196 research outputs found

    Maximum normalized acceleration as a flying qualities parameter

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    In 1984, Maximum Normalized Rate (MNR) was presented as a Flying Qualities parameter. Subsequent analysis of data from ground based simulation and flight test revealed the utility of a companion parameter, Maximum Normalized Acceleration (MNA). MNR and MNA profiles reveal the presence of both continuous and pulsed compensation strategies during discrete attitude tracking. In addition, MNR appears to be a suitable metric for pilot opinion in the LATHOS data base, while the MNR/MNA relationship is sensitive to pilot-induced-oscillation (PIO) and roll ratcheting problems. As part of an investigation of this problem, Northrop has developed an analysis technique known as the Step Target Method. The Step Target method is essentially a one degree-of-freedom simulation, where an attitude command in the form of a step function is presented to a closed-loop pilot/aircraft model. The two parameters MNR and MNA were shown to be useful in Flying Qualities analysis. MNR was shown to correlate with Pilot Opinion Rating in the LATHOS data base, while MNA reflects PIO and roll ratcheting. Profiles of MNR versus MNA reveal the presence of pulsed compensation strategies in both ground based and in-flight simulation. Furthermore, comparison of continuous and discrete attitude tracking simulation data reveals that these two tracking tasks exhibit independent sensitivities to aircraft characteristics

    Maximum Normalized Rate as a Flying Qualities Parameter

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    Discrete attitude commands have become a standard task for flying qualities evaluation and control system testing. Much pilot opinion data is now available for ground-based and in-flight simulations, but adequate performance measures and prediction methods have not been established. The Step Target Tracking Prediction method, introduced in 1978, correlated time-on-target and rms tracking data with NT-33 in-flight longitudinal simulations, but did not employ parameters easily measured in manned flight and simulation. Recent application of the Step Target Tracking Prediction method to lateral flying qualities analysis has led to a new measure of performance. This quantity, called Maximum Normalized Rate (MNR), reflects the greatest attitude rate a pilot can employ during a discrete maneuver without excessive overshoot and oscillation. MNR correlates NT-33 lateral pilot opinion ratings well, and is easily measured during flight test or simulation. Futhermore, the Step Target MNR method can be used to analyze large amplitude problems concerning rate limiting and nonlinear aerodynamics

    Synthetic aperture radar imagery of airports and surrounding areas: Study of clutter at grazing angles and their polarimetric properties

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    The statistical description of ground clutter at an airport and in the surrounding area is addressed. These data are being utilized in a program to detect microbursts. Synthetic aperture radar data were collected at the Denver Stapleton Airport. Mountain terrain data were examined to determine if they may potentially contribute to range ambiguity problems and degrade microburst detection. Results suggest that mountain clutter may not present a special problem source. The examination of clutter at small grazing angles was continued by examining data collected at especially low altitudes. Cultural objects such as buildings produce strong sources of backscatter at angles of about 85 deg, with responses of 30 dB to 60 dB above the background. Otherwise there are a few sources which produce significant scatter. The polarization properties of hydrospheres and clutter were examined with the intent of determining the optimum polarization. This polarization was determined to be dependent upon the ratio of VV and HH polarizations of both rain and ground clutter

    Survivability of Psychrobacter cryohalolentis K5 Under Simulated Martian Surface Conditions

