624 research outputs found

    Cloning and Expression of a Tobacco Stearoyl-ACP Desaturase Gene SBIP24 and its Interaction with SABP2 in SA pathway

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    Salicylic acid binding protein 2 (SABP2) that converts methyl salicylate to salicylic acid (SA) plays an obligatory role in the SA-mediated disease resistance pathway in plants. SABP2 interacts with SBIP24 in a yeast two-hybrid screening. SBIP24 belongs to the stearoyl-acyl carrier protein-desaturase protein family. To biochemically characterize the SBIP24, it was cloned from tobacco leaves using RT-PCR and expressed in E. coli. Recombinant SBIP24 was affinity purified using Ni-NTA chromatography. RT-PCR was performed to determine the role of SABP2 in modulating the expression SBIP24. TMV infected transgenic C3 (control tobacco plant containing empty silencing vector) and 1-2 (SABP2-silenced) transgenic tobacco plants were used. Preliminary results indicate that SABP2 may regulate the expression of SBIP24 in tobacco plants. Further studies are needed to confirm these preliminary results


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    The occurrence of residual antibiotics in the environment has been a worldwide issue and warrants the development of inexpensive yet effective methods for antibiotics removal from contaminated water. In this thesis work, the adsorption of four antibiotics, namely chlorotetracycline (CTC), oxytetracycline (OTC), ofloxacin (OFL), and enrofloxacin (ENR), onto natural vermiculite has been studied using batch (static) and column (dynamic) adsorption techniques. The Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models were initially used to explain the adsorption processes. The separation factor (RL) values derived from the Langmuir model and the 1/n values derived from Freundlich model in the present investigation were less than one, indicating that the adsorption of the antibiotics onto vermiculite is favorable. A slightly more sophisticated Langmuir-Freundlich was also used to obtain the maximum adsorption capacity since the Langmuir model significantly underestimated the capacity. The maximum adsorption capacities obtained from the column experiments for CTC, OTC, OFL and ENR are approximately 0.79, 1.2, 1.9 and 1.0 mg/g respectively, 10-20% of those obtained from the batch equilibrium experiments (8.1, 7.1, 10.3, and 6.6 mg/g for CTC, OTC, OFL and ENR respectively). This difference could be attributed to the kinetic limitations during column experiments. Results indicate that the low-cost adsorbent vermiculite can be used as an economically viable adsorbent for the removal of selected antibiotics (CTC, OTC OFL and ENR) from contaminated water

    A Multistage Budgeting Approach to the Analysis of Demand for Fish: An Application to Inland Areas of Bangladesh

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    This study was conducted to estimate the elasticities of demand for eight different fish types and four income groups in Bangladesh using year-round data collected from inland areas of the country. It uses a three-stage budgeting framework that estimates a demand function for food in the first stage, a demand function for fish (as a group) in the second stage, and a set of demand functions for fish by type in the third stage using a quadratic extension of the Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS) model. The Heckman procedure was used in stage three to remove the possible bias in the parameter estimates brought about by zero consumption. The magnitude of both price and income elasticities varies across different fish types and income quartile groups, indicating the relevance of estimation specific to fish types and quartiles. Except for assorted small fish, the other seven fish types included in the study were found to have positive income elasticity for all income levels. Assorted small fish is an inferior commodity for the richest quartile of the population.Bangladesh, fish demand elasticities, Inverse Mills Ratio, multi-stage budgeting, quadratic extension to Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS), Demand and Price Analysis, International Development, Public Economics, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, C3, Q21,

    Observation of Robust Zero Energy Extended States

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    Topological edge states arise at the interface of two topologically-distinct structures and have two distinct features: they are localized and robust against symmetry protecting disorder. On the other hand, conventional transport in one dimension is associated with extended states, which typically do not have topological robustness. In this paper, using lossy coupled resonators in one dimension, we demonstrate both theoretically and experimentally the existence of robust states residing in the bulk. We show that they are unusually robust against disorders in coupling between adjacent sites and losses. Our work paves the way to a new form of robust transport that is not limited to boundary phenomena and can be accessed more easily from far field

