2,794 research outputs found

    Lily Perennializing in Ithaca, Louisiana and Holland

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    In May 2006, we published a newsletter (number 10) where we first reported on our experiences with multi-year flowering of a variety of “cut flower” hybrid lilies at Cornell’s outdoor trialing site, Bluegrass Lane, in Ithaca NY. In 2002-2003, we planted a range of LA, Asiatic and Oriental hybrid lilies to investigate perennialization. While not a formal trial, the 2006 newsletter showed that a range of hybrids, primarily bred for cut flower use, performed very well in outdoor garden situations in upstate New Yor

    Crystal records of magma assembly beneath Mount Mazama, Oregon

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    Magma storage and assembly processes of large-scale volcanic systems such as Mount Mazama, the volcano that led to the caldera-forming eruption of Crater Lake, remain a topic of debate. Catastrophic eruptions from these volcanoes cause devastating effects on local environments and potentially disrupt larger, regions through the release of thousands of cubic kilometers of material. Understanding the mechanisms that fueled the Mount Mazama magmatic system prior to the climactic eruption of 7.7 ka may provide insight into supply systems of similar volcanoes and, accordingly, their potential for caldera-forming eruptions. Volcanic systems such as Mount Mazama are thought to harvest crystalline magmatic materials prior to large-scale eruptions (Burgisser and Bergantz, 2011). The dominant mode of storage of these materials can determine the physical characteristics of a magma chamber prior to eruption. Should the crystals be kept in a cold, rheologically locked-up state, rejuvenation and subsequent eruption could occur on a mere 10 to 1,000 year timescale (Cooper and Kent, 2014). Conversely, if the crystals had been kept in a predominantly warm environment then the magma chamber may display physical signs of low-viscosity, easily eruptible, magma for timescales greater than 100,000 years (Barboni et al., 2016). To ascertain the dominant mode of crystal storage prevalent in the mafic units of Red Cone and Castle Point of Mount Mazama, we carried out in situ investigations of minor elemental profiles orthopyroxene from these eruptive materials. LA-ICP-MS analyses of these crystals provided trace elemental concentration gradients that were then used, in concert with finite difference modeling, to infer timescales of storage within a warm environment from predicted diffusion gradients. Of the trace elements analyzed, chromium (Cr) provided the concentration gradients needed for effective diffusion modeling. Samples from the Red Cone eruptive unit, as well as some of the Castle Point orthopyroxene, did not bear concentration gradients outside of analytical uncertainty, and thus could not be used for diffusion analysis with these methods. However, all analyses lacked the trace element concentration gradients typical of a cold-storage environment. Orthopyroxene suitable for diffusion modeling from the Castle Point samples predicted timescales of storage within warm environments of 958 – 982 oC for a minimum of 20 ± 10 ka. These predicted timescales place the storage of Castle Point orthopyroxene outside the range of a cold-storage dominated system. Additionally, elevated Cr concentrations at the rims of these orthopyroxene suggest the presence of mafic recharge to the system. Together, these results suggest the storage of the Castle Point crystalline material under a predominantly warm-storage regime sustained by recharging mafic magmas

    LED-verlichting in de tulpenbroei

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    Voor de broei van gewassen als tulp, hyacint en narcis is assimilatiebelichting feitelijk niet nodig (de voor groei benodigde energie zit namelijk al in de bol). Wat wel nodig is, is zgn. stuurlicht om bolbloemen van de gewenste kwaliteit (lengte, gewicht, bladkleur, bloemkleur, poot/nek verhouding etc.) te produceren. LED’s produceren alleen licht van een gewenste golflengte waarbij geen warmtestraling (infrarood) vrijkomt. Dit maakt het mogelijk LED’s dicht boven het gewas te hangen, waardoor in meerlagenteelt de lagen dicht op elkaar geplaatst kunnen worden. Dit onderzoek is opgezet om de optimale rood/blauw verhouding en de minimale (LED)lichtbehoefte te bepalen voor tulpen van goede kwaliteit. Ook is nagegaan of kwaliteitssturing effectiever kan door per groeifase de kleurverhoudingen te veranderen

    Assessing Age Structure, Winter Ticks and Nutritional Condition as Potential Drivers of Fecundity in Montana Moose

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    Fecundity in ungulates is an important component of population dynamics, and itself can be driven by differences in the age and nutritional condition of females.  As one element of a larger research project focused on moose (Alces alces) population dynamics and ecology, we examined nutritional condition, pregnancy rates, and litter sizes for moose in three Montana moose populations.  During the winters of 2013–2015 we captured 100 female moose ? 1 year old and assessed pregnancy status using assays of both serum (pregnancy specific protein B [PSPB]) and feces (fecal progesterone).  After calibrating the relationship between these two assays, we subsequently monitored pregnancy with feces alone for additional winters following capture.  Coincident with captures, animals were aged using tooth extraction and cementum analysis, nutritional condition was assessed using ultrasonography of rump fat thickness, and winter tick loads were estimated by counting ticks along transects of the rump and shoulder.  Additionally, the concentrations of nitrogen and neutral detergent fiber of winter pellets were measured during each winter as indices of dietary quality.  Here, we assess the importance of environmental and demographic factors in limiting moose productivity in Montana by examining the interdependence of forage, parasites, nutritional condition, age structure, and ultimately fecundity for female moose.  We then place these findings in context of fecundity rates observed for moose elsewhere within neighboring US Rocky Mountain populations and across North America

