123 research outputs found
Aggregation Of Chlorophyll a Probed By Resonance Light Scattering Spectroscopy
We report the resonance light scattering (RLS) spectra of chlorophyll a aggregated in a 9:1 solution of formamide and pH 6.8 phosphate buffer. The aggregate formed after 2 h of mixing, referred to as Chl(469), shows a strong scattering feature at 469 nm (Soret band) and a much weaker feature at 699 nm (Q(y) band). A kinetic investigation confirmed that the aggregation process is cooperative, and also detected one intermediate (Chl(458)) with a strong RLS spectrum but only a weak CD spectrum. We propose that aggregation proceeds via at least three steps: 1) formation of a nucleating species, probably a dimer of chlorophylls; 2) formation of large aggregates with little or no secondary structure (e.g., Chl(458)); and 3) conformational change to form helical aggregate (Chl(469))
Impact of glucocorticoid receptor density on ligand-independent dimerization, cooperative ligand-binding and basal priming of transactivation: a cell culture model
Glucocorticoid receptor (GR) levels vary between tissues and individuals and are altered by physiological and pharmacological effectors. However, the effects and implications of differences in GR concentration have not been fully elucidated. Using three statistically different GR concentrations in transiently transfected COS-1 cells, we demonstrate, using co-immunoprecipitation (CoIP) and fluorescent resonance energy transfer (FRET), that high levels of wild type GR (wtGR), but not of dimerization deficient GR (GRdim), display ligand-independent dimerization. Whole-cell saturation ligand-binding experiments furthermore establish that positive cooperative ligand-binding, with a concomitant increased ligand-binding affinity, is facilitated by ligand-independent dimerization at high concentrations of wtGR, but not GRdim. The down-stream consequences of ligand-independent dimerization at high concentrations of wtGR, but not GRdim, are shown to include basal priming of the system as witnessed by ligand-independent transactivation of both a GRE-containing promoter-reporter and the endogenous glucocorticoid (GC)-responsive gene, GILZ, as well as ligand-independent loading of GR onto the GILZ promoter. Pursuant to the basal priming of the system, addition of ligand results in a significantly greater modulation of transactivation potency than would be expected solely from the increase in ligand-binding affinity. Thus ligand-independent dimerization of the GR at high concentrations primes the system, through ligand-independent DNA loading and transactivation, which together with positive cooperative ligand-binding increases the potency of GR agonists and shifts the bio-character of partial GR agonists. Clearly GR-levels are a major factor in determining the sensitivity to GCs and a critical factor regulating transcriptional programs
Crystal structure of oxygen-evolving photosystem II at a resolution of 1.9 Å
Photosystem II is the site of photosynthetic water oxidation and contains 20 subunits with a total molecular mass of 350 kDa. The structure of photosystem II has been reported at resolutions from 3.8 to 2.9 angstrom. These resolutions have provided much information on the arrangement of protein subunits and cofactors but are insufficient to reveal the detailed structure of the catalytic centre of water splitting. Here we report the crystal structure of photosystem II at a resolution of 1.9 angstrom. From our electron density map, we located all of the metal atoms of the Mn(4)CaO(5) cluster, together with all of their ligands. We found that five oxygen atoms served as oxo bridges linking the five metal atoms, and that four water molecules were bound to the Mn(4)CaO(5) cluster; some of them may therefore serve as substrates for dioxygen formation. We identified more than 1,300 water molecules in each photosystem II monomer. Some of them formed extensive hydrogen-bonding networks that may serve as channels for protons, water or oxygen molecules. The determination of the high-resolution structure of photosystem II will allow us to analyse and understand its functions in great detail
Depolarized resonance light scattering by porphyrin and chlorophyll a aggregates.
A quantum mechanical model is developed for the observed resonance enhancement of light scattering by aggregates of electronically interacting chromophores. Aggregate size, monomer oscillator strength, extent of electronic coupling, and aggregate geometry are all important determinants of intensity in resonance light scattering (RLS) spectra. The theory also predicts the value of the depolarization ratio (rho(v)(90)) of RLS for a given aggregate geometry. These results are used to interpret the RLS depolarization ratios of four aggregates: tetrakis(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphine aggregated at low pH (rho(v)(90) = 0.17 at 488 nm), trans-bis(N-methylpyridinium-4-yl)-diphenylporphinato copper(II) aggregated in 0.2 M NaCl solution (rho(v)(90) = 0.13 at 450 nm) and on calf thymus DNA (rho(v)(90) = 0.20 at 454 nm), and chlorophyll a aggregates in formamide/water (rho(v)(90) = 0.23 and 0.32 at 469 and 699 nm, respectively). The analysis is consistent with a J-aggregate geometry for all four systems. Furthermore, the specific values of rho(v)(90) allow us to estimate the orientation of the monomer transition dipoles with respect to the long axis of the aggregate. We conclude that depolarized resonance light scattering spectroscopy is a powerful probe of the geometric and electronic structures of extended aggregates of strong chromophores
Dielectric breakdown in high-ε films for ulsi DRAMs: III. Leakage current precursors and electrodes
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