53 research outputs found

    QCD Corrections to Flavor Changing Neutral Coupling Mediated Rare Top Quark Decays

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    Recently we have presented an analysis of flavor changing neutral coupling mediated radiative top quark decays at next-to-leading order in QCD. In the present paper we provide the details of the calculation of QCD corrections to t-> q gamma and t-> q Z decays within the effective theory approach including operator mixing. In particular, we calculate virtual matrix element corrections and the corresponding bremsstrahlung contributions. In the case of t-> q gamma we study the effects of kinematic cuts on the extracted branching ratios. Analytical formulae are given at all stages of the calculation. We find that the t-> q gamma decay can be used to probe also the effective operators mediating t-> q g processes, since these can naturally contribute 10% or more to the radiative decay, given typical experimental cuts on the decay kinematics at hadron colliders. Conversely, we argue that any positive experimental signal of the t-> q g process would indicate a natural lower bound on t-> q gamma decay rate.Comment: 12 page

    Flavor Changing Neutral Coupling Mediated Radiative Top Quark Decays at Next-to-Leading Order in QCD

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    We compute the branching ratios for the rare top quark decays t to c gamma and t to c Z mediated by effective flavor changing neutral couplings at the next-to-leading order in QCD including the effects due to operator mixing. After re-suming contributions of order [alpha_s log (Lambda / m_t)]^n, where Lambda is the scale at which the effective operators are generated, at leading log level using renormalization group methods, we compute finite matrix element corrections and study the effects of experimental kinematic cuts on the extracted branching ratios. We find that the t to c gamma decay can be used to probe also the effective operators mediating t to c g processes, since these can naturaly contribute 10% or more to the radiative decay. Conversely, any experimental signal of t to c g would indicate a natural lower bound on t to cZ, gamma.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Scalar diquark in top-antitop production and constraints on Yukawa sector of grand unified theories

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    International audienceA colored weak singlet scalar state with hypercharge 4/3 is one of the possible candidates for the explanation of the unexpectedly large forward-backward asymmetry in tt production as measured by the CDF and D0 experiments. We investigate the role of this state in a plethora of flavor chang- ing neutral current processes and precision observables of down-quarks and charged leptons. Our analysis includes tree- and loop-level mediated observables in the K and B systems, the charged lepton sector, as well as the Z → b ¯b width. We perform a fit of the relevant scalar couplings. This approach can explain the (g − 2)µ anomaly while tensions among the CP violating observables in the quark sector, most notably the nonstandard CP phase (and width difference) in the Bs system cannot be fully relaxed. The results are interpreted in a class of GUT models which allow for a light colored scalar with a mass below 1 TeV

    Anomalous tqγtq\gamma coupling effects in exclusive radiative B-meson decays

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    The top-quark FCNC processes will be searched for at the CERN LHC, which are correlated with the B-meson decays. In this paper, we study the effects of top-quark anomalous interactions tqγtq\gamma in the exclusive radiative BKγB\to K^*\gamma and BργB\to\rho\gamma decays. With the current experimental data of the branching ratios, the direct CP and the isospin asymmetries, bounds on the coupling κtcRγ\kappa_{tcR}^{\gamma} from BKγB\to K^*\gamma and κtuRγ\kappa_{tuR}^{\gamma} from BργB\to \rho\gamma decays are derived, respectively. The bound on κtcRγ|\kappa_{tcR}^{\gamma}| from B(BKγ){\mathcal B}(B\to K^{*}\gamma) is generally compatible with that from B(BXsγ){\mathcal B}(B\to X_{s}\gamma). However, the isospin asymmetry Δ(Kγ)\Delta(K^{*}\gamma) further restrict the phase of κtcRγ\kappa_{tcR}^{\gamma}, and the combined bound results in the upper limit, B(tcγ)<0.21\mathcal B(t\to c\gamma)<0.21%, which is lower than the CDF result. For real κtcRγ\kappa_{tcR}^{\gamma}, the upper bound on B(tcγ)\mathcal B(t\to c\gamma) is about of the same order as the 5σ5\sigma discovery potential of ATLAS with an integrated luminosity of 10fb110 {\rm fb}^{-1}. For BργB\to\rho\gamma decays, the NP contribution is enhanced by a large CKM factor Vud/Vtd|V_{ud}/V_{td}|, and the constraint on tuγtu\gamma coupling is rather restrictive, B(tuγ)<1.44×105\mathcal B(t\to u\gamma)<1.44\times 10^{-5}. With refined measurements to be available at the LHCb and the future super-B factories, we can get close correlations between BVγB\to V \gamma and the rare tqγt\to q\gamma decays, which will be studied directly at the LHC ATLAS and CMS.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figures, pdflate

    Probing anomalous tbW couplings in single-top production using top polarization at the Large Hadron Collider

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    We study the sensitivity of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to anomalous tbW couplings in single-top production in association with a W^- boson followed by semileptonic decay of the top. We calculate top polarization and the effects of these anomalous couplings to it at two centre-of-mass (cm) energies of 7 TeV and 14 TeV. As a measure of top polarization, we look at various laboratory frame distributions of its decay products, viz., lepton angular and energy distributions and b-quark angular distributions, without requiring reconstruction of the rest frame of the top, and study the effect of anomalous couplings on these distributions. We construct certain asymmetries to study the sensitivity of these distributions to anomalous tbW couplings. We find that 1\sigma limits on real and imaginary parts of the dominant anomalous coupling Ref_{2R} which may be obtained by utilizing these asymmetries at the LHC with cm energy of 14 TeV and an integrated luminosity of 10 fb^{-1} will be significantly better than the expectations from direct measurements of cross sections and some other variables at the LHC and over an order of magnitude better than the indirect limits.Comment: 25 pages, 34 figure

    Predictions from Heavy New Physics Interpretation of the Top Forward-Backward Asymmetry

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    We derive generic predictions at hadron colliders from the large forward-backward asymmetry observed at the Tevatron, assuming the latter arises from heavy new physics beyond the Standard Model. We use an effective field theory approach to characterize the associated unknown dynamics. By fitting the Tevatron t \bar t data we derive constraints on the form of the new physics. Furthermore, we show that heavy new physics explaining the Tevatron data generically enhances at high invariant masses both the top pair production cross section and the charge asymmetry at the LHC. This enhancement can be within the sensitivity of the 8 TeV run, such that the 2012 LHC data should be able to exclude a large class of models of heavy new physics or provide hints for its presence. The same new physics implies a contribution to the forward-backward asymmetry in bottom pair production at low invariant masses of order a permil at most.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures. v2: added remarks on EFT validity range, dijet bounds and UV completions; matches published versio

    Anomalous tqZtqZ coupling effects in rare B- and K-meson decays

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    As a top-factory, the LHC is performing a direct study of top-quark anomalous FCNC couplings, which are, however, correlated closely with the rare B- and K-meson decays. In this paper, we study the effects of anomalous tqZtqZ (with q=u,cq=u,c) couplings in the rare decays Bs,dμ+μB_{s,d}\to \mu^+\mu^-, BXsννˉB\to X_s \nu \bar\nu, BK()ννˉB\to K^{(*)}\nu \bar\nu, K+π+ννˉK^+\to \pi^+ \nu \bar\nu, and KLπ0ννˉK_L\to \pi^0 \nu \bar\nu. With the up-to-date experimental bounds on the branching ratios of these channels, constraints on the left-handed anomalous couplings XctLX_{ct}^L and XutLX_{ut}^L are derived, respectively. With these low-energy constraints taken into account, we find that, for real couplings XctLX_{ct}^L and XutLX_{ut}^L, the indirect upper bounds on B(tqZ)\mathcal B(t\to qZ) are much lower than that from the D0 collaboration, but are still compatible with the 5σ5\sigma discovery potential of ATLAS with an integrated luminosity of 10fb110 {\rm fb}^{-1}. With refined measurements to be available at the LHCb, the future super-B factories, the NA62 at CERN, and the KOTO at J-PARC, closer correlations between the tqZt\to qZ and the rare B- and K-meson decays are expected in the near future, which will be helpful for the searches of the top-quark FCNC decays at the LHC.Comment: 25 pages, 18 figures, 4 tables; More references added, version published in JHE

    Limits on scalar leptoquark interactions and consequences for GUTs

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    A colored weak singlet scalar state with hypercharge 4/3 is one of the possible candidates for the explanation of the unexpectedly large forward-backward asymmetry in t tbar production as measured by the CDF and D0 experiments. We investigate the role of this state in a plethora of flavor changing neutral current processes and precision observables of down-quarks and charged leptons. Our analysis includes tree- and loop-level mediated observables in the K and B systems, the charged lepton sector, as well as the Z to b bbar decay width. We perform a global fit of the relevant scalar couplings. This approach can explain the (g-2)_mu anomaly while tensions among the CP violating observables in the quark sector, most notably the nonstandard CP phase (and width difference) in the Bs system cannot be fully relaxed. The results are interpreted in a class of grand unified models which allow for a light colored scalar with a mass below 1TeV. We find that the renormalizable SU(5) scenario is not compatible with our global fit, while in the SO(10) case the viability requires the presence of both the 126- and 120-dimensional representations.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures; version as publishe

    Top quark anomalous tensor couplings in the two-Higgs-doublet models

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    We compute the one loop right and left anomalous tensor couplings (g(R) and g(L), respectively) for the top quark, in the aligned two-Higgs-doublet model. They are the magnetic-like couplings in the most general parameterization of the tbW vertex. We find that the aligned two-Higgs doublet model, that includes as particular cases some of the most studied extensions of the Higgs sector, introduces new electroweak contribution's and provides theoretical predictions that are very sensitive to both new scalar masses and the neutral scalar mixing angle. For a largo area in the parameters space we obtain significant deviations in both the real and the imaginary parts of the couplings gR and gL, compared to the predictions given by the electroweak sector of the Standard Model. The most important ones are those involving the imaginary part of the left coupling g(L) and the real part of the right coupling gR. The real part of g(L), and the imaginary part of gR also show an important sensitivity to new physics scenarios. The model can also account for new CP violation effects via the introduction of complex alignment parameters that have important consequences on the values for the imaginary parts of the couplings. The top anomalous tensor couplings will be measured at the LHC and at future colliders providing a complementary insight on new physics, independent from the bounds in top decays coming from B physics and b -> s gamma