838 research outputs found

    New York\u27s Death Penalty: The Age Requirement

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    An assessment of the genus Columbella Lamarck, 1799 (Gastropoda: Columbellidae) from eastern Atlantic

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    Three species of the neogastropod genus Columbella Lamarck, 1799 are recognised from the northeastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. One is the common Mediterranean C. rustica (Linnaeus, 1758), with paucispiral protoconch, extending its range in the Atlantic South to Senegal and North to Portugal. Columbella adansoni Menke, 1853, with multispiral protoconch is restricted to the Macaronesian archipelagoes. A third species, also with multispiral protoconch, from West Africa is recognised through molecular methods, and the name C. xiphitella Duclos, 1840 is employed by correcting the original erroneous locality (“Californie”) to Gabon. Except for protoconch features, no major morphological characters are available to separate the three species; however diagnostic species-level differences in specific positions in the cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) sequences are present between all three species

    First record of Calma gobioophaga Calado and Urgorri, 2002 (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia)in the Mediterranean sea

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    Specimens of the nudibranch genus Calma were observed under boulders at two Croatian localities while feeding on gobiid eggs. Some ambiguous morphological features compared with the original descriptions of the known species of the genus, C. glaucoides and C. gobioophaga hampered easy identification. Genetic data (COI and 16S sequences) confirmed the distinction between the two species of the genus Calma, and allowed unambiguous identification of the Croatian specimens as Calma gobioophaga. This is the first record of this species for the Mediterranean and extends its distribution range remarkably. Finally, the eggs consumed by the Croatian C. gobioophaga specimens have been taxonomically identified by using the 12S rDNA marker as Gobius cobitis

    First record of Calma gobioophaga Calado and Urgorri, 2002 (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Specimens of the nudibranch genus Calma were observed under stones at two Croatian localities while feeding on gobiid eggs. Some ambiguous morphological features compared with the original descriptions of the known species of the genus, C. glaucoides and C. gobioophaga, hampered an easy identification. Genetic data (COI and 16S sequences) confirmed the distinction between the two species of the genus Calma, and allowed to unambiguously identify the Croatian specimens as Calma gobioophaga. This is the first record of this species for the Mediterranean and extends remarkably its distribution range. Finally, the eggs fed by the Croatian specimens have been taxonomically identified by using the 12S rDNA marker as Gobius cobitis

    First record of Calma gobioophaga Calado and Urgorri, 2002 (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Specimens of the nudibranch genus Calma were observed under stones at two Croatian localities while feeding on gobiid eggs. Some ambiguous morphological features compared with the original descriptions of the known species of the genus, C. glaucoides and C. gobioophaga, hampered an easy identification. Genetic data (COI and 16S sequences) confirmed the distinction between the two species of the genus Calma, and allowed to unambiguously identify the Croatian specimens as Calma gobioophaga. This is the first record of this species for the Mediterranean and extends remarkably its distribution range. Finally, the eggs fed by the Croatian specimens have been taxonomically identified by using the 12S rDNA marker as Gobius cobitis

    Massive Star Cluster Formation and Destruction in Luminous Infrared Galaxies in GOALS

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    We present the results of a {\it Hubble Space Telescope} ACS/HRC FUV, ACS/WFC optical study into the cluster populations of a sample of 22 Luminous Infrared Galaxies in the Great Observatories All-Sky LIRG Survey. Through integrated broadband photometry we have derived ages and masses for a total of 484 star clusters contained within these systems. This allows us to examine the properties of star clusters found in the extreme environments of LIRGs relative to lower luminosity star-forming galaxies in the local Universe. We find that by adopting a Bruzual \& Charlot simple stellar population (SSP) model and Salpeter initial mass function, the age distribution of clusters declines as dN/dτ=τ0.9+/0.3dN/d\tau = \tau^{-0.9 +/- 0.3}, consistent with the age distribution derived for the Antennae Galaxies, and interpreted as evidence for rapid cluster disruption occuring in the strong tidal fields of merging galaxies. The large number of 106M10^{6} M_{\odot} young clusters identified in the sample also suggests that LIRGs are capable of producing more high-mass clusters than what is observed to date in any lower luminosity star-forming galaxy in the local Universe. The observed cluster mass distribution of dN/dM=M1.95+/0.11dN/dM = M^{-1.95 +/- 0.11} is consistent with the canonical -2 power law used to describe the underlying initial cluster mass function (ICMF) for a wide range of galactic environments. We interpret this as evidence against mass-dependent cluster disruption, which would flatten the observed CMF relative to the underlying ICMF distribution.Comment: 63 pages, 58 Figures, 56 Tables, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Awareness Logic: A Kripke-based Rendition of the Heifetz-Meier-Schipper Model

