433 research outputs found

    The crystal chemistry and reactivity of ternary Na2Fe3Cl8 from the NaCl-FeCl2 system and its potential application as coating layer for cathode in sodium ion batteries

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    This report explores theoretical and experimental methods to characterize the ternary phases arising from the NaCl + FeCl2 system at both low (150 °C) and high temperatures (550 °C), through milling and evaporation processing techniques. We found that Na2Fe3Cl8 is the only metastable ternary compound produced in either case and only at high temperatures, which is in good qualitative agreement with density functional theory calculations performed with the recent r2SCAN metaGGA functional. The elementary, crystallographic, and grain structure information on Na2Fe3Cl8 collected using a combination of x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive, and Mössbauer spectroscopy is described and discussed in detail. Na2Fe3Cl8 is determined to have a layered trigonal structure in the R3m space group. Other ternary stable or metastable ternary phases such as Na6FeCl8 and Na2FeCl4 were not observed, which is likely the result of decomposition occurring beyond 400 °C. While the structure of Na2Fe3Cl8 makes it inadequate as a potential cathode in Na-ion batteries, Na2Fe3Cl8 may operate as a suitable coating layer to regulate the passage of ions from electrolytes to active electrode materials without interfacial degradation

    Awareness, treatment and control of hypertension: Trend from population-based surveys conducted in a low-middle income country

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    Aim: To estimate and determine temporal trends for awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in adults from the urban area in Colombia. Methods: We conducted two population-based surveys (years 2010 and 2015) in the Metropolitan Area of Bucaramanga-Santander, Colombia, using the WHO STEPwise approach. Participants were asked to provide demographic, socioeconomic and cardiovascular risk factors data. Blood pressure (BP) was measured twice using an automated device. Hypertension was defined as a systolic BP≥140 mmHg, a diastolic BP≥90 mmHg or self-reported antihypertensive treatment. We estimated age, sex, and socioeconomic status (SES) adjusted prevalence ratios (PR), with 2010 as the reference survey, using poisson regression and correcting standard errors by clustering. Results: We evaluated 1,136 (mean age: 35.7 years; 43% male) and 872 (mean age:37.7 years; 41% male) adults from the 2010 and 2015 surveys, respectively. There were a larger proportion of individuals sampled from low SES in the 2015 as compared to the 2010 survey (93.6% vs. 70.9%). Overall, prevalence of hypertension was 16.4% (95%CI: 14.8 – 17.9): It increased significantly with age (from 2.4% among individuals 15-19 years old to 41.1% among individuals 50 years and older; p-trend<0.001) but did not differed by sex (17.8% in men vs. 15.4% in women) or year (16.1% vs. 16.6% in 2010 and 2015, respectively). Overall, prevalence of awareness, treatment and control of hypertension were 65.0%, 84.1%, and 62.2%, respectively. Although awareness and control increased from 2010 to 2015 (PR=1.05 and PR=1.12, respectively), only the prevalence of treatment showed a statistically significant increment of 11% (PR=1.11; 95%IC: 1.01 – 1.24). Implication: The STEPwise is a suitable surveillance strategy to estimate the burden of cardiovascular risk factors in low-middle income countries. Our results are consistent with national data from urban areas and show for the first time a short-time improvement in antihypertensive coverage

    Sevilla, Patrimonio Mundial: guía cultural interactiva para dispositivos móviles

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    El proyecto presentado reflexiona sobre la búsqueda de nuevas estrategias que incrementen el interés por el patrimonio cultural de las ciudades históricas, en este caso Sevilla, a través de una mejor comprensión de sus bienes. Con tal fin se ha recurrido al uso de las infraestructuras de datos espaciales, herramientas concebidas para gestionar y publicar la información a diferentes escalas y niveles de complejidad. De este modo, se presenta el diseño de una aplicación smartphone que integra mapas de carácter interactivo y apuesta por el uso de nuevos formatos divulgativos relacionados con las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. El resultado final se ha materializado en una guía cultural disponible en cincoidiomas, que utiliza la tecnología cartográfica aportada por la Gerencia de Urbanismo del Ayuntamiento de Sevilla y se difunde a través de los canales proporcionados por el Consorcio de Turismo de la ciudad. Accediendo a los contenidos diseñados por investigadores de la Universidad de Sevilla, el usuario puede consultar información relativa a los monumentos y su entorno, recorriendo sus principales espacios y obteniendo datos de interés sobre sus obras de arte más representativas. Con esta experiencia de carácter multidisciplinar se ha desarrollado un proyecto pionero, que aporta una estructura de conocimiento novedosa y susceptible de ser aplicada en numerosas tipologías arquitectónicas y artísticas.Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Históric

