46 research outputs found

    Light-Cone Quantization of the Liouville Model

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    We present the quantization of the Liouville model defined in light-cone coordinates in (1,1) signature space. We take advantage of the representation of the Liouville field by the free field of the Backl\"{u}nd transformation and adapt the approch by Braaten, Curtright and Thorn. Quantum operators of the Liouville field +ϕ\partial_{+}\phi, ϕ\partial_{-}\phi, egϕe^{g\phi}, e2gϕe^{2g\phi} are constructed consistently in terms of the free field. The Liouville model field theory space is found to be restricted to the sector with field momentum P+=PP_{+}=-P_{-}, P+>0P_{+}> 0 , which is a closed subspace for the Liouville theory operator algebra.Comment: 16 p, EFI-92-6

    New approach to the conceptual design of STUMM: A module dedicated to the monitoring of neutron and gamma radiation fields generated in IFMIF-DONES

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    International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility — DEMOsingle bondOriented Neutron Source (IFMIF-DONES) is a planned powerful neutron source, which will generate an intense flux of neutrons (up to ∼1015n/s/cm2) with a fusion-relevant energy spectrum. It will be an accelerator source based on deuteron beam - lithium target reactions. The engineering design of IFMIF-DONES is elaborated in the frame of the Early Neutron Source work package of the EUROfusion consortium. The facility will be dedicated to the irradiation of suitable structural materials planned for the construction of future fusion reactors such as DEMO (Demonstration Fusion Power Plant). Start-up Monitoring Module (STUMM) is designed to monitor radiation and thermal conditions during the commissioning phase of IFMIF-DONES, characterize the produced neutron flux and validate neutronic modeling of the facility. The conceptual design of STUMM is prepared by a team of physicists and engineers from the Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN) and the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ), Poland. This paper presents the concept of STUMM, the proposed design of the module, and selected measuring systems

    The N=2(4) string is self-dual N=4 Yang-Mills

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    N=2 string amplitudes, when required to have the Lorentz covariance of the equivalent N=4 string, describe a self-dual form of N=4 super Yang-Mills in 2+2 dimensions. Spin-independent couplings and the ghost nature of SO(2,2) spacetime make it a topological-like theory with vanishing loop corrections.Comment: 7 pg., ITP-SB-92-24 (uuencoded dvi file; otherwise same as original

    Green-Schwarz Formulation of Self-Dual Superstring

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    The self-dual superstring has been described previously in a Neveu-Schwarz-Ramond formulation with local N=2 or 4 world-sheet supersymmetry. We present a Green-Schwarz-type formulation, with manifest spacetime supersymmetry.Comment: 11 pg., (uuencoded dvi file) ITP-SB-92-5

    Varicellovirus UL49.5 Proteins Differentially Affect the Function of the Transporter Associated with Antigen Processing, TAP

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    Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes play an important role in the protection against viral infections, which they detect through the recognition of virus-derived peptides, presented in the context of MHC class I molecules at the surface of the infected cell. The transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) plays an essential role in MHC class I–restricted antigen presentation, as TAP imports peptides into the ER, where peptide loading of MHC class I molecules takes place. In this study, the UL49.5 proteins of the varicelloviruses bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1), pseudorabies virus (PRV), and equine herpesvirus 1 and 4 (EHV-1 and EHV-4) are characterized as members of a novel class of viral immune evasion proteins. These UL49.5 proteins interfere with MHC class I antigen presentation by blocking the supply of antigenic peptides through inhibition of TAP. BHV-1, PRV, and EHV-1 recombinant viruses lacking UL49.5 no longer interfere with peptide transport. Combined with the observation that the individually expressed UL49.5 proteins block TAP as well, these data indicate that UL49.5 is the viral factor that is both necessary and sufficient to abolish TAP function during productive infection by these viruses. The mechanisms through which the UL49.5 proteins of BHV-1, PRV, EHV-1, and EHV-4 block TAP exhibit surprising diversity. BHV-1 UL49.5 targets TAP for proteasomal degradation, whereas EHV-1 and EHV-4 UL49.5 interfere with the binding of ATP to TAP. In contrast, TAP stability and ATP recruitment are not affected by PRV UL49.5, although it has the capacity to arrest the peptide transporter in a translocation-incompetent state, a property shared with the BHV-1 and EHV-1 UL49.5. Taken together, these results classify the UL49.5 gene products of BHV-1, PRV, EHV-1, and EHV-4 as members of a novel family of viral immune evasion proteins, inhibiting TAP through a variety of mechanisms

