89 research outputs found

    A (Bounded) Bestiary of Feynman Integral Calabi-Yau Geometries

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    We define the rigidity of a Feynman integral to be the smallest dimension over which it is non-polylogarithmic. We argue that massless Feynman integrals in four dimensions have a rigidity bounded by 2(L-1) at L loops, and we show that this bound may be saturated for integrals that we call marginal: those with (L+1)D/2 propagators in (even) D dimensions. We show that marginal Feynman integrals in D dimensions generically involve Calabi-Yau geometries, and we give examples of finite four-dimensional Feynman integrals in massless ϕ4\phi^4 theory that saturate our predicted bound in rigidity at all loop orders.Comment: 5+2 pages, 11 figures, infinite zoo of Calabi-Yau manifolds. v2 reflects minor changes made for publication. This version is authoritativ

    The Elliptic Double-Box Integral: Massless Amplitudes Beyond Polylogarithms

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    We derive an analytic representation of the ten-particle, two-loop double-box integral as an elliptic integral over weight-three polylogarithms. To obtain this form, we first derive a four-fold, rational (Feynman-)parametric representation for the integral, expressed directly in terms of dual-conformally invariant cross-ratios; from this, the desired form is easily obtained. The essential features of this integral are illustrated by means of a simplified toy model, and we attach the relevant expressions for both integrals in ancillary files. We propose a normalization for such integrals that renders all of their polylogarithmic degenerations pure, and we discuss the need for a new 'symbology' of iterated elliptic/polylogarithmic integrals in order to bring them to a more canonical form.Comment: 4+2 pages, 2 figures. Explicit results are included as ancillary files. v2: minor changes made for clarification; references adde

    Manifesting Color-Kinematics Duality in the Scattering Equation Formalism

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    We prove that the scattering equation formalism for Yang-Mills amplitudes can be used to make manifest the theory's color-kinematics duality. This is achieved through a concrete reduction algorithm which renders this duality manifest term-by-term. The reduction follows from the recently derived set of identities for amplitudes expressed in the scattering equation formalism that are analogous to monodromy relations in string theory. A byproduct of our algorithm is a generalization of the identities among gravity and Yang-Mills amplitudes.Comment: 20 pages, 20 figure

    Analytic Representations of Yang-Mills Amplitudes

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    Scattering amplitudes in Yang-Mills theory can be represented in the formalism of Cachazo, He and Yuan (CHY) as integrals over an auxiliary projective space---fully localized on the support of the scattering equations. Because solving the scattering equations is difficult and summing over the solutions algebraically complex, a method of directly integrating the terms that appear in this representation has long been sought. We solve this important open problem by first rewriting the terms in a manifestly Mobius-invariant form and then using monodromy relations (inspired by analogy to string theory) to decompose terms into those for which combinatorial rules of integration are known. The result is a systematic procedure to obtain analytic, covariant forms of Yang-Mills tree-amplitudes for any number of external legs and in any number of dimensions. As examples, we provide compact analytic expressions for amplitudes involving up to six gluons of arbitrary helicities.Comment: 29 pages, 43 figures; also included is a Mathematica notebook with explicit formulae. v2: citations added, and several (important) typos fixe

    Scattering Equations and Feynman Diagrams

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    We show a direct matching between individual Feynman diagrams and integration measures in the scattering equation formalism of Cachazo, He and Yuan. The connection is most easily explained in terms of triangular graphs associated with planar Feynman diagrams in ϕ3\phi^3-theory. We also discuss the generalization to general scalar field theories with ϕp\phi^p interactions, corresponding to polygonal graphs involving vertices of order pp. Finally, we describe how the same graph-theoretic language can be used to provide the precise link between individual Feynman diagrams and string theory integrands.Comment: 18 pages, 57 figure

    Integration Rules for Scattering Equations

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    As described by Cachazo, He and Yuan, scattering amplitudes in many quantum field theories can be represented as integrals that are fully localized on solutions to the so-called scattering equations. Because the number of solutions to the scattering equations grows quite rapidly, the contour of integration involves contributions from many isolated components. In this paper, we provide a simple, combinatorial rule that immediately provides the result of integration against the scattering equation constraints for any M\"obius-invariant integrand involving only simple poles. These rules have a simple diagrammatic interpretation that makes the evaluation of any such integrand immediate. Finally, we explain how these rules are related to the computation of amplitudes in the field theory limit of string theory.Comment: 30 pages, 29 figure

    Integration Rules for Loop Scattering Equations

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    We formulate new integration rules for one-loop scattering equations analogous to those at tree-level, and test them in a number of non-trivial cases for amplitudes in scalar ϕ3\phi^3-theory. This formalism greatly facilitates the evaluation of amplitudes in the CHY representation at one-loop order, without the need to explicitly sum over the solutions to the loop-level scattering equations.Comment: 22 pages, 17 figure

    Yangian Symmetry for the Tree Amplituhedron

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    17 pages, 4 figures; v2: extended discussion of results, minor typos corrected, version published in Journal of Physics ATree-level scattering amplitudes in planar N=4 super Yang-Mills are known to be Yangian-invariant. It has been shown that integrability allows to obtain a general, explicit method to find such invariants. The uplifting of this result to the amplituhedron construction has been an important open problem. In this paper, with the help of methods proper to integrable theories, we successfully fill this gap and clarify the meaning of Yangian invariance for the tree-level amplituhedron. In particular, we construct amplituhedron volume forms from an underlying spin chain. As a by-product of this construction, we also propose a novel on-shell diagrammatics for the amplituhedron.Peer reviewe

    New Representations of the Perturbative S-Matrix

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    We propose a new framework to represent the perturbative S-matrix which is well-defined for all quantum field theories of massless particles, constructed from tree-level amplitudes and integrable term-by-term. This representation is derived from the Feynman expansion through a series of partial fraction identities, discarding terms that vanish upon integration. Loop integrands are expressed in terms of "Q-cuts" that involve both off-shell and on-shell loop-momenta, defined with a precise contour prescription that can be evaluated by ordinary methods. This framework implies recent results found in the scattering equation formalism at one-loop, and it has a natural extension to all orders---even non-planar theories without well-defined forward limits or good ultraviolet behavior.Comment: 4+1 pages, 4 figure