    A quick DNA extraction protocol: Without liquid nitrogen in ambient temperature

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    Marker assisted selection is an effective technique for quality traits selection in breeding program which are impossible by visual observation. Marker assisted selection in early generation requires rapid DNA extraction protocol for large number of samples in a low cost approach. A rapid and inexpensive DNA extraction protocol has been described for different tissues of color rice and other plant species which contain pigment and polyphenolic compound. This method has been modified from well known cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) method where CTAB is used for DNA extraction. This protocol is simple and fast compared to other methods and no liquid nitrogen is required. Only inexpensive chemicals and ordinary laboratory equipments are enough for DNA extraction. The quantity of total genomic DNA from different tissues was almost similar which was extracted from 10 mg samples. The extracted DNA is stable and applicable to marker assisted selection, DNA fingerprinting, quantitative traits loci analysis, screening of transformants and enzymatic digestion.Key words: Different plant tissues, inexpensive, rice flour, rapid DNA extraction

    Martian Magma Evolution from Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions in Shergottites Using MELTS Models

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    Shergottites, the largest martian meteorite group, come from at least two geochemically different source reservoirs i.e. incompatible trace element (ITE)-depleted and enriched. The depleted shergottites are thought to be derived from an ITE-depleted mantle reservoir, while enriched shergottites are thought to be derived from an ITE-enriched mantle reservoir that represents late stage residual melt from a magma ocean or interaction with martian crust. Moreover, the martian crust is distinct from shergottites, by being highly oxidized, distinctly ITE-enriched, and older. The link between the crust and shergottite compositions is poorly understood. Here we model shergottite differentiation to resolve the origin of enriched shergottites and why the bulk martian crust is compositionally distinct from shergottites. Early formed olivine-hosted melt inclusions can provide primary melt composition from which the parental magma had crystallized and also information at different stages of crystallization during parent magma differentiation that leads to shergottite magma evolution as well as crustal contribution assessment. We analyzed olivine-hosted melt inclusions of two enriched poikilitic shergottites for their major, minor and trace element concentrations using electron microprobe and laser ablation ICP-MS. We corrected the melt inclusion compositions for post-entrapment re-equilibration with their host olivine. To comprehend the crystallization sequence of these rocks and whether the melt entrapment is consistent with the crystallization, we use MELTS models for equilibrium and fractional crystallization. The results of these models suggest that all the melts were trapped in a closed system progressive crystallization at 1150-1210 C within 1 kbar to 1 bar pressure that is equivalent to <8.5 km, implying melt entrapment without any additional exogenous materials

    Studies on genetic variability and interrelationship in bottle gourd [Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standl]

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    The genetic parameters were studied to elucidate the genetic variability, correlation and path co-efficient analysis in thirty-nine genotypes of bottle gourd [Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standl] in randomized complete block design with three replications. Observations were recorded for eleven quantitative characters viz., days to first male flower open, days to first female flower open, node number of first female flower, braches plant-1, days to harvest, number of fruits plant-1, fruit weight, fruit length, fruit girth, 100 seed weight and yield ton ha-1. The analysis of variance showed highly significant differences for all the characters studied indicating considerable variability among the genotypes. The highest GCV (35.57%) and PCV (35.62%) were observed for fruit length. The differences between GCV and PCV were high for fruit number plant-1 and days to first male flower open indicating environmental influences. High heritability associates with high estimates of genetic advance in percent of mean were noted for length of fruit, yield, girth of fruit and number of fruits plant-1. It indicated presence of additive gene effect and selection for these traits would be effective. Yield were positively and significantly correlated with fruit weight, 100 seed weight, branch plant-1 and number of fruits plant-1 .Negative associations of yield were noted with days to first male and female flower open, days to harvest and length of fruit. Path analysis revealed that fruits plant-1 (0.93) and weight of fruit (0.467) had very high positive effect on fruit yield ton ha-1 .Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. &amp; Tech. 8 (1): 14-17, June, 201


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    Microfinance has been identified as a powerful tool for reducing poverty in the developing counties after won the Nobel Prize for Grameen microcredit program, Bangladesh in 1986. With the rapidly spared of microfinance in the world, the researcher also paid attention to microfinance related studies. There are positive and negative impacts of microfinance on alleviating poverty in the world. This article presents the review of empirical studies that have conducted to identify the impact of microfinance on reducing poverty in the world and Sri Lanka. The review revealed that the majority of existing studies were recognized the positive relationship between microfinance and poverty and most of these studies summarized outcomes that microfinance‘s potential in reducing poverty. Few of them were realized that there were mixed effects of microfinance on poverty reduction. Furthermore, the wealth of empirical evidence available to investigate the relationship of microcredit and micro-savings on poverty alleviation while few studies had identified the impact of all elements of microfinance on poverty reduction. JEL: G2; G21  Article visualizations
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