5 research outputs found

    Aparelho Herbst: protocolos de tratamento precoce e tardio The Herbst appliance: early and late treatment protocol

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    AtĂ© que ponto o crescimento mandibular pode ser realmente influenciado pelos aparelhos ortopĂ©dicos de reposicionamento anterior, ainda permanece indecifrĂĄvel. Mas a lĂłgica leva a crer que se existe alguma chance de potencializar o deslocamento anterior da mandĂ­bula, ela serĂĄ mais certa quando se utiliza aparelhos de avanço contĂ­nuo. O presente artigo discorre sobre os protocolos de tratamento precoce e tardio para a correção da deficiĂȘncia mandibular com o aparelho Herbst.<br>The question as to what extent mandibular growth may be influenced by orthopedic appliances remains unanswered. However, it seems reasonable to believe that the use of continuous forces potentialize the anterior displacement of the mandible. The current paper describes the early and late protocols of treatment of the mandibular deficiency with the Herbst appliance

    Travelers With Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Cured Without Systemic Therapy

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