30 research outputs found

    Las peridotitas y piroxenitas del Complejo catazonal del Cabo Ortegal

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    [Résumë] Les roches ultramafiques de l'unité supérieure du Complexe Catazonal du Cabo Ortegal montrent un bel exemple d'un manteau supérieur composite. Ce manteau est constitué d 'importantes masses de pyroxénites interlités dans des harzburgites résiduelles. Dans le massif d'Herbeira, ces pyroxénites constituent une lame d'au moins 300 m d'épaisseur continue sur plus de 3 km de longueur dans laquelle alternent de niveaux d'épaisseur tres variable (2 mm a 3 mm) de pyroxénite et de dunite, sans aucune rythmicité apparente. Ces rubans ne sont en général pas zonés mais peuvent localement montrer des enrichissements en clinopyroxene et spinelle ala base de certains bancs. Al'échelle du massif, cette lame de pyroxénite a une structure en amande pouvant résulter d 'un processus de boudinage compatible avec un cisaillement du Nord vers le Sud de l'ensemble du massif ultramafique. Les traces de cette deformation sont bien visibles dans toutes les roches situées ala périphérie de la lame de pyroxénite qui montrent a toute échelle, des plis soclinaux, des bandes de cisaillement mylonitiques, parfois de type C' et des failles normales associées au boudinage des niveaux pyroxénitiques. Cette déformation est cellée par la mise en place de filons de pyroxénite agrenat. Elle prédate le charriage de l'ensemble du massif sur les granulites. Ces roches ultramafiques ont subi une évolution complexe impliquant un reéquilibrage de l'ensemble des pnases primaires a une température voisine de 800 oC et aune pression élevée, supérieure a 15 kbar, évolution métamorphique de haut degré similaire a celle qu 'ont subi les granulites et éclogites encaissantes. Puis ces roches ont subi un reéquilibrage plus tardif dans des conditions du facies amphibolites[Resumen] Las rocas ultramáficas de la unidad superior del Complejo Catazonal del Cabo Ortegal muestran un buen ejemplo de manto superior compuesto. Se trata de un fragmento de manto terrestre constituido por una gran cantidad de piroxenitas intercaladas en harzburgitas residuales. En el macizo de Herbeira las piroxenitas constituyen una lámina de al menos 300 m de espesor, continua a lo largo de más de 3km de longitud, en la que alternan niveles de espesor variable (2 mm.a 3 m) de piroxenita y de dunita sin ninguna ritmicidad aparente. Los niveles generalmente no presentan zonaci6n aunque localmente pueden aparecer enriquecimientos en c1inopiroxeno y espinela en la base de algunos de ellos. A la escala del macizo la lámina de piroxenita presenta una estructura aproximadamente lenticular que podría ser el resultado de un proceso de boudinage compatible con una cizalla de Norte a Sur del conjunto del macizo ultramáfico. Las trazas de esta deformación son bien visibles en todas las rocas situadas en la periferia de la lámina piroxenítica., las cuales muestran a diferentes escalas pliegues isoclinales, bandas de cizalla miloníticas, en ocasiones de tipo C' así como fallas normales asociadas al boudinage de los niveles piroxeníticos. Esta deformación aparece sellada por el emplazamiento de filones de piroxenita con granate y precede al cabalgamiento del macizo sobre las granulitas. Las rocas ultramáficas han sufrido una evolución compleja con reequilibración del conjunto de fases primarias a una temperatura próxima a los 800 oC y a una presión elevada, superior a 15 kbar, evolución metamórfica de alto grado similar a la que se observa en las granulitas y eclogitas encajantes, seguida de una reequilibración tardía en condiciones de la facies de las anfibolitas.[Abstract] The ultramafic rocks from the upper unit of the Catazonal Complex of Cabo Ortegal show a good eXClmple of composite upper mande. This mande fragment is made of a great amount of pyroxenites intercalated within residual harzburgites. At the Herbeira massif these pyroxenites form a continuous sheet of more than 300 m in width by 3 km length. Pyroxenite and dunite levels, highly variable in width (2 mm to 3 m), alternate within the pyroxenitc sheet without any apparent rhytmicity. These levels generally are not zoned but there may be local enrichments in c1inopyroxene and spinel at the base of sorne of them. The pyroxenite sheet exhibits a near lenticular (almond) structure at the massif scale. This might be due to a boudinage process compatible with a Southwards shear movement of the ultramafic massif. The traces of this deformation are best observed in the rocks surrounding the pyroxenite sheet, where isoc1inal folds, mylonitic shear bands -C' bands in sorne cases-, and normal faults associated with the boudinage of pyroxenitic layers, are visible at different scales. This deformation is sealed by the emplacement of garnetbearing pyroxenite veins which occurred prior to the thrust emplacement of the ultramafic massif onto. the structurally underlying granulites. The ultramafic rocks underwent a complex evolution involving reequilibrium of the primary phases at a temperature of ca.800 oC and relatively high-pressure conditions (> 15 kbar). This recrystallization, comparable to that observed in the surrounding granulites and eclogites, was followed by a later event under amphibolite-Jacies conditions

