731 research outputs found


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    Bioactive proteins and peptides were reported from many sources ranging from bacteria to humans. Many of them are having various bioactive characteristics like antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, antihypertensive, antisporadical, anticancer etc., Moreover; many antimicrobial peptides employ sophisticated and dynamic mechanisms of action to effect rapid and potent activities consistent with their likely roles in antimicrobial host defense. The molecules exhibit an antimicrobial activity against bacteria, viruses, and eukaryotic pathogens with different specificities and potencies depending on the structure and amino-acid composition of the proteins and peptides. Here we summarize investigations on bioactive proteins and peptides from edible and medicinal mushroom and discuss prospects for therapeutic applications

    A Movement of Mobile Sink in Wireless Sensor Network to Conserve Energy

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    Energy is the major constraint in wireless sensor network. In wireless sensor network with static mobile collector (SNSMC),static nodes located near to sink consume more energy, since the nodes relay the data collected by sensor nodes far away from the sink. The battery drained in short time. This problem is resolved by the MMC-WSN method. While simplifying the routing process, proposing an energy-efficient routing technique based on cluster based method for mobile sink is preferred. First part ,the selection of cluster head (CH) in cluster based method made periodically according to their residual energy and in second part the mobile sink moves across the sensing field and directly collects data from cluster heads and returns to back to initial site in a specific sequence based on spanning graphs. The spanning graph includes the shortest search path for the MS. Finally, a tour-planning algorithm is used on the basis of the spanning graph. An energy efficient routing technique (EFR) in WSNs among obstacles uses the shortest route. In this way, the mobile sink retrieves all detected knowledge among a given time and sends to base station which reduces the packet delay and energy-consumption and WSNs

    Improving Privacy Preservation using IBS and IBOOS in VANET

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    In Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs), vehicles have to be protected from the misuse of their private data and the attacks on their privacy. Here the authentication issues with privacy preservation and non-repudiation in VANETs have been considered. The self-generated public-key cryptography PKC based pseudonyms are also used as identifiers instead of vehicle IDs for the privacy-preserving authentication, while the update of the pseudonyms depends on vehicular demands. The existing ID-based signature (IBS) scheme and the ID-based online/offline signature (IBOOS) scheme are used, for the authentication between the road side units (RSUs) and vehicles, and the authentication among vehicles, respectively. Authentication, privacy preservation, non-repudiation have been analyzed for VANETs. Typical performance evaluation has been conducted using efficient IBS and IBOOS schemes


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    The objective of this study was to elucidate adhesion property and the effect of cytotoxicity studies of Bifibobacterium in vitro. Bifidobacterium strains were isolated from milk and milk products, around twelve strains were isolated in which four strains were identified they are- Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Bifidobacterium infantis. The identification was done by morphological features and biochemical tests. The isolated strains were then assayed for the adherence and antitumor activities. The Bacteria showed good adherence pattern on the HT-29 cell lines and exhibited profound inhibitory activity on cancer cell lines (Human adeno -carcinoma cell lines)

    Isolation, screening, and characterization of plant growth enhancing endophytic bacteria from halophytic Heliotropium curassavicum L. collected from salt stress areas of Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh

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    Farmers use excessive chemical fertilizers to boost crop productivity to meet growing agricultural demands. However, this practice is costly and environmentally hazardous. Sustainable increase in crop yield can be achieved through alternatives like microbial-based fertilizers. In the quest to identify plant growth-promoting endophytic bacteria, the present study was carried out and selected unexplored halophytic plant Heliotropium curassavicum L. Thirteen endophytic bacterial strains were isolated from both aerial and root portions of H.curassavicum. These isolates were tested for salt tolerance, enzyme production, and synthesis of growth-promoting secondary metabolites, like Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and phosphate solubilization . Most of the isolates belonged to the Bacillus family, exhibiting varying Gram staining and biochemical reactions. The majority are Gram-positive bacteria, non-motile, spore formers, and exist in two cells or chains. All isolates could tolerate up to 10% NaCl concentration and a temperature of 42°C. Based on phenotypic, bio-chemical characteristics, isolate HCR3 showed promising properties in synthesizing IAA and phosphate solubilization abilities. The isolate HCR3 grew well upto 10% NaCl concentration and also 42°C temperature. Based on molecular characterization by using 16S rRNA gene-based analysis HCR3 isolate was identified and belonged to the Genus Pseudomonas with the highest similarity index with Pseudomonas khazarica sp. HCR3 showed IAA production of 37µg ml-1, had a phosphate solubilization ability of 3.5 ppm, and recorded protease activity on gelatin medium. The findings highlight the potential of HCR3 and other strains from halophytic H. curassavicum L. to enhance plant growth through secondary bioactive metabolites, offering eco-friendly solutions for sustainable agriculture

    Effect of HIV-1 infection on T-Cell-based and skin test detection of tuberculosis infection

