3,756 research outputs found

    The Best Brown Dwarf Yet?: A Companion to the Hyades Eclipsing Binary V471 Tau

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    We have carried out an analysis of about 160 eclipse timings spanning over 30 years of the Hyades eclipsing binary V471 Tauri that shows a long-term quasi-sinusoidal modulation of its observed eclipse arrival times. The O-Cs have been analyzed for the ``light-time'' effect that arises from the gravitational influence of a tertiary companion. The presence of a third body causes the relative distance of the eclipsing pair to the Earth to change as it orbits the barycenter of the triple system. The result of the analysis of the eclipse times yields a light-time semi-amplitude of 137.2+/-12.0 s, an orbital period of P_3 = 30.5+/-1.6 yr and an eccentricity of e_3 = 0.31+/-0.04. The mass of the tertiary component is M_3 sin i_3 = 0.0393+/-0.0038 Mo when a total mass of 1.61+/-0.06 Mo for V471 Tau is adopted. For orbital inclinations i_3 > 35 deg, the mass of the third body would be below the stable hydrogen burning limit of M = 0.07 Mo and it thus would be a brown dwarf. In the next several years (near maximum elongation), it should be feasible to obtain IR images and spectra of V471 Tau C that, when combined with the known mass, age, distance, and [Fe/H], will serve as a benchmark for understanding the physical properties and evolution of brown dwarfs.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Overview of methods used to evaluate the adequacy of nutrient intakes for individuals and populations

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    The objective of the present paper is to review the methods of measuring micronutrient intake adequacy for individuals and for populations in order to ascertain best practice. A systematic review was conducted to locate studies on the methodological aspects of measuring nutrient adequacy. The results showed that for individuals, qualitative methods (to find probability of adequacy) and quantitative methods (to find confidence of adequacy) have been proposed for micronutrients where there is enough data to set an average nutrient requirement (ANR). If micronutrients do not have ANR, an adequate intake (AI) is often defined and can be used to assess adequacy, provided the distribution of daily intake over a number of days is known. The probability of an individual's intake being excessive can also be compared with the upper level of safe intake and the confidence of this estimate determined in a similar way. At the population level, adequacy can be judged from the ANR using the probability approach or its short cut – the estimated average requirement cut-point method. If the micronutrient does not have an ANR, adequacy cannot be determined from the average intake and must be expressed differently. The upper level of safe intake can be used for populations in a similar way to that of individuals. All of the methodological studies reviewed were from the American continent and all used the methodology described in the Institute of Medicine publications. The present methodology should now be adapted for use in Europe

    Identification of transitional disks in Chamaeleon with Herschel

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    Transitional disks are circumstellar disks with inner holes that in some cases are produced by planets and/or substellar companions in these systems. For this reason, these disks are extremely important for the study of planetary system formation. The Herschel Space Observatory provides an unique opportunity for studying the outer regions of protoplanetary disks. In this work we update previous knowledge on the transitional disks in the Chamaeleon I and II regions with data from the Herschel Gould Belt Survey. We propose a new method for transitional disk classification based on the WISE 12 micron-PACS 70 micron color, together with inspection of the Herschel images. We applied this method to the population of Class II sources in the Chamaeleon region and studied the spectral energy distributions of the transitional disks in the sample. We also built the median spectral energy distribution of Class II objects in these regions for comparison with transitional disks. The proposed method allows a clear separation of the known transitional disks from the Class II sources. We find 6 transitional disks, all previously known, and identify 5 objects previously thought to be transitional as possibly non-transitional. We find higher fluxes at the PACS wavelengths in the sample of transitional disks than those of Class II objects. We show the Herschel 70 micron band to be an efficient tool for transitional disk identification. The sensitivity and spatial resolution of Herschel reveals a significant contamination level among the previously identified transitional disk candidates for the two regions, which calls for a revision of previous samples of transitional disks in other regions. The systematic excess found at the PACS bands could be a result of the mechanism that produces the transitional phase, or an indication of different evolutionary paths for transitional disks and Class II sources.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A: 11 March 2013 11 pages, 15 figure

