4,077 research outputs found

    A thermodynamical model for non-extremal black p-brane

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    We show that the correct entropy, temperature (and absorption probability) of non-extremal black p-brane can be reproduced by a certain thermodynamical model when maximizing its entropy. We show that the form of the model is related to the geometrical similarity of non-extremal and near extremal black p-brane at near horizon region, and argue about the appropriateness of the model.Comment: Almost the same version as the paper appeared in Physical Review

    Brane Dualities in Non-relativistic Limit

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    We analyze brane dualities in the non-relativistic limit of the worldvolume actions. In particular we have analyzed how the non-relativistic M2-brane is related via these dualities to non-relativistic D2-brane, non-relativistic IIA fundamental string and also, by using T-duality, to non-relativistic D1-string. These actions coincide with ones obtained from relativistic actions by taking non-relativistic limit, showing that the non-relativistic limit and the dualities commute in these cases.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur

    Non-Relativistic Superstrings: A New Soluble Sector of AdS_5xS^5

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    We find a new sector of string theory in AdS_5xS^5 describing non-relativistic superstrings in that geometry. The worldsheet theory of non-relativistic strings in AdS_5xS^5 is derived and shown to reduce to a supersymmetric free field theory in AdS_2. Non-relativistic string theory provides a new calculable setting in which to study holography.Comment: 29 pages, LATEX forma

    Antibranes don't go black

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    When D-branes are inserted in flux backgrounds of opposite charge, the resulting solution has a certain singularity in the fluxes. Recently it has been argued, using numerical solutions, that for anti-D3 branes in the Klebanov-Strassler background these singularities cannot be cloaked by a horizon, which strongly suggests they are not physical. In this note we provide an analytic proof that the singularity of all codimension-three antibrane solutions (such as anti-D6 branes in massive type IIA supergravity or anti-D3 branes smeared on the T^3 of R^3xT^3 with fluxes) cannot be hidden behind a horizon, and that the charge of black branes with smooth event horizons must have the same sign as the charge of the flux background. Our result indicates that infinitesimally blackening the antibranes immediately triggers brane-flux annihilation, and strengthens the intuition that antibranes placed in flux with positive charge immediately annihilate against it.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Universal dS vacua in STU-models

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    Stable de Sitter solutions in minimal F-term supergravity are known to lie close to Minkowski critical points. We consider a class of STU-models arising from type IIB compactifications with generalised fluxes. There, we apply an analytical method for solving the equations of motion for the moduli fields based on the idea of treating derivatives of the superpotential of different orders up to third as independent objects. In particular, supersymmetric and no-scale Minkowski solutions are singled out by physical reasons. Focusing on the study of dS vacua close to supersymmetric Minkowski points, we are able to elaborate a complete analytical treatment of the mass matrix based on the sGoldstino bound. This leads to a class of interesting universal dS vacua. We finally explore a similar possibility around no-scale Minkowski points and discuss some examples.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figures and 7 table

    Microscopic Entropy of Non-dilatonic Branes: a 2D approach

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    We investigate non-dilatonic p-branes in the near-extremal, near-horizon regime. A two-dimensional gravity model, obtained from dimensional reduction, gives an effective description of the brane. We show that the AdS_p+2/CFT_p+1 correspondence at finite temperature admits an effective description in terms of a AdS_2/CFT_1 duality endowed with a scalar field, which breaks the conformal symmetry and generates a non-vanishing central charge. The entropy of the CFT_1 is computed using Cardy formula. Fixing in a natural way a free, dimensionless, parameter introduced in the model by a renormalization procedure, we find exact agreement between the CFT_1 entropy and the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the brane.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    The Pseudoscalar Meson Mass to Two Loops in Three-Flavor Partially Quenched χ\chiPT

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    This paper presents a first study of the pseudoscalar meson masses to two loops, or NNLO, within the supersymmetric formulation of partially quenched chiral perturbation theory (PQχ\chiPT). The expression for the pseudoscalar meson mass in the case of three valence and three sea quarks with equal masses, but different from each other, is given to O(p6){\cal O}(p^6), along with a numerical analysis.Comment: 4 pages, one reference added, small changes in discussio

    Repetition of contaminating question types when children and youths with intellectual disabilities are interviewed

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    Background The present study examined the effects of repeating questions in interviews investigating the possible sexual abuse of children and youths who had a variety of intellectual disabilities. We predicted that the repetition of option-posing and suggestive questions would lead the suspected victims to change their responses, making it difficult to understand what actually happened. Inconsistency can be a key factor when assessing the reliability of witnesses. Materials Case files and transcripts of investigative interviews with 33 children and youths who had a variety of intellectual disabilities were obtained from prosecutors in Sweden. The interviews involved 25 females and 9 males whose chronological ages were between 5.4 and 23.7 years when interviewed (M = 13.2 years). Results Six per cent of the questions were repeated at least once. The repetition of focused questions raised doubts about the reports because the interviewees changed their answers 40% of the time. Conclusions Regardless of the witnesses' abilities, it is important to obtain reports that are as accurate and complete as possible in investigative interviews. Because this was a field study, we did not know which responses were accurate, but repetitions of potentially contaminating questions frequently led the interviewees to contradict their earlier answers. This means that the interviewers' behaviour diminished the usefulness of the witnesses' testimony
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