312 research outputs found

    Complementary feeding practices and nutritional status of children 6-23 months in Kitui County, Kenya

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    Objectives: Inappropriate complementary feeding practices among  children aged 6-23 months is major cause of under nutrition. There is scarce information on the relationship between complementary feeding practices and nutritional status. This study aimed to determine the factors contributing to the complementary feeding practices and the nutritional status of children aged 6 -23 months.Methodology and Results: A randomly selected sample of 201 children aged 6-23 months was investigated using a cross sectional analytical design in four randomly selected sub-counties in Kitui County. Data wereanalyzed using ENA for SMART for nutrition status, Nutri-survey for dietary intake and SPSS. Results showed that most caregivers (70.6%) had attained primary level education. Majority of respondents (69.2%) had lowlevels of income. The average number of meals consumed per day was 4.1 ± 0.01. The main foods consumed were carbohydrates with little  consumption of fruits and vegetables. The levels of wasting, stunting andunderweight were 7.0%, 22.9% and 10.9%, respectively.Conclusions and application of findings: The complementary feeding practices were inadequate to meet the macronutrient and micronutrients needs of the children. The foods lacked variety, children took fewer meals per day and key foods were consumed less frequently than expected. The low food production in the semi- arid area coupled with low income could be associated with the food insecurity and consequently to the quality, quantity and diversity of the foods consumed by the children. The levels of malnutrition were relatively high for these children aged 6-23 months and this could be attributed to food insecurity indicated by low dietary diversity. The study noted a significant relationship between complementary feeding practices and nutritional status. The study recommends use of locally available, affordable and variety of foods to improve nutrient content of complementary foods. The study recommends agricultural interventions to enhance the nutritional content of complementary foods. Nutrition education on appropriate Infant and Young Child Feeding among mothers is essential.Key words: Complementary feeding practices, Nutritional status, children under 6-23 month

    Effect of Counseling/Modeling on Behaviour Modification of Juvenile Delinquents in Eldoret and Kakamega Rehabilitation Centres

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    There is a growing concern with the growth and prevalence of Juvenile delinquents (JD) in rehabilitation centres in Kenya. Juvenile delinquency has become an intricate social problem that significantly influences all members and processes of a social structure. In January 2016, Eldoret Juvenile Remand Home alone had 155 juveniles which is its full capacity. It is against this background that this study examined psychotherapeutic interventions in behaviour modification of JD and recommended measures that would increase the effectiveness of psychotherapeutic interventions in rehabilitation centers of JDs in Kenya. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of counseling on behaviour modification of JD in Eldoret and Kakamega rehabs. The area of study was Eldoret and Kakamega rehabs. The study adopted Merton Functional Theory of Juvenile Delinquency as the theoretical framework. The study adopted the descriptive and explanatory research survey designs. The target population was comprised of delinquents in Kakamega and Eldoret Rehabs, administrators, trainers and counselors in the rehabs and probation officers. A sample size of 149 respondents comprising of 127 JD, 13 trainers, 5 probation officers, 2 counselors and 2 administrators of the Eldoret and Kakamega rehabs participated in the study. Saturated sampling catered for the delinquents, probation officers, rehab administrators and trainers. Research instruments that were used in this study included questionnaires, interview schedule and document analysis. A Pilot study was carried out to ascertain validity and reliability of the instruments and a reliability coefficient of 0.7 was deemed acceptable. Descriptive statistical tools and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. Study findings showed that counseling had a significant effect on behaviour modification. This implies that counseling is an important tool in bringing discipline among juvenile delinquents and for overall rehabilitation programmes which can enhance behaviour modification. There is therefore need for psychotherapeutic intervention at both individual and group level for delinquents so that they can change their behaviour

    Nutrient flows and balances in intensive crop-dairy production systems in the Kenya highlands

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    Sustainability of their agricultural systems is essential for many tropical countries where the majority of the people depend upon agriculture for their livelihoods. In the short term economic sustainability is the main factor influencing viability of an agricultural system and of the farms which form its production units. In the long-term, however, economic viability will depend upon the nutrient status of a system. In common with much of the eastern African highlands, Kiambu district in central Kenya has high and increasing pressure on its land and farmers are responding by steadily intensifying their farming systems. This paper addresses the hypothesis that where ruminant livestock are present in intensifying smallholder cropping systems, they make a positive contribution to the nutrient status of the smallholder system. For 21 crop-dairy farms representative of the major smallholder-farming systems in the central highlands of Kenya, annual nutrient balances were determined in a longitudinal study. The farms were visited twice a week; data on all farm inputs and outputs were collected, based on farmer recall. Measures of livestock feed inputs were collected fortnightly. Estimates of nutrient gains and losses in the soil resulting from erosion, leaching, denitrification, volatilisation and N fixation were taken from the literature. Using these data, annual nutrient balances per hectare were estimated for N, P and K. The majority of the sample farms had balanced nutrient flows or were in positive balance for N, P and K overall because of positive flows to the dairy sub-unit, which counterbalanced the outflows from the crop sub-unit. The dairy unit contributed significantly, principally through feed purchases, particularly concentrates for lactating cows. Napier grass and crop residues were also purchased, and large quantities of roadside grass were collected from outside the farms. On the majority of the farms the nutrients returned to the cropping land as manure (which consisted of faeces, bedding material and feed refusals) contributed more nutrients than inorganic fertilisers. It is concluded that the dairy cattle played a major role in contributing nutrient in-flows into these intensive smallholder farms, as well as providing the household’s regular source of income through milk sales