    An analysis of the transit times of CoRoT-1b

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    I report the results from a study of the transit times for CoRoT-1b, which was one of the first planets discovered by CoRoT. Analysis of the pipeline reduced CoRoT light curve yields a new determination of the physical and orbital parameters of planet and star, along with 35 individual transit times at a typical precision of 36 s. I estimate a planet-to-star radii ratio of 0.1433 +/- 0.0010, a ratio of the planet's orbital semimajor axis to the host star radius of 4.751 +/- 0.045, and an orbital inclination for the planet of 83.88 +/- 0.29 deg. The observed transit times are consistent with CoRoT-1b having a constant period and there is no evidence of an additional planet in the system. I use the observed constancy of the transit times to set limits on the mass of a hypothetical additional planet in a nearby, stable orbit. I ascertain that the most stringent limits (4 M_earth at 3 sigma confidence) can be placed on planets residing in a 1:2 mean motion resonance with the transiting planet. In contrast, the data yield less stringent limits on planets near a 1:3 mean motion resonance (5 M_jup at 3 sigma confidence) than in the surrounding parameter space. In addition, I use a simulation to investigate what sensitivity to additional planets could be obtained from the analysis of data measured for a similar system during a CoRoT long run (100 sequential transit times). I find that for such a scenario, planets with masses greater than twice that of Mars (0.2 M_earth) in the 1:2 mean motion resonance would cause high-significance transit time deviations. Therefore, such planets could be detected or ruled out using CoRoT long run data. I conclude that CoRoT data will indeed be very useful for searching for planets with the transit timing method.Comment: accepted for publication in A&A; v2 replaces with accepted versio

    The Distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud from the Eclipsing Binary HV2274

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    The distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is crucial for the calibration of the Cosmic Distance Scale. We derive a distance to the LMC based on an analysis of ground-based photometry and HST-based spectroscopy and spectrophotometry of the LMC eclipsing binary system HV2274. Analysis of the optical light curve and HST/GHRS radial velocity curve provides the masses and radii of the binary components. Analysis of the HST/FOS UV/optical spectrophotometry provides the temperatures of the component stars and the interstellar extinction of the system. When combined, these data yield a distance to the binary system. After correcting for the location of HV2274 with respect to the center of the LMC, we find d(LMC) = 45.7 +/- 1.6 kpc or DM(LMC) = 18.30 +/- 0.07 mag. This result, which is immune to the metallicity-induced zero point uncertainties that have plagued other techniques, lends strong support to the ``short'' LMC distance scale as derived from a number of independent methods.Comment: 6 pages, including 2 pages of figures. Newly available optical (B and V) photometry has revealed -- and allowed the elimination of -- a systematic error in the previously reported determination of E(B-V) for HV2274. The new result is E(B-V) = 0.12 mag (as compared to the value of 0.083 reported in the original submission) and produces a DECREASE in the distance modulus of HV2274 by 0.12 mag. ApJ Letters, in pres

    rr-Primitive kk-Normal elements in Arithmetic Progressions over Finite Fields

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    Let Fqn\mathbb{F}_{q^n} be a finite field with qnq^n elements. For a positive divisor rr of qn−1q^n-1, the element α∈Fqn∗\alpha \in \mathbb{F}_{q^n}^* is called \textit{rr-primitive} if its multiplicative order is (qn−1)/r(q^n-1)/r. Also, for a non-negative integer kk, the element α∈Fqn\alpha \in \mathbb{F}_{q^n} is \textit{kk-normal} over Fq\mathbb{F}_q if gcd⁥(αxn−1+αqxn−2+
+αqn−2x+αqn−1,xn−1)\gcd(\alpha x^{n-1}+ \alpha^q x^{n-2} + \ldots + \alpha^{q^{n-2}}x + \alpha^{q^{n-1}} , x^n-1) in Fqn[x]\mathbb{F}_{q^n}[x] has degree kk. In this paper we discuss the existence of elements in arithmetic progressions {α,α+ÎČ,α+2ÎČ, α+(m−1)ÎČ}⊂Fqn\{\alpha, \alpha+\beta, \alpha+2\beta, \ldots\alpha+(m-1)\beta\} \subset \mathbb{F}_{q^n} with α+(i−1)ÎČ\alpha+(i-1)\beta being rir_i-primitive and at least one of the elements in the arithmetic progression being kk-normal over Fq\mathbb{F}_q. We obtain asymptotic results for general k,r1,
,rmk, r_1, \dots, r_m and concrete results when k=ri=2k = r_i = 2 for i∈{1,
,m}i \in \{1, \dots, m\}.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2210.1150