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    Spacecraft launched to Mars can retain viable terrestrial microorganisms on board that may survive the interplanetary transit. Such biota might compromise the search for life beyond Earth if capable of propagating on Mars. The current study explored the survivability of Psychrobacter cryohalolentis K5, a psychrotolerant microorganism obtained from a Siberian permafrost cryopeg, under simulated martian surface conditions of high ultraviolet irradiation, high desiccation, low temperature, and low atmospheric pressure. First, a desiccation experiment compared the survival of P. cryohalolentis cells embedded, or not embedded, within a medium/salt matrix (MSM) maintained at 25 degrees C for 24 hr within a laminar flow hood. Results indicate that the presence of the MSM enhanced survival of the bacterial cells by 1 to 3 orders of magnitude. Second, tests were conducted in a Mars Simulation Chamber to determine the UV tolerance of the microorganism. No viable vegetative cells of P. cryohalolentis were detected after 8 hr of exposure to Mars-normal conditions of 4.55 W/m(2) UVC irradiation (200-280 nm), -12.5 degrees C, 7.1 mbar, and a Mars gas mix composed of CO2 (95.3%), N2 (2.7%), Ar (1.6%), O2 (0.2%), and H(2)O (0.03%). Third, an experiment was conducted within the Mars chamber in which total atmospheric opacities were simulated at tau = 0.1 (dust-free CO2 atmosphere at 7.1 mbar), 0.5 (normal clear sky with 0.4 = dust opacity and 0.1 = CO2-only opacity), and 3.5 (global dust storm) to determine the survivability of P. cryohalolentis to partially shielded UVC radiation. The survivability of the bacterium increased with the level of UVC attenuation, though population levels still declined several orders of magnitude compared to UVC-absent controls over an 8 hr exposure period

    The Role of Physical, Chemical, and Microbial Heterogeneity on the Field-Scale Transport and Attachment of Bacteria

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    A field-scale bacterial transport experiment was conducted at the Narrow Channel Focus Area of the South Oyster field site located in Oyster, Virginia. The goal of the field experiment was to determine the relative influence of subsurface heterogeneity and microbial population parameters on flow direction, velocity, and attachment of bacteria at the field scale. The field results were compared with results from laboratory-scale column experiments to develop a method for predicting field-scale bacterial transport. The field site is a shallow, sandy, unconfined, aerobic aquifer that has been characterized by geophysical, sedimentological, and hydrogeological methods. Comamonas sp. strain DA001 and a conservative tracer, bromide (Br), were injected into an area of high permeability for 12 hours. The Br and bacterial concentrations in the groundwater were monitored for 1 week at 192 sampling ports spaced over a 2-m vertical zone located from 0.5 to 7 m down-gradient of the injection well. The bacterial and Br plume was observed to move past 95 sampling ports. The densely characterized field site enabled the comparison of variations in DA001 transport to the aquifer properties. The velocity of the injected plume was correlated with geophysical estimates of hydraulic conductivity. The bacterial and Br plume appeared to follow flow paths not coincident with the hydraulic gradient but through a zone of higher permeability located off the flow axis. The amount of breakthrough of the bacteria was similar in both the high and low permeability layers with only a weak correlation between the observed hydraulic conductivity and amount of bacterial breakthrough. The uniformity in the observed attachment rates across varying grain sizes could be explained by heterogeneity of microbial properties within the single strain of injected bacteria. Application of colloid filtration theory to the field data indicated that variations in the microbial population were described by a lognormal distribution of the collision efficiency (a). Core-scale studies were used to predict the a distribution and field-scale transport distances of DA001. In sandy aquifers, physical heterogeneity may play a secondary role in controlling field-scale bacterial transport, and future research should focus on the microbial factors affecting transport

    Paleo-Rock-Hosted Life on Earth and the Search on Mars: a Review and Strategy for Exploration

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    Here we review published studies on the abundance and diversity of terrestrial rock-hosted life, the environments it inhabits, the evolution of its metabolisms, and its fossil biomarkers to provide guidance in the search for life on Mars. Key findings are (1) much terrestrial deep subsurface metabolic activity relies on abiotic energy-yielding fluxes and in situ abiotic and biotic recycling of metabolic waste products rather than on buried organic products of photosynthesis; (2) subsurface microbial cell concentrations are highest at interfaces with pronounced chemical redox gradients or permeability variations and do not correlate with bulk host rock organic carbon; (3) metabolic pathways for chemolithoautotrophic microorganisms evolved earlier in Earth's history than those of surface-dwelling phototrophic microorganisms; (4) the emergence of the former occurred at a time when Mars was habitable, whereas the emergence of the latter occurred at a time when the martian surface was not continually habitable; (5) the terrestrial rock record has biomarkers of subsurface life at least back hundreds of millions of years and likely to 3.45 Ga with several examples of excellent preservation in rock types that are quite different from those preserving the photosphere-supported biosphere. These findings suggest that rock-hosted life would have been more likely to emerge and be preserved in a martian context. Consequently, we outline a Mars exploration strategy that targets subsurface life and scales spatially, focusing initially on identifying rocks with evidence for groundwater flow and low-temperature mineralization, then identifying redox and permeability interfaces preserved within rock outcrops, and finally focusing on finding minerals associated with redox reactions and associated traces of carbon and diagnostic chemical and isotopic biosignatures. Using this strategy on Earth yields ancient rock-hosted life, preserved in the fossil record and confirmable via a suite of morphologic, organic, mineralogical, and isotopic fingerprints at micrometer scale. We expect an emphasis on rock-hosted life and this scale-dependent strategy to be crucial in the search for life on Mars

