25,193 research outputs found

    The Phase Structure of the Weakly Coupled Lattice Schwinger Model

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    The weak coupling expansion is applied to the single flavour Schwinger model with Wilson fermions on a symmetric toroidal lattice of finite extent. We develop a new analytic method which permits the expression of the partition function as a product of pure gauge expectation values whose zeroes are the Lee-Yang zeroes of the model. Application of standard finite-size scaling techniques to these zeroes recovers previous numerical results for the small and moderate lattice sizes to which those studies were restricted. Our techniques, employable for arbitrarily large lattices, reveal the absence of accumulation of these zeroes on the real hopping parameter axis at constant weak gauge coupling. The consequence of this previously unobserved behaviour is the absence of a zero fermion mass phase transition in the Schwinger model with single flavour Wilson fermions at constant weak gauge coupling.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, insert to figure 2 include

    The Structure of the Aoki Phase at Weak Coupling

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    A new method to determine the phase diagram of certain lattice fermionic field theories in the weakly coupled regime is presented. This method involves a new type of weak coupling expansion which is multiplicative rather than additive in nature and allows perturbative calculation of partition function zeroes. Application of the method to the single flavour Gross-Neveu model gives a phase diagram consistent with the parity symmetry breaking scenario of Aoki and provides new quantitative information on the width of the Aoki phase in the weakly coupled sector.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure (minor changes) To be published in Phys. Lett.

    βCaMKII regulates bidirectional long-term plasticity in cerebellar Purkinje cells by a CaMKII/PP2B switch mechanism

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise statedPeer reviewe

    ISM composition through X-ray spectroscopy of LMXBs

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    The diffuse interstellar medium (ISM) is an integral part of the evolution of the entire Galaxy. Metals are produced by stars and their abundances are the direct testimony of the history of stellar evolution. However, the interstellar dust composition is not well known and the total abundances are yet to be accurately determined. We probe ISM dust composition, total abundances, and abundance gradients through the study of interstellar absorption features in the high-resolution X-ray spectra of Galactic low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs). We use high-quality grating spectra of nine LMXBs taken with XMM-Newton. We measure the column densities of O, Ne, Mg, and Fe with an empirical model and estimate the Galactic abundance gradients. The column densities of the neutral gas species are in agreement with those found in the literature. Solids are a significant reservoir of metals like oxygen and iron. Respectively, 15-25 % and 65-90 % of the total amount of O I and Fe I is found in dust. The dust amount and mixture seem to be consistent along all the lines-of-sight (LOS). Our estimates of abundance gradients and predictions of local interstellar abundances are in agreement with those measured at longer wavelengths. Our work shows that X-ray spectroscopy is a very powerful method to probe the ISM. For instance, on a large scale the ISM appears to be chemically homogeneous showing similar gas ionization ratios and dust mixtures. The agreement between the abundances of the ISM and the stellar objects suggests that the local Galaxy is also chemically homogeneous.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, 5 tables, accepted to A&

    Gravitational wave background in perfect fluid quantum cosmologies

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    We discuss the gravitational wave background produced by bouncing models based on a full quantum evolution of a universe filled with a perfect fluid. Using an ontological interpretation for the background wave function allows us to solve the mode equations for the tensorial perturbations, and we find the spectral index as a function of the fluid equation of state.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. D (2006

    Effective action in DSR1 quantum field theory

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    We present the one-loop effective action of a quantum scalar field with DSR1 space-time symmetry as a sum over field modes. The effective action has real and imaginary parts and manifest charge conjugation asymmetry, which provides an alternative theoretical setting to the study of the particle-antiparticle asymmetry in nature.Comment: 8 page

    Geometrización del curriculum en la formación del profesorado de matemáticas

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    Esta comunicación es un documento teórico en el que el autor define la geometrización del currículo en la formación docente en matemáticas, cuando a partir de una cuestión sobre que geometría se debe enseñar en la formación docente y las habilidades de la imaginación, la intuición y la visualización puede ser empleado para la innovación de los planes de estudio. Al comprender cómo un proceso geométrico de la utilización de métodos geométricos como un método para entender y representar visualmente los conceptos matemáticos en diversas áreas, ofrece sugerencias a la enseñanza de los números complejos y matrices

    Developing a site-conditions map for seismic hazard Assessment in Portugal

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    The evaluation of site effects on a broad scale is a critical issue for seismic hazard and risk assessment, land use planning and emergency planning. As characterization of site conditions based on the shear-wave velocity has become increasingly important, several methods have been proposed in the literature to estimate its average over the first thirty meters (Vs30) from more extensively available data. These methods include correlations with geologic-geographic defined units and topographic slope. In this paper we present the first steps towards the development of a site–conditions map for Portugal, based on a regional database of shear-wave velocity data, together with geological, geographic, and lithological information. We computed Vs30 for each database site and classified it according to the corresponding geological-lithological information using maps at the smallest scale available (usually 1:50000). We evaluated the consistency of Vs30 values within generalized-geological classes, and assessed the performance of expedient methodologies proposed in the literature