173 research outputs found

    Major Surge Activity of Super-Active Region NOAA 10484

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    We observed two surges in H-alpha from the super-active region NOAA 10484. The first surge was associated with an SF/C4.3 class flare. The second one was a major surge associated with a SF/C3.9 flare. This surge was also observed with SOHO/EIT in 195 angstrom and NoRh in 17 GHz, and showed similar evolution in these wavelengths. The major surge had an ejective funnel-shaped spray structure with fast expansion in linear (about 1.2 x 10^5 km) and angular (about 65 deg) size during its maximum phase. The mass motion of the surge was along open magnetic field lines, with average velocity about 100 km/s. The de-twisting motion of the surge reveals relaxation of sheared and twisted magnetic flux. The SOHO/MDI magnetograms reveal that the surges occurred at the site of companion sunspots where positive flux emerged, converged, and canceled against surrounding field of opposite polarity. Our observations support magnetic reconnection models for the surges and jets.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; To appear in "Magnetic Coupling between the Interior and the Atmosphere of the Sun", eds. S.S. Hasan and R.J. Rutten, Astrophysics and Space Science Series, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin, 200

    Slow magnetoacoustic waves in coronal loops : EIT and TRACE

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    On May 13, 1998 the EIT (Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope) on board of SoHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) and TRACE (Transition Region And Coronal Explorer) instruments produced simultaneous high cadence image sequences of the same active region (AR 8218). TRACE achieved a 25 s cadence in the FeIX (171 Å) bandpass while EIT achieved a 15 s cadence (operating in "shutterless mode", SoHO JOP 80) in the FeXII (195 Å) bandpass. These high cadence observations in two complementary wavelengths have revealed the existence of weak transient disturbances in an extended coronal loop system. These propagating disturbances (PDs) seem to be a common phenomenon in this part of the active region. The disturbances originate from small scale brightenings at the footpoints of the loops and propagate along the loops. The projected propagation speeds roughly vary between 65 and 150 km s-1 for both instruments which is close to and below the expected sound speed in the coronal loops. The measured slow magnetoacoustic propagation speeds seem to suggest that the transients are sound (or slow) wave disturbances. This work differs from previous studies in the sense that it is based on a multi-wavelength observation of an entire loop bundle at high cadence by two EUV imagers. The observation of sound waves along the same path shows that they propagate along the same loop, suggesting that loops contain sharp temperature gradients and consist of either concentric shells or thin loop threads, at different temperatures

    Radio-loud CMEs from the disk center lacking shocks at 1 AU

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    A coronal mass ejection (CME) associated with a type II burst and originating close to the center of the solar disk typically results in a shock at Earth in 2-3 days and hence can be used to predict shock arrival at Earth. However, a significant fraction (about 28%) of such CMEs producing type II bursts were not associated with shocks at Earth. We examined a set of 21 type II bursts observed by the Wind/WAVES experiment at decameter-hectometric (DH) wavelengths that had CME sources very close to the disk center (within a central meridian distance of 30 degrees), but did not have a shock at Earth. We find that the near-Sun speeds of these CMEs average to ~644 km/s, only slightly higher than the average speed of CMEs associated with radio-quiet shocks. However, the fraction of halo CMEs is only ~30%, compared to 54% for the radio-quiet shocks and 91% for all radio-loud shocks. We conclude that the disk-center radio-loud CMEs with no shocks at 1 AU are generally of lower energy and they drive shocks only close to the Sun and dissipate before arriving at Earth. There is also evidence for other possible processes that lead to the lack of shock at 1 AU: (i) overtaking CME shocks merge and one observes a single shock at Earth, and (ii) deflection by nearby coronal holes can push the shocks away from the Sun-Earth line, such that Earth misses these shocks. The probability of observing a shock at 1 AU increases rapidly above 60% when the CME speed exceeds 1000 km/s and when the type II bursts propagate to frequencies below 1 MHz.Comment: 33 pages, 11 figures, 2 table

    Recent Developments of NEMO: Detection of Solar Eruptions Characteristics

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    The recent developments in space instrumentation for solar observations and telemetry have caused the necessity of advanced pattern recognition tools for the different classes of solar events. The Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) of solar corona on-board SOHO spacecraft has uncovered a new class of eruptive events which are often identified as signatures of Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) initiations on solar disk. It is evident that a crucial task is the development of an automatic detection tool of CMEs precursors. The Novel EIT wave Machine Observing (NEMO) (http://sidc.be/nemo) code is an operational tool that detects automatically solar eruptions using EIT image sequences. NEMO applies techniques based on the general statistical properties of the underlying physical mechanisms of eruptive events on the solar disc. In this work, the most recent updates of NEMO code - that have resulted to the increase of the recognition efficiency of solar eruptions linked to CMEs - are presented. These updates provide calculations of the surface of the dimming region, implement novel clustering technique for the dimmings and set new criteria to flag the eruptive dimmings based on their complex characteristics. The efficiency of NEMO has been increased significantly resulting to the extraction of dimmings observed near the solar limb and to the detection of small-scale events as well. As a consequence, the detection efficiency of CMEs precursors and the forecasts of CMEs have been drastically improved. Furthermore, the catalogues of solar eruptive events that can be constructed by NEMO may include larger number of physical parameters associated to the dimming regions.Comment: 12 Pages, 5 figures, submitted to Solar Physic

