the gas, (iv) sputtering of ions of refractory elements from the accelerated grains and (v) the further shock acceleration of the sputtered ions to cosmic ray energies. The calculated GCR composition and spectra are in good agreement with observations.Comment: to appear in ApJ, 51 pages, LaTeX with AAS macros, 9 postscript figures, also available from ftp://wonka.physics.ncsu.edu/pub/elliso

    Composition, Morphology, and Stratigraphy of Noachian Crust around the Isidis basin

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    Definitive exposures of pristine, ancient crust on Mars are rare, and the finding that much of the ancient Noachian terrain on Mars exhibits evidence of phyllosilicate alteration adds further complexity. We have analyzed high-resolution data from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in the well-exposed Noachian crust surrounding the Isidis basin. We focus on data from the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars as well as imaging data sets from High Resolution Imagine Science Experiment and Context Imager. These data show the lowermost unit of Noachian crust in this region is a complex, brecciated unit of diverse compositions. Breccia blocks consisting of unaltered mafic rocks together with rocks showing signatures of Fe/Mg-phyllosilicates are commonly observed. In regions of good exposure, layered or banded phyllosilicate-bearing breccia rocks are observed suggestive of pre-Isidis sedimentary deposits. In places, the phyllosilicate-bearing material appears as a matrix surrounding mafic blocks, and the mafic rocks show evidence of complex folded relationships possibly formed in the turbulent flow during emplacement of basin-scale ejecta. These materials likely include both pre-Isidis basement rocks as well as the brecciated products of the Isidis basin–forming event at 3.9 Ga. A banded olivine unit capped by a mafic unit covers a large topographic and geographic range from northwest of Nili Fossae to the southern edge of the Isidis basin. This olivine-mafic cap combination superimposes the phyllosilicate-bearing basement rocks and distinctly conforms to the underlying basement topography. This may be due to draping of the topography by a fluid or tectonic deformation of a previously flatter lying morphology. We interpret the draping, superposed olivine-mafic cap combination to be impact melt from the Isidis basin–forming event. While some distinct post-Isidis alteration is evident (carbonate, kaolinite, and serpentine), the persistence of olivine from the time of Isidis basin suggests that large-scale aqueous alteration processes had ceased by the time this unit was emplaced

    Testing evidence of recent hydration state change in sulfates on Mars

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    The East Candor Interior Layered Deposit (ILD) has signatures of mono‐ and polyhydrated sulfate in alternating layers that give insight into the processes which formed these layered deposits and on the environmental conditions acting on them since then. We use orbital data to explore multiple hypotheses for how these deposits formed: (1) sulfate‐bearing ILDs experience hydration changes on seasonal to a few years timescales under current Mars environmental conditions; (2) the deposits experience hydration under recent Mars conditions but require the wetter climate of high obliquity; and (3) the kieserite could be an original or diagenetic part of a complex evaporite mineral assemblage. Modeled climatology shows recent Mars environmental conditions might pass between multiple sulfate fields. However, comparison of Observatoire pour la Minéralogie, l'Eau, les Glaces et l'Activité (OMEGA) and Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer (CRISM) observations of the same ILD do not show changes in hydration over 2 Mars years. Low temperatures might slow the kinetics of that transition; it is likely that more clement conditions during periods of high obliquity are needed to overcome mineral metastability and hydrate kieserite‐bearing deposits. We find the alternate model, that the deposit is a cyclic evaporite sequence of mono‐ and polyhydrated sulfates, also plausible but with an unexplained dearth of Fe sulfates

    Yearly and seasonal variations of low albedo surfaces on Mars in the OMEGA/MEx dataset: Constraints on aerosols properties and dust deposits

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    The time variations of spectral properties of dark martian surface features are investigated using the OMEGA near-IR dataset. The analyzed period covers two Mars years, spanning from early 2004 to early 2008 (includes the 2007 global dust event). Radiative transfer modeling indicates that the apparent albedo variations of low to mid-latitude dark regions are consistent with those produced by the varying optical depth of atmospheric dust as measured simultaneously from the ground by the Mars Exploration Rovers. We observe only a few significant albedo changes that can be attributed to surface phenomena. They are small-scaled and located at the boundaries between bright and dark regions. We then investigate the variations of the mean particle size of aerosols using the evolution of the observed dark region spectra between 1 and 2.5 {\mu}m. Overall, we find that the observed changes in the spectral slope are consistent with a mean particle size of aerosols varying with time between 1 and 2 {\mu}m. Observations with different solar zenith angles make it possible to characterize the aerosol layer at different altitudes, revealing a decrease of the particle size of aerosols as altitude increases

    Clay Bearing Units in the Region around Mawrth Vallis: Stratigraphy, Extent, and Possible Alteration Fronts

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    The largest exposure of phyllosilicates on Mars occurs on the highland plains around Mawrth Vallis. This exposure extends for about 300 km southward from the edge of the dichotomy boundary, covering an area greater than 200 x 300 kilometers over an elevation range of approximately 2000 meters. At least two different types of hydrated phyllosilicates (Fe/Mg-rich and Al-rich phyllosilicates) have been identified in OMEGA data based on absorption bands near 2.3 and 2.2 micrometers, respectively. These clay-bearing units are associated with layered, indurated light-toned units with complex spatial and stratigraphic relationships, and are unconfomably overlain by a darker, indurated, more heavily cratered unit. Ongoing analysis of OMEGA (approximately 1 kilometer/pixel) and CRISM multi-spectral (MSP, 200 meters/pixel) data reveal hydrated minerals with absorptions at approximately 2.2 or 2.3 micrometers in locations up to 300 kilometers away from the borders of the previously identified extent of clay-bearing units. We seek to: 1) further constrain the mineralogy of the hydrated species identified in [5], and 2) understand spatial and stratigraphic relationships between the different hydrated minerals and the cratered plains units in which they are found. In this work we perform mineralogical and stratigraphic comparisons between units to test whether these extended units may be related, in order to establish a broad zone of alteration