31 research outputs found

    Luft-Wasser Experimente im vertikalen DN200-Rohr

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    Die im Rahmen dieser Versuchsserie erzielten umfangreichen experimentellen Ergebnisse bilden eine hochwertige Datenbasis für Luft-Wasser-Strömungen in einem vertikalen DN200-Rohr, die für die Entwicklung und Validierung von CFD-Modellen, beispielweise bzgl. Blasenkoaleszenz und -fragmentierung, genutzt werden können. Besonderes interessant ist die Untersuchung der Entwicklung der Zweiphasenströmung über der Rohrhöhe. Aus diesem Grund wurden für jede der 92 betrachteten Kombinationen aus Gas- und Wasser-Volumenstromdichten bis zu 18 Messungen mit variablen Abständen zwischen Gaseinspeisung und Messebene durchgeführt. Dabei wurde der Druck an der Gaseinspeisestelle konstant auf 0,25 MPa(a) gehalten. Diese Randbedingung bietet den Vorteil, dass die so gemessenen Daten die Entwicklung der Strömung über der Rohrhöhe widerspiegeln, d.h. eine Konfiguration beschreiben, bei der das Gas an einer festen Höhenposition eingespeist wird und die Messungen in verschiedenen darüberliegenden Ebenen erfolgen. Wesentliche Ergebnisse dieser Messserie sind radiale zeitgemittelte Profile für den Gasgehalt und die Gasgeschwindigkeit sowie zeit- und querschnittsgemittelte Blasengrößenverteilungen. Außerdem liegen blasengrößen- und ortsaufgelöste Gasgehaltsdaten vor. Wie bereits bei früheren Versuchsserien wurden auch in diesem Fall die Strömungsformen analysiert, wobei die Klassifizierung anhand der Blasengröße erfolgte. Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil dieser neuen Luft/Wasser-Versuche war die Qualitäts- und Plausibilitätsprüfung der Messdaten. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass die Daten einen eindeutigen, widerspruchsfreien Trend bzgl. ihrer Entwicklung mit zunehmendem Abstand von der Gaseinspeisung aufweisen. Zur Plausibilitätsprüfung wurden Vergleiche des Gasgehaltsverlaufes über der Rohrhöhe mit theoretisch zu erwartenden Kurven durchgeführt. Zusätzlich zu diesen Ergebnissen enthält der Bericht eine Einschätzung des Einflusses des Bohrungsdurchmessers an der Gaseinspeisung auf die sich einstellende Strömung

    Air-water experiments in a vertical DN200-pipe

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    The extensive experimental results presented in this report provide a high-quality database for air-/water flows in a vertical pipe with a nominal diameter of 200 mm. This database can be used for the development and validation of CFD-like models for two-phase flows, e.g. for bubble coalescence and fragmentation. In particular, the investigations aim on the evolution of the two-phase flow along the pipe height. Therefore, up to 18 single measurements with varying distances between the gas injection and measurement plane were realised for each of the 92 combinations of gas and water flow rates. The pressure at the position of the activated gas injection was kept constant at 0.25 MPa(a). This boundary condition has the advantage that the measured data represent exactly the evolution of the flow along the pipe, i.e. they reflect a configuration at which the gas injection is at a fixed height position, while the measurement plane varies. Important results of this test series are time averaged radial profiles of the gas fraction, and the gas velocity, as well as the time and cross-section averaged bubble size distributions. Furthermore, gas fraction data resolved regarding the bubble size and spatial distribution are presented. As in previous test series, flow patterns were analysed, whereby the classification results from the bubble size. A substantial part of these new air/water experiments were quality and plausibility checks of the measured data. In the result, a clear and consistent trend regarding their evolution with increasing distance from the position of the gas injection was found. Comparisons of the trend of time and cross section averaged gas volume fraction along the pipe height with the theoretically expected values were carried out. The influence of the orifice diameter of the gas injection on flow patterns is also discussed in the report

    Luft-Wasser Experimente im vertikalen DN200-Rohr

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    Die im Rahmen dieser Versuchsserie erzielten umfangreichen experimentellen Ergebnisse bilden eine hochwertige Datenbasis für Luft-Wasser-Strömungen in einem vertikalen DN200-Rohr, die für die Entwicklung und Validierung von CFD-Modellen, beispielweise bzgl. Blasenkoaleszenz und -fragmentierung, genutzt werden können. Besonderes interessant ist die Untersuchung der Entwicklung der Zweiphasenströmung über der Rohrhöhe. Aus diesem Grund wurden für jede der 92 betrachteten Kombinationen aus Gas- und Wasser-Volumenstromdichten bis zu 18 Messungen mit variablen Abständen zwischen Gaseinspeisung und Messebene durchgeführt. Dabei wurde der Druck an der Gaseinspeisestelle konstant auf 0,25 MPa(a) gehalten. Diese Randbedingung bietet den Vorteil, dass die so gemessenen Daten die Entwicklung der Strömung über der Rohrhöhe widerspiegeln, d.h. eine Konfiguration beschreiben, bei der das Gas an einer festen Höhenposition eingespeist wird und die Messungen in verschiedenen darüberliegenden Ebenen erfolgen. Wesentliche Ergebnisse dieser Messserie sind radiale zeitgemittelte Profile für den Gasgehalt und die Gasgeschwindigkeit sowie zeit- und querschnittsgemittelte Blasengrößenverteilungen. Außerdem liegen blasengrößen- und ortsaufgelöste Gasgehaltsdaten vor. Wie bereits bei früheren Versuchsserien wurden auch in diesem Fall die Strömungsformen analysiert, wobei die Klassifizierung anhand der Blasengröße erfolgte. Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil dieser neuen Luft/Wasser-Versuche war die Qualitäts- und Plausibilitätsprüfung der Messdaten. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass die Daten einen eindeutigen, widerspruchsfreien Trend bzgl. ihrer Entwicklung mit zunehmendem Abstand von der Gaseinspeisung aufweisen. Zur Plausibilitätsprüfung wurden Vergleiche des Gasgehaltsverlaufes über der Rohrhöhe mit theoretisch zu erwartenden Kurven durchgeführt. Zusätzlich zu diesen Ergebnissen enthält der Bericht eine Einschätzung des Einflusses des Bohrungsdurchmessers an der Gaseinspeisung auf die sich einstellende Strömung

