186 research outputs found

    Cross-cultural adaptation, reliability, and validation of the Spanish perceived physical literacy instrument for adolescents (S-PPLI)

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of the Spanish Perceived Physical Literacy Instrument (S-PPLI) questionnaire in Spanish adolescents. Method: The participants of this study were 360 Spanish adolescents (aged 12-17 years) from three secondary schools in the Region of Murcia (Spain). A cultural adaptation process of the original version of the PPLI questionnaire was developed. Confirmatory factor analysis was applied to test the three-factor structure of physical literacy. Intraclass correlation coefficients were computed to estimate the test-retest concordance. Results: Using a confirmatory factor analysis, the factor loading of all items above the standard of 0.40 ranged from 0.53 to 0.77, suggesting that the observed variables sufficiently represented the latent variables. Analyses for convergent validity showed average variance extracted values that ranged from 0.40 to 0.52 and composite reliability values higher than 0.60. All the correlations were below the recommended cutoff point of 0.85, which indicated that the three physical literacy factors achieved adequate discriminant validity. Intraclass correlation coefficients ranged from 0.62 to 0.79 (p < 0.001 for all items), which indicated moderate/good reliability. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the S-PPLI is a valid and reliable measure of physical literacy among Spanish adolescents

    Transmisión transovárica de Anaplasma marginale por la garrapata Boophilus microplus.

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    En este estudio se utilizaron garrapatas de la especie Boophilus microplus, libres de infección por hemoparásitos con las cuales se infestaron terneros Holstein Friesan intactos, parasitados con una cepa de campo de Anaplasma marginale. Las hembras de Boophilus microplus (Teologinas) obtenidas de estos terneros, se conservaron en el laboratorio a 28 grados centígrados y 80 por ciento de humedad relativa y las larvas obtenidas de la oviposición de estas garrapatas se utilizaron en los ensayos de transmisión transovárica en el Centro Regional de Investigación El Nus, Antioquia y en el Centro de Investigación en Salud y Producción Animal (CEISA) en Bogotá. Tanto en el Nus como en el CEISA, se observó transmisión transovárica (biológica) la cual en el caso del Nus fue producida por la primera y segunda generación (F1 y F2). Estos resultados conforman en este caso la transmisión transovárica de Anaplasma marginale por Boophilus microplus, lo cual no ha sido reportado en forma concluyente en el mundo y aclara en parte, la importancia de esta especie de garrapata en la transmisión biológica de Anaplasma marginale en las zonas endémicas del país.Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario - ICAGanadería bovin

    High-P metamorphism of rodingites during serpentinite dehydration (Cerro del Almirez, Southern Spain): Implications for the redox state in subduction zones

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    The transition between antigorite-serpentinite and chlorite-harzburgite at Cerro del Almirez (Betic Cordillera, Southern Spain) exceptionally marks in the field the front of antigorite breakdown at high pressure (~16–19 kbar) and temperature (~650°C) in a paleosubducted serpentinite. These ultramafic lithologies enclose three types of metarodingite boudins of variable size surrounded by metasomatic reaction rims. Type 1 Grandite-metarodingite (garnet+chlorite+diopside+titanite±magnetite±ilmenite) mainly crops out in the antigorite-serpentinite domain and has three generations of garnet. Grossular-rich Grt-1 formed during rodingitization at the seafloor (10 kbar, ~350–650°C, ~FMQ buffer) to influx events of oxidizing fluids (fO ~HM buffer) released by brucite breakdown in the host antigorite-serpentinite. Type 2 Epidote-metarodingite (epidote+diopside+titanite±garnet) derives from Type 1 and is the most abundant metarodingite type enclosed in dehydrated chlorite-harzburgite. Type 2 formed by increasing μSiO (from −884 to −860 kJ/mol) and decreasing μCaO (from −708 to −725 kJ/mol) triggered by the flux of high amounts of oxidizing fluids during the high-P antigorite breakdown in serpentinite. The growth of Grt-4, with low-grandite and high-pyralspite components, in Type 2 metarodingite accounts for progressive reequilibration of garnet with changing intensive variables. Type 3 Pyralspite-metarodingite (garnet+epidote+amphibole+chlorite±diopside+rutile) crops out in the chlorite-harzburgite domain and formed at peak metamorphic conditions (16–19 kbar, 660–684°C) from Type 2 metarodingite. This transformation caused the growth of a last generation of pyralspite-rich garnet (Grt-5) and the recrystallization of diopside into tremolitic amphibole at decreasing fO and μCaO (from −726 to −735 kJ/mol) and increasing μMgO (from −630 to −626 kJ/mol) due to chemical mixing between the metarodingite and the reaction rims. The different bulk Fe/Fe ratios of antigorite-serpentinite and chlorite-harzburgite, and of the three metarodingite types, reflect the highly heterogeneous oxidation state of the subducting slab and likely point to the transfer of localized oxidized reservoirs, such as metarodingites, into the deep mantle.“Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad” (MINECO), Grant/Award Number: CGL2012-32067, CGL201675224-R; Junta de Andalucía, Grant/ Award Number: RNM-145, P12-RNM3141; Ramón y Cajal, Grant/Award Number: RYC-2012-11314; MINECO, Grant/Award Number: CGL2016-81085-R, PCIN-2015-05

