361 research outputs found

    On the Brightness and Waiting-time Distributions of a Type III Radio Storm observed by STEREO/WAVES

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    Type III solar radio storms, observed at frequencies below approximately 16 MHz by space borne radio experiments, correspond to the quasi-continuous, bursty emission of electron beams onto open field lines above active regions. The mechanisms by which a storm can persist in some cases for more than a solar rotation whilst exhibiting considerable radio activity are poorly understood. To address this issue, the statistical properties of a type III storm observed by the STEREO/WAVES radio experiment are presented, examining both the brightness distribution and (for the first time) the waiting-time distribution. Single power law behavior is observed in the number distribution as a function of brightness; the power law index is approximately 2.1 and is largely independent of frequency. The waiting-time distribution is found to be consistent with a piecewise-constant Poisson process. This indicates that during the storm individual type III bursts occur independently and suggests that the storm dynamics are consistent with avalanche type behavior in the underlying active region.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Solar radio burst and in situ determination of interplanetary electron density

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    A few interplanetary electron density scales which were derived from the analysis of interplanetary solar radio burst are discussed and compared to a model derived from 1974 to 1980 Helios 1 and 2 in situ density observations made in the 0.3 to 1.0 AU range. The Helios densities were normalized to 1976 with the aid of IMP and ISEE data at 1 AU, and were then sorted into 0.1 AU bins and logarithmically averaged within each bin. The best fit to these 1976-normalized, bin averages is N(R(AU)) = 6.1 R(-2.10)/cu cm. This model is in rather good agreement with the solar burst determination if the radiation is assumed to be on the second harmonic of the plasma frequency. This analysis also suggests that the radio emissions tend to be produced in regions denser than the average where the density gradient decreases faster with distance than the observed R(-2.10)

    Interplanetary radio storms. 2: Emission levels and solar wind speed in the range 0.05-0.8 AU

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    Storms of interplanetary type III radio bursts (IP storms) are commonly observed in the interplanetry medium by the ISEE-3 radio instrument. This instrument has the capability of accurately determining the arrival direction of the radio emission. At each observing frequency, the storm radio sources are tracked as they cross the line-of-sight to the Sun. Usng a simple model, the emission levels are determined at a number of radio frequencies for four separate storms. The IP storm radiation is found to occur in regions of enhanced density at levels of 0.05 to 0.8 AU. The density in these enhancements falls off faster than R(-2). The solar wind speed in the storm region is also measured. The analysis is consistent with steady conditions in the storm region during a few days around the central meridian passage of the storm. The comparison with average in situ density measurements compiled from the HELIOS 1-2 observations favors type III storm burst radio emission at the harmonic of the local plasma frequency

    Fundamental and harmonic emission in interplanetary type 2 radio bursts

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    Three interplanetary type II radio bursts which show two prominent and long duration bands in their dynamic spectra were analyzed in detail and compared to similar bands in meter wavelength type II events. These bands, which differ by a factor of about two in frequency, were interpreted in terms of fundamental and harmonic emission. The fundamental component has a greater average intensity than the harmonic, due largely to short intense brightenings. The fundamental spectral profile is more narrow than that of the harmonic, with harmonic band typically exhibiting a larger bandwidth to frequency ratio than the fundamental by a factor of two. The fundamental has a larger source size than the harmonic, 160 degrees versus 110 degrees, on average, as viewed from the Sun. Two of the events have source positions which correlate well with the associated flare positions

    Type II and IV radio bursts in the active period October-November 2003

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    In this report we present the Type II and IV radio bursts observed and analyzed by the radio spectrograph ARTEMIS IV1, in the 650-20MHz frequency range, during the active period October-November 2003. These bursts exhibit very rich fine structures such fibers, pulsations and zebra patterns which is associated with certain characteristics of the associated solar flares and CMEs.Comment: Recent Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics: 7th International Conference of the Hellenic Astronomical Society. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 848, pp. 199-206 (2006