    Technology-Based Innovations in Child Maltreatment Prevention Programs: Examples from SafeCare®

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    Each year, hundreds of thousands of children in the U.S. are victims of child maltreatment. Experts recommend behavioral, skill-based parent training programs as a strategy for the prevention of child abuse and neglect. These programs can be enhanced using innovative technology strategies. This paper presents a brief history of the use of technology in SafeCare®, a home visiting program shown to prevent child neglect and physical abuse, and highlights current work that takes a technology-based hybrid approach to SafeCare delivery. With this unique approach, the provider brings a tablet computer to each session, and the parent interacts with the software to receive psychoeducation and modeling of target skills. The provider and parent then work together to practice the targeted skills until mastery is achieved. Initial findings from ongoing research of both of these strategies indicate that they show potential for improving engagement and use of positive parenting skills for parents and ease of implementation for providers. Future directions for technology enhancements in SafeCare are also presented

    Estudo in vitro e in vivo da eficácia anti leishmaniótica de terapêutica combinada de Diminazene e Artesunate contra Leishmania donovani em camundongos Balb/c

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    The in vitro and in vivo activity of diminazene (Dim), artesunate (Art) and combination of Dim and Art (Dim-Art) against Leishmania donovani was compared to reference drug; amphotericin B. IC50 of Dim-Art was found to be 2.28 ± 0.24 µg/mL while those of Dim and Art were 9.16 ± 0.3 µg/mL and 4.64 ± 0.48 µg/mL respectively. The IC50 for Amphot B was 0.16 ± 0.32 µg/mL against stationary-phase promastigotes. In vivo evaluation in the L. donovani BALB/c mice model indicated that treatments with the combined drug therapy at doses of 12.5 mg/kg for 28 consecutive days significantly (p < 0.001) reduced parasite burden in the spleen as compared to the single drug treatments given at the same dosages. Although parasite burden was slightly lower (p < 0.05) in the Amphot B group than in the Dim-Art treatment group, the present study demonstrates the positive advantage and the potential use of the combined therapy of Dim-Art over the constituent drugs, Dim or Art when used alone. Further evaluation is recommended to determine the most efficacious combination ratio of the two compounds.A atividade in vitro e in vivo de Diminazene (Dim), Artezunate (Art) e a combinação Dim e Art (Dim-Art) contra Leishmania donovani foi comparada com a droga de referência Anfotericina B. IC50 da Dim-Art foi 2,28 ± 0,24 µg/mL enquanto aquelas de Dim e Art foram 9,16 ± 0,3 µg/mL e 4,64 ± 0,48 µg/mL respectivamente. O IC50 da Anfotericina B foi 0,16 ± 0,32 µg/mL contra a fase estacionária de promastigotas. A avaliação in vivo do modelo de L. donovani em camundongos Balb/c indicou que os tratamentos com a terapêutica de drogas combinadas em doses de 12,5 mg/kg por 28 dias consecutivos significantemente (p < 0,001) reduziu a carga parasitária no baço quando comparada a tratamentos com uma única droga dada nas mesmas dosagens. Embora a carga parasitária tenha sido levemente mais baixa (p < 0.05) no grupo Anfotericina B quando comparada com o grupo tratado Dim-Art, o estudo presente demonstra a vantagem positiva do uso potencial da terapêutica combinada Dim-Art sobre drogas como Dim ou Art quando usadas isoladamente. Posterior avaliação é recomendada para determinar a média de combinação mais eficaz dos dois compostos

    Technology development and field testing: access to credit to allow smallholder dairy farmers in central Kenya to reallocate concentrates during lactation

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    A field trial with smallholder dairy farmers in central Kenya was carried out to study the feasibility of reallocating concentrates as a means of increasing the profitability of milk production. Researchers designed the trial with extension officers, dairy co-operative and feed company staff to ensure that all stakeholders and key players were involved. Central to the design was the provision of feed on credit from the dairy co-operative to its members, the volunteer farmers involved in the study. The role of the research team was to present the technology to the farmers and monitor the implementation and impact. Farmers were not constrained in the way they chose to implement the recommendations, but the research team monitored any modifications as well as recording production parameters and characteristics of the farm and feed management systems likely to explain underlying variation. The recommendation was to feed 8 kg/day in early lactation, withdrawing concentrates completely after twelve weeks so that during the course of lactation the amount fed would be equivalent to the most frequent farmer practice, a flat rate of 2 kg/day. Actual quantities offered by most farmers were reported to be higher than in previous lactations, but varied from 2-10 kg/day. Although some decreased the amount offered between 8-12 weeks post lactation most continued with the higher levels until a drop in milk yield was observed. Milk production increased as a result of the intervention with a large part of the variation in milk yield (r2 = 0.55) reflecting the amount of concentrate offered. Month of calving and sampling also influenced the production response For many smallholder dairy farmers one of the key constraints to making technological changes expected to improve production is the lack of credit to allow them to make investments. The results so far available from our study showed that farmers were able to increase their milk yield as a result of the intervention, and that, as expected, the response depended on the level of concentrate offered