261 research outputs found

    Genetic control of traits determining phosphorus uptake by rice varieties (Oryza sativa L.)

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    The objectives of this research are: (1) to find genetic material associated with high growth rate and maximum size of root system, (2) to study polymorphism of rice varieties for markers connected with genes defining effective utilization of phosphorus, (3) to estimate the possibility of using listed SSR markers for introgression of previously mapped genes, and (4) to classify donor accessions found in the Russian gene pool into groups according to the probability of stability formation by various genetic mechanisms. Traits determining the rate of phosphorus uptake by rice varieties and their inheritance are discussed. Polymorphism of 72 rice accessions of Russian and foreign breeding by the rate of the formation of the root system and its size at maturity is considered. The highest rates of root system formation are found in varieties Liman, Arborio, Dalnevostochnyi, Selenio, Oceano, Atlant, Musa, Fontan, Cerere, Sharm, Serpentine, Khankaiskii 52, Leader, Boyarin, and Druzhnyi. Russian varieties outperform Italian ones in growth rate. Root weights at the maturation stage varied from 1,5 to 4,5 grams. Varieties Carnise, Rapan, Onix and G-57 display the greatest root weights at the maturation stage. Root lengths at the maturation stage varied from 17 to 26 cm. Varieties D 25-2, G 75-5, Ryzhik, G-52, Krepysh, and Snezhinka had the maximum values. Study of polymorphism of Russian and foreign varieties on the markers associated with the genes determining uptake of phosphorus has revealed polymorphism for all markers; thus, marker-assisted selection can be applied to them in breeding for this trait. The maximum number of alleles is noted for the RM 247 marker, located on chromosome 12


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    In Russia, only low amylose short grain varieties were previously grown, but recently, because of the growth of consumption of this cereal, domestic varieties with various quality have become necessary. Absence of information on the genetics of this trait constrains selection in the given direction. Despite a considerable number of foreign works on localisation of genes defining quality of rice grain, there are no similar Russian works yet. Definition of the possibility of using loci identified from studying foreign samples, for marker assisted selection of domestic germplasm became the purpose of our research and possible localisation before the unknown loci defining the quality of rice grain. We used both neutral markers and those associated with quality. Polymorphism of the allocated groups of varieties with the contrasting quality trait was studied using 57 markers. Polymorphism of domestic varieties of rice with contrasting quality traits such as “weight of 1000 grains”, “translucency”, “husk content”, “the maintenance of the whole kernel in a croup” was studied with use of the SSR markers to reveal chromosomal regions associated with the division of Russian rice varieties into groups based on the traits being studied. It was shown that 12 markers authentically divided groups with the various grain form, 3, with a various exit of the whole kernel, and 1 marker group, with various translucency and husk content. The markers authentically dividing groups of varieties with various weight of 1000 grains, groats exit, the protein and amylose content were not revealed. Data about the association of markers RM3276, RM5707, RM5508, RM7110, RM509, RM600, RM136 with the quality trait in references were not revealed. Probably, the genes defining the quality of rice grain, specific for domestic gemplasm, are located around the given markers

    The biological effects of bilirubin photoisomers

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    Although phototherapy was introduced as early as 1950's, the potential biological effects of bilirubin photoisomers (PI) generated during phototherapy remain unclear. The aim of our study was to isolate bilirubin PI in their pure forms and to assess their biological effects in vitro. The three major bilirubin PI (ZE- and EZ-bilirubin and Z-lumirubin) were prepared by photo-irradiation of unconjugated bilirubin. The individual photoproducts were chromatographically separated (TLC, HPLC), and their identities verified by mass spectrometry. The role of Z-lumirubin (the principle bilirubin PI) on the dissociation of bilirubin from albumin was tested by several methods: peroxidase, fluorescence quenching, and circular dichroism. The biological effects of major bilirubin PI (cell viability, expression of selected genes, cell cycle progression) were tested on the SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cell line. Lumirubin was found to have a binding site on human serum albumin, in the subdomain IB (or at a close distance to it); and thus, different from that of bilirubin. Its binding constant to albumin was much lower when compared with bilirubin, and lumirubin did not affect the level of unbound bilirubin (Bf). Compared to unconjugated bilirubin, bilirubin PI did not have any effect on either SH-SY5Y cell viability, the expression of genes involved in bilirubin metabolism or cell cycle progression, nor in modulation of the cell cycle phase. The principle bilirubin PI do not interfere with bilirubin albumin binding, and do not exert any toxic effect on human neuroblastoma cells

    Destination development in Western Siberia:Tourism governance and evolutionary economic geography

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    Tourism development has often been identified as a tool for balancing negative effects of economic restructuring, especially in peripheral regions. Tourism-based activities often utilize the availability of abundant nature, but although most English language studies of destination development are presented from western contexts, examples from post-Soviet Russia are rare. Western Siberia is a periphery with access to natural resources and heavy industrialization but remotely located from domestic (Russian) and international markets, where tourism is often considered a saviour, especially for the regional economies. Stakeholders in this Russian resource periphery face challenges in managing governance and cooperation in destinations development due to frequent institutional, economic and social changes. Using evolutionary economic geography and based on primary sources and interview data, tourism development and stakeholder relations are assessed in three Western Siberia regions: Tomsk, Kemerovo and Altai Krai. Findings show that for tourism to make a significant contribution, it must be more central to the economic development agenda in all three regions. However, it is currently only achieving a permanent high-profile in one of them, being crowded out by other (mostly primary) industries in the other two. Although the specific tourism governance set-up varies between the three regions, it is clear that public tourism governance still sits somewhat uneasily between state control and the market economy. Tourism receives substantial public subsidies, especially in large-scale investment projects, which depend on federal support within a governance system where decentralization seems to be somewhat limited and unstable. As a result, the tourism path development in the Siberian periphery is highly dependent on state intervention and success in other sectors.</p

    Биологические микрочипы в экспресс-идентификации штаммов M. tuberculosis с множественной лекарственной устойчивостью у больных туберкулезом в Республике Кыргызстан

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    The aim of the study was to estimate spread of primary and secondary multiple drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT) and to characterize rpoB, katG, inhA, and ahpC gene mutations of rifampicin (RIF) and isoniazid (INH) resistant MBT strains isolated from tuberculosis patients in Kyrgyz. We obtained 493 specimens from patients with pulmonary tuberculosis which were diagnosed based on clinical, X-ray, and bacteriological examination. Among them, newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis was in 445 patients (90.2 %), and 48 of the patients (9.8 %) have already been treated for tuberculosis. Mutations of rpoB, KatG, inhA, and ahpC genes associated with RIF and INH resistance were detected by biological chip test. Sensitive MBT strains were detected in 47 % and resistant strains were in 53 % of the newly diagnosed patients. Single-drug resistance to RIF only was detected in 3 % of cases; resistance to INH was found in 20 %, resistance to both the drugs was detected in 30 % of the patients. In pre-treated patients single-drug resistance to RIF was defined in 4 % of cases, resistance to INH was in 8 %, resistance to both the drugs was estimated in 75 % of the patients. Therefore, we suppose that there is a high prevalence of multi-drug resistant MBT in Kyrgyz Republic: 30 % among newly diagnosed patients and 75 % among pre-treated patients. The main cause of RIF-resistance of MBT is Ser531→Leu mutation of rpoB gene, and the main cause of INHresistance is Ser315→Thr mutation of katG gene.Целью работы было изучить частоту встречаемости штаммов Mycobacterium tuberculosis (МБТ) с множественной лекарственной устойчивостью среди впервые выявленных и ранее пролеченных больных туберкулезом. Обследовано 493 больных (275 мужчин и 218 женщин) с клинически подтвержденным диагнозом легочного туберкулеза; 445 (90,2 %) пациентов относились к впервые выявленным больным и 48 (9,8 %) человек ранее получали лечение. Мутации в генах rpoB, katG, inhA и ahpC, обусловливающих устойчивость MБТ к рифампицину и изониазиду, определяли методом биологических микрочипов. Обнаружено, что 47 % впервые выявленных больных были инфицированы лекарственно чувствительными и 53 % – лекарственно устойчивыми штаммами МБТ. При этом монорезистентность только к рифампицину определена у 3 % больных, монорезистентность к изониазиду – у 20 %. Мультирезистентные штаммы у впервые выявленных больных выявлены в 30 % случаев. Среди ранее пролеченных больных лекарственно чувствительные штаммы выявлены у 13 %, лекарственно устойчивые штаммы – у 87 % больных. Монорезистентность к рифампицину определена у 4 %, монорезистентность к изониазиду – у 8 % больных. МБТ с мультирезистентностью выявлены у 75 % обследованных. Таким образом, в Республике Кыргызстан отмечается высокий удельный вес туберкулеза с множественной лекарственной устойчивостью как среди впервые выявленных (30 %), так и среди пациентов, ранее получавших лечение (75 %). Устойчивость МБТ к рифампицину чаще всего обусловлена мутацией Ser531→Leu 531 кодона гена rpoB. Устойчивость МБТ к изониазиду в основном обусловлена мутацией Ser315→Thr 315 кодона гена katG

    Measurement of the atmospheric muon charge ratio with the OPERA detector

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    The OPERA detector at the Gran Sasso underground laboratory (LNGS) was used to measure the atmospheric muon charge ratio in the TeV energy region. We analyzed 403069 atmospheric muons corresponding to 113.4 days of livetime during the 2008 CNGS run. We computed separately the muon charge ratio for single and for multiple muon events in order to select different energy regions of the primary cosmic ray spectrum and to test the charge ratio dependence on the primary composition. The measured charge ratio values were corrected taking into account the charge-misidentification errors. Data have also been grouped in five bins of the "vertical surface energy". A fit to a simplified model of muon production in the atmosphere allowed the determination of the pion and kaon charge ratios weighted by the cosmic ray energy spectrum.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Nogo-B regulates migration and contraction of airway smooth muscle cells by decreasing ARPC 2/3 and increasing MYL-9 expression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Abnormal proliferation, apoptosis, migration and contraction of airway smooth muscle (ASM) cells in airway remodeling in asthma are basically excessive repair responses to a network of inflammatory mediators such as PDGF, but the mechanisms of such responses remain unclear. Nogo-B, a member of the reticulum family 4(RTN4), is known to play a key role in arteriogenesis and tissue repair. Further studies are needed to elucidate the role of Nogo-B in airway smooth muscle abnormalities.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A mouse model of chronic asthma was established by repeated OVA inhalation and subjected to Nogo-B expression analysis using immunohistochemistry and Western Blotting. Then, primary human bronchial smooth muscle cells (HBSMCs) were cultured <it>in vitro </it>and a siRNA interference was performed to knockdown the expression of Nogo-B in the cells. The effects of Nogo-B inhibition on PDGF-induced HBSMCs proliferation, migration and contraction were evaluated. Finally, a proteomic analysis was conducted to unveil the underlying mechanisms responsible for the function of Nogo-B.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Total Nogo-B expression was approximately 3.08-fold lower in chronic asthmatic mice compared to naïve mice, which was obvious in the smooth muscle layer of the airways. Interference of Nogo-B expression by siRNA resulted nearly 96% reduction in mRNA in cultured HBSMCs. In addition, knockdown of Nogo-B using specific siRNA significantly decreased PDGF-induced migration of HBSMCs by 2.3-fold, and increased the cellular contraction by 16% compared to negative controls, but had limited effects on PDGF-induced proliferation. Furthermore, using proteomic analysis, we demonstrate that the expression of actin related protein 2/3 complex subunit 5 (ARPC 2/3) decreased and, myosin regulatory light chain 9 isoform a (MYL-9) increased after Nogo-B knockdown.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These data define a novel role for Nogo-B in airway remodeling in chronic asthma. Endogenous Nogo-B, which may exert its effects through ARPC 2/3 and MYL-9, is necessary for the migration and contraction of airway smooth muscle cells.</p

    Glutathione-Related Antioxidant Defense System in Elderly Patients Treated for Hypertension

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze glutathione antioxidant defense system in elderly patients treated for hypertension. Studies were carried out in the blood collected from 18 hypertensive and 15 age- and sex-matched controls, all subjects age over 60. Hypertensives were on their usual antihypertensive treatment at the time of blood collection. The concentration of glutathione (GSH) in whole blood and activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPx-1), glutathione transferase (GST), and glutathione reductase (GR) in erythrocytes were measured. The data from patients and controls were compared using independent-samples t test. P value of 0.05 and less was considered statistically significant. We observed increased glutathione-related antioxidant defense in treated hypertensive elderly patients (HT) when compared with healthy controls (C). Mean GSH concentration was significantly higher in HT when compared with C: 3.1 ± 0.29 and 2.6 ± 0.25 mmol/L, respectively, P < 0.001. Mean activity of GR was significantly higher in HT group if compared with C: 83.4 ± 15.25 U/g Hb versus 64.2 ± 8.26 U/g Hb, respectively, P < 0.001. Mean activity of GST was significantly higher in HT group compared with C: 3.0 ± 0.60 mmol CDNB-GSH/mgHb/min and 2.6 ± 0.36 mmol CDNB-GSH/mgHb/min, respectively, P < 0.05. No difference in GPx activity was observed between two groups. These results show that glutathione-related antioxidant defense system was enhanced in elderly hypertensive patients treated for their conditions. This suggests important role of glutathione system in blood pressure regulation. Alterations in concentration and activity of antioxidants observed during antihypertensive medication are likely to be related to the effect of the treatment on NO bioavailability

    Multicenter Phase 2 Trial of Sirolimus for Tuberous Sclerosis: Kidney Angiomyolipomas and Other Tumors Regress and VEGF- D Levels Decrease

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    Tuberous sclerosis (TSC) related tumors are characterized by constitutively activated mTOR signaling due to mutations in TSC1 or TSC2.We completed a phase 2 multicenter trial to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of the mTOR inhibitor, sirolimus, for the treatment of kidney angiomyolipomas.36 adults with TSC or TSC/LAM were enrolled and started on daily sirolimus. The overall response rate was 44.4% (95% confidence intervals [CI] 28 to 61); 16/36 had a partial response. The remainder had stable disease (47.2%, 17/36), or were unevaluable (8.3%, 3/36). The mean decrease in kidney tumor size (sum of the longest diameters [sum LD]) was 29.9% (95% CI, 22 to 37; n = 28 at week 52). Drug related grade 1-2 toxicities that occurred with a frequency of >20% included: stomatitis, hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia, bone marrow suppression (anemia, mild neutropenia, leucopenia), proteinuria, and joint pain. There were three drug related grade 3 events: lymphopenia, headache, weight gain. Kidney angiomyolipomas regrew when sirolimus was discontinued but responses tended to persist if treatment was continued after week 52. We observed regression of brain tumors (SEGAs) in 7/11 cases (26% mean decrease in diameter), regression of liver angiomyolipomas in 4/5 cases (32.1% mean decrease in longest diameter), subjective improvement in facial angiofibromas in 57%, and stable lung function in women with TSC/LAM (n = 15). A correlative biomarker study showed that serum VEGF-D levels are elevated at baseline, decrease with sirolimus treatment, and correlate with kidney angiomyolipoma size (Spearman correlation coefficient 0.54, p = 0.001, at baseline).Sirolimus treatment for 52 weeks induced regression of kidney angiomyolipomas, SEGAs, and liver angiomyolipomas. Serum VEGF-D may be a useful biomarker for monitoring kidney angiomyolipoma size. Future studies are needed to determine benefits and risks of longer duration treatment in adults and children with TSC.Clinicaltrials.gov NCT00126672