1,114 research outputs found

    Nonlinear techniques for forecasting solar activity directly from its time series

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    This paper presents numerical techniques for constructing nonlinear predictive models to forecast solar flux directly from its time series. This approach makes it possible to extract dynamical in variants of our system without reference to any underlying solar physics. We consider the dynamical evolution of solar activity in a reconstructed phase space that captures the attractor (strange), give a procedure for constructing a predictor of future solar activity, and discuss extraction of dynamical invariants such as Lyapunov exponents and attractor dimension

    Spatiotemporal evolution of radio wave pump-induced ionospheric phenomena near the fourth electron gyroharmonic

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    On 12 November 2001, the European Incoherent Scatter (EISCAT) high-frequency (HF) radio wave transmitter facility, operating in O-mode at 5.423 MHz with 550 MW effective radiated power, produced artificial optical rings which appeared immediately at transmitter turn-on and collapsed into blobs after ∟60 s while descending in altitude. A similar descent in altitude was observed in the EISCAT ultra high frequency (UHF) ion line enhancements. Likewise, the stimulated electromagnetic emission (SEE) spectra changed as the pump frequency approached the fourth electron gyroharmonic due to pump-induced variations in electron concentration. Optical recordings were made from Skibotn at 630.0 and 557.7 nm and from Ramfjord in white light. The altitude of the initial optical ring and steady state blob has been estimated by triangulation. The evolution in altitude of the optical emissions, ion line enhancements, and SEE spectra all show a similar morphology but are generally not at exactly the same height. Typically, the optical height is close to and a few kilometers below that of the radar backscatter but sometimes above it, both of which are above the SEE generation altitude. There is evidence that upper hybrid (UH) waves, which propagate perpendicular to the magnetic field line, and Langmuir (L) waves, which propagate parallel to the magnetic field line, act simultaneously to accelerate electrons even in the steady state

    Hemiconvulsion-Hemiplegia-Epilepsy Syndrome

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    ObjectiveHemiconvulsion-Hemiplegia-Epilepsy syndrome (HHE) is an initial phase of unilateral or predominantly unilateral convulsive seizures usually of long duration, with a second phase of hemiplegia (usually permanent), immediately following the hemiconvulsions;and then a third stage, characterized by the appearance of partial epileptic seizures. The causes of the initial convulsions in HHE syndrome are multiple but in many patients no cause in obvious. Neuroimaging studies demonstrate an acquired atrophy, that often is preceded by swelling and edema of the hemisphere. Here we report a case of 18 monthold boy, with an initial phase of repeated episodes of partial  seizures, followed by hemiparesis and epileptic seizures, with one episode of generalized convulsive status epilepticus . Minor head trauma was the trigger factor of the initial attack. Brain neuroimaging showed generalized atrophy , that was more prominent in the left hemisphere.

    A Light, Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscope Study of Snuff-Treated Hamster Cheek Pouch Epithelium

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    The effects of smokeless tobacco (snuff) on hamster cheek mucosa were studied by light microscopy, transmission (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Two grams of commercially available smokeless tobacco were placed into the blind end of the right cheek pouch of each experimental animal, once a day and five days a week for 24 months. The control animals did not receive smokeless tobacco. After 24 months treatment with smokeless tobacco, hamster cheek mucosal epithelium lost its translucency and had become whitish in color. By light microscopy hyperorthokeratosis, prominent granular cell layers with increased keratohyalin granules and hyperplasia were seen. At the ultrastructural level, wider intercellular spaces filled with microvilli, numerous shorter desmosomes, many thin tonofilament bundles, increased number of mitochondria, membrane coating granules and keratohyalin granules were seen in snuff-treated epithelium. The changes in the surface of the epithelium as seen by SEM were the development of an irregular arrangement of the microridges and the disappearance of the normal honeycomb pattern. The microridges were irregular, widened and surrounded the irregular elongated pits. Some smooth areas without microridges and pits were also seen. The long-term histological, TEM and SEM changes induced by smokeless tobacco treatment of the epithelium are well correlated with each other and were similar to those reported in human leukoplakia without dyskeratosis. They imply changes of pathological response resulting from topically applied snuff

    Age- and stress-associated C. elegans granulins impair lysosomal function and induce a compensatory HLH-30/TFEB transcriptional response.

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    The progressive failure of protein homeostasis is a hallmark of aging and a common feature in neurodegenerative disease. As the enzymes executing the final stages of autophagy, lysosomal proteases are key contributors to the maintenance of protein homeostasis with age. We previously reported that expression of granulin peptides, the cleavage products of the neurodegenerative disease protein progranulin, enhance the accumulation and toxicity of TAR DNA binding protein 43 (TDP-43) in Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans). In this study we show that C. elegans granulins are produced in an age- and stress-dependent manner. Granulins localize to the endolysosomal compartment where they impair lysosomal protease expression and activity. Consequently, protein homeostasis is disrupted, promoting the nuclear translocation of the lysosomal transcription factor HLH-30/TFEB, and prompting cells to activate a compensatory transcriptional program. The three C. elegans granulin peptides exhibited distinct but overlapping functional effects in our assays, which may be due to amino acid composition that results in distinct electrostatic and hydrophobicity profiles. Our results support a model in which granulin production modulates a critical transition between the normal, physiological regulation of protease activity and the impairment of lysosomal function that can occur with age and disease

    Engineering design of the EURISOL multi-MW spallation target

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    The European Isotope Separation On-Line Radioactive Ion Beam project (EURISOL) is set to design the 'next-generation' European Isotope Separation On-Line (ISOL) Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) facility. It will extend and amplify current research on nuclear physics, nuclear astrophysics and fundamental interactions beyond the year 2010. In EURISOL, four target stations are foreseen, three direct targets of approximately 100 kW of beam power and one multi-MW target assembly, all driven by a high-power particle accelerator. In this high power target station, high-intensity RIBs of neutron-rich isotopes will be obtained by inducing fission in several actinide targets surrounding a liquid metal spallation neutron source. This article summarises the work carried out within Task 2 of the EURISOL Design Study, with special attention to the coupled neutronics of the mercury proton-to-neutron converter and the fission targets. The overall performance of the facility, which will sustain fast neutron fluxes of the order of 1014 n/cm2/s, is evaluated, together with the production of radionuclides in the actinide targets, showing that the targeted 1015 fissions/s can be achieved. Some of the greatest challenges in the design of high power spallation sources are the high power densities, entailing large structural stresses, and the heat removal, requiring detailed thermo-hydraulic calculations. The use of a thin martensitic steel beam-window and a well-controlled mercury flow has been shown to reduce the von-Misses stress in the former below the 200 MPa limit, with reasonable maximum flow rates of ~6 m/s. Alternatively, a windowless target configuration has been proposed, based on a liquid mercury transverse film. With this design, higher power densities and fission rates may be achieved, avoiding the technical difficulties related to the beam window. Experimentally, several tests have been performed at IPUL (Riga, Latvia) in order to study the stability of the liquid metal flow and validate the mercury loop design
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