    Ten Years of the Solar Radiospectrograph ARTEMIS-IV

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    The Solar Radiospectrograph of the University of Athens (ARTEMIS-IV) is in operation at the Thermopylae Satellite Communication Station since 1996. The observations extend from the base of the Solar Corona (650 MHz) to about 2 Solar Radii (20 MHz) with time resolution 1/10-1/100 sec. The instruments recordings, being in the form of dynamic spectra, measure radio flux as a function of height in the corona; our observations are combined with spatial data from the Nancay Radioheliograph whenever the need for 3D positional information arises. The ARTEMIS-IV contribution in the study of solar radio bursts is two fold- Firstly, in investigating new spectral characteristics since its high sampling rate facilitates the study of fine structures in radio events. On the other hand it is used in studying the association of solar bursts with interplanetary phenomena because of its extended frequency range which is, furthermore, complementary to the range of the WIND/WAVES receivers and the observations may be readily combined. This reports serves as a brief account of this operation. Joint observations with STEREO/WAVES and LOFAR low frequency receivers are envisaged in the future

    Type II Shocks Characteristics: Comparison with associated CMEs and Flares

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    A number of metric (100-650 MHz) typeII bursts was recorded by the ARTEMIS-IV radiospectrograph in the 1998-2000 period; the sample includes both CME driven shocks and shocks originating from flare blasts. We study their characteristics in comparison with characteristics of associated CMEs and flares.Comment: Recent Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics: 7th International Conference of the Hellenic Astronomical Society. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 848, pp. 238-242 (2006

    Solar Orbiter, a High-Resolution Mission to the Sun and Inner Heliosphere

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    Solar Orbiter will provide, at very high spatial (35 km pixel size) and temporal resolution, novel observations of the solar atmosphere and unexplored inner heliosphere, which will be made in the heliosynchronous segments of the orbits at heliocentric distances near 45 solar radii and out of the ecliptic plane at high heliographic latitudes up to 38°. The Solar Orbiter will achieve its wide-ranging scientific aims with a suite of sophisticated instruments through an innovative orbit design

    Relation Between Type II Bursts and CMEs Inferred from STEREO Observations

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    The inner coronagraph (COR1) of the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) mission has made it possible to observe coronal mass ejections (CMEs) a in the spatial domain overlapping with that of the metric type II radio bursts. The type II bursts were associated with generally weak flares (mostly B and C class soft X-ray flares), but the CMEs were quite energetic. Using CME data for a set of type II bursts during the declining phase of solar cycle 23, we determine the CME height when the type II bursts start, thus giving an estimate of the heliocentric distance at which CME-driven shocks form. This distance has been determined to be approximately 1.5Rs (solar radii), which coincides with the distance at which the Alfv?n speed profile has a minimum value. We also use type II radio observations from STEREO/WAVES and Wind/WAVES observations to show that CMEs with moderate speed drive either weak shocks or no shock at all when they attain a height where the Alfv?n speed peaks (?3Rs ? 4Rs). Thus the shocks seem to be most efficient in accelerating electrons in the heliocentric distance range of 1.5Rs to 4Rs. By combining the radial variation of the CME speed in the inner corona (CME speed increase) and interplanetary medium (speed decrease) we were able to correctly account for the deviations from the universal drift-rate spectrum of type II bursts, thus confirming the close physical connection between type II bursts and CMEs. The average height (approximately 1.5 Rs) of STEREO CMEs at the time of type II bursts is smaller than that (2.2 Rs) obtained for SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) CMEs. We suggest that this may indicate, at least partly, the density reduction in the corona between the maximum and declining phases, so a given plasma level occurs closer to the Sun in the latter phase. In two cases, there was a diffuse shock-like feature ahead of the main body of the CME, indicating a standoff distance of 1Rs - 2Rs by the time the CME left the LASCO field of view