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    RATIONALE: Two forms of the IFN-gamma release assay (IFNGRA) to detect tuberculosis infection are available, but neither has been evaluated in comparable HIV-infected and uninfected persons in a high tuberculosis incidence environment. OBJECTIVE: To compare the ability of the T-SPOT.TB (Oxford Immunotec, Abingdon, UK), QuantiFERON-TB Gold (Cellestis, Melbourne, Australia), and Mantoux tests to identify latent tuberculosis in HIV-infected and uninfected persons. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of 160 healthy adults without active tuberculosis attending a voluntary counseling and testing center for HIV infection in Khayelitsha, a deprived urban South African community with an HIV antenatal seroprevalence of 33% and a tuberculosis incidence of 1,612 per 100,000. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: One hundred and sixty (74 HIV(+) and 86 HIV(-)) persons were enrolled. A lower proportion of Mantoux results was positive in HIV-infected subjects compared with HIV-uninfected subjects (p < 0.01). By contrast, the proportion of positive IFNGRAs was not significantly different in HIV-infected persons for the T-SPOT.TB test (52 vs. 59%; p = 0.41) or the QuantiFERON-TB Gold test (43 and 46%; p = 0.89). Fair agreement between the Mantoux test (5- and 10-mm cutoffs) and the IFNGRA was seen in HIV-infected people (kappa = 0.52-0.6). By contrast, poor agreement between the Mantoux and QuantiFERON-TB Gold tests was observed in the HIV-uninfected group (kappa = 0.07-0.30, depending on the Mantoux cutoff). The pattern was similar for T-SPOT.TB (kappa = 0.18-0.24). Interpretation: IFNGRA sensitivity appears relatively unimpaired by moderately advanced HIV infection. However, agreement between the tests and with the Mantoux test varied from poor to fair. This highlights the need for prospective studies to determine which test may predict the subsequent risk of tuberculosis

    Screening of salt tolerant endophytic bacteria with plant growth promoting characters isolated from Acanthus ilicifolius L., a species of mangrove ecosystem located at Corangi wildlife sanctuary, Andhra Pradesh

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    Mangroves harbour many beneficial microorganisms in their rhizosphere, phyllosphere and endophytically, which forms an ideal ecological habitation for isolating halotolerant endophytic bacteria with unique characteristics. Endophytes can produce numerous bioactive secondary metabolites and phytohormones, which may be directly or in some way beneficial to the host plant.   The present study aimed to identify novel endophytes capable of producing plant growth-promoting substances. The mangrove plants Acanthus ilicifolius L. at Corangi Wildlife Sanctuary were selected, and their leaves and roots were collected for endophyte isolation. Eight isolates from the leaves and roots were collected, purified and preserved. All these isolates were subjected to morphological, phenotypical and biochemical studies. Isolates were grown best at 3% NaCl nutrient agar and could tolerate salinity upto 8%NaCl. Most of them could grow upto 42°C. The majority were gram’s positive, motile, aerobic, rod-shaped and some were gram’s negative, rod-shaped organisms. Many of the endophytic organisms had the ability to synthesize Indole-3-acetic acid(IAA) varied from 0.7 µg/ml (AIL1) to 51.0 µg/ml (AIL2) and the highest phosphate solubilizing ability was recorded with AIR3 (3.71 ppm) followed by AIR4 (3.00 ppm) and lowest was recorded by AIL4 (1.80 ppm). Among total isolates, AIL2 (51µg/ml) showed promising potential in producing IAA and had phosphate solubilization ability. Based on 16S ribosomal RNA molecular method the isolate AIL2 was identified as Bacillus altitudinis. This is the first to report that B.altitudinis strain AIL2 isolated from A.ilicifolius L. could produce IAA, which can be used as a bioinoculant in agriculture and allied sector

    Isolation and characterization of Helicobacter pylori in Gastro duodenal disease at a tertiary care hospital

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    Helicobacter pylori is a less studied bacteria in our country. Association of virulence factors like cagA and vacA subtypes to the disease manifestations and resistance profile to the commonly used first line drugs varies widely among the geographical regions. For effective treatment of patients, we need to know these epidemiological profiles of H.pylori for every individual region. Also, among various methods to detect H.pylori infection, Rapid urease test (RUT) has remained the most widely used one. The efficacy of the various commercial kits and in-house preparations must be evaluated before using them as a routine diagnostic tool RUT used in this study would serve as a better screening test. CagA and vacA s1 positive strains are the virulent ones in this locale. Usage of Clarithromycin and Amoxicillin can be continued as first line drugs in H.pylori eradication therapy in our population

    Congruence of the current practices in Hymenoptera venom allergic patients in Poland with EAACI guidelines

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    Introduction: Venom immunotherapy (VIT) practice is the definitive treatment for patients with potentially fatal allergic reactions to Hymenoptera stings. The aim is assesing compliance of VIT practice in Poland with the current European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) guidance. Material and methods: A multicentre study was carried out using a structured questionnaire which was sent by post to all VIT practitioners in Poland. Some questionnaire items were altered, in comparison to original version by adding additional answer options or alowing multiple answer option. The response rate was 100%. The obtained results were compared with the published EAACI guidelines. Results: Twenty-six Polish centres took part in the survey. SSIgE and skin prick tests (SPT) are together used as the first line of investigation, whereas confirmatory intradermal tests (IDT) are applied in half of centres. Only a few centres measure baseline serum tryptase levels. The ultra-rush protocol is preferred. Antihistamine pre-medication is routinely practiced. A target dose equal to 100 µg is used in most centres. A 6-week interval between booster doses is the most frequent. Five years is considered as an optimal VIT duration. Before the VIT completion, SSIgE is evaluated in fifty percent of centres, whereas sting challenge is considered by half of responders. Conclusions: There are some differences between current practice in Poland and the EAACI recommendations, indicating areas requiring better compliance. Comparision between Poland and the United Kingdom revealed that health service organization and health care funding may play a major role in the provision of allergy services. This may affect the extent to which international guidance may be applied in individual countries. It is worth considering conducting the same survey in other European countrie
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