    Cognitive Improvement After Cochlear Implantation in Older Adults With Severe or Profound Hearing Impairment: A Prospective, Longitudinal, Controlled, Multicenter Study

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    Objective: To compare the cognitive evolution of older adults with severe or profound hearing impairment after cochlear implantation with that of a matched group of older adults with severe hearing impairment who do not receive a cochlear implant (CI).Design: In this prospective, longitudinal, controlled, and multicenter study, 24 older CI users were included in the intervention group and 24 adults without a CI in the control group. The control group matched the intervention group in terms of gender, age, formal education, cognitive functioning, and residual hearing. Assessments were made at baseline and 14 months later. Primary outcome measurements included the change in the total score on the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status for Hearing impaired individuals score and on its subdomain score to assess cognitive evolution in both groups. Secondary outcome measurements included self-reported changes in sound quality (Hearing Implant Sound Quality Index), self-perceived hearing disability (Speech, Spatial, and Qualities of Hearing Scale), states of anxiety and depression (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), and level of negative affectivity and social inhibition (Type D questionnaire).Results: Improvements of the overall cognitive functioning (p = 0.05) and the subdomain “Attention” (p = 0.02) were observed after cochlear implantation in the intervention group; their scores were compared to the corresponding scores in the control group. Significant positive effects of cochlear implantation on sound quality and self-perceived hearing outcomes were found in the intervention group. Notably, 20% fewer traits of Type D personalities were measured in the intervention group after cochlear implantation. In the control group, traits of Type D personalities increased by 13%.Conclusion: Intervention with a CI improved cognitive functioning (domain Attention in particular) in older adults with severe hearing impairment compared to that of the matched controls with hearing impairment without a CI. However, older CI users did not, in terms of cognition, bridge the performance gap with adults with normal hearing after 1 year of CI use. The fact that experienced, older CI users still present subnormal cognitive functioning may highlight the need for additional cognitive rehabilitation in the long term after implantation

    The trace fossil Lepidenteron lewesiensis: a taphonomic window on diversity of Late Cretaceous fishes