    The SWAP EUV Imaging Telescope Part I: Instrument Overview and Pre-Flight Testing

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    The Sun Watcher with Active Pixels and Image Processing (SWAP) is an EUV solar telescope on board ESA's Project for Onboard Autonomy 2 (PROBA2) mission launched on 2 November 2009. SWAP has a spectral bandpass centered on 17.4 nm and provides images of the low solar corona over a 54x54 arcmin field-of-view with 3.2 arcsec pixels and an imaging cadence of about two minutes. SWAP is designed to monitor all space-weather-relevant events and features in the low solar corona. Given the limited resources of the PROBA2 microsatellite, the SWAP telescope is designed with various innovative technologies, including an off-axis optical design and a CMOS-APS detector. This article provides reference documentation for users of the SWAP image data.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, 1 movi

    Automated Detection of Coronal Loops using a Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima Method

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    We propose and test a wavelet transform modulus maxima method for the au- tomated detection and extraction of coronal loops in extreme ultraviolet images of the solar corona. This method decomposes an image into a number of size scales and tracks enhanced power along each ridge corresponding to a coronal loop at each scale. We compare the results across scales and suggest the optimum set of parameters to maximise completeness while minimising detection of noise. For a test coronal image, we compare the global statistics (e.g., number of loops at each length) to previous automated coronal-loop detection algorithms

    The Impact of New EUV Diagnostics on CME-Related Kinematics

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    We present the application of novel diagnostics to the spectroscopic observation of a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) on disk by the Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on the Hinode spacecraft. We apply a recently developed line profile asymmetry analysis to the spectroscopic observation of NOAA AR 10930 on 14-15 December 2006 to three raster observations before and during the eruption of a 1000km/s CME. We see the impact that the observer's line-of-sight and magnetic field geometry have on the diagnostics used. Further, and more importantly, we identify the on-disk signature of a high-speed outflow behind the CME in the dimming region arising as a result of the eruption. Supported by recent coronal observations of the STEREO spacecraft, we speculate about the momentum flux resulting from this outflow as a secondary momentum source to the CME. The results presented highlight the importance of spectroscopic measurements in relation to CME kinematics, and the need for full-disk synoptic spectroscopic observations of the coronal and chromospheric plasmas to capture the signature of such explosive energy release as a way of providing better constraints of CME propagation times to L1, or any other point of interest in the heliosphere.Comment: Accepted to appear in Solar Physics Topical Issue titled "Remote Sensing of the Inner Heliosphere". Manuscript has 14 pages, 5 color figures. Movies supporting the figures can be found in http://download.hao.ucar.edu/pub/mscott/papers/Weathe

    The structure and dynamics of a bright point as seen with Hinode, SoHO and TRACE

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    Our aim is to determine the plasma properties of a coronal bright point and compare its magnetic topology extrapolated from magnetogram data with its appearance in X-ray images. We analyse spectroscopic data obtained with EIS/Hinode, Ca II H and G-band images from SOT/Hinode, UV images from TRACE, X-ray images from XRT/Hinode and high-resolution/high-cadence magnetogram data from MDI/SoHO. The BP comprises several coronal loops as seen in the X-ray images, while the chromospheric structure consists of tens of small bright points as seen in Ca II H. An excellent correlation exists between the Ca II BPs and increases in the magnetic field, implying that the Ca II H passband is a good indicator for the concentration of magnetic flux. Doppler velocities between 6 and 15 km/s are derived from the Fe XII and Fe XIII lines for the BP region, while for Fe XIV and Si VII they are in the range from -15 to +15 km/s. The coronal electron density is 3.7x10^9 cm^-3. An excellent correlation is found between the positive magnetic flux and the X-ray light-curves. The remarkable agreement between the extrapolated magnetic field configuration and some of the loops composing the BP as seen in the X-ray images suggests that a large fraction of the magnetic field in the bright point is close to potential. The close correlation between the positive magnetic flux and the X-ray emission suggests that energy released by magnetic reconnection is stimulated by flux emergence or cancellation.Comment: 10 pages with 11 figures. Accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Energy Release During Slow Long Duration Flares Observed by RHESSI

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    Slow Long Duration Events (SLDEs) are flares characterized by long duration of rising phase. In many such cases impulsive phase is weak with lack of typical short-lasting pulses. Instead of that smooth, long-lasting Hard X-ray (HXR) emission is observed. We analysed hard X-ray emission and morphology of six selected SLDEs. In our analysis we utilized data from RHESSI and GOES satellites. Physical parameters of HXR sources were obtained from imaging spectroscopy and were used for the energy balance analysis. Characteristic time of heating rate decrease, after reaching its maximum value, is very long, which explains long rising phase of these flares.Comment: Accepted for publication in Solar Physic