    Analisis Peranan Perempuan Pada Rantai Nilai Pemasaran Tuna Cakalang Di Tempat Pelelangan Ikan (Tpi) Aertembaga Kota Bitung

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Tempat Pendaratan Ikan (TPI) Aertembaga Kota Bitung Provinsi Sulawesi Utara dengan tujuan (1) Untuk menganalisis peran, akses dan kotrol atas asset dan sumberdaya dan kekuatan pengambilan kepeutusan perempuan pedagang ikan (2) Untuk menganalisis peranan perempuan pedagang ikan pada rantai nilai pemasaran tuna-cakalang. Manfaat yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini yaitu: (1) Menerapkan ilmu pengetahuan yang telah diperoleh selama kuliah melalui penelitian yang dilakukan di lapangan. (2) Menambah pengetahuan sebagai bekal dalam mengaplikasikan pengetahuan teoritik terhadap masalah praktis. (3) Memberikan sumbangan yang berarti bagi pemerintah dan berbagai pihak juga sebagai bahan tambahan informasi pada yang membutuhkan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peranan perempuan pada rantai nilai pemasaran tuna cakalang sangat besar yaitu mulai dari membeli hingga memasarkan. Laki-laki berperan hanya pada kegiatan mengangkut ikan, baik dari atas kapal maupun ke pasar. Hasil analisis juga menunjukkan perempuan pedagang ikan memiliki peran yang lebih dalam kegiatan domestik, publik dan sosial kemasyarakatan. Perempuan pedagang ikan juga memiliki peran terhadap akses dan kontrol atas aset dan sumber daya perikanan, sedangkan untuk pengambilan keputusan mengenai USAha memasarkan ikan, hal ini sebagian besar dilakukan oleh perempuan. Laki-laki hanya berperan dalam pengambilan keputusan mengenai penetapan dan peminjaman modal

    A qualitative exploration of promoting oral health for infants in vulnerable families.

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    Introduction Oral disease in very young children is far more common among children in deprived and vulnerable families than among their peer group. Such children are at the highest risk of requiring a general anaesthetic for removal of decayed primary teeth.Aim This study aimed to create new knowledge about how best to promote oral health among a target population, about who very little is established with regard to how to successfully intervene to improve long-term oral health.Method Phase one of the study developed a logic model, and phase two delivered an oral health-promoting intervention by working with the Family Nurse Partnership. The social and empirical acceptability of the intervention was explored, and the attributes needed by people delivering such an intervention were investigated in-depth.Results The thematic analysis of phase one data produced seven key themes which appeared to influence parents' ability and willingness to accept an oral health intervention aimed at their infants. These were: their personal experiences, current oral health knowledge, desire for dental care for their child, the timing of an intervention, their perception of difficulties, family norms and the level of trust developed.Conclusion It is possible to motivate the most vulnerable families to establish behaviours which are conducive to good oral health, and that intervention is feasible and appropriate if a trusting relationship is adopted by the deliverer of the intervention. Families were successful in adopting oral health behaviours and visiting dental services when such circumstances were established

    Identifying Priority Areas for Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance in Montana

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    Chronic Wasting Disease is a fatal prion disease affecting ungulate species throughout North America.  As of 2013, no CWD positive deer have been found in the state of Montana, however, several surrounding states and provinces have identified multiple cases of the disease.  We used information on mule deer habitat selection, abundance, and locations of CWD cases in surrounding states to identify priority areas in Montana for CWD surveillance. The habitat selection models were based on over 10000 VHF and GPS locations collected from mule deer from 1975-2011, and predicted resource selection function (RSF) values for winter and summer in 5 of the 7 wildlife management regions in the state of Montana. We estimated mule deer density using the aerial survey counts weighted by the value of the RSF for each pixel. High priority areas were those that contained the highest densities of mule deer and were closest to locations with CWD positive deer. This information can be used to inform Montana’s CWD surveillance program for mule deer. We concluded that based on mule deer distribution and movement patterns several mule deer herds in Montana were at risk of coming into contact with deer from known infected herds

    Application of Structured Decision Making to Wildlife Management in Montana

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    Good decision-making is essential to conserving wildlife populations. Whereas there may be multiple ways to address a problem, perfect solutions rarely exist. Managers are therefore tasked with identifying optimal decisions that will best achieve desired outcomes. Structured decision making (SDM) is a method of decision analysis used to identify the most effective, efficient, and realistic optimal decisions while accounting for values and priorities of the decision maker. The stepwise process includes identifying the management problem, defining objectives for solving the problem, developing alternative approaches to achieve the objectives, and formally evaluating which alternative is most likely to accomplish the objectives. The SDM process can be more effective than informal decision-making because it provides a transparent way to quantitatively evaluate decisions for addressing multiple management objectives while incorporating science, uncertainty, and risk tolerance. We illustrate the application of this process to management needs, including an SDM-based decision tool developed to identify optimal decisions for proactively managing risk of pneumonia epizootics in bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis). Pneumonia epizootics are a major challenge for managers, including in terms of knowing how or when to manage risk. The decision tool facilitates analysis of alternative decisions for how to manage herds based on predictions from a risk model, herd-specific objectives, and predicted costs and benefits of each alternative. Managers can be confident resulting decisions are most effective, efficient, and realistic because they explicitly account for important considerations managers implicitly weigh when making decisions, including competing management objectives, uncertainty in potential outcomes and risk tolerance
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