20,016 research outputs found

    Simulating disease transmission dynamics at a multi-scale level

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    We present a model of the global spread of a generic human infectious disease using a Monte Carlo micro-simulation with large-scale parallel-processing. This prototype has been constructed and tested on a model of the entire population of the British Isles. Typical results are presented. A microsimulation of this order of magnitude of population simulation has not been previously attained. Further, an efficiency assessment of processor usage indicates that extension to the global scale is feasible. We conclude that the flexible approach outlined provides the framework for a virtual laboratory capable of supporting public health policy making at a variety of spatial scales.high-performance computing; global modelling; disease transmission

    Vibrations of closed-shell Lennard-Jones icosahedral and cuboctahedral clusters and their effect on the cluster ground state energy

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    Vibrational spectra of closed shell Lennard-Jones icosahedral and cuboctahedral clusters are calculated for shell numbers between 2 and 9. Evolution of the vibrational density of states with the cluster shell number is examined and differences between icosahedral and cuboctahedral clusters described. This enabled a quantum calculation of quantum ground state energies of the clusters in the quasiharmonic approximation and a comparison of the differences between the two types of clusters. It is demonstrated that in the quantum treatment, the closed shell icosahedral clusters binding energies differ from those of cuboctahedral clusters more than is the case in classical treatment

    Observed Effects of a Changing Step-Edge Density on Thin-Film Growth Dynamics

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    We grew SrTiO3 on SrTiO3 [001] by pulsed laser deposition, while observing x-ray diffraction at the (0 0 .5) position. The drop dI in the x-ray intensity following a laser pulse contains information about plume-surface interactions. Kinematic theory predicts dI/I = -4sigma(1-sigma), so that dI/I depends only on the amount of deposited material sigma. In contrast, we observed experimentally that |dI/I| < 4sigma(1-sigma), and that dI/I depends on the phase of x-ray growth oscillations. The combined results suggest a fast smoothing mechanism that depends on surface step-edge density.Comment: 4 figure

    A kinetic model of radiating electrons

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    A kinetic theory is developed to describe radiating electrons whose motion is governed by the Lorentz-Dirac equation. This gives rise to a generalized Vlasov equation coupled to an equation for the evolution of the physical submanifold of phase space. The pathological solutions of the 1-particle theory may be removed by expanding the latter equation in powers of τ ≔ q 2/6πm. The radiation-induced change in entropy is explored and its physical origin is discussed. As a simple demonstration of the theory, the radiative damping rate of longitudinal plasma waves is calculated

    Tetratic Order in the Phase Behavior of a Hard-Rectangle System

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    Previous Monte Carlo investigations by Wojciechowski \emph{et al.} have found two unusual phases in two-dimensional systems of anisotropic hard particles: a tetratic phase of four-fold symmetry for hard squares [Comp. Methods in Science and Tech., 10: 235-255, 2004], and a nonperiodic degenerate solid phase for hard-disk dimers [Phys. Rev. Lett., 66: 3168-3171, 1991]. In this work, we study a system of hard rectangles of aspect ratio two, i.e., hard-square dimers (or dominos), and demonstrate that it exhibits a solid phase with both of these unusual properties. The solid shows tetratic, but not nematic, order, and it is nonperiodic having the structure of a random tiling of the square lattice with dominos. We obtain similar results with both a classical Monte Carlo method using true rectangles and a novel molecular dynamics algorithm employing rectangles with rounded corners. It is remarkable that such simple convex two-dimensional shapes can produce such rich phase behavior. Although we have not performed exact free-energy calculations, we expect that the random domino tiling is thermodynamically stabilized by its degeneracy entropy, well-known to be 1.79kB1.79k_{B} per particle from previous studies of the dimer problem on the square lattice. Our observations are consistent with a KTHNY two-stage phase transition scenario with two continuous phase transitions, the first from isotropic to tetratic liquid, and the second from tetratic liquid to solid.Comment: Submitted for publicatio

    Chronic acceleration studies - Physiological responses to artificial alterations in weight Progress report

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    Influence of chronic acceleration on energy metabolism of chickens and animals, as indicated by maintenance feed requiremen

    Non-metric chaotic inflation

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    We consider inflation within the context of what is arguably the simplest non-metric extension of Einstein gravity. There non-metricity is described by a single graviscalar field with a non-minimal kinetic coupling to the inflaton field Ψ\Psi, parameterized by a single parameter γ\gamma. We discuss the implications of non-metricity for chaotic inflation and find that it significantly alters the inflaton dynamics for field values ΨMP/γ\Psi \gtrsim M_P/\gamma, dramatically changing the qualitative behaviour in this regime. For potentials with a positive slope non-metricity imposes an upper bound on the possible number of e-folds. For chaotic inflation with a monomial potential, the spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar ratio receive small corrections dependent on the non-metricity parameter. We also argue that significant post-inflationary non-metricity may be generated.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    The properties of the Galactic bar implied by gas kinematics in the inner Milky Way

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    Longitude-velocity (l-V) diagrams of H I and CO gas in the inner Milky Way have long been known to be inconsistent with circular motion in an axisymmetric potential. Several lines of evidence suggest that the Galaxy is barred, and gas flow in a barred potential could be consistent with the observed ``forbidden'' velocities and other features in the data. We compare the H I observations to l-V diagrams synthesized from 2-D fluid dynamical simulations of gas flows in a family of barred potentials. The gas flow pattern is very sensitive to the parameters of the assumed potential, which allows us to discriminate among models. We present a model that reproduces the outer contour of the H I l-V diagram reasonably well; this model has a strong bar with a semimajor axis of 3.6 kpc, an axis ratio of approximately 3:1, an inner Lindblad resonance (ILR), and a pattern speed of 42 km/s/kpc, and matches the data best when viewed from 34\deg to the bar major axis. The behavior of the models, combined with the constraint that the shocks in the Milky Way bar should resemble those in external barred galaxies, leads us to conclude that wide ranges of parameter space are incompatible with the observations. In particular we suggest that the bar must be fairly strong, must have an ILR, and cannot be too end-on, with the bar major axis at 35\deg +/- 5\deg to the line of sight. The H I data exhibit larger forbidden velocities over a wider longitude range than are seen in molecular gas; this important difference is the reason our favored model differs so significantly from other recently proposed models.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures, 1 table, uses emulateapj and psfig, 640 kb. Submitted to Ap