1,878 research outputs found

    The use of real time digital simulation and hardware in the loop to de-risk novel control algorithms

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    Low power demonstrators are commonly used to validate novel control algorithms. However, the response of the demonstrator to network transients and faults is often unexplored. The importance of this work has, in the past, justified facilities such as the T45 Shore Integration Test Facility (SITF) at the Electric Ship Technology Demonstrator (ESTD). This paper presents the use of real time digital simulation and hardware in the loop to de-risk a innovative control algorithm with respect to network transients and faults. A novel feature of the study is the modelling of events at the power electronics level (time steps of circa 2 μs) and the system level (time steps of circa 50 μs)

    Sand in the wheels, or oiling the wheels, of international finance? : New Labour's appeal to a 'new Bretton Woods'

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    Tony Blair’s political instinct typically is to associate himself only with the future. As such, his explicit appeal to ‘the past’ in his references to New Labour’s desire to establish a “new Bretton Woods” is sufficient in itself to arouse some degree of analytical curiosity (see Blair 1998a). The fact that this appeal was made specifically in relation to Bretton Woods is even more interesting. The resonant image of the international economic context established by the original Bretton Woods agreements invokes a style and content of policy-making which Tony Blair typically dismisses as neither economically nor politically consistent with his preferred vision of the future (see Blair 2000c, 2001b)

    Multiple scattering of matter waves: an analytic model of the refractive index for atomic and molecular gases

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    We present an analytic model of the refractive index for matter waves propagating through atomic or molecular gases. The model, which combines a WKB treatment of the long range attraction with the Fraunhofer model treatment of the short range repulsion, furnishes a refractive index in compelling agreement with recent experiments of Jacquey et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 240405 (2007)] on Li atom matter waves passing through dilute noble gases. We show that the diffractive contribution, which arises from scattering by a two dimensional "hard core" of the potential, is essential for obtaining a correct imaginary part of the refractive index.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, 2 table

    Interventions to Improve Safer Sleep Practices in Families With Children Considered to Be at Increased Risk for Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy:A Systematic Review

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    Background: Advice to families to follow infant care practices known to reduce the risks of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) has led to a reduction in deaths across the world. This reduction has slowed in the last decade with most deaths now occurring in families experiencing social and economic deprivation. A systematic review of the literature was commissioned by the National Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel in England. The review covered three areas: interventions to improve engagement with support services, parental decision-making for the infant sleep environment, and interventions to improve safer sleep practices in families with infants considered to be at risk of SUDI. Aim: To describe the safer sleep interventions tested with families with infants at risk of SUDI and investigate what this literature can tell us about what works to reduce risk and embed safer sleep practices in this group. Methods: Eight online databases were systematically searched in December 2019. Intervention studies that targeted families with infants (0–1 year) at increased risk of SUDI were included. Studies were limited to those from Western Europe, North America or Australasia, published in the last 15 years. The Quality Assessment Tool for Studies with Diverse Designs was applied to assess quality. Data from included studies were extracted for narrative synthesis, including mode of delivery using Michie et al.'s Mode of Delivery Taxonomy. Results: The wider review returned 3,367 papers, with 23 intervention papers. Five types of intervention were identified: (1) infant sleep space and safer sleep education programs, (2) intensive or targeted home visiting services, (3) peer educators/ambassadors, (4) health education/raising awareness interventions, (5) targeted health education messages using digital media. Conclusion: Influencing behavior in families with infants at risk of SUDI has traditionally focused on “getting messages across,” with interventions predominantly using education and awareness raising mechanisms. This review found evidence of interventions moving from “information giving” to “information exchange” models using personalized, longer term relationship-building models. This shift may represent an improvement in how safer sleep advice is implemented in families with infants at risk, but more robust evidence of effectiveness is required. Systematic Review Registration: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/901091/DfE_Death_in_infancy_review.pdf, identifier: CRD42020165302

    Riemannian submersions from almost contact metric manifolds

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    In this paper we obtain the structure equation of a contact-complex Riemannian submersion and give some applications of this equation in the study of almost cosymplectic manifolds with Kaehler fibres.Comment: Abh. Math. Semin. Univ. Hamb., to appea

    Decision-making for the infant sleep environment among families with children considered to be at risk of sudden unexpected death in infancy: a systematic review and qualitative metasynthesis

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    Background: Advice to families to sleep infants on their backs, avoid smoke exposure, reduce excess bedcovering and avoid specific risks associated with cosleeping has greatly reduced sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) rates worldwide. The fall in rates has not been equal across all groups, and this advice has been less effective for more socially deprived families. Understanding decision-making processes of families with infants at risk would support the development of more effective interventions. Aim: To synthesise the qualitative evidence on parental decision-making for the infant sleep environment among families with children considered to be at increased risk of SUDI. Methods: This study was one of three related reviews of the literature for the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel’s National Review in England into SUDI in families where the children are considered at risk of harm. A systematic search of eight online databases was carried out in December 2019. Metasynthesis was conducted, with themes extracted from each paper, starting with the earliest publication first. Results: The wider review returned 3367 papers, with 16 papers (across 13 studies) specifically referring to parental decision-making. Six overall themes were identified from the synthesis: (1) knowledge as different from action; (2) external advice must be credible; (3) comfort, convenience and disruption to the routine; (4) plausibility and mechanisms of protection; (5) meanings of safety and risk mitigation using alternative strategies; and (6) parents’ own expertise, experience and instincts. Conclusion: Interventions that are intended to improve the uptake of safer sleep advice in families with infants at risk of sleep-related SUDI need to be based on credible advice with mechanisms of protection that are understandable, consistent with other sources, widened to all carers of the infant and fit within the complex practice of caring for infants

    Dust grain growth in the interstellar medium of 5<z<6.5 quasars

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    We investigate whether stellar dust sources i.e. asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars and supernovae (SNe) can account for dust detected in 5<z<6.5 quasars (QSOs). We calculate the required dust yields per AGB star and per SN using the dust masses of QSOs inferred from their millimeter emission and stellar masses approximated as the difference between the dynamical and the H_2 gas masses of these objects. We find that AGB stars are not efficient enough to form dust in the majority of the z>5 QSOs, whereas SNe may be able to account for dust in some QSOs. However, they require very high dust yields even for a top-heavy initial mass function. This suggests additional non-stellar dust formation mechanism e.g. significant dust grain growth in the interstellar medium of at least three out of nine z>5 QSOs. SNe (but not AGB stars) may deliver enough heavy elements to fuel this growth.Comment: A&A, accepted. 5 pages, 2 figures, 2 table

    'Just open your eyes a bit more': The methodological challenges of researching black and minority ethnic students' experiences of physical education teacher education

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    In this paper we discuss some of the challenges of centralising 'race' and ethnicity in Physical Education (PE) research, through reflecting on the design and implementation of a study exploring Black and minority ethnic students' experiences of their teacher education. Our aim in the paper is to contribute to ongoing theoretical and methodological debates about intersectionality, and specifically about difference and power in the research process. As McCorkel and Myers notes, the 'researchers' backstage'-the assumptions, motivations, narratives and relations-that underpin any research are not always made visible and yet are highly significant in judging the quality and substance of the resulting project. As feminists, we argue that the invisibility of 'race' and ethnicity within Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE), and PE research more widely, is untenable; however, we also show how centralising 'race' and ethnicity raised significant methodological and epistemological questions, particularly given our position as White researchers and lecturers. In this paper, we reflect on a number of aspects of our research 'journey': the theoretical and methodological challenges of operationalising concepts of 'race' and ethnicity, the practical issues and dilemmas involved in recruiting participants for the study, the difficulties of 'talking race' personally and professionally and challenges of representing the experiences of 'others'. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC