6,874 research outputs found

    Fat transforms ascorbic acid from inhibiting to promoting acid-catalysed N-nitrosation

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    <b>Background</b>: The major potential site of acid nitrosation is the proximal stomach, an anatomical site prone to a rising incidence of metaplasia and adenocarcinoma. Nitrite, a pre-carcinogen present in saliva, can be converted to nitrosating species and N-nitroso compounds by acidification at low gastric pH in the presence of thiocyanate. <b>Aims</b>: To assess the effect of lipid and ascorbic acid on the nitrosative chemistry under conditions simulating the human proximal stomach. <b>Methods</b>: The nitrosative chemistry was modelled in vitro by measuring the nitrosation of four secondary amines under conditions simulating the proximal stomach. The N-nitrosamines formed were measured by gas chromatography–ion-trap tandem mass spectrometry, while nitric oxide and oxygen levels were measured amperometrically. <b>Results</b>: In absence of lipid, nitrosative stress was inhibited by ascorbic acid through conversion of nitrosating species to nitric oxide. Addition of ascorbic acid reduced the amount of N-nitrosodimethylamine formed by fivefold, N-nitrosomorpholine by .1000-fold, and totally prevented the formation of N-nitrosodiethylamine and N-nitrosopiperidine. In contrast, when 10% lipid was present, ascorbic acid increased the amount of Nnitrosodimethylamine, N-nitrosodiethylamine and N-nitrosopiperidine formed by approximately 8-, 60- and 140-fold, respectively, compared with absence of ascorbic acid. <b>Conclusion</b>: The presence of lipid converts ascorbic acid from inhibiting to promoting acid nitrosation. This may be explained by nitric oxide, formed by ascorbic acid in the aqueous phase, being able to regenerate nitrosating species by reacting with oxygen in the lipid phase

    Different mechanics of snap-trapping in the two closely related carnivorous plants Dionaea muscipula and Aldrovanda vesiculosa

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    The carnivorous aquatic Waterwheel Plant (Aldrovanda vesiculosa L.) and the closely related terrestrial Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula SOL. EX J. ELLIS) both feature elaborate snap-traps, which shut after reception of an external mechanical stimulus by prey animals. Traditionally, Aldrovanda is considered as a miniature, aquatic Dionaea, an assumption which was already established by Charles Darwin. However, videos of snapping traps from both species suggest completely different closure mechanisms. Indeed, the well-described snapping mechanism in Dionaea comprises abrupt curvature inversion of the two trap lobes, while the closing movement in Aldrovanda involves deformation of the trap midrib but not of the lobes, which do not change curvature. In this paper, we present the first detailed mechanical models for these plants, which are based on the theory of thin solid membranes and explain this difference by showing that the fast snapping of Aldrovanda is due to kinematic amplification of the bending deformation of the midrib, while that of Dionaea unambiguously relies on the buckling instability that affects the two lobes.Comment: accepted in Physical Review

    Semiconductor-enriched single wall carbon nanotube networks applied to field effect transistors

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    Substantial progress on field effect transistors "FETs" consisting of semiconducting single wall carbon nanotubes "s-SWNTs" without detectable traces of metallic nanotubes and impurities is reported. Nearly perfect removal of metallic nanotubes is confirmed by optical absorption, Raman measurements, and electrical measurements. This outstanding result was made possible in particular by ultracentrifugation (150 000 g) of solutions prepared from SWNT powders using polyfluorene as an extracting agent in toluene. Such s-SWNTs processable solutions were applied to realize FET, embodying randomly or preferentially oriented nanotube networks prepared by spin coating or dielectrophoresis. Devices exhibit stable p-type semiconductor behavior in air with very promising characteristics. The on-off current ratio is 10^5, the on-current level is around 10 μ\muA, and the estimated hole mobility is larger than 2 cm2 / V s

    Pressure-Induced Interlinking of Carbon Nanotubes

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    We predict new forms of carbon consisting of one and two dimensional networks of interlinked single wall carbon nanotubes, some of which are energetically more stable than van der Waals packing of the nanotubes on a hexagonal lattice. These interlinked nanotubes are further transformed with higher applied external pressures to more dense and complicated stable structures, in which curvature-induced carbon sp3^{3} re-hybridizations are formed. We also discuss the energetics of the bond formation between nanotubes and the electronic properties of these predicted novel structures.Comment: 4 pages, 4 postscript figures; To be appear in PR

    Quantum Conductance Steps in Solutions of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes

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    We have prepared solutions of multiwalled carbon nanotubes in Aroclor 1254, a mixture of polychlorinated biphenyls. The solutions are stable at room temperature. Transport measurements were performed using a scanning--tunneling probe on a sample prepared by spin--coating of the solution on gold substrates. Conductance steps were clearly seen. An histogram of a high number of traces shows maximum peaks at integer values of the conductance quantum G0=2e2/hG_0 = 2e^2/h, demonstrating ballistic transport at room temperature along the carbon nanotube over distances longer than 1.4μm1.4\mu m.Comment: 4 pages and 2 figure

    Metal-to-semiconductor transition in squashed armchair carbon nanotubes

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    We investigate electronic transport properties of the squashed armchair carbon nanotubes, using tight-binding molecular dynamics and Green's function method. We demonstrate a metal-to-semiconductor transistion while squashing the nanotubes and a general mechanism for such transistion. It is the distinction of the two sublattices in the nanotube that opens an energy gap near the Fermi energy. We show that the transition has to be achieved by a combined effect of breaking of mirror symmetry and bond formation between the flattened faces in the squashed nanotubes.Comment: 4 papges, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    A Monolithic Time Stretcher for Precision Time Recording

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    Identifying light mesons which contain only up/down quarks (pions) from those containing a strange quark (kaons) over the typical meter length scales of a particle physics detector requires instrumentation capable of measuring flight times with a resolution on the order of 20ps. In the last few years a large number of inexpensive, multi-channel Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC) chips have become available. These devices typically have timing resolution performance in the hundreds of ps regime. A technique is presented that is a monolithic version of ``time stretcher'' solution adopted for the Belle Time-Of-Flight system to address this gap between resolution need and intrinsic multi-hit TDC performance.Comment: 9 pages, 15 figures, minor corrections made, to appear as JINST_008

    Pressure dependence of the thermoelectric power of single-walled carbon nanotubes

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    We have measured the thermoelectric power (S) of high purity single-walled carbon nanotube mats as a function of temperature at various hydrostatic pressures up to 2.0 GPa. The thermoelectric power is positive, and it increases in a monotonic way with increasing temperature for all pressures. The low temperature (T < 40 K) linear thermoelectric power is pressure independent and is characteristic for metallic nanotubes. At higher temperatures it is enhanced and though S(T) is linear again above about 100 K it has a nonzero intercept. This enhancement is strongly pressure dependent and is related to the change of the phonon population with hydrostatic pressure.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure