13 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Spike Sorting for Large-Scale, High-Density Multielectrode Arrays

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    We present a method for automated spike sorting for recordings with high-density, large-scale multielectrode arrays. Exploiting the dense sampling of single neurons by multiple electrodes, an efficient, low-dimensional representation of detected spikes consisting of estimated spatial spike locations and dominant spike shape features is exploited for fast and reliable clustering into single units. Millions of events can be sorted in minutes, and the method is parallelized and scales better than quadratically with the number of detected spikes. Performance is demonstrated using recordings with a 4,096-channel array and validated using anatomical imaging, optogenetic stimulation, and model-based quality control. A comparison with semi-automated, shape-based spike sorting exposes significant limitations of conventional methods. Our approach demonstrates that it is feasible to reliably isolate the activity of up to thousands of neurons and that dense, multi-channel probes substantially aid reliable spike sorting

    AFLP markers closely linked to a major gene essential for nucellar embryony (apomixis) in Citrus maxima × Poncirus trifoliata

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    Some citrus varieties express a form of apomixis termed nucellar embryony in which the adventive embryos develop from nucellus tissue surrounding the embryo sac. This trait results in many seeds containing multiple embryos (polyembryony). Inheritance of the frequency of polyembryony was studied in 88 progeny from a cross of Citrus maxima (monoembryonic) × Poncirus trifoliata (polyembryonic). The frequency of polyembryonic seed produced by each progeny was determined by scoring 100–500 seeds for the number of seedlings to emerge from each seed. Two groups of eight individuals from each extreme of the population were chosen for bulked segregant analysis with amplified fragment length polymorphism markers amplified with 256 primer combinations. Candidate markers identified in the bulks as linked to the trait were tested on the 32 individuals used to create the bulks and then on the remaining plants in the population. Five candidate markers tightly linked to polyembryony in P. trifoliata were identified. Specific marker alleles were present in nearly all progeny that produced polyembryonic seed, and alternate alleles were present in nearly all progeny that produced only monoembryonic seed. The region defined by these markers very likely contains a gene that is essential for the production of polyembryonic seeds by apomixis, but also shows segregation distortion. The proportion of polyembryonic seeds varied widely among the hybrid progeny, probably due to other genes. Scoring 119 progeny of a P. trifoliata selfed population for the closely linked markers and the proportion of polyembryonic seeds confirmed close linkage between these markers and polyembryony

    Nonmuscle myosin II

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    The discovery of nonmuscle myosin II (NMII) is linked to the story of muscle contraction (reviewed in Szent-Gyorgyi 2004). It started in 1864,...This work was funded by grant SAF2014-54705-R from MINECO. Miguel Vicente-Manzanares is a Ramon y Cajal Assistant Professor (RYC2010-06094).Peer Reviewe

    Genomic analyses of primitive, wild and cultivated citrus provide insights into asexual reproduction.

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    The emergence of apomixis-the transition from sexual to asexual reproduction-is a prominent feature of modern citrus. Here we de novo sequenced and comprehensively studied the genomes of four representative citrus species. Additionally, we sequenced 100 accessions of primitive, wild and cultivated citrus. Comparative population analysis suggested that genomic regions harboring energy- and reproduction-associated genes are probably under selection in cultivated citrus. We also narrowed the genetic locus responsible for citrus polyembryony, a form of apomixis, to an 80-kb region containing 11 candidate genes. One of these, CitRWP, is expressed at higher levels in ovules of polyembryonic cultivars. We found a miniature inverted-repeat transposable element insertion in the promoter region of CitRWP that cosegregated with polyembryony. This study provides new insights into citrus apomixis and constitutes a promising resource for the mining of agriculturally important genes. Nat Genet 2017 May; 49(5):765-772