    Petrología de la aureola metamórfica de la granodiorita de Barcelona en la Sierra de Collcerola (Tibidabo)

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    The Paleozoic materials outcropping in the Sierra de Collcerola área (Tibidabo) range from Upper Ordovician up to Carboníferous. These materials approximately define a syncline structure wich minor folds facing to SE or SSE and show the development of a marked slatycleavage. The structures of WNW-ESE direction are cut near Barcelona by a granodioritic intrusion (granodiorite of Barcelona). This intrusion does not show any evidence of regional deformation and presents an oblique contact to the Hercynian structures of the host rocks, affecting, therefore, a great variety of lithologies, the main ones being: 1) metapelites and metapsamites; 2) calcareous and calc-silicate rocks, and 3) metabasites (likely derived from gneous protoliths). The materials affected by the contact metamorphism belong to the Silurian and Upper Ordovician. Previously to the intrusion the Paleozoic materials were affected by a regional metamorphism, syn-kinematic with the development of the main schistosity, which did not surpass conditions of the greenschists facies. As a result of the intrusion of the granodiorite, the host materials underwent a considerable recrystallization which affected rocks situated at even more than two km from the contact. The calcareous and calc-silicate rocks are the first to show the effects of contact metamorphism; metabasites go next, and finally metapelites and metapsamites show those effects too. Calcareous and calc-silicate rocks are the more reactive too during the metamorphic event giving rise to a great variety of minerals through the contact aureole: chlorite, biotite, actinolite, epidote, homblende, clinopyroxene, idocrase, grossular/andradite and scapolite in this order; in the basic rocks a generalized development of homblende and locally of pyroxene took place, while in the pelitic and semipelitic rocks cordierite and andalusite generally formed (the latter only in those levels corresponding to ancient black shales of the Silurian), and only locally corundum, spinel, sillimanite and scapolite were developed. An important feature of most of the studied rocks is the existence in them of local equilibria; this must be Iikely the result of minor variations in the composition of the vapor phase and/or bulk rock system. The changes in the chemical composition of the tluids could be due to the existence of numerous millimetric to metric altemances of contrasting lithologies (e. g. pelites-earbonates or pelites-basic rocks), although they could also greatly be due to the intlux of tluids proceeding from the emplacement of the granodiorite. In effect, most rocks of the aureole present mineral associations of the homblendehomfels facies, nevertheless, locally, in places situated at 200 m of the contact, associations of the pyroxene-hornfels facies developed (corundum-spinel-sillimanite, etc.), which suggests that besides normal heating by thermal conduction, there must exist and additional heat supply, Iikely related to convecting tluids, induced by the intrusion of the granodiorite. Although under such circurnstances estimation of P-T conditions of the contact metamorphism is very difficult, on the basis of the chemical composition of analyzed minerals, and taking into account stratigraphic considerations for the situation previous to the emplacement of the granodiorite, it may be suggested that the maximum P-T conditions reached during the contact metamorphism were around 1.5 kbar and 700°C.Los materiales Paleozoicos que afloran en la Sierra de Collcerola (Tibidabo) van desde términos altos del Ordovíco hasta el Carbonífero. Estos Materiales se disponen aproximadamente en una estructura sinclinal con pliegues menores vergentes al SE o SSE desarrollándose una esquistosidad de flujo muy marcada. Las estructuras de dirección WNW-ESE están cortadas en las proximidades de Barcelona por la intrusión de un cuerpo granodiorítico (granodiorita de Barcelona). Esta intrusión no muestra ningún signo de deformación y presenta un contacto oblicuo con respecto a las estructuras hercínicas del encajante, por lo que afecta a una considerable variedad de litologías, siendo las principales: 1) metapelitas y metapsamitas; 2) rocas calcáreas y calcosilicatadas, y 3) metabasitas (de origen probablemente ortoderivado); los materiales afectados por el metamorfismo de contacto corresponden al Silúrico y parte alta del Ordovícico. Previamente a la intrusión los materiales Paleozoicos habían sufrido un metamorfismo regional sincinemático con el desarrollo de la esquistosidad principal en condiciones no superiores a la de la facies de los esquistos verdes. Como resultado de la intrusión de la granodiorita los materiales del encajante sufrieron una considerable reestructuración que afectó a rocas situadas hasta algo más de dos kilómetros de distancia del contacto. Las rocas calcáreas y calcosilicatadas son las que primero muestran las evidencias del metamorfismo de contacto, a continuación lo hacen las rocas básicas y, por último, las rocas pelíticas. Las rocas calcáreas y calcosilicatadas también son las más reactivas originando una gran variedad de minerales a lo largo de la aureola: clorita, biotita, actinolita, epidota, hornblenda, clinopiroxeno, idocrasa, grosularia/andradita y escapolita por este orden; en las rocas básicas tiene lugar una formación generalizada de hornblenda y localmente de piroxeno, mientras que en las rocas pelíticas y semipelíticas se forman cordierita y andalucita (esta última sólo en los niveles correspondientes a antiguas pizarras negras del Silúrico) de un modo general, y localmente corindón, espinela, sillirnanita y escapolita. Un rasgo notable de muchas de las rocas estudiadas es la existencia en las mismas de equilibrios locales, resultado probablemente de variaciones a pequeña escala de la composición de la fase vapor y/o del sistema roca total. Las variaciones en la composición de los fluidos podrían ser debidas a la existencia de numerosas alternancias, de milimétricas a métricas, de litologías bastante contrastadas (e. g. pelitas-carbonatos o pelitas-rocas básicas), aunque también en gran parte podrían ser debidas al influjo de fluidos procedentes de la granodiorita durante el emplazamiento de la misma. En efecto, la mayor parte de la aureola presenta asodaciones de la facies de las corneanas anfibólicas, sin embargo, localmente, en puntos alejados unos 200 m. del contacto, se desarrollan asociaciones de la facies de las corneanas piroxénicas (corindón-espinela-sillimanita, etc.), lo que sugiere que además del calentamiento ordinario por conducción térmica, también debió existir un aporte de calor adicional que podría estar relacionado con fenómenos de convección de fluidos provocados por la intrusión de la granodiorita. Aunque en estas condiciones es dificil determinar con precisión las condiciones físicas del metamorfismo de contacto, en base a la composición de los minerales analizados y a las consideraciones estratigráficas sobre la situación previa al emplalzamiento de la granodiorita, se puede asumir que las condiciones máximas del metamorfismo se situaron en tomo a 1,5 kbar y unos 700°C

