474 research outputs found

    Consistency of maximum-likelihood and variational estimators in the Stochastic Block Model

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    The stochastic block model (SBM) is a probabilistic model de- signed to describe heterogeneous directed and undirected graphs. In this paper, we address the asymptotic inference on SBM by use of maximum- likelihood and variational approaches. The identi ability of SBM is proved, while asymptotic properties of maximum-likelihood and variational esti- mators are provided. In particular, the consistency of these estimators is settled, which is, to the best of our knowledge, the rst result of this type for variational estimators with random graphs

    Functionalizing self-assembled GaN quantum dot superlattices by Eu-implantation

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    Self-assembled GaN quantum dots (QDs) stacked in superlattices (SL) with AlN spacer layers were implanted with Europium ions to fluences of 1013, 1014, and 1015 cm−2. The damage level introduced in the QDs by the implantation stays well below that of thick GaN epilayers. For the lowest fluence, the structural properties remain unchanged after implantation and annealing while for higher fluences the implantation damage causes an expansion of the SL in the [0001] direction which increases with implantation fluence and is only partly reversed after thermal annealing at 1000 °C. Nevertheless, in all cases, the SL quality remains very good after implantation and annealing with Eu ions incorporated preferentially into near-substitutional cation sites. Eu3+ optical activation is achieved after annealing in all samples. In the sample implanted with the lowest fluence, the Eu3+ emission arises mainly from Eu incorporated inside the QDs while for the higher fluences only the emission from Eu inside the AlN-buffer, capping, and spacer layers is observed. © 2010 American Institute of PhysicsFCT-PTDC/CTM/100756/2008program PESSOA EGIDE/GRICESFCT-SFRH/BD/45774/2008FCT-SFRH/BD/44635/200

    Determination of the differentially expressed genes in microarray experiments using local FDR

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    BACKGROUND: Thousands of genes in a genomewide data set are tested against some null hypothesis, for detecting differentially expressed genes in microarray experiments. The expected proportion of false positive genes in a set of genes, called the False Discovery Rate (FDR), has been proposed to measure the statistical significance of this set. Various procedures exist for controlling the FDR. However the threshold (generally 5%) is arbitrary and a specific measure associated with each gene would be worthwhile. RESULTS: Using process intensity estimation methods, we define and give estimates of the local FDR, which may be considered as the probability for a gene to be a false positive. After a global assessment rule controlling the false positive error, the local FDR is a valuable guideline for deciding wether a gene is differentially expressed. The interest of the method is illustrated on three well known data sets. A R routine for computing local FDR estimates from p-values is available at . CONCLUSIONS: The local FDR associated with each gene measures the probability that it is a false positive. It gives the opportunity to compute the FDR of any given group of clones (of the same gene) or genes pertaining to the same regulation network or the same chromosomic region

    Charles Péguy, Oeuvres poétiques et dramatiques

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    Coefficient de Tschuprow partiel et indépendance conditionnelle

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    National audienceNous étudions les relations logiques entre indépendance conditionnelle et la nullité du coefficient de liaison partielle proposé par Saporta

    Growth and optical properties of GaN/AlN quantum wells

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    We demonstrate the growth of GaN/AlN quantum well structures by plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy by taking advantage of the surfactant effect of Ga. The GaN/AlN quantum wells show photoluminescence emission with photon energies in the range between 4.2 and 2.3 eV for well widths between 0.7 and 2.6 nm, respectively. An internal electric field strength of 9.2±1.09.2\pm 1.0 MV/cm is deduced from the dependence of the emission energy on the well width.Comment: Submitted to AP

    Step by step capping and strain state of GaN/AlN quantum dots studied by grazing incidence diffraction anomalous fine structure

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    The investigation of small size embedded nanostructures, by a combination of complementary anomalous diffraction techniques, is reported. GaN Quantum Dots (QDs), grown by molecular beam epitaxy in a modified Stranski-Krastanow mode, are studied in terms of strain and local environment, as a function of the AlN cap layer thickness, by means of grazing incidence anomalous diffraction. That is, the X-ray photons energy is tuned across the Ga absorption K-edge which makes diffraction chemically selective. Measurement of \textit{hkl}-scans, close to the AlN (30-30) Bragg reflection, at several energies across the Ga K-edge, allows the extraction of the Ga partial structure factor, from which the in-plane strain of GaN QDs is deduced. From the fixed-Q energy-dependent diffracted intensity spectra, measured for diffraction-selected iso-strain regions corresponding to the average in-plane strain state of the QDs, quantitative information regarding composition and the out-of-plane strain has been obtained. We recover the in-plane and out-of-plane strains in the dots. The comparison to the biaxial elastic strain in a pseudomorphic layer indicates a tendency to an over-strained regime.Comment: submitted to PR
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