    Networking the Flight of the Monarchs: An audiovisual telematic performance

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    Networking the Flight of the Monarchs\u27 is an audi-Networking the Flight of the Monarchs\u27 is an audi- \u27Networking the Flight of the Monarchs\u27 is an audiovisual telematic performance. Soundscapes from monarch butterfly reserves in Canada, Mexico and the USA are live-streamed from open microphones installed by Rob Mackay in 2018 and 2019, and blended with improvised performances networked in real-time from California (David Blink - hand- pan/trumpet); Mexico (Rolando Rodriguez - poetry); Canada (Jessica Rodriguez - video); and the United Kingdom (Rob Mackay - flutes and computer). Inspired by Teresa Connors’ creative practice, “ecological performativity” enacts a non- anthropocentric model, characterised as the dance of agency between living and non-living systems, human and non-human actors, and the complexity within which they are entangled [1]. This model stems from the premise that artistic practice enables different perspectives of the world and becomes an apparatus for change, promoting what Welsby considers “a long overdue ontological shift in the way we exist in the world” [2]. In this performance, multiple spatialities and temporalities are layered together, creating connections between past, present, and future, as well as multiple webs between human and non-human participants, weaving together in a dance of agency [3]. The intended effect is a kind of ‘telephenomenology’, building a sense of connectedness, embodied knowing, and empathy. ovisual telematic performanc e. Soundscapes frommonarch butterfly reserves in Canada, Mexico andthe USA are live-streamed from open microphonesinstalled by Rob Mackay in 2018 and 2019, andblended with improvised performances networked inreal-time from California (David Blink - hand-pan/trumpet); Mexico (Rolando Rodriguez - poetry);Canada (Jessica Rodriguez - video); and the UnitedKingdom (Rob Mackay - flutes and computer).Inspired by Teresa Connors’ creative practice,“ecological performativity” enacts a non-anthropocentric model, characterised as the danceof agency between living and non-living systems,human and non-human actors, and the complexitywithin which they are entangled [1]. This modelstems from the premise that artistic practice enablesdifferent perspectives of the world and becomes anapparatus for change, promoting what Welsby con-siders “a long overdue ontological shift in the waywe exist in the world” [2].In this performance, multiple spatialities and tem-poralities are layered together, creating connectionsbetween past, present, and future, as well as multi-ple webs between human and non-human partici-pants, weaving together in a dance of agency [3].The intended effect is a kind of ‘telephenomenolo-gy’, building a sense of connectedness, embodiedovisual telematic performanc e. Soundscapes frommonarch butterfly reserves in Canada, Mexico andthe USA are live-streamed from open microphonesinstalled by Rob Mackay in 2018 and 2019, andblended with improvised performances networked inreal-time from California (David Blink - hand-pan/trumpet); Mexico (Rolando Rodriguez - poetry);Canada (Jessica Rodriguez - video); and the UnitedKingdom (Rob Mackay - flutes and computer).Inspired by Teresa Connors’ creative practice,“ecological performativity” enacts a non-anthropocentric model, characterised as the danceof agency between living and non-living systems,human and non-human actors, and the complexitywithin which they are entangled [1]. This modelstems from the premise that artistic practice enablesdifferent perspectives of the world and becomes anapparatus for change, promoting what Welsby con-siders “a long overdue ontological shift in the waywe exist in the world” [2].In this performance, multiple spatialities and tem-poralities are layered together, creating connectionsbetween past, present, and future, as well as multi-ple webs between human and non-human partici-pants, weaving together in a dance of agency [3].The intended effect is a kind of ‘telephenomenolo-gy’, building a sense of connectedness, embodie

    Networking the Flight of the Monarchs

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    \u27Networking the Flight of the Monarchs\u27 is an audiovisual telematic performance. Soundscapes from monarch butterfly reserves in Canada, Mexico and the USA are live-streamed from open microphones installed by Rob Mackay in 2018 and 2019, and blended with improvised performances networked in real-time from California (David Blink - handpan/trumpet); Mexico (Rolando Rodriguez - poetry); Canada (Jessica Rodriguez - video); and the United Kingdom (Rob Mackay - flutes and computer). Inspired by Teresa Connors’ creative practice, “ecological performativity” enacts a non- anthropocentric model, characterised as the dance of agency between living and non-living systems, human and non-human actors, and the complexity within which they are entangled [1]. This model stems from the premise that artistic practice enables different perspectives of the world and becomes an apparatus for change, promoting what Welsby considers “a long overdue ontological shift in the way we exist in the world” [2]. In this performance, multiple spatialities and temporalities are layered together, creating connections between past, present, and future, as well as multiple webs between human and non-human participants, weaving together in a dance of agency [3]. The intended effect is a kind of ‘telephenomenology’, building a sense of connectedness, embodied knowing, and empathy

    IAA : Información y actualidad astronómica (10)

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    Sumario : Investigación: Chorros relativistas en núcleos activos de galaxias.-- Materia oscura: a tientas por el Universo.-- Ventana Abierta: Físico teórico autónomo se ofrece para.-- Charlas con… Robert Haberle.-- Actualidad Científica: La búsqueda de las estrellas más viejas de la Galaxia.-- Un superbólido más brillante que la Luna llena surcó el cielo argelino.-- Actividades IAA.-- Agenda.Esta revista se publica con la ayuda de la Acción Especial DIF 2001-4284-E del Programa Nacional de Difusión de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, del Ministerio de Ciencia y TecnologíaN