    The relationship between the plutonic intrusions and the dyke swarm in the Los Pedroches batholith (Iberian Massif, Spain): Dykes as a paleotectonic and paleostress indicators

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    [Abstract] The Los Pedroches batholith (Iberian Massif, SW Spain) is composed by a large biotite ±amphibole granodiorite pluton and several, smaller variable porphyritic, biotite ± cordierite granite intrusions. A dyke swarm composed esencially by trachyandesites, dacites and rhyolites cross cut the batholith. The whole set of plutonic and subvolcanic rocks define a K-rich, calc-alkaline alumino-cafemic association; only the trachyandesitic dykes ofshoshonitic affinity, get offthis trend. The dacitic and rhyolitic dykes are cogenetic with and probably comagmatic with thegranodioritic plutonand thegranitic intrusions, respectively. The trachyandesites, locallyshows sin-plutonic relations with thegranodiorite bodyand might becogenetic with mafic microgranular enclaves scattered through the granodiritic unit. The emplacement of the batholith and the dyke swarms is late-hercynian and postcollisional (300 Ma) and, was controled by a transtensional shear zone at acrustal scale. The dyke swarm use the tectonically generated fracture system during cooling and consolidation of the plutonic rocks: (i) R' type Riedel fractures for the trachyandesitic and dacitic dykes emplacement, and (ii) R type Riedel fractures for rhyolitic dykes emplacement. The arrangement ofsome dyke swarms can be use as a paleotectonic and paleostress indicators.

    The Linares granite (Jaén): cartography, petrology and geochemistry

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    [Abstract] Magma emplacement within the Linares granite, a part of the Los Pedroches Batholith, took place in the sequence: biotite granodiorite with microgranular enclaves, biotite monzogranites, and dike swarm complexo Dikes are: WNWESE rhyolite to rhyodacite, aplopegmatite and abundant NE-SW ore-bearing quartz. The Linares intrusion and psamo-pelitic Carboniferous host metasediments (Los Pedroches Culm) are, in part, discordantly covered by Mesozoic (Trias) and Tertiary to Quaternary terrigenous deposits. Bulk rock chemistry of granodiorite shows minor variations in Si02 (64.75... 67 wt %) and REE contents (LREE = 158 -160 ppm), and nearly constant Al CNK (ISA) ratio (1.1 - 1.15). Monzogranites have higher Si02 (66.87 - 68.4 wt %), alkali and REE contents (LREE = 168 - 193 ppm), with A/CNK (ISA) ratio of 1.06 - 1.09. Both granodiorite and monzogranites are peraluminous rocks that may correspond to an aluminous association or to evolved terms of an aluminocafemic association (Debon & Lefort, 1983). Variation diagrams for major and trace elements, including REE, of granodiorite and monzogranites are compatible with magmatic differentiation processes by fractional crystallization starting from a primary granodioritic magma

    Geochemistry of A Espenuca two-mica granite: origin and evolution

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    [Abstract] The A Espenuca two-mica granite, situated in the northern sector ofthe Central Iberian Zone, was variably deformed by the Valdoviño Fault. Deformation intensity is observed to increase from W to E, also being more intense in the northern half. Results of the geochemical study of the less deformed granite facies, known in the regionalliterature as the «weakly deformed facies», are presented. Chemical variations are faint (DSi02 z 4%) and reflect a whole composition close to the granite minimum. Analyzed samples correspond to alkali-dch(Na20+K20, x = 8.4 %), CaO-depleted rocks « 0.9 %), showing very low values for the B (=Fe+Mg+Ti) parameter x = 30, and a marked peraluminous character, A/CNK, x =1.16 (range 1.1-1.26), which from the mineralogical point of view is traduced in the occurrence of muscovite (± garnet). The rocks studied are depleted in REE (LREE =75.77-189.83; x = 117.4), notably in the HREE. They exhibit considerably fractionated pattern (La/Lu)n x = 50 as well as important Eu negative anomalies (Eu/Eu*, x = 0.36). These rocks can be linked by fractionated crystallization processes. Massbalance calculations indicate crystallization ratios < 30%, the fractionated minerals being Kfs, Bt, PI. These values to explain the trace element variations observed in the different samples. The chemical-mineralogical composition of analyzed facies suggests an origin by partial melting of crustal rocks (either pelites, schists, meta-greywackes or orthoderived materials) at considerable depths, where garnet constitutes a restite stable phase. Nevertheless, calculated models show that not aH these materials equally adjust as source to the granite magma. The best fits are obtained considering a source similar to 0110 de Sapo gneisses. Key Words: Two-mica granite, fractional crystallization, partia

    The Santa Elena stock (Jaén). An intrusion genetically independent fram the magmatic association of the Los Pedroches Batolith

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    [Abstract] The Santa Elena stock has been classically considered as belonging to the magmatic association ofthe Los Pedroches Batolith. The stock is intrusive into psammo-pelitic materials Ordovician to Carboniferousin age. The Santa Elena stock is composed of biotite granodiorite to tonalite with gabbro-diorite as enclaves ofvariable size outcropping in northern sectors ofthe intrusion. Pelitic xenoliths ofvarious sizes, likely related to magma stopping, are common through the massif. The Santa Elena stock is intruded by a dike complex made of aplite and ore-bearing quartz veins. The two main lithological units exhibit different geochemical features with local evidence ofmagmamixing between acid and basic types. The granodioritetonalite is chemically homogeneous regarding the content of major and trace elements, including REE. These rocks correspond to mildly peraluminous terms ofan alumino-cafemic association ofcalc-alkaline character.The gabbrodiorite enclaves are meta-aluminous and clearly deviate from the geochemical trend defined by granodiorite and tonalite. The rocks from the Santa Elena stock are very different from the common granodiorite types ofthe Los Pedroches Batolith. It appears from the petrological and geochemical data that the Santa Elena stock corresponds to an independent and different magmafrom that at the origin ofthe Los Pedroches to which it had been classically associated

    Caracterización geoquímica de los depósitos alimentados por fuentes de lava del volcán Las Herrerías (Región Volcánica del Campo de Calatrava, Ciudad Real)

