943 research outputs found

    Multiple Meixner-Pollaczek polynomials and the six-vertex model

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    We study multiple orthogonal polynomials of Meixner-Pollaczek type with respect to a symmetric system of two orthogonality measures. Our main result is that the limiting distribution of the zeros of these polynomials is one component of the solution to a constrained vector equilibrium problem. We also provide a Rodrigues formula and closed expressions for the recurrence coefficients. The proof of the main result follows from a connection with the eigenvalues of block Toeplitz matrices, for which we provide some general results of independent interest. The motivation for this paper is the study of a model in statistical mechanics, the so-called six-vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions, in a particular regime known as the free fermion line. We show how the multiple Meixner-Pollaczek polynomials arise in an inhomogeneous version of this model.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures. References adde

    RBF neural net based classifier for the AIRIX accelerator fault diagnosis

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    The AIRIX facility is a high current linear accelerator (2-3.5kA) used for flash-radiography at the CEA of Moronvilliers France. The general background of this study is the diagnosis and the predictive maintenance of AIRIX. We will present a tool for fault diagnosis and monitoring based on pattern recognition using artificial neural network. Parameters extracted from the signals recorded on each shot are used to define a vector to be classified. The principal component analysis permits us to select the most pertinent information and reduce the redundancy. A three layer Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network is used to classify the states of the accelerator. We initialize the network by applying an unsupervised fuzzy technique to the training base. This allows us to determine the number of clusters and real classes, which define the number of cells on the hidden and output layers of the network. The weights between the hidden and the output layers, realising the non-convex union of the clusters, are determined by a least square method. Membership and ambiguity rejection enable the network to learn unknown failures, and to monitor accelerator operations to predict future failures. We will present the first results obtained on the injector.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, LINAC'2000 conferenc

    Average characteristic polynomials in the two-matrix model

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    The two-matrix model is defined on pairs of Hermitian matrices (M1,M2)(M_1,M_2) of size n×nn\times n by the probability measure 1Znexp⁥(Tr(−V(M1)−W(M2)+τM1M2)) dM1 dM2,\frac{1}{Z_n} \exp\left(\textrm{Tr} (-V(M_1)-W(M_2)+\tau M_1M_2)\right)\ dM_1\ dM_2, where VV and WW are given potential functions and \tau\in\er. We study averages of products and ratios of characteristic polynomials in the two-matrix model, where both matrices M1M_1 and M2M_2 may appear in a combined way in both numerator and denominator. We obtain determinantal expressions for such averages. The determinants are constructed from several building blocks: the biorthogonal polynomials pn(x)p_n(x) and qn(y)q_n(y) associated to the two-matrix model; certain transformed functions ¶n(w)\P_n(w) and \Q_n(v); and finally Cauchy-type transforms of the four Eynard-Mehta kernels K1,1K_{1,1}, K1,2K_{1,2}, K2,1K_{2,1} and K2,2K_{2,2}. In this way we generalize known results for the 11-matrix model. Our results also imply a new proof of the Eynard-Mehta theorem for correlation functions in the two-matrix model, and they lead to a generating function for averages of products of traces.Comment: 28 pages, references adde

    Passengers information in public transport and privacy: Can anonymous tickets prevent tracking?

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    Abstract Modern public transportation companies often record large amounts of information. Privacy can be safeguarded by discarding nominal tickets, or introducing anonymization techniques. But is anonymity at all possible when everything is recorded? In this paper we discuss travel information management in the public transport scenario and we present a revealing case study (relative to the city of Cesena, Italy), showing that even anonymous 10-ride bus tickets may betray a user's privacy expectations. We also propose a number of recommendations for the design and management of public transport information systems, aimed at preserving the users’ privacy, while retaining the useful analysis features enabled by the e-ticketing technology