    Neural Network Inverse Modeling for Optimization

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    In this chapter, artificial neural networks (ANNs) inverse model is applied for estimating the thermal performance () in parabolic trough concentrator (PTC). A recurrent neural network architecture is trained using the Kalman Filter learning from experimental database obtained from PTCs operations. Rim angle (φr), inlet (Tin), outlet (Tout) fluid temperatures, ambient temperature (Ta), water flow (Fw), direct solar radiation (Gb) and the wind velocity (Vw) were used as main input variables within the neural network model in order to estimate the thermal performance with an excellent agreement (R2=0.999) between the experimental and simulated values. The optimal operation conditions of parabolic trough concentrator are established using artificial neural network inverse modeling. The results, using experimental data, showed that the recurrent neural network (RNN) is an excellent tool for modeling and optimization of PTCs

    Acute Liver Failure in Patients with Classic Heat Stroke

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    Background: Classic heat stroke is defined by a core temperature greater than 40° C, severe dehydration and neurological alterations. Patients with liver disease due to heat stroke have been described, mostly by exercise. Hepatic failure is defined as the presence of a coagulopathy accompanied by any degree of hepatic encephalopathy. The primary objective of the study lies in the fact that patients who developed acute liver failure during their hospital stay had a higher risk of mortality. Methods: A retrospective, analytical study of patients admitted to the General Hospital of Mexicali who suffered from classic heat stroke from March 2006 through August 2010, and a second period from June 2018 to August 2019. Results: Fifty patients were recruited, the group included 48 (96%) male, with a total of 10 fatalities, representing 20%. INR greater than 1.5, AST and ALT levels were not related to an increased mortality rate. Conclusion: Neither transaminase levels, nor liver failure, were related to a higher mortality rate in this cohort of patients with classic heat stroke

    Structure of concanavalin A at pH 8: bound solvent and crystal contacts

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    9 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables.Concanavalin A has been crystallized in the presence of the ligand (6-S-[beta]-D-galactopyranosyl-6-thio)-cyclomaltoheptaose. The crystals are isomorphous to those reported for ConA complexed with peptides at low resolution (3.00-2.75 Å). The structure was solved at 1.9 Å, with free R and R values of 0.201 and 0.184, respectively. As expected, no molecules of the ligand were bound to the protein. Soaking in the cryobuffer left its fingerprint as 25 molecules of glycerol in the bound solvent, most of them at specific positions. The fact that a glycerol molecule is located in the sugar-binding pocket of each of the four subunits in the asymmetric unit and another is located in two of the peptide-binding sites suggests a recognition phenomenon rather than a displacement of water molecules by glycerol. Crystal contact analysis shows that a relation exists between the residues that form hydrogen bonds to other asymmetric units and the space group: contact Asp58-Ser62 is a universal feature of ConA crystals, while Ser66-His121, Asn69-Asn118 and Tyr100-His205 contacts are general features of the C2221 crystal form.We thank Professor GarcõÂa-Ruiz for his constant support and helpful discussions and suggestions, Dr Cartwright for reviewing the manuscript and Professor Kabsch for providing XDS free of charge.We acknowledge EMBO/DESY for beam time, Professor Martinez Ripoll for his kind support in the preliminary X-ray characterization using the rotating-anode generator at the Instituto de QuõÂmica Fisica Roca Solano (CSIC) and the referees for valuable comments.Work in AA's laboratory is funded by Spanish Plan Nacional grant BMC- 2002-04011-C03.Peer reviewe

    Saponins from edible spears of wild asparagus inhibit AKT, p70S6K, and ERK signalling, and induce apoptosis through G0/G1 cell cycle arrest in human colon cancer HCT-116 cells

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    41 Páginas, 6 Figuras, 1 TablaThe effects of steroidal saponins from edible spears of wild triguero Huetor-Tajar asparagus on some of the oncogenic molecular pathways that are affected in human colon cancer cells were investigated. Reverse-phase chromatography and a new HPLC-MS method were used to respectively isolate and analyse the composition of the steroidal saponins. They were resistant to simulated digestion and, when in contact with HTC-116 human colon carcinoma cells, interfered with extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), S6 kinase (p70S6K, mTOR), and RAC-alpha serine/threonine-protein kinase (AKT) pathways by a downregulation of these proteins. The expressions of cyclins D, E, and A were also decreased, leading to G0/G1 cell cycle arrest. In addition, these steroidal saponins induced typical features of apoptosis by the promotion of caspase-3 activity, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP-1) cleavage, and DNA fragmentation. These results offer potential dietary intervention strategy against human colon cancer cells.This study was supported by grants AGL2011-29632 and AGL2011-29008 funded by MICINN. S.L. acknowledges financial support from the Spanish MINECO (JCI-2012-13084, Juan de la Cierva) and the Spanish Research Council (CSIC)/JAE-doc Program (JAEDOC089), a contract cofounded by the European Social Fund (ESF).Peer reviewe