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    The trace fossil Lepidenteron lewesiensis (Mantell 1822) provides an exceptional taphonomic window to diversity of fishes as shown for the Upper Cretaceous of Poland, in the Middle Turonian–Lower Maastrichtian deposits of the Opole Trough, Miechów Trough, Mazury-Podlasie Homocline, and SE part of the Border Synclinorium. Lepidenteron lewesiensis is an unbranched burrow lined with small fish scales and bones, without a constructed wall. It contains scales, vertebrae, and bones of the head belonging to ten taxa of teleostean fishes: two undetermined teleosteans, six undetermined Clupeocephala, one Dercetidae, and one undetermined euteleostean. The preservation of fish remains suggests that fishes were pulled down into the burrow by an animal, probably by eunicid polychaetes.Das Spurenfossil Lepidenteron lewesiensis (Mantell 1822) ermöglicht einen biostratinomischen Einblick in die Diversität von Fischen, wie Fossilmaterial aus der Oberkreide von Polen zeigt. Es stammt aus dem Mittelturonium bis Untermaastrichtium des südöstlichen Abschnittes der Grenz-Synklinale, dem Opolen-Trog, dem Miechów-Trog und der Masuren-Podlachien-Homoklinale. L. lewesiensis ist ein unverzweigter Grabgang ohne ausgekleidete Wände, dessen Ränder von kleinen Fischschuppen und—knochen gebildet werden. Diese setzen sich aus Schuppen, Wirbel und Schädelknochen von zehn Teleostei-Taxa zusammen und zwar aus zwei unbestimmte Teleosteer, sechs unbestimmten Clupeocephala, einem Dercetidae und einem unbestimmten Euteleostei. Die Erhaltung der Fischüberreste deutet darauf hin, dass die Fische von einem Tier, wahrscheinlich einem Polychaeten der Familie Eunicidae, in den Bau gezogen wurden.We are very grateful to Dr. Lionel Cavin (Geneva) and the anonymous reviewer for constructive comments on an earlier version of the manuscript. Additional support was provided by the Jagiellonian University (DS funds), National Science Center (Grant Number: PRO-2011/01/N/ST10/07717), and the Laboratory of Geology (University of Lodz) BSt Grant No. 560/844. We are grateful to Dr. Johann Egger (Wien) and Kilian Eichenseer M.Sc. (Erlangen) for help with translating the abstract into German. We are grateful to Dr. Ursula Göhlich (Wien) for access to the Dercetis specimen

    Zmiana filozofii zarządzania organizacją w dobie gospodarki elektronicznej

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    The paper highlights the fundamental changes in the way of thinking in science and the management practice caused by the transition from the era of industrial civilization to the information civilization. These include the change in the subject of management, i.e. the transition from the management of the organization to the management of joint projects; from the requirement of flexibility from own resources to the ability to use external resources and the departure from the methodological rationality of a decision to the material rationality. The change of management philosophy is particularly evident in the electronic market which sets a new and interesting research area, due to its cognitive appeal resulting from different conditions in comparison to the traditional market, and due to the high dynamics of development. The article is theoretical and its purpose is cognitive. Its subject is a fragment of the author’s concept of the evolution of management in the organizational space. It presents the synthesis of observations on the transformations of the essence of management. To undertake such a research task is motivated by the argument that one of the tasks of management science is to visualize the changes that take place within it, in order to induce the revision of anchored old cognitive patterns inadequate to reality and replace them with new, described by an appropriate conceptual apparatus.W artykule zwrócono uwagę na zasadnicze zmiany sposobu myślenia w nauce i praktyce zarządzania spowodowane przejściem z epoki cywilizacji przemysłowej do cywilizacji informacyjnej. Należy do nich zaliczyć zmianę przedmiotu zarządzania, czyli przejście od zarządzania organizacją do zarządzania wspólnymi projektami; od wymagania elastyczności od własnych zasobów do umiejętności korzystania z zasobów obcych oraz odchodzenie od racjonalności metodologicznej decyzji na rzecz racjonalności rzeczowej. Zmiana filozofii zarządzania jest szczególnie widoczna na rynku elektronicznym, który wyznacza nowy i interesujący obszar badawczy ze względu na jego atrakcyjność poznawczą wynikająca z odmiennych uwarunkowań w porównaniu z rynkiem tradycyjnym, i jak ze względu na wysoką dynamikę rozwoju. Artykuł ma charakter teoretyczny, a jego cel jest poznawczy. Podjęta w nim tematyka stanowi fragment autorskiej koncepcji ewolucji zarządzania w przestrzeni organizacyjnej. Przedstawia syntezę obserwacji na temat przeobrażeń istoty zarządzania. Podjęcie takiego zadania badawczego umotywowane zostało argumentem, że jednym z zadań nauki o zarządzaniu jest obrazowanie przemian jakie zachodzą w jej obrębie, w celu skłonienia do rewizji zakotwiczonych starych schematów poznawczych nieadekwatnych do rzeczywistości oraz zastąpienia ich nowymi, opisywanymi odpowiednią aparaturą pojęciową