    Mantle wedge oxidation due to sediment-infiltrated deserpentinisation

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    This work is part of the project DESTINE (PID2019-105192GB-I00) funded by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the FEDER program “una manera de hacer Europa”. J.A.P.N. acknowledges a Ramón y Cajal contract (RYC2018-024363-I) funded by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the FSE program “FSE invierte en tu futuro”. This research is part of the Junta de Andalucia research group RNM-131.The Earth's mantle is oxygen-breathing through the sink of oxidised tectonic plates at convergent Margins. Ocean floor serpentinisation increases the bulk oxidation state of iron relative to dry oceanic mantle and results in a variable intake of other redox-sensitive elements such as sulphur. The reversibility of seafloor oxidation in subduction zones during high-pressure dehydration of serpentinite (“deserpentinisation”) at subarc depths and the capacity of the resulting fluids to oxidise the mantle source of arc basalts are highly contested. Thermodynamic modelling, experiments, and metaperidotite study in exhumed highpressure terrains result in differing estimates of the redox state of deserpentinisation fluids, ranging from low to highly oxidant. Here we show that although intrinsic deserpentinisation fluids are highly oxidant, the infiltration of small fractions of external fluids equilibrated with metasedimentary rocks strongly modulates their redox state and oxidation-reduction capacity explaining the observed discrepancies in their redox state. Infiltration of fluids equilibrated with graphite-bearing sediments reduces the oxidant, intrinsic deserpentinisation fluids to oxygen fugacities similar to those observed in most graphite-furnace experiments and natural metaperidotites. However, infiltration of CO2-bearing fluids equilibrated with modern GLOSS generates sulphate-rich, highly oxidising deserpentinisation fluids. We show that such GLOSS infiltrated deserpentinisation fluids can effectively oxidise the mantle wedge of cold to hot subduction zones potentially accounting for the presumed oxidised nature of the source of arc basalts.MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (PID2019-105192GB-I00) (RYC2018-024363-I)FEDERFSEJunta de Andalucia research group RNM-131

    Education of chemical engineering in Spain: A global picture

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    The general framework of the Chemical Engineering studies in Spain includes the Bachelor's Degree (4 years), Master's Degree (the most common duration is 1.5 years) and Doctorate (3-4 years). In 2008, the Conference of Directors and Deans of Chemical Engineering (CODDIQ) was constituted with the main objective of promoting and improving the quality of Chemical Engineering studies in Spain. Currently, Faculties and Schools of 29 Spanish universities are members of CODDIQ. An analysis of the most characteristic indicators provides a representative radiography of the Chemical Engineering Studies in Spain, whose most outstanding data are: (i) 7,396 undergraduate students, 1,014 Master students and 556 PhD students, (ii) according to the gender profile of undergraduates and graduates, the percentage of women is similar to that of men, while for faculty staff, the percentage of women is 43% and 46% for Associate and Assistant Professor (respectively) and 23% for the category of Full Professor category; (iii) after completing the Bachelor studies, most of them continue their training in the MSc in Chemical Engineering, (iv) the employability after obtaining the Master's degree is very high (>75%), which in the case of PhDs is close to 100%. The studies of Chemical Engineering in Spain have a very direct relationship with society, especially in the chemical, environmental, biotechnological and energy fields. The companies that collaborate in the training of future professionals are distributed throughout the national territory, which allows a strong connection with the socioeconomic environmen

    Experimental infection of European red deer (Cervus elaphus) with bluetongue virus serotypes 1 and 8