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    Heifetz, Meier and Schipper (HMS) present a lattice model of awareness. The HMS model is syntax-free, which precludes the simple option to rely on formal language to induce lattices, and represents uncertainty and unawareness with one entangled construct, making it difficult to assess the properties of either. Here, we present a model based on a lattice of Kripke models, induced by atom subset inclusion, in which uncertainty and unawareness are separate. We show the models to be equivalent by defining transformations between them which preserve formula satisfaction, and obtain completeness through our and HMS' results.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, proceedings of DaLi conference 202

    Reverse Electrodialysis with saline waters and concentrated brines: a laboratory investigation towards technology scale-up

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    The use of concentrated brines and brackish water as feed solutions in reverse electrodialysis represents a valuable alternative to the use of river/sea water, allowing the enhancement of power output through the increase of driving force and reduction of internal stack resistance. Apart from a number of theoretical works, very few experimental investigations have been performed so far to explore this possibility. In the present work, two RED units of different size were tested using artificial saline solutions. The effects of feed concentration, temperature and flowrate on process performance parameters were analysed, adopting two different sets of membranes. These experiments allowed to identify the most favourable conditions for maximising the power output within the presently investigated range, i.e. 0.1 M NaCl as diluate and 5 M NaCl as concentrate at 40°C. Under these conditions a power density equal to 12 W/m2cell_pair was reached, among the highest so far reported in the literature. Increasing the unit size a slight reduction in power density was observed. These results indicate new directions for a successful scale-up and development of the Reverse Eletrodialysis technology

    The Mediterranean island states : Malta and Cyprus

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    The 2004 European Union enlargement also included the Mediterranean island-states of Cyprus and Malta, two former British colonies and members of the British Commonwealth. The islands share a number of similarities but they are also dissimilar in uniquely distinct ways. The membership applications of both states initially presented the EU with a number of political difficulties. With respect to Cyprus, many member states would have preferred to see the island join the Union after the ‘Cyprus Problem’ had been settled. As for Malta, the island showed a very high degree of Euroskepticism. It froze its application in 1996 but reactivated it in 1998. Apart from this skepticism the island’s neutral status, enshrined in the Constitution could present insurmountable problems.peer-reviewe

    Droplet minimizers for the Gates-Lebowitz-Penrose free energy functional

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    We study the structure of the constrained minimizers of the Gates-Lebowitz-Penrose free-energy functional FGLP(m){\mathcal F}_{\rm GLP}(m), non-local functional of a density field m(x)m(x), xTLx\in {\mathcal T}_L, a dd-dimensional torus of side length LL. At low temperatures, FGLP{\mathcal F}_{\rm GLP} is not convex, and has two distinct global minimizers, corresponding to two equilibrium states. Here we constrain the average density L^{-d}\int_{{\cal T}_L}m(x)\dd x to be a fixed value nn between the densities in the two equilibrium states, but close to the low density equilibrium value. In this case, a "droplet" of the high density phase may or may not form in a background of the low density phase, depending on the values nn and LL. We determine the critical density for droplet formation, and the nature of the droplet, as a function of nn and LL. The relation between the free energy and the large deviations functional for a particle model with long-range Kac potentials, proven in some cases, and expected to be true in general, then provides information on the structure of typical microscopic configurations of the Gibbs measure when the range of the Kac potential is large enough