    Air-water experiments in a vertical DN200-pipe

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    The extensive experimental results presented in this report provide a high-quality database for air-/water flows in a vertical pipe with a nominal diameter of 200 mm. This database can be used for the development and validation of CFD-like models for two-phase flows, e.g. for bubble coalescence and fragmentation. In particular, the investigations aim on the evolution of the two-phase flow along the pipe height. Therefore, up to 18 single measurements with varying distances between the gas injection and measurement plane were realised for each of the 92 combinations of gas and water flow rates. The pressure at the position of the activated gas injection was kept constant at 0.25 MPa(a). This boundary condition has the advantage that the measured data represent exactly the evolution of the flow along the pipe, i.e. they reflect a configuration at which the gas injection is at a fixed height position, while the measurement plane varies. Important results of this test series are time averaged radial profiles of the gas fraction, and the gas velocity, as well as the time and cross-section averaged bubble size distributions. Furthermore, gas fraction data resolved regarding the bubble size and spatial distribution are presented. As in previous test series, flow patterns were analysed, whereby the classification results from the bubble size. A substantial part of these new air/water experiments were quality and plausibility checks of the measured data. In the result, a clear and consistent trend regarding their evolution with increasing distance from the position of the gas injection was found. Comparisons of the trend of time and cross section averaged gas volume fraction along the pipe height with the theoretically expected values were carried out. The influence of the orifice diameter of the gas injection on flow patterns is also discussed in the report

    Air-water experiments in a vertical DN200-pipe

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    The extensive experimental results presented in this report provide a high-quality database for air-/water flows in a vertical pipe with a nominal diameter of 200 mm. This database can be used for the development and validation of CFD-like models for two-phase flows, e.g. for bubble coalescence and fragmentation. In particular, the investigations aim on the evolution of the two-phase flow along the pipe height. Therefore, up to 18 single measurements with varying distances between the gas injection and measurement plane were realised for each of the 92 combinations of gas and water flow rates. The pressure at the position of the activated gas injection was kept constant at 0.25 MPa(a). This boundary condition has the advantage that the measured data represent exactly the evolution of the flow along the pipe, i.e. they reflect a configuration at which the gas injection is at a fixed height position, while the measurement plane varies. Important results of this test series are time averaged radial profiles of the gas fraction, and the gas velocity, as well as the time and cross-section averaged bubble size distributions. Furthermore, gas fraction data resolved regarding the bubble size and spatial distribution are presented. As in previous test series, flow patterns were analysed, whereby the classification results from the bubble size. A substantial part of these new air/water experiments were quality and plausibility checks of the measured data. In the result, a clear and consistent trend regarding their evolution with increasing distance from the position of the gas injection was found. Comparisons of the trend of time and cross section averaged gas volume fraction along the pipe height with the theoretically expected values were carried out. The influence of the orifice diameter of the gas injection on flow patterns is also discussed in the report

    Supporting German dairy farmers : establishing a monitoring system based on health key indicators extracted from existing control systems

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    German farmers are required by law to regularly self-assess the welfare of their animals. The project Q Check is aiming at developing a system that will assist farmers to objectively assess animal health and welfare in dairy cows. For this reason, a quarterly report will be compiled from animal-based key indicators to give an overview of the on-farm situation. The anonymised and aggregated reports can also be used for national animal welfare monitoring: Continuous collection of these key indicators enables the summary and publication of figures reflecting the current animal health and welfare status and progressions at federal state and at national level. Q Check is based on four data recording and analysis systems, which are already established in Germany and implemented on a national level. Out of these systems, the most suitable indicators to describe herd health have been selected by 215 experts within a twostage Delphi study. In addition, over 50 face-to-face interviews with stakeholders related to the German dairy sector have been performed in order to take into account the socio-scientific point of view. To complete the process, the selected indicators are currently being checked against mass data and hence tested for suitability regarding monitoring purposes. An automatic farm-specific evaluation of animal health, based on verified indicators, will provide support to farmers in fulfilling their legal requirements and in identifying weak points on the individual farms. A benchmarking system will be set up which will allow tracking the individual herd health indicators in the same farm in their course over time and compared with similar farms. These routinely provided horizontal and vertical statistics will facilitate targeted intervention and support objectified management decisions, implying that dairy farmers can benefit in several respects. In the course of the project, new tools for determining the risk of ketosis in the scope of milk recording will also be validated and implemented at national level to enhance monitoring of this major disease complex. The results of these nationwide, systematic investigations will contribute substantially to objectifying the discussion about the health and welfare situation of dairy cows