34 research outputs found

    Caractérisation des modes de coordination interpersonnelle au sein d'une équipe de basket-ball

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    Characterization of interpersonal coordination modes within a basket-ball team. The aim of our study was to analyze the construction of a collective activity. We focused on interpersonal coordination process within a basket-ball team during a match. We characterized the way how basketball players took mutually into account their respective activities. In order to consider in the same time both units of analysis, the individual one and the collective one, this study referred to the framework of the course of action theory (Theureau, 2006). Results allowed us to specify the relational network between players, the various coordination modes between two players and the different forms of team coordination. These results are discussed with regard to the nature of interactions within the team, and with regard to the notion of a collective action plan : they highlighted that some collective activity construction modalities are based on local overlapping coordination. These results thus question the status of a collective plan (as a scheme shared by all the players).Caractérisation de modes de coordination interpersonnels dans une équipe de basket-ball. Le but de notre étude était d'analyser la construction d'une activité collective. Nous nous sommes concentrés sur le processus de coordination interpersonnel dans une équipe de basket-ball pendant un match(une allumette). Nous avons caractérisé la voie comment les basketteurs ont pris mutuellement en considération leurs activités respectives. Pour considérer dans le même temps les deux unités d'analyse, le individuel et le collectif, cette étude a mentionné la structure du cours de théorie d'action (Theureau, 2006). Les résultats nous ont permis de spécifier le réseau relationnel entre des acteurs(joueurs), les modes de coordination divers entre deux acteurs(joueurs) et les formes(formulaires) différentes de coordination d'équipe. Ces résultats sont discutés en ce qui concerne la nature d'interactions dans l'équipe et en ce qui concerne la notion d'un plan d'action collectif : ils ont mis en évidence(ont surligné) ces quelques modalités de construction d'activité collectives sont basé sur la coordination de chevauchement locale. Ces résultats mettent ainsi en doute le statut d'un plan collectif (comme un plan(arrangement) partagé par tous les acteurs(joueurs))

    Beyond in-phase and anti-phase coordination in a model of joint action

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    In 1985, Haken, Kelso and Bunz proposed a system of coupled nonlinear oscillators as a model of rhythmic movement patterns in human bimanual coordination. Since then, the Haken–Kelso–Bunz (HKB) model has become a modelling paradigm applied extensively in all areas of movement science, including interpersonal motor coordination. However, all previous studies have followed a line of analysis based on slowly varying amplitudes and rotating wave approximations. These approximations lead to a reduced system, consisting of a single differential equation representing the evolution of the relative phase of the two coupled oscillators: the HKB model of the relative phase. Here we take a different approach and systematically investigate the behaviour of the HKB model in the full four-dimensional state space and for general coupling strengths. We perform detailed numerical bifurcation analyses and reveal that the HKB model supports previously unreported dynamical regimes as well as bistability between a variety of coordination patterns. Furthermore, we identify the stability boundaries of distinct coordination regimes in the model and discuss the applicability of our findings to interpersonal coordination and other joint action tasks

    Team Dynamics Theory: Nomological network among cohesion, team mental models, coordination, and collective efficacy

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    I put forth a theoretical framework, namely Team Dynamics Theory (TDT), to address the need for a parsimonious yet integrated, explanatory and systemic view of team dynamics. In TDT, I integrate team processes and outputs and explain their relationships within a systemic view of team dynamics. Specifically, I propose a generative nomological network linking cohesion, team mental models, coordination, collective efficacy, and team outcomes. From this nomological conceptualization, I illustrate how myriad alternative models can be derived to account for variance in different working teams, each comprised of unique members, and embedded in singular contexts. I outline TDT’s applied implications for team development, the enhancement of team functioning, and the profiling of team resilience. I conclude by discussing how TDT’s ontological and nomological propositions can be tested through various theoretical inquiries, methodological approaches, and intervention-based studies

    Caractérisation des modes de coordination interpersonnelle au sein d'une équipe de basket-ball

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    Characterization of interpersonal coordination modes within a basket-ball team. The aim of our study was to analyze the construction of a collective activity. We focused on interpersonal coordination process within a basket-ball team during a match. We characterized the way how basketball players took mutually into account their respective activities. In order to consider in the same time both units of analysis, the individual one and the collective one, this study referred to the framework of the course of action theory (Theureau, 2006). Results allowed us to specify the relational network between players, the various coordination modes between two players and the different forms of team coordination. These results are discussed with regard to the nature of interactions within the team, and with regard to the notion of a collective action plan : they highlighted that some collective activity construction modalities are based on local overlapping coordination. These results thus question the status of a collective plan (as a scheme shared by all the players).Caractérisation de modes de coordination interpersonnels dans une équipe de basket-ball. Le but de notre étude était d'analyser la construction d'une activité collective. Nous nous sommes concentrés sur le processus de coordination interpersonnel dans une équipe de basket-ball pendant un match(une allumette). Nous avons caractérisé la voie comment les basketteurs ont pris mutuellement en considération leurs activités respectives. Pour considérer dans le même temps les deux unités d'analyse, le individuel et le collectif, cette étude a mentionné la structure du cours de théorie d'action (Theureau, 2006). Les résultats nous ont permis de spécifier le réseau relationnel entre des acteurs(joueurs), les modes de coordination divers entre deux acteurs(joueurs) et les formes(formulaires) différentes de coordination d'équipe. Ces résultats sont discutés en ce qui concerne la nature d'interactions dans l'équipe et en ce qui concerne la notion d'un plan d'action collectif : ils ont mis en évidence(ont surligné) ces quelques modalités de construction d'activité collectives sont basé sur la coordination de chevauchement locale. Ces résultats mettent ainsi en doute le statut d'un plan collectif (comme un plan(arrangement) partagé par tous les acteurs(joueurs))

    Cognition et performance collectives en sport

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    Description of the dynamic shared knowledge: an exploratory study during competitive sports interaction

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    This exploratory case study describes the sharedness of knowledge within a basketball team (nine players) and how it changes during an official match. To determine how knowledge is mobilised in an actual game situation, the data were collected and processed following course-of-action theory (Theureau 2003). The results were used to characterise the contents of the shared knowledge (i.e. regarding teammate characteristics, team functioning, opponent characteristics, opposing team functioning and game conditions) and to identify the characteristic types of change: (a) the reinforcement of a previous element of shared knowledge; (b) the invalidation of an element of shared knowledge; (c) fragmentation of an element of shared knowledge; (d) the creation of a new element of shared knowledge. The discussion deals with the diverse types of change in shared knowledge and the heterogeneous and dynamic nature of common ground within the team. Statement of Relevance:The present case study focused on how the cognitions of individual members of a team coordinate to produce a team performance (e.g. surgical teams in hospitals, military teams) and how the shared knowledge changes during team activity. Traditional methods to increase knowledge sharedness can be enhanced by making use of 'opportunities for coordination' to optimise team adaptivenes