    Challenges for Coring Deep Permafrost on Earth and Mars

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    This is the published version. Final publication is available from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers http://www.dx.doi.org/10.1089/ast.2007.0159.A scientific drilling expedition to the High Lake region of Nunavut, Canada, was recently completed with the goals of collecting samples and delineating gradients in salinity, gas composition, pH, pe, and microbial abundance in a 400 m thick permafrost zone and accessing the underlying pristine subpermafrost brine. With a triple-barrel wireline tool and the use of stringent quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) protocols, 200 m of frozen, Archean, mafic volcanic rock was collected from the lower boundary that separates the permafrost layer and subpermafrost saline water. Hot water was used to remove cuttings and prevent the drill rods from freezing in place. No cryopegs were detected during penetration through the permafrost. Coring stopped at the 535 m depth, and the drill water was bailed from the hole while saline water replaced it. Within 24 hours, the borehole iced closed at 125 m depth due to vapor condensation from atmospheric moisture and, initially, warm water leaking through the casing, which blocked further access. Preliminary data suggest that the recovered cores contain viable anaerobic microorganisms that are not contaminants even though isotopic analyses of the saline borehole water suggests that it is a residue of the drilling brine used to remove the ice from the upper, older portion of the borehole. Any proposed coring mission to Mars that seeks to access subpermafrost brine will not only require borehole stability but also a means by which to generate substantial heating along the borehole string to prevent closure of the borehole from condensation of water vapor generated by drilling. Astrobiology 8, 623–638

    Electromagnetic and physical properties of sea ice formed in the presence of wave action

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    Estimating the magnitude of brine flux to the upper ocean requires an ability to assess the dynamics of the formation of sea ice in a region. Brine storage and rate of expulsion is determined by the environmental conditions under which the sea ice forms. In this paper, the physical and electromagnetic properties of sea ice, formed under wave-agitated conditions, are studied and compared with results obtained from ice formed under quiescent conditions. Wave agitation is known to have a profound effect on the air-ice interface and internal ice structure. A variety of sensors, both active and passive, optical and microwave, were used to perform this characterization. Measured electromagnetic parameters included radar backscatter, microwave emission, and spectral albedo in the visible and infrared. Measured physical properties included ice structure, brine and temperature distribution, profiles of the vertical height of the air-ice interface, and ice formation processes. Results showed that emission, backscatter, and albedo all take different signature paths during the transformation from saline water to young sea ice and that the paths depend on sea surface state during ice formation

    New ecosystems in the deep subsurface follow the flow of water driven by geological activity

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    Eukarya have been discovered in the deep subsurface at several locations in South Africa, but how organisms reach the subsurface remains unknown. We studied river-subsurface fissure water systems and identified Eukarya from a river that are genetically identical for 18S rDNA. To further confirm that these are identical species one metazoan species recovered from the overlying river interbred successfully with specimen recovered from an underlying mine at −1.4 km. In situ seismic simulation experiments were carried out and show seismic activity to be a major force increasing the hydraulic conductivity in faults allowing organisms to create ecosystems in the deep subsurface. As seismic activity is a non-selective force we recovered specimen of algae and Insecta that defy any obvious other explanation at a depth of −3.4 km. Our results show there is a steady flow of surface organisms to the deep subsurface where some survive and adapt and others perish. As seismic activity is also present on other planets and moons in our solar system the mechanism elucidated here may be relevant for future search and selection of landing sites in planetary exploration.publishedVersio
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