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    Short communication.-- et al.Bluetongue (BT) is a climate change-related emerging infectious disease in Europe. Outbreaks of serotypes 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, and 16 are challenging Central and Western Europe since 1998. Measures to control or eradicate bluetongue virus (BTV) from Europe have been implemented, including movement restrictions and vaccination of domestic BTV-susceptible ruminants. However, these measures are difficult to apply in wild free-ranging hosts of the virus, like red deer (Cervus elaphus), which could play a role in the still unclear epidemiology of BT in Europe. We show for the first time that BTV RNA can be detected in European red deer blood for long periods, comparable to those of domestic ruminants, after experimental infection with BTV-1 and BTV-8. BTV RNA was detected in experimentally infected red deer blood up to the end of the study (98¿112 dpi). BTV-specific antibodies were found in serum both by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and virus neutralization (VNT) from 8 to 12 dpi to the end of the study, peaking at 17¿28 dpi. Our results indicate that red deer can be infected with BTV and maintain BTV RNA for long periods, remaining essentially asymptomatic. Thus, unvaccinated red deer populations have the potential to be a BT reservoir in Europe, and could threaten the success of the European BTV control strategy. Therefore, wild and farmed red deer should be taken into account for BTV surveillance, and movement restrictions and vaccination schemes applied to domestic animals should be adapted to include farmed or translocated red deer.We acknowledge the funding from JCCM PAI08-0287-8502, the Government of Scotland, and INIA-MARM CC08-020 (additional support to CISA). Caterina Falconi had a grant from the Government of Sardinia.Peer Reviewe

    Implementation and validation of an economic module for the epidemiological model Be-FAST to predict the costs generated by livestock diseases epidemics. Application to the Classical Swine Fever case in Spain

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    Abstract Classical Swine Fever (CSF) is one of the most harmful livestock diseases for the economy of the swine sector worldwide. Specifically in Spain, the costs in the two last CSF outbreaks (1997 and 2001) have been estimated above 108 million euros. In this work, we aim to evaluate the economic impact of important livestock disease epidemics, and particularly the CSF in Spain. This study starts with a preliminary classification of the costs associated with CSF epidemics. In order to estimate the expected costs of a given epidemic in a considered area, a new economic module has been integrated into the epidemiological model Be-FAST, a time-spatial stochastic spread mathematical model for studying the transmission of diseases within and between farms. The input data for economic parameters have been obtained from entities related with the swine industry in Spain. The new Be-FAST module is tested by comparing the results obtained with historical data from CSF epidemics in Spain. The outcomes show that severe CSF epidemics also have a strong economic impact with around 80% of the costs related to animal culling, while costs associated with control measures are directly associated with the number of infected farms and the duration of the epidemic. The results presented in this work * Corresponding author: [email protected] 1 are expected to provide valuable information to decision makers, including animal health officials and insurance companies, and can be extended to other livestock diseases or used to predict the economic impact of future outbreaks

    Smoking-attributable mortality in Portugal and its regions in 2019

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    Funding Information: This research was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) through the project “ PI19/00288 ″ and co-funded by the European Union . Publisher Copyright: © 2023 Sociedade Portuguesa de PneumologiaIntroduction and objectives: Timely regional-specific estimates of smoking-attributable mortality (SAM) are crucial for healthcare planning and tobacco control advocacy. Currently, this information is lacking in Portugal. The aim of this study was to estimate SAM by region in 2019 among the Portuguese population aged ≥35 years. Methods: SAM was estimated using an independent-prevalence method. Observed mortality was obtained from Portugal Statistics; lung cancer mortality rates in smokers and never-smokers from the Cancer Prevention Study I-II and updated relative risks from five contemporary US cohort studies. SAM was estimated for each NUTS-II region by sex, age, and cause of death. Crude SAM rates, sex and age-specific rates, and age-adjusted rates were calculated using the direct method. Results: In 2019, tobacco consumption caused 13,847 deaths, representing 12.3% of total mortality among the Portuguese population aged ≥35 years. Of the total SAM, 71.2% occurred in men and 22.2% in those under 65 years; 42.5% was due to cancer, 35.4% to cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, and 22.2% to respiratory diseases. SAM greatly varied among regions from 2.1% in Madeira to 36.2% in the North region. In men, cancer was the leading cause of death in all regions, while in women it was cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Conclusion: In Portugal, tobacco-mortality burden is high and varies significantly by region, sex and age. Therefore, estimates disaggregated by sociodemographic data and region may better support decision-makers while tailoring and implementing tobacco control policies addressing health population needs. The apparent lower tobacco burden among women and in some Portuguese regions may dramatically rise in the near future. This and the high SAM in Portugal, particularly in some regions, highlights the need to accelerate tobacco control both at national and regional levels.publishersversioninpres