    Progressive loss functions for speech enhancement with deep neural networks

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    The progressive paradigm is a promising strategy to optimize network performance for speech enhancement purposes. Recent works have shown different strategies to improve the accuracy of speech enhancement solutions based on this mechanism. This paper studies the progressive speech enhancement using convolutional and residual neural network architectures and explores two criteria for loss function optimization: weighted and uniform progressive. This work carries out the evaluation on simulated and real speech samples with reverberation and added noise using REVERB and VoiceHome datasets. Experimental results show a variety of achievements among the loss function optimization criteria and the network architectures. Results show that the progressive design strengthens the model and increases the robustness to distortions due to reverberation and noise

    Orbit determination of Transneptunian objects and Centaurs for the prediction of stellar occultations

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    The prediction of stellar occultations by Transneptunian objects and Centaurs is a difficult challenge that requires accuracy both in the occulted star position as for the object ephemeris. Until now, the most used method of prediction involving tens of TNOs/Centaurs was to consider a constant offset for the right ascension and for the declination with respect to a reference ephemeris. This offset is determined as the difference between the most recent observations of the TNO and the reference ephemeris. This method can be successfully applied when the offset remains constant with time. This paper presents an alternative method of prediction based on a new accurate orbit determination procedure, which uses all the available positions of the TNO from the Minor Planet Center database plus sets of new astrometric positions from unpublished observations. The orbit determination is performed through a numerical integration procedure (NIMA), in which we develop a specific weighting scheme. The NIMA method was applied for 51 selected TNOs/Centaurs. For this purpose, we have performed about 2900 new observations during 2007-2014. Using NIMA, we succeed in predicting the stellar occultations of 10 TNOs and 3 Centaurs between 2013 and 2015. By comparing the NIMA and JPL ephemerides, we highlighted the variation of the offset between them with time. Giving examples, we show that the constant offset method could not accurately predict 6 out of the 13 observed positive occultations successfully predicted by NIMA. The results indicate that NIMA is capable of efficiently refine the orbits of these bodies. Finally, we show that the astrometric positions given by positive occultations can help to further refine the orbit of the TNO and consequently the future predictions. We also provide the unpublished observations of the 51 selected TNOs and their ephemeris in a usable format by the SPICE library.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted in A&

    Radiopurity of Micromegas readout planes

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    Micromesh Gas Amplification Structures (Micromegas) are being used in an increasing number of Particle Physics applications since their conception fourteen years ago. More recently, they are being used or considered as readout of Time Projection Chambers (TPCs) in the field of Rare Event searches (dealing with dark matter, axions or double beta decay). In these experiments, the radiopurity of the detector components and surrounding materials is measured and finely controlled in order to keep the experimental background as low as possible. In the present paper, the first measurement of the radiopurity of Micromegas planes obtained by high purity germanium spectrometry in the low background facilities of the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (LSC) is presented. The obtained results prove that Micromegas readouts of the microbulk type are currently manufactured with radiopurity levels below 30 microBq/cm2 for Th and U chains and ~60 microBq/cm2 for 40K, already comparable to the cleanest detector components of the most stringent low background experiments at present. Taking into account that the studied readouts were manufactured without any specific control of the radiopurity, it should be possible to improve these levels after dedicated development.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure