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    The Las Herrerías volcano (Bolaños de Calatrava, Campo de Calatrava Volcanic Field) is characterized by the great amount and variety of fire-fountain fed deposits. All these deposits are compositionally similar, being constituted by magnesium-rich (MgO = 11.58–4.19%), aluminium-poor (Al₂O₃ = 9.64–10.99%) highly sodic (Na₂O = 2.24–3.81%) melanephelinites, with high contents in rare earth-elements (10x–200x chondrite), particularly in light-rare earth elements with respect to the heavy ones [(La/Lu)N = 32–35]. Contrary to the equivalent melanephelinites of this volcanic field, the relatively low contents in Ni (233–286 ppm), Cr (393–520 ppm) and magnesium number (Mg* = 45–54) indicate that these rocks do not correspond with primary melts. On the other hand, the variable distribution of clinopyroxene in the magma during eruption would be responsible for the slight compositional differences observed in the studied samples. Finally, we argue that these fire fountains were developed in a continental intraplate setting.El volcán Las Herrerías (Bolaños de Calatrava; Región Volcánica del Campo de Calatrava) se caracteriza por una gran cantidad y variedad de depósitos originados a partir de fuentes de lava. Todos estos depósitos son composicionalmente idénticos, estando constituidos por melanefelinitas fuertemente sódicas (Na₂O = 2.24–3.81%), ricas en magnesio (MgO = 11.58–14.19%), pobres en aluminio (Al₂O₃ = 9.64–10.99%) y con elevados contenidos en tierras raras (10x–200x condrito), fundamentalmente más en tierras raras ligeras que en pesadas [(La/Lu)N = 32–35]. Los contenidos en Ni (233–286 ppm), Cr (393–520 ppm) y el número de magnesio (Mg* = 45–54) indican que no son magmas primarios, a diferencia de la mayor parte de las melanefelinitas equivalentes de esta región volcánica. Por otro lado, las ligeras variaciones composicionales mostradas por las muestras estudiadas responderían al efecto de la irregular distribución del clinopiroxeno en el magma durante la erupción. Los datos obtenidos son coherentes con el desarrollo de estas fuentes de lava en un ambiente de intraplaca continental

    Petrology and geochemistry of Cardeña-Virgen de La Cabeza pluton (batholith of Los Pedroches)

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    [Resumen] El plutón de Cardeña-Virgen de La Cabeza es uno de los cuerpos intrusivos que integran la unidad granítica del batolito de Los Pedroches. Dentro de este plutón, se ha establecido el emplazamiento sucesivo en el tiempo de: 1) adamellitas biotíticas, 2) granitos biotíticos porfídicos ± cordierita, 3) leucogranitos ± cordierita. Las adamellitas biotíticas muestran localmente paso gradual hacia las facies granodioríticas del batolito. Existe además un importante complejo filoniano que se intruye posteriormente, formado por diques riodacíticos de dirección NO-SE, lamprófidos, aplitas, pegmatitas y filones mineralizados· de cuarzo. Geoquímicamente, la adamellita y el granito biotítico porfídico constituyen una asociación alumino-cafémica de carácter calcoalcalino. Los enclaves anfibólicos (términos cafémicos) poseen carácter metaaluminoso. Los leucogranitos se desvían de la tendencia general definiendo una asociación aluminosa y leucocrática. Los diagramas de variación para elementos mayores, menores, trazas y tierras.raras de adamellitas, granitos biotíticos porfídicos y de granodioritas, rocas, estas últimas, con las que se encuentran íntimamente relacionadas, son compatibles con procesos de diferenciación magmática por cristalización fraccionada a partir de un magma inicial de composición granodiorítica más básico[Abstract] The Cardeña-Virgen de La Cabeza intrusion belongs to the granitic unit of the Los Pedroches batholith. the chronology of the intrusion of the different rocktypes that make up the pluton is as follows: 1) biotitic adamellite, 2) porphyritic, cordierite-bearing, biotitic granite. 3) cordierite bearing leucogranite. The biotitic adamellite locally shows a transition to the granodioritic facies of the batholith. A great amount ofNW-SW oriented dikes with rhyodacitic composition intruded subsequently. Lampophyres, aplites, pegmatites and ore-bearing quartz veins complete the dike complexo Adamellite and biotitic ganite define an aluminous-cafemic association with calcalkaline affinity. The amphibole-bearing enclaves represent the cafemic terms of the series and have a metaaluminous character.The leucogranite deviates from the general trend defining and aluminous, leucocratic association. Variation diagrams for major, minor and trace elements, including REE, of adamallite, porphyritic biotitic granite and granodiorite of the main pluton (which is intimately associated with the Cardeña-Virgen de La Cabeza intrusion) suggest a process of magmatic differentiation through fractional crystallization starting from a slightly more basic granodioritic magma