616 research outputs found

    Probing the phase diagram of CeRu_2Ge_2 by thermopower at high pressure

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    The temperature dependence of the thermoelectric power, S(T), and the electrical resistivity of the magnetically ordered CeRu_2Ge_2 (T_N=8.55 K and T_C=7.40 K) were measured for pressures p < 16 GPa in the temperature range 1.2 K < T < 300 K. Long-range magnetic order is suppressed at a p_c of approximately 6.4 GPa. Pressure drives S(T) through a sequence of temperature dependences, ranging from a behaviour characteristic for magnetically ordered heavy fermion compounds to a typical behaviour of intermediate-valent systems. At intermediate pressures a large positive maximum develops above 10 K in S(T). Its origin is attributed to the Kondo effect and its position is assumed to reflect the Kondo temperature T_K. The pressure dependence of T_K is discussed in a revised and extended (T,p) phase diagram of CeRu_2Ge_2.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Kondo engineering : from single Kondo impurity to the Kondo lattice

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    In the first step, experiments on a single cerium or ytterbium Kondo impurity reveal the importance of the Kondo temperature by comparison to other type of couplings like the hyperfine interaction, the crystal field and the intersite coupling. The extension to a lattice is discussed. Emphasis is given on the fact that the occupation number nfn_f of the trivalent configuration may be the implicit key variable even for the Kondo lattice. Three (P,H,T)(P, H, T) phase diagrams are discussed: CeRu2_2Si2_2, CeRhIn5_5 and SmS

    High-pressure transport properties of CeRu_2Ge_2

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    The pressure-induced changes in the temperature-dependent thermopower S(T) and electrical resistivity \rho(T) of CeRu_2Ge_2 are described within the single-site Anderson model. The Ce-ions are treated as impurities and the coherent scattering on different Ce-sites is neglected. Changing the hybridisation \Gamma between the 4f-states and the conduction band accounts for the pressure effect. The transport coefficients are calculated in the non-crossing approximation above the phase boundary line. The theoretical S(T) and \rho(T) curves show many features of the experimental data. The seemingly complicated temperature dependence of S(T) and \rho(T), and their evolution as a function of pressure, is related to the crossovers between various fixed points of the model.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Structured Landmark Detection via Topology-Adapting Deep Graph Learning

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    Image landmark detection aims to automatically identify the locations of predefined fiducial points. Despite recent success in this field, higher-ordered structural modeling to capture implicit or explicit relationships among anatomical landmarks has not been adequately exploited. In this work, we present a new topology-adapting deep graph learning approach for accurate anatomical facial and medical (e.g., hand, pelvis) landmark detection. The proposed method constructs graph signals leveraging both local image features and global shape features. The adaptive graph topology naturally explores and lands on task-specific structures which are learned end-to-end with two Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs). Extensive experiments are conducted on three public facial image datasets (WFLW, 300W, and COFW-68) as well as three real-world X-ray medical datasets (Cephalometric (public), Hand and Pelvis). Quantitative results comparing with the previous state-of-the-art approaches across all studied datasets indicating the superior performance in both robustness and accuracy. Qualitative visualizations of the learned graph topologies demonstrate a physically plausible connectivity laying behind the landmarks.Comment: Accepted to ECCV-20. Camera-ready with supplementary materia

    Cross-Modality Multi-Atlas Segmentation Using Deep Neural Networks

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    Both image registration and label fusion in the multi-atlas segmentation (MAS) rely on the intensity similarity between target and atlas images. However, such similarity can be problematic when target and atlas images are acquired using different imaging protocols. High-level structure information can provide reliable similarity measurement for cross-modality images when cooperating with deep neural networks (DNNs). This work presents a new MAS framework for cross-modality images, where both image registration and label fusion are achieved by DNNs. For image registration, we propose a consistent registration network, which can jointly estimate forward and backward dense displacement fields (DDFs). Additionally, an invertible constraint is employed in the network to reduce the correspondence ambiguity of the estimated DDFs. For label fusion, we adapt a few-shot learning network to measure the similarity of atlas and target patches. Moreover, the network can be seamlessly integrated into the patch-based label fusion. The proposed framework is evaluated on the MM-WHS dataset of MICCAI 2017. Results show that the framework is effective in